Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee Business Paper date of meeting: location: Thursday 26 March 2015 Emergency Operations Centre Central Road Port Macquarie time: Note: 10.30am Council is distributing this agenda on the strict understanding that the publication and/or announcement of any material from the Paper before the meeting not be such as to presume the outcome of consideration of the matters thereon. Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee CHARTER Functions of the Local Emergency Management Committee as per Section 29: A Local Emergency Management Committee is responsible for the preparation and review of plans in relation to the prevention of, preparation for, response to and recovery from emergencies in the local government area for which it is constituted. Any such Committee may: Give effect to and carry out emergency management policy and practice, consistent with information on that policy and practice disseminated by the State Emergency Management Committee and; Review and prepare plans in respect of the relevant local government area that are, or are proposed to be, sub plans or supporting plans established under the State Emergency Management Plan and; Make recommendations about and assist in the coordination of training in relation to emergency management in the relevant local government area and; Develop, conduct and evaluate local emergency management training exercises and; Facilitate local level emergency management capability through inter-agency coordination, cooperation and information sharing arrangements, and; Assist the Local Emergency Operations Controller for the relevant local government area in the Controller’s role under Section 31, and; Such other function as are: o Related to this Act, and; o Assigned to the Committee (or to Local Emergency Management Committees generally) from time to time by the relevant Regional Emergency Management Committee or by the State Emergency Management Committee. In the exercise of its functions, any such Committee is responsible to the relevant Regional Emergency Management Committee. Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee ATTENDANCE REGISTER Member LEOCON - Paul Fehon LEMO - Jeffery Sharp REMO - Peter Davidson NSW Police Fire & Rescue NSW NSW Ambulance NSW Rural Fire Service SES - Camden Haven SES - Port Macquarie SES - Wauchope SES – Mid North Coast Region Marine Rescue PM Marine Rescue CH Mid North Coast Local Health District Dept of Family & Community Services – Disaster Welfare Dept of Human Services Dept Investment & Trade, Regional Infrastructure & Services NSW Public Works National Parks & Wildlife Service Telstra Essential Energy NSW Tafe Surf Life Saving MNC North Coast Local Land Services PMHC Airport PMHC Environmental Health Officer Key: = Present A = Absent With Apology X = Absent Without Apology 13/03/14 22/05/14 06/11/14 A A X X A A A X X X A A X X X X X X Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting Thursday 26 March 2015 Items of Business Item Subject Page 01 Acknowledgement of Country ................................................................................... 5 02 Apologies ................................................................................................................... 5 03 Confirmation of Minutes ............................................................................................ 5 04 Disclosures of Interest ............................................................................................. 11 05 Business Arising from Previous Minutes ................................................................. 15 06 LEMC Contact List .................................................................................................. 16 07 Next Meeting ........................................................................................................... 23 08 Major Events ........................................................................................................... 24 09 Progress Reports .................................................................................................... 26 10 Local Emergency Management Plan ...................................................................... 40 11 General Business AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item: 01 Subject: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY "I acknowledge that we are gathered on Birpai Land. I pay respect to the Birpai Elders both past and present. I also extend that respect to all other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people present." Item: 02 Subject: APOLOGIES RECOMMENDATION That the apologies received be accepted. Item: 03 Subject: CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES RECOMMENDATION That the Minutes of the Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting held on 6 November 2014 be confirmed. Item 01 Page 5 Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting MINUTES 06/11/2014 PRESENT Members: LEOCON - Paul Fehon LEMO - Jeffery Sharp REMO - Peter Davidson NSW Police Fire & Rescue NSW NSW Ambulance NSW Rural Fire Service SES - Camden Haven SES - Port Macquarie SES - Wauchope SES - Mid North Coast Region Marine Rescue CH Mid North Coast Local Health District Dept of Family and Community Services – Disaster Welfare Dept of Human Services PMHC Airport PMHC Environmental Health Officer Surf Life Saving MNC Other Attendees: Tim Atherton - PMHC Group Manager Building and Environmental Compliance The meeting opened at 9.42am. 01 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY The Acknowledgement of Country was delivered. Port Macquarie-Hastings Council Page 6 MINUTES Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting 06/11/2014 02 APOLOGIES CONSENSUS: That the apologies received from; Shannon Cooper SLSMNC, David Gray FRNSW, Mark McGuire FRNSW, Sonia Denton DHS, Emily Pitt NSW Public Works, Simon Tarbox NSW Public Works, Scott Anderson DPI, Jill Buxton MNCLHD, Peter Ellison MR PMQ, Jo McGoldrick LLS, Andy Beverley NSW Ambulance, Steve Towle NSW Ambulance, Steve Atkins NPWS, Kevin Sherwood SES PMQ, Shane Cribb NSW Police and Gerry De Vries SES Wauchope be accepted. 03 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES CONSENSUS: That the Minutes of the Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting held on 22 May 2014 be confirmed. 04 DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST There were no disclosures of interest presented. 05 BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES Item 05 - Evacuation Centre PMHC Environmental Officer confirms that confirmation of Evacuation Centres should be complete end November 2014. Item 12 - Communications Tower Mount Cairncross RFS Confirm works have been completed and the focus is now on confirming maintenance arrangements into the future. CONSENSUS: 1. That Item 12 be removed from Business Arising. 2. That a representative from Ironman be invited to attend the March 2015 LEMC meeting. Port Macquarie-Hastings Council Page 7 MINUTES Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting 06/11/2014 06 NSW SES OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 'BEACON' Tony Day SES provided a presentation of the new SES Beacon System. The Beacon System provides an awareness capability for the SES as well as a receipting, allocation, reporting and monitoring functionality. The System will be integrated with the SES Arc GIS Collector System which allows for the deployment of teams into the field and provides teams with the capacity to enter job details in real time, take photos and videos and upload them to the system. CONSENSUS: That the presentation and brief demonstration of the new system provided by Anthony Day, NSW SES be noted. 07 LEMC CONTACT LIST CONSENSUS: That the LEMC Contact List be noted. 08 MAJOR EVENTS CONSENSUS: That the Major Events listing be noted. 09 PROGRESS REPORTS Late reports received from LEOCON, FRNSW, SES PMQ, SES Wauchope, NPWS, PMHC Airport. LEOCON reports NSW Police will be scheduling a debrief of the search function in the recent missing persons event for involved agencies. FRNSW reports working closely with NPWS and RFS to ensure as many hazard reduction burns as possible are conducted prior to the fire season. SES Camden Haven reports 6000+ SES hours attributed to the recent search event in Kendall. MNCLHD reports the move into the new Hospital quarters went well. MNCLHD are currently updating their Infectious Disease Plan for an Ebola outbreak and undertook an exercise which saw the disease contained to the Emergency Rooms only. PMHC Airport confirms dates for the 2014 “Live” Crashex will be distributed in the coming weeks. The Airport Emergency Plan has recently been updated and is with PMHC General Port Macquarie-Hastings Council Page 8 MINUTES Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting 06/11/2014 Manager for approval prior to coming to the LEMC for endorsement. SLSMNC reports community education courses will be run during the holiday period on CPR and Swim between the Flags. CONSENSUS: 1. That the reports presented and verbal updates provided be noted. 2. That Report 7 SES Port Macquarie and the REMO Action Plan be distributed with the minutes. 10 EMERGENCY RISK MANAGEMENT REVIEW This report will be maintained moving forward on a regular basis and will form the basis for the local EM Plan. Changes to be made to titles for NSW Ambulance Service and Mid North Coast Local Health District. CONSENSUS: That Committee: 1. Endorse the Emergency Risk Management (ERM) Report. 2. Present the ERM, through the REMO to the 26 November 2014 REMC meeting. 11 EOC RUN THROUGH EXERCISE Exercise “The What” was conducted commencing 11:27am and finishing 13:57pm. Attendees: Peter Davidson REMO, Paul Fehon LEOCON, Jeffery Sharp LEMO, Simon Meehan NSW Police, Gaven Muller FRNSW, Josh Smyth NSW Ambulance, Tony Day SES MNC, Ray Richards SES MNC, Michael Ward SES PMQ, Paul Burg SES CH, David Walters SES CH, Bill Sanders FACS, Ken Rutledge MR CH, Alan Malcolm MR CH, Kim McCullough DHS, Kim Rayner SLS MNC, Ryan Rosenbaum SLS MNC, Doug Page PMHC, Bree Scaysbrook PMHC Exercise highlights shortcomings of the EOC SOP’s. CONSENSUS: That the LEMO amend the EOC SOP’s and ensure provision of additional items as noted during the exercise. Port Macquarie-Hastings Council Page 9 Hastings Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting MINUTES 06/11/2014 12 NEXT MEETING CONSENSUS: That the Committee meet on 5 March 2015, 9 July 2015 and 5 November 2015. 13 13.01 GENERAL BUSINESS Desktop Disaster Management Exercise: Tim Atherton, PMHC Group Manager Building and Environmental Compliance addressed the Committee regarding a desktop Disaster Management Exercise Council is planning to run during 2015 to assess their capacity to handle a disaster effecting Council and test their ability to coordinate a response with other agencies. Invites will be sent out in the coming months. The meeting closed at 1.57pm. Port Macquarie-Hastings Council Page 10 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item: 04 Subject: DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST RECOMMENDATION That Disclosures of Interest be presented DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST DECLARATION Name of Meeting: ……………………………………………………………………….. Meeting Date: ……………………………………………………………………….. Item Number: ……………………………………………………………………….. Subject: ……………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….……………...….. I, ..................................................................................... declare the following interest: Pecuniary: Take no part in the consideration and voting and be out of sight of the meeting. Non-Pecuniary - Significant Interest: Take no part in the consideration and voting and be out of sight of the meeting. Non-Pecuniary - Less than Significant Interest: May participate in consideration and voting. For the reason that: .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... Signed: ......................................................................... Date: .................................. (Further explanation is provided on the next page) Item 04 Page 11 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Further Explanation (Local Government Act and Code of Conduct) A conflict of interest exists where a reasonable and informed person would perceive that a Council official could be influenced by a private interest when carrying out their public duty. Interests can be of two types: pecuniary or non-pecuniary. All interests, whether pecuniary or non-pecuniary are required to be fully disclosed and in writing. Pecuniary Interest A pecuniary interest is an interest that a Council official has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the Council official. (section 442) A Council official will also be taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter if that Council official’s spouse or de facto partner or a relative of the Council official or a partner or employer of the Council official, or a company or other body of which the Council official, or a nominee, partner or employer of the Council official is a member, has a pecuniary interest in the matter. (section 443) The Council official must not take part in the consideration or voting on the matter and leave and be out of sight of the meeting. (section 451) Non-Pecuniary A non-pecuniary interest is an interest that is private or personal that the Council official has that does not amount to a pecuniary interest as defined in the Act. Non-pecuniary interests commonly arise out of family, or personal relationships, or involvement in sporting, social or other cultural groups and associations and may include an interest of a financial nature. The political views of a Councillor do not constitute a private interest. The management of a non-pecuniary interest will depend on whether or not it is significant. Non Pecuniary – Significant Interest As a general rule, a non-pecuniary conflict of interest will be significant where a matter does not raise a pecuniary interest, but it involves: (a) A relationship between a Council official and another person that is particularly close, for example, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descendant or adopted child of the Council official or of the Council official’s spouse, current or former spouse or partner, de facto or other person living in the same household. (b) Other relationships that are particularly close, such as friendships and business relationships. Closeness is defined by the nature of the friendship or business relationship, the frequency of contact and the duration of the friendship or relationship. (c) An affiliation between a Council official an organisation, sporting body, club, corporation or association that is particularly strong. If a Council official declares a non-pecuniary significant interest it must be managed in one of two ways: 1. Remove the source of the conflict, by relinquishing or divesting the interest that creates the conflict, or reallocating the conflicting duties to another Council official. 2. Have no involvement in the matter, by taking no part in the consideration or voting on the matter and leave and be out of sight of the meeting, as if the provisions in section 451(2) apply. Non Pecuniary – Less than Significant Interest If a Council official has declared a non-pecuniary less than significant interest and it does not require further action, they must provide an explanation of why they consider that the conflict does not require further action in the circumstances. Item 04 Page 12 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 SPECIAL DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST DECLARATION By [insert full name of councillor] In the matter of [insert name of environmental planning instrument] Which is to be considered at a meeting of the [insert name of meeting] Held on [insert date of meeting] PECUNIARY INTEREST Address of land in which councillor or an associated person, company or body has a i proprietary interest (the identified land) Relationship of identified land to councillor [Tick or cross one box.] Councillor has interest in the land (e.g. is owner or has other interest arising out of a mortgage, lease trust, option or contract, or otherwise). Associated person of councillor has interest in the land. Associated company or body of councillor has interest in the land. MATTER GIVING RISE TO PECUNIARY INTEREST Nature of land that is subject to a change in zone/planning control by proposed iii LEP (the subject land [Tick or cross one box] Current zone/planning control [Insert name of current planning instrument and identify relevant zone/planning control applying to the subject land] Proposed change of zone/planning control [Insert name of proposed LEP and identify proposed change of zone/planning control applying to the subject land] Effect of proposed change of zone/planning control on councillor [Tick or cross one box] The identified land. Land that adjoins or is adjacent to or is in proximity to the identified land. Appreciable financial gain. Appreciable financial loss. Councillor’s Signature: ………………………………. Date: ……………….. Item 04 Page 13 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Important Information This information is being collected for the purpose of making a special disclosure of pecuniary interests under sections 451 (4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1993. You must not make a special disclosure that you know or ought reasonably to know is false or misleading in a material particular. Complaints made about contraventions of these requirements may be referred by the Director-General to the Local Government Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal. This form must be completed by you before the commencement of the council or council committee meeting in respect of which the special disclosure is being made. The completed form must be tabled at the meeting. Everyone is entitled to inspect it. The special disclosure must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. i. Section 443 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that you may have a pecuniary interest in a matter because of the pecuniary interest of your spouse or your de facto partner or your relative iv or because your business partner or employer has a pecuniary interest. You may also have a pecuniary interest in a matter because you, your nominee, your business partner or your employer is a member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter. ii. Section 442 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that a pecuniary interest is an interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person. A person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to the matter or if the interest is of a kind specified in section 448 of that Act (for example, an interest as an elector or as a ratepayer or person liable to pay a charge). iii. A pecuniary interest may arise by way of a change of permissible use of land adjoining, adjacent to or in proximity to land in which a councillor or a person, company or body referred to in section 443 (1) (b) or (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 has a proprietary interest—see section 448 (g) (ii) of the Local Government Act 1993. iv. Relative is defined by the Local Government Act 1993 as meaning your, your spouse’s or your de facto partner’s parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descendant or adopted child and the spouse or de facto partner of any of those persons. Item 04 Page 14 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item: 05 Subject: BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES Nil. Item 05 Page 15 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item: 06 Subject: LEMC CONTACT LIST Presented by: Infrastructure & Asset Management, Jeffery Sharp RECOMMENDATION Listed for discussion. Discussion Review and update. Attachments 1View. LEMC Contact List 2015 Item 06 Page 16 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 06 Attachment 1 Page 17 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 06 Attachment 1 Page 18 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 06 Attachment 1 Page 19 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 06 Attachment 1 Page 20 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 06 Attachment 1 Page 21 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 06 Attachment 1 Page 22 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item: 07 Subject: NEXT MEETING Presented by: Infrastructure & Asset Management, Jeffery Sharp RECOMMENDATION That the Committee note the information provided. Discussion The next LEMC meeting is scheduled for 9 July 2015. Attachments Nil Item 07 Page 23 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item: 08 Subject: MAJOR EVENTS Presented by: Infrastructure & Asset Management, Jeffery Sharp RECOMMENDATION Listed for discussion. Discussion DATE: 21 March 2015 EVENT: Classic Show N Shine - Hastings Old Holdens Car Club of NSW LOCATION: Westport Park CONTACT: Kelly Margetts 0437 657 861 DATE: 28 March 2015 EVENT: BBQ & Blues Festival LOCATION: Town Green CONTACT: Simon Luke - Sand Events 0418 433 421 DATE: 31 March - 13 April 2015 EVENT: Hudson’s Circus LOCATION: Westport Park CONTACT: Pattrick Anderson 0429 532 224 DATE: 5 April 2015 EVENT: Port Macquarie Lions Club Easter Charity Duck Race LOCATION: Kooloonbung Park CONTACT: Norm Oliver 0427 942 942 DATE: 5 April 2015 EVENT: Easter on the Beach LOCATION: Town Beach Park CONTACT: Phillip Brown 0408 864 211 DATE: 20 April - 7 May 2015 EVENT: Ironman Australia 2015 LOCATION: Town Green CONTACT: Peter Lau 0414 970 584 DATE: 15 - 17 May 2015 EVENT: Bird Rock Memorial Surf Classic LOCATION: Flagstaff Hill Reserve CONTACT: George Watt 0488 700 601 Item 08 Page 24 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 DATE: 16 - 17 May 2015 EVENT: Relay for Life 2015 LOCATION: Stuart Park CONTACT: Sarah Rogers 0422 083 988 DATE: 17 May 2015 EVENT: The Big Dig 2015 LOCATION: Town Beach CONTACT: Ivana Agapiou 0404 056 278 DATE: 28 -31 May 2015 EVENT: 2015 Big Band Blast LOCATION: Town Green CONTACT: Rob Turner 0417 045 639 Attachments Nil Item 08 Page 25 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item: 09 Subject: PROGRESS REPORTS Presented by: Infrastructure & Asset Management, Jeffery Sharp RECOMMENDATION Listed for discussion. Discussion To consider Progress Reports: 1. Regional Emergency Management Officer (Peter Davidson) 2. Local Emergency Management Officer (Jeffery Sharp) 3. Local Emergency Operations Controller (Paul Fehon) 4. Fire & Rescue NSW (Mark McGuire) 5. NSW Ambulance Service (Steven Towle) 6. NSW Rural Fire Service (Guy Duckworth) 7. SES Port Macquarie (Kevin Sherwood) 8. SES Camden Haven (Paul Burg) 9. SES Wauchope (Bill Sanders) 10. Marine Rescue Port Macquarie (Neil Yates) 11. Marine Rescue Camden Haven (Ken Rutledge) 12. Department of Family & Community Services (Steve Attewell) 13. Hastings Macleay Network - Health (Alan Pretty) 14. NSW Department Investment & Trade, Regional infrastructure & Services (Scott Anderson) 15. National Parks & Wildlife Service (Stephen Atkins) 16. North Coast Local Land Services (Jo McGoldrick) 17. Department Human Services – Centrelink (Sonia Denton) 18. Essential Energy (Ross Berry) 19. Telstra (Ray Warhurst) 20. NSW TAFE (Edward Laming) 21. Port Macquarie Airport (Doug Page) 22. PMHC Environmental Health Officer (Mark Derwent) 23. Surf Life Saving Mid North Coast Branch (Ryan Rosenbaum) Item 09 Page 26 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Attachments 1View. Report 1 - REMO 2View. Report 2 - LEMO 3View. Report 3 - LEOCON 4View. Report 4 - FRNSW 5View. Report 5 - NSW Ambulance Service 6View. Report 6 - RFS 7View. Report 9 - SES Wauchope 8View. Report 11 - CH Marine Rescue 9View. Report 14 - DPI 10View. Report 16 - LLS Item 09 Page 27 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 1 Page 28 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 1 Page 29 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 2 Page 30 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 3 Page 31 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 4 Page 32 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 5 Page 33 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 6 Page 34 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 7 Page 35 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 8 Page 36 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 9 Page 37 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 10 Page 38 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 09 Attachment 10 Page 39 AGENDA HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item: 10 Subject: LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN Presented by: Infrastructure & Asset Management, Jeffery Sharp RECOMMENDATION That Committee review the DRAFT Local Emergency Management Plan and relative agencies provide information to complete the DRAFT document. Discussion The Local DISPLAN has been updated according to the MPES released EMPLAN templates. Relevant parties are required to provide information to assist in updating this plan. Following collation of the information provided the attached draft document will be updated and returned to the LEMC Committee for review and endorsement. Attachments 1View. Draft EMPLAN Item 10 Page 40 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 41 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 42 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 43 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 44 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 45 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 46 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 47 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 48 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 49 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 50 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 51 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 52 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 53 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 54 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 55 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 56 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 57 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 58 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 59 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 60 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 61 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 62 ATTACHMENT HASTINGS LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 26/03/2015 Item 10 Attachment 1 Page 63
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