GESD ELD GAZETTE (Left) ELD teachers gather at Challenger to celebrate district, school, teacher, and student success. (Right) On behalf of the entire Language Acquisition Department, thank you all for your hard work this year! Enjoy your summer! (Not Pictured: Marsha Castillo, Flora Dean, and Deogratis Baransaka) AZELLA Results are in! GESD Shows Huge Growth! The Language Acquisition Department is excited to share the results from the AZELLA 2014! Glendale Elementary School District increased performance on the test significantly. Last year, 17% of students reclassified as proficient in English after taking the more rigorous AZELLA. This year, 22.3% of students reclassified as proficient in English. The Arizona Department of Education awards schools 3 points on the A-F Accountability ranking if they reclassify 23% of their students. In 2013, only 2 schools in GESD received the points. In 2014, we are projecting 8 schools will receive the points. These incredible results could not have been accomplished without the hard work from our ELD teachers, ILLP teachers, and Language Acquisition AAs this year. We faced challenges with 60% of teachers being new to the ELD model. After extensive training and coaching, many teachers quickly adjusted to the program and provided effective first instruction to students. We are excited to continue progressing toward our goals as a department and are excited to see what our teachers and students will be capable of next year. Stay tuned! ELD Block • AZELLA Results are in! • New ELD Schedule (Must see!) • Awards and Recognitions • Summer Professional Development New Lesson Plan Monitoring Cadre ELD Induction Coaches New ELD Schedule The Language Acquisition Department has been approved by ADE for a new schedule for the ELD blocks for the 2014-2015 school year. This change was made due to GESD initiatives regarding RTI. The new schedule (see right) allows for students from ELD classrooms to integrate with Gen. Ed. classrooms for RTI purposes during their RTI – Reading block. 20 minutes was reduced from the Grammar and Reading blocks to create the 40minute RTI – Reading block. Please email your Language Acquisition AA with any questions you may have. This Week in the Gazette! Minutes (‘14-’15) ELD Reading 40 ELD RTI – Reading 40 Grammar 40 Conversation and Vocabulary 60 ELD Writing 60 Total ELD Minutes 240 The ELD Induction Coaches provided essential support to first and second year teachers as well as teachers who are new to the ELD model, which accounted for 75 ELD teachers. Their support is invaluable and we are happy to recognize them for their hard work! Kinder: Heather O’Neil & Sarah Wright (Harold W. Smith) 1st-2nd: Hannah Witt (Landmark) 3rd-5th: Natalie Naranjo (Mensendick) and Richie Ressel (DO) 6th-8th: Matt Smith (Challenger) Awards and Celebrations Stage I (K) Stage II (1st-2nd) Stage III (3rd-5th) Stage IV (6th-8th) Highest % of Reclassified ELLs: Desert Spirit Malissa Iler, 67% Highest % of Reclassified ELLs: Sine Rosa Zuniga 75% Highest % of Reclassified ELLs: Mensendick Natalie Naranjo 48% Highest % of Reclassified ELLs: Bicentennial North Barbara Hartley 38% Highest # ELLs Making Progress: Coyote Ridge Alicia Luviano 15 Landmark Erika Foster 15 Highest # ELLs Making Progress: Bicentennial South Rachael O’Flaherty 26 Highest # ELLs Making Progress: Mensendick Natalie Naranjo 21 Highest # ELLs Making Progress: Bicentennial North Barbara Hartley 18 Highest % of ELLs Making Progress: Desert Spirit Donna Sanchez 94.4% Highest % of ELLs Making Progress: Mensendick Natalie Naranjo 77.8% Highest % of ELLs Making Progress: Challenger Jeremy Smith 70.6% Highest % of ELLs Making Progress: Landmark Erika Foster 93.8% ` Language Acquisition Department Invests in Teachers’ Summer Professional Development This summer, 88 K-8 ELD teachers will attend summer professional development to enhance their knowledge and skills for the new RTI – Reading block as part of the 2014-2015 ELD schedule. Teachers will develop their skills with newly adopted 95% Group materials including the Phonological Awareness Kits (K-1st), Phonics Lesson Library (1st-3rd), and Multisyllable Routine Cards (3rd-8th). Throughout the year, Language Acquisition AAs will continue to coach and support teachers who receive this training. Additional ELD teachers will have the opportunity to take this training during the 2014-2015 school year. New Lesson Plan Monitoring Cadre Beginning in 2014-2015, a new Lesson Plan Monitoring Cadre will oversee compliance for all returning teachers’ lesson plans. The Cadre was created to ensure that the Language Acquisition AAs could invest their time in coaching and supporting teachers. Twice per year, the Cadre will review lesson plans for the four compliance components and communicate with teachers regarding the areas that meet or do not meet the ADE expectations. The Cadre will also communicate compliance results with principals who will ensure that all teachers are in compliance. Language Acquisition AAs’ role will be coaching and monitoring lesson plans for first year teachers and those who are new to ELD. Please remember, ADE still expects weekly lesson plans in a binder that is easily identifiable and accessible in your classroom. ELD Lead Teachers ELD Lead Teachers provide essential information and organization to campuses that help streamline the communication and needs for ELD teachers. We greatly appreciate their dedication and service over the past year! Landmark: Amanda Barnes Imes: Stephanie Vega Smith: Sara Herndon Sine: Jelana Staten Jack: Melissa Monserat Mensendick: Tonya Hagemeyer Burton: Victoria Vela-Thai American: Maureen McNally Bicentennial North: Barbara Hartley Horizon: Laurel Hubble Challenger: Kalea Hernandez Bicentennial South: Lillian Rosillo Discovery: Gloria Begay Desert Garden: Traci Weis Coyote Ridge: Alicia Luviano Desert Spirit: Jill Babcock Sunset Vista: Laurie Igoe Back to School Dates! New Teachers to GESD: July 28th Returning Teachers New to ELD: July 31st Returning Teachers: August 4th My 2014 ● Issue 6● ELD Gazette
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