2013/14 Il box model • Ogni elemento html è contenuto in un box re8angolare – sia block che inline • Le proprietà css sono applicate al box – width, height, padding, borders, e margins • Visualizziamo i box con la proprietà border – border: 1px solid black; 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 1 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 2 1 Figure 11-9 shows the results. The borders reveal the shape of each b element box. There are boxes around the inline elements (em and im well. Notice that the block element boxes expand to fill the available w of the browser window, which is the nature of block elements in the no 2013/14 document flow. Inline boxes encompass just the characters or image contain. 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 3 Figure 11-9. Rules around all the elements reveal their element boxes. Grouped selectors z why I didn’t just add perty to the body t it inherit to all the e grouped selector? Hey! This is a good opportunity to show you a handy style rule shortc you ever need to apply the same style property to a number of elements can group the selectors into one rule by separating them with commas. one rule has the same effect as the five rules listed previously. Grouping makes future edits more efficient and results in a smaller file size. h1, h2, p, em, img { border: 1px solid blue; } Now you have two selector types in your toolbox: a simple element sel FORMATTARE TESTO and grouped selectors. 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 4 Because border is o properties that is no SS for Presentation www.it-ebooks.info 2 2013/14 Forma-are il testo • Prorietà realiQve ai font – font-‐family – font-‐size – font-‐weight – font-‐style – font-‐variant • Proprietà relaQve al testo – line-‐heigth – color – ... 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 5 font family • forniamo una lista di "typeface" da applicare al testo – body { font-‐family: Arial; } 8 { font-‐family: Courier, monospace; } p { font-‐family: “Duru Sans”, Verdana, sans-‐serif; } • Regole: – Tu] i font cominciano con la le8era maiuscola, tranne i font generici – Sono separaQ da virgole – Se il loro nome conQene spazi vanno fra virgole8e 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 6 3 2013/14 Famiglie di font The Font Properties Decorative serif stroke Serif Sans-serif Straight strokes Times Georgia Times New Roman Lucida (Mac) Veranda Trebuchet MS Arial Arial Black Monospace Courier Monospace font (equal widths) Proportional font (different widths) Courier New Andale Mono Apple Chancery Comic Sans Snell Imapct Stencil Mojo Cursive Fantasy 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 7 Figure 12-2. Examples of the five generic font families. cursive Examples: Apple Chancery, Zapf-Chancery, and Comic Sans Cursive fonts emulate a script or handwritten appearance. Font stack fantasy Examples: Impact, Western, or other decorative font Fantasy fonts are purely decorative and would be appropriate for headlines and other display type. Fantasy fonts are rarely used for web text due to cross-platform availability and legibility. • Non tu] i font sono disponibili nei browser – dipendono dal sistema operaQvo – sono installaQ nel pc 230 h8p://www.awayback.com/revised-‐font-‐stack/ Part III, CSS for Presentation www.it-ebooks.info 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 8 4 2013/14 Font stack • Non tu] i font sono disponibili nei browser – dipendono dal sistema operaQvo – sono installaQ nel pc 2014-‐2015 h8p://www.awayback.com/revised-‐font-‐stack/ Programmazione Web 9 Strategia di stack • Si specifica il font desiderato e quindi delle opzioni alterna=ve simili • Esempio – – – – – – – – font-‐family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-‐serif; font-‐family: Georgia, "Times New Roman",Times, serif; font-‐family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; font-‐family: Arial, HelveQca, sans-‐serif; font-‐family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-‐serif; font-‐family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, HelveQca, sans-‐serif; font-‐family: "Arial Black", Gadget, sans-‐serif; ... 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 10 5 2013/14 Web Font • Posso caricare dei font esterni con la regola @font-‐ face • Non funziona allo stesso modo su tuD i browser – usano forma= di font differen= • Nota: – non potete distribuire un font via web se non permesso dalla licenza • Soluzione google – h8p://www.google.com/fonts – @import url(h8p://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lobster); 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 11 font-‐size Specifica la dimensione del cra-ere – h1 { font-‐size: 150%; } h1 { font-‐size: 22px; } h1 { font-‐size: 1.5em; } h1 { font-‐size: x-‐large; } h1 { font-‐size: larger; } • Valori ammessi – length unit | percentage – xx-‐small | x-‐small | small | medium | large | x-‐large | xx-‐large – smaller | larger 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 12 6 2013/14 Unità di misura assolute • px pixel, defined as an absolute measurement equal to 1/96 of an inch in CSS3 • pt points (1/72 inch in CSS2.1) • pc picas (1 pica = 12 points) • mm millimeters • cm cenQmeters • in inches (2.54 cm) • Non c'è certezza di rendering, non vanno usate a video 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 13 Unità di misura rela=ve • px pixel, considered relaQve in CSS2.1 because it varies with display resoluQon • em a unit of measurement equal to the current font size • ex x-‐height, approximately the height of a lowercase “x” in the font Nuove in CSS3 • rem root em, equal to the em size of the root element (html) • ch zero width, equal to the width of a zero (0) in the current font and size • vw viewport width unit, equal to 1/100 of the current viewport (browser window) width • vh viewport height unit, equal to 1/100 of the current viewport height vm viewport minimum unit, equal to the value of vw or vh, whichever is smaller 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 14 7 2013/14 Pixel 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 15 % e em Specifico il size rispe-o al valore ereditato <body> • % la percentuale • em la frazione <h1> <arQcle> • Esempio <h2> – body { font-‐size: 100%; } /* 16px */ h1 { font-‐size: 150%; } /* 150% of 16 = 24 */ – arQcle {font-‐size: 0.875em;} /* 0.875 * 16 = 14*/ h2{font-‐size: 1.2857142857em;} /*calcolo della frazione 18 / 14 = 1.2857142857 */ 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 16 8 The Font Properties 2013/14 Introducing the Root Em There is a new relative measurement in CSS3 called a rem (for root em) that bases font size on the size of the root (html) element. If you specify the size of the html element (presumably to 100%), all elements that are specified in rem measurements will be relative to that size, not their inherited size. This gets rid of the compounding issue that makes ems potentially aggravating. The drawback is that IE8 and earlier and other older browsers do not support rems, so you need to provide a fallback font size in pixels. Browsers that support rems will use the last declaration in the stack. html { font-size: 100%; } #main { font-size: 12px; font-size: .75rem; } Best prac=ces • font-‐face – cerco una combinazione di font che copra tu8e le pria8aforme The rem unit is gaining popularity in the web development community. For a more thorough introduction, I recommend the article “Font Sizing with rem” by Jonathan Snook (snook.ca/archives/html_and_css/font-size-with-rem). • font-‐size Working with keywords – si imposta il body con un valore % – si specificano gli altri font con % o em The remaining way to specify font-size is one of the predefined absolute keywords: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, and xx-large. The keywords do not correspond to particular measurements, but rather are scaled consistently in relation to one another. The default size is medium in current browsers. Figure 12-5 shows how each of the absolute keywords renders in a browser when the default text is set at 16 pixels. I’ve included samples in Verdana and Times to show that, even with the same base size, there is a big difference in legibility at sizes small and below. 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 17 The benefit of keywords is that current browsers won’t let text sized in keywords render smaller than 9 pixels, so they protect against illegible type. On the downside, keywords are imprecise and unpredictable. For example, while most browsers scale each level up by 120%, some browsers use a scaling factor of 150%. font keyword The relative keywords, larger and smaller, are used to shift the size of text relative to the size of the parent element text. The exact amount of the size change is determined by each browser and is out of your control. Despite that limitation, it is an easy way to nudge type a bit larger or smaller if the exact proportions are not critical. Figure 12-5. Text sized with absolute keywords. Chapter 12, Formatting Text 237 • Non swww.it-ebooks.info i usano molto perché non riesco a predire il risultato 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 18 9 Font weight (boldness) After font families and size, the remaining font properties are straightforward. For example, if you want a text element to appear in bold, use the font-weight property to adjust the boldness of type. font-weight Values: normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit Default: normal Applies to: all elements Inherits: yes As you can see, the font-weight property has many predefined values, including descriptive terms (normal, bold, bolder, and lighter) and nine numeric values (100 to 900) for targeting various weights of a font if they are available. Because most fonts commonly used on the Web have only two weights, normal (or roman) and bold, the only font weight value you will use in most cases is bold. You may also use normal to make text that would otherwise appear in bold (such as strong text or headlines) appear at a normal weight. font-‐weight About inherit You will see that CSS properties include inherit in their list of keyword values. The inherit value allows you to explicitly force an element to inherit a style property value from its parent. This may come in handy to override other styles applied to that element and to guarantee that the element always matches its parent. 2013/14 • imposta il grasse-o al cara-ere The numeric chart is an interesting idea, but because there aren’t many fonts with that range of weights, and because browser support is spotty, they are not often used. In general, numeric settings of 600 and higher result in bold text, although even that can vary by browser, as shown in Figure 12-7. Rendered on Safari • Valori – normal |bold Rendered on Firefox (Mac) – bolder |lighter Figure 12-7. The effect of font-weight – 100 |200 |300 |400 |500 |600 |700 |values. 800 |900 exercise 12-3 | Making text bold 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 19 Back to the menu. I’ve decided that I’d like all of the menu item names to be in bold text. What I’m not going to do is wrap each one in <b> tags…that would be so 1996! I’m also not going mark them up as strong elements…that is not semantically accurate. Instead, the right thing to do is simply apply a style to the Font style (italics) semantically correct dt (definition term) elements to make The font-style property affects the posture of the text, that is, whether thethem all bold at once. Add this rule to the end of the style letter shapes are vertical (normal) or slanted (italic and oblique). sheet, save the file, and try it out in the browser (Figure 12-8). font-style The Font Properties font-‐style • imposta in cara-ere a italico o obliquo Values:property normalto | italic | oblique |ininherit Figure 12-8. Applying the font-weight dt elements the menu. Default: dt { font-weight: bold; } normal Applies to: all elements • Valori Inherits: – yes Chapter 12, Formatting Text Italic and oblique are both slanted versions of the font. The difference is normal | italic |is ousually blique that the italic version a separate typeface design with curved letwww.it-ebooks.info ter forms, whereas oblique text takes the normal font design and just slants it. The truth is that in most browsers, they may look exactly the same (see Figure 12-9). You’ll probably only use the font-style property to make text italic or to make text that is italicized in the browser’s default styles (such as emphasized text) display as normal. 239 • Normalmente italic è un font separato oblique Figure 12-9. Italic and oblique text. 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 20 exercise 12-4 | Making text italic Now that all the menu item names are bold, some of the text I’ve marked as strong isn’t standing out very well, so I think I’ll make them italic for further emphasis. To do this, simply apply the font-style property to the strong element. strong { font-style: italic;} Once again, save and reload. It should look like the detail shown in Figure 12-10. 10 2013/14 font-‐variant • cambia il cara-ere in maiuscole-o • Valori – normal | small-‐caps 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 21 Programmazione Web 22 font 2014-‐2015 11 2013/14 color • colore del testo – viene ereditato dagli elemenQ – non influenza solo il testo • h1 { color: gray; } h1 { color: #666666; } h1 { color: #666; } h1 { color: rgb(102,102,102); RGB color values } Specifying Color Values Names are easy, but as you can see, they are limited. By far, the most common way to specify a color is by its RGB value. It also gives you millions of colors to choose from. Specifying Color Values For those who are not familiar with how computers deal with color, I’ll start Programmazione Web 23 with the basics before jumping into the CSS syntax. 2014-‐2015 There is one last shorthand way to specify hex color values. If your value happens to be made up of three pairs of doubled digits or letters, such as: A word about RGB color color: #FFCC00; or color: #993366; AT A G L A N C E create Computers the you colors see on a monitor threeThe colors can you condense each pair downby to combining one digit or letter. benefit is slightly of light: red, green, and blue.the This known thedocument. RGB color model. Youare equivalent reducing file is size of youras CSS These examples Specifying RGB forlisted colors by telling the computer how much of the ones above: Values can provide recipes (oftosorts) each color to mix in. Thecolor: amount in each color “channel” is typically #FC0;of light or color: #936; There are four formats for providing on a scale from 0 (none) to 255 (full-blast), although it can also RGB values in described CSS: About values provided as a percent. Thehexadecimal closer the three values get to 255 (100%), the rgb (255,be 255, 255) closer resulting color gets to to clarify whitewhat’s (Figure 13-3). It’s time going on with that six-digit string of characters. rgb (100%, 100%,the 100%) Colori RGB What you’re looking at is actually a series of three two-digit numbers, one #FFFFFF Any color you see on your can be a series of three(base-10, num- the system each monitor for red, green, anddescribed blue. But by instead of decimal #FFF bers: a red value, a green value, a blue value. is one of the waysorthat we’re used and to), these values areThis written in hexadecimal, base-16. Figure All of these examples white.such as Adobe Photoshop keep track of the colors for every imagespecify editors 13-5 shows the structure of the hex RGB value. quanQtà di rosso, di verde di image. blu With the RGB color system, a pleasant lavender can be pixel inean described as 200, 178,Hexadecimal 230. RGB values must sono tre byte • Specifico il colore con tre valori numerici – – #RRGGBB Figure 13-3. Colors on computer be preceded by the # (octophorpe or hash) symbol. monitors are made by mixing different Picking a color amounts of red, green, and blue light (thus, RGB). The color in the middle of each The easiest way to pick a color and find its RGB hex color values hex is tohexuse an RED GREEN BLUE diagram shows what happens when the image-editing tool such as Adobe Photoshop, value Adobe Fireworks, or value valueCorel three color are combined. The – channels percentuale del colore Paint Shop Pro Photo. Most image tools provide a color picker similar to more light there is in each channel (i.e., the TIP Figure 13-5. Hexadecimal RGB values are made up of three two-digit numbers, one for – number valore numerico: higher the value), the closer the Photoshop’s, shown in 13-4.and If one you red,Figure one for green, fordon’t blue. have an image editor, you combination is• to decimale white. Values da Handy 0 a 255 Hex can select a color from an online tool like ColorPicker.com (Figure 13-4). The hexadecimal numbering system uses 16 digits: 0–9 and A–F (for repre#FFFFFF #FFF (the • esadecimale White da 0= x00 a or0xFF senting the quantities 10–15). Figure 13-6 shows how this works. The hex equivalent of 255,255,255) The RGB color model system is used widely in computing because it reduces the space it takes to Black = #000000 or #000 (the store certain information. For example, the RGB values are reduced from equivalent of 0,0,0) R: 255 R: 128 R: 0 once they’re converted to hexadecimal. R: 200 three to two digits (100%) (50%) (0%) (78%) • Valori per colore Decimal G: 255 (100%) B: 255 (100%) RGB: 255, 255, 255 2014-‐2015 White G: 128 (50%) B: 128 (50%) 0 G: 0 Hex (0%) 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 1 2 (0%) 3 4 5 6 7 (70%) 8 9 00 RGB: 128, 128, 128 Programmazione Web Gray RGB: 0, 0, 0 Black Why 255? In true RGB color, 8 bits of information are devoted to each color channel. sixteens ones scale from 0 to 255. 8 bits can describe 256 shades (28=256), so colors are measured on aplace place 3 B: 0 8 G: 178 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 B: 230 A (90%) B C D E F The decimal number 32 The decimal number 42 is represented as is represented as RGB: 200, 178, 230 24 Pleasant lavender 20 2 sixteens and 0 ones 2A 2 sixteens and 10 ones Figure 13-6. The hexadecimal numbering system is base-16. 268 Part III, CSS for Presentation 270 Part III, CSS for Presentation www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info 12 Now that most graphics and web development software provides easy access to hexadecimal color values (as we saw in Figure 13-4), there isn’t much need to translate RGB values to hex yourself, as we needed to do back in the old days. But should you find the need, the Hexadecimal Calculators sidebar should help you out. Hexadecimal Calculators 2013/14 RGBa color RGBa color allows you to specify a color and also make it as transparent or as opaque as you like. The “a” in RGBa stands for alpha, which is an additional channel that controls the level of transparency on a scale from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque). Here’s how it looks written in a style rule: RGBa color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); The• first three+values in the parentheses are regular old RGB values, in this RGB canale alfa case creating the color black. The fourth value, .5, is the transparency level. – controllo livello di transparency. trasparenza That will allow other colors or So this color is blackil with 50% background patterns to show through slightly (Figure 13-7). In Windows, the standard calcula has a hexadecimal converter in the Scientific view. Mac users can download the free “Mac Dec Bin H Calculator” for OS X (search for it a download.com). Of course, you could calculate a hex value yourself by dividing you number by 16 to get the first digi and then using the remainder for the second digit. For example, 20 converts to C8 because 200=(16 12) + 8. That’s {12,8} in base-16, o in hexadecimal. Whew! I think I’ll sticking with my Color Picker. h1 {color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);} h1 {color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);} h1 {color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);} Specifying Color Values names with various levels of transparency using RGBa values. FigureColor 13-7. Headings 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 25 The most intuitive way to specify a color is to call it by name. Unfortunately, make up just any color name and expect it to work. It has to be Thereyou is acan’t complication, however, and its name is Internet Explorer. IE verone of the color keywords predefined in the CSS Recommendation. CSS1 sions 8 and earlier do not support RGBa sointroduced you need and CSS2 adopted the 16 standard color namescolor, originally in to provide a fallN OT E orange for a total of 17 (Figure 13-1). CSS3 HTML 4.01. CSS2.1 tossed in back for users with those browsers. The easiest is to just pick a fully opaque The extended color names, also known adds support for the extended set of 140 (rather fanciful) color names. Now as the X11 color names, were originally color that approximates the look you are going for and list it first in the style provided with the X Window System we can specify names like “burlywood” and my long-time favorite, “papayawhip”! extended colors are shown in (Figure if you want will override the for Unix. rule. IE willThe ignore the RGBa value, and 13-2), otherbutbrowsers a more accurate view, point your browser at www.learningwebdesign.com/ opaque color when they get to the second declaration. colornames.html. nomi dei colori h1 { color: rgb(120, 120, 120); color: rgba(0,Gray0, 0, 50%); Silver Black } #000000 #808080 #C0C0C0 N OT E HSL colors can be given a tra ency level as well using the HSL format, which has the same syn RGBa: color: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .5); White #FFFFFF But if you simply must have true transparency in IE, then you can provide Maroon Red Fuchsia alternatives (a transparent PNG Purple or an IE-proprietary filter) specifically to IE #800000 #FF0000 #800080 #FF00FF 8, 7, and 6 by wrapping the rules or style element in conditional comments that only IE understands (see the Targeting IE with Conditional Comments Green Fortunately, Lime RGBa is supported Olive Yellow and higher, so as older versidebar). by IE9 #008000 #00FF00 #808000 #FFFF00 sions fade into disuse, we won’t need to jump through extra hoops. Navy #000080 Blue #0000FF Teal #008080 Aqua #0000FF Chapter 13, Colors and Background Orange (CSS 2.1) #FFA500 www.it-ebooks.info Figure 13-1. The 17 standard color names in CSS2.1. 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 26 Color names are easy to use—just drop one into place as the value for any color-related property: color: silver; background-color: gray; border-bottom-color: teal; 13 266 Part III, CSS for Presentation 2013/14 line-‐height • altezza del rigo • Valori – number | length measurement | percentage | – normal all elements yes • Esempio baseline – p { line-‐height: 2; } p { line-‐height: 2em; } p { line-‐height: 200%; } • Il rapporto fra l'altezza del rigo e il font è importante per la leggibilità 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 27 text-‐indent • indentazione del primo rigo • Valore Esempio – length measurement – percentage 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web p#1 { text-‐indent: 2em; } p#2 { text-‐indent: 25%; } p#3 { text-‐indent: -‐35px; } 28 14 hanging text may disappear off the left edge of the browser window. wide with a 10% indent, a text-indent of 80 pixels will be passed down (not the 10% value) to elements the div contains. Horizontal alignment You can align text for web pages just as you would in a word processing or desktop publishing program with the text-align property. 2013/14 text-align Values: left | right | center | justify | inherit Default: left for languages that read left to right; right for languages that read right to left Applies to: block-level elements, table cells, and inline blocks Inherits: yes This is a fairly straightforward property to use. The results of the various text-‐align values are shown in Figure 12-15. text-align aligns text on the left margin • allineamento orizzontale text-align: right aligns text on the right margin • Valori text-align: center centers the text in the text block text-align: left – text-align: lew | right | center aligns | jusQfy both right and left margins justify text on N OT E The CSS3 Text Module defines two new related properties—text-align-last (for aligning the last line of text) and textjustify (for more fine-tuned control over how space is inserted in justified text)—but they are not well supported as of this writing. text-align: left text-align: right text-align: center text-align: justify 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 29 Figure 12-15. Examples of text-align values. Good news—only four more text properties to go! Then we’ll be ready to try a few of them out in the Black Goose Bistro menu. text-‐decora=on • decorazioni del testo • Valori Underlines and Other “Decorations” Chapter 12, Formatting Text www.it-ebooks.info – none | underline | overline | line-‐through | blink • Esempio 251 Underlines and O If you want to put a line under the underline off under links, t text-decoration – a { text-‐decoraQon: none; } text-decoration: underline Values: none | underline | overline Default: none Applies to: all elements Inherits: text-decoration: overline no, but since lines are drawn across The values for text-decoratio text-decoration: underline text-decoration: overline text-decoration: line-through 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web Figure 12-16. Examples of text30 decoration values. text-decoration: line-throug text-decoration: blink The most popular use of the underlines that appear automa a { text-decoration: none; There are a few cautionary wo Ɇ First, if you get15 rid of the u N OT E The CSS3 Text Module includes enhancements to text-decoration , including text-decoration-line, textdecoration-color , text-decoration- cues to compensate, such a Ɇ On the flip side, because un here,” underlining text tha ing. Consider whether itali hadow 2013/14 When you apply the text-transform property to a text element, it changes its capitalization when it renders without changing the way it is typed in the source. The values are as follows (Figure 12-17): text-‐trasform text-transform: none text-transform: capitalize • cambia maiuscole e minuscole as it is typed in the source capitalizes the first letter of each word text-transform: lowercase makes all letters lowercase text-transform: uppercase makes all letters uppercase • Valori – none – capitalize – lowercase – uppercase text-transform: none (as was typed in) text-transform: capitalize • text-transform: lowercase text-transform: uppercase Figure 12-17. The text-transform property changes the capitalization of characters when they are displayed, regardless of how they are typed in the source. 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 31 Spaced Out The letter-spacing and word-spacing properties do what they say: add The final two text properties in this chapter are used to insert space between space between the letters of the textletters or words in a line, respectively. Figure (letter-spacing) or words (word-spacing) when the text is displayed. 12-18 shows the results of these rule examples applied to the simple paraletter-spacing graph shown here. Values: length measurement | normal | inherit le-er-‐spacing e word-‐spacing Default: <p>Black Goose Bistro Summer Menu</p> normal Applies to: all elements Example 1 Inherits: p { letter-spacing: 8px; } • Valori yes word-spacing Values: Example 2 measurement | normal Default: – length length measurement | normal | inherit normal Applies to: all elements p { word-spacing: 1.5em; } Inherits: yes It is worth noting that when you specify em measurements, the calculated size is passed down to child elements, even if they have a smaller font size • Esempio than the parent. – p { le8er-‐spacing: 8px; } In Exercise 12-7, we’ll 1 make one p { word-‐spacing: .5em; } last trip back to the Black Goose Bistro menu to add some of these new properties and make a few tweaks. Chapter 12, F www.it-ebooks.info letter-spacing: 8px; word-spacing: 1.5em; 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 32 Figure 12-18. letter-spacing (top) and word-spacing (bottom). Text Shadow Drop shadows that make text and graphic elements “pop” from the page have become all the rage over the last decade. Now there is a way to add a drop shadow to text using CSS alone with the text-shadow property. Text shadows are drawn behind the text but in front of the background and border if there is one. 16 Text Shado The value for the text-shadow property is up to three measurements (a horizontal offset, vertical offset, and an optional blur radius) and a color. Figure 12-19 shows an example of a minimal text shadow declaration. h1 { color: darkgreen; text-shadow: .2em .2em silver; } h1 { color: darkgreen; text-shadow: -.3em -.3em silver; } 2013/14 text-shadow: .2em .2em silver Text Shadow text-‐shadow The value for the text-shadow property is up to three measurements (a horizontal offset, vertical offset, and an optional blur radius) and a color. Figure 12-19 shows an example of a minimal text shadow declaration. • h1ombra sul testo { color: darkgreen; text-shadow: .2em .2em silver; • }Values text-shadow: -.3em -.3em silver; Figure 12-19. A minimal text drop shadow. h1 { The firstdarkgreen; value is a horizontal offset that positions the shadow to the right of color: the text (a negative value-.3em pulls the shadow to the left of the text). The second text-shadow: -.3em silver; } measurement is a vertical offset that moves the shadow down by the specified amount (a negative value moves the shadow up). The declaration ends with the color specification (silver). If the color is omitted, the same color as the text will be used. – ‘horizontal offset’ ‘ver9cal offset’ ‘blur radius’ ‘color’ That should give you an idea for how the first two measurements work, but .2em .2em silverlook very…well…shadowy. What it needs is a blur thattext-shadow: sharp shadow doesn’t radius measurement. Zero (0) is no blur, and the blur gets softer with higher values (Figure 12-20). Usually you just have to fiddle with values until you get the effect you want. text-shadow: -.3em -.3em silver; text-shadow: .2em .2em .05 em silver Figure 12-19. A minimal text drop shadow. Text Shadow The first value is a horizontal offset that positions the shadow to the right of the text (a negative value pulls the shadow to the left of the text). The second measurement is a vertical offset that moves the shadow down by the specieb fied 2014-‐2015 amount (a negative value moves the Programmazione shadow up).WThe declaration ends with the color specification (silver). If the color is omitted, the same color as the text will be used. text-shadow: .2em .2em .15 em silver text-shadow: .2em .2em33 .3 em silver Adding a blur radius to a text drop shadow. That should give you an idea for how theFigure first 12-20. two measurements work, but You can even apply more than one shadow to a single text element. When that sharp shadow doesn’t look very…well…shadowy. What it needs is a blur more than one shadow is listed, the first one in the list is rendered first and radius measurement. Zero (0) is no blur, and the blur gets softer with higher subsequent shadows are layered behind it in the defined order. You can also values (Figure 12-20). Usually you just have to fiddle with values until you appear to glow by positioning a colored shadow directly behind get the make effect text you want. www.it-ebooks.info the text. Figure 12-21 demonstrates a few techniques using text-shadow. ombre mul=ple Multiple shadows Chapter 12, Formatting Text Outer glow text-shadow: .2em .2em .05 em silver text-shadow: -.7em -.5em .2em silver, .2em .2em .1em gray; Raised look text-shadow: 0 0 .7em purple; text-shadow: .2em .2em .15 em silver Embossed look text-shadow: .2em .2em .3 em silver body {background-color: thistle;} body {background-color: thistle;} Figure 12-20. h1 { Adding a blur radius to a text drop shadow. h1 { } color: #ba9eba; text-shadow: -.05em -.05em .05em white, .03em .03em .05em purple; } color: #ba9eba; text-shadow: -.05em -.05em .05em purple, .03em .03em .05em white; Chapter 12, Formatting Text 255 For a raised look, position a light shadow above and a For an embossed look, the light shadow goes www.it-ebooks.info dark shadow below the text, using tiny offsets. below and the dark shadow goes above. 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 34 Figure 12-21. Special effects with text shadows. So go have some fun with text shadows, but be careful not to overdo it. Not only can drop shadows make text difficult to read, but adding a shadow to everything can slow down page performance (scrolling, mouse interactions, etc.), which is particularly problematic for mobile browsers without much processing power. In addition, be careful that your text doesn’t require a shadow in order to be visible. Folks with non-supporting browsers won’t see a thing. My advice is to use drop shadows as an enhancement in a way that isn’t critical if they don’t appear. And speaking of non-supporting browsers, what about Internet Explorer? Versions 9 and earlier won’t know what to do with the text-shadow prop- 17 2013/14 Esercizi • Scaricare la pagina menu del cap. 12 • Impostare al body il font-‐family – vedere il funzionamento del font stack rimuovendo o aggiungendo dei font – usare un web font da google • Impostare il font-‐size – – – – visualizzare il font applicato in chrome webdev cambiare il size al body con % cambiare il size all'elemento #appeQzers a 14px cambiare il size all'elemento dl in #appeQzers a 18px usando em • Impostare i colore – Cambiare il colore del testo al body (e.g. #999) – cambiare il colore a "lime" dell'elemento #entrees – impostare anche il bordo dell'elemento #entrees 2014-‐2015 Programmazione Web 35 18
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