[email protected] PranaDeep July 2015 Perfect Health is Your Divine Birthright Namaste! "The main problem in the world is stress. It is not going to decrease -- it is going to increase. If through pranayam the shock can be harnessed, the entire stress and disease can be eliminated." ~Yogi Bhajan Stress shocks the body and prevents the mind and body from working optimally. Pranayama can reset, rebuild and refresh you and it takes just a few minutes a day to create this shift. So limit the damage, start today, learn to breathe consciously each day and leave stress behind. I look forward to sharing these great teachings with you. Wishing you peace, joy and great health, Sangeeta x Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Spa Retreat Weekend Healing with Ayurveda, Yoga & Sound The Clover Mill, Malvern, Worcester October 2-‐4 from £550pp An exquisite experience in nature, staying in beauIful eco-‐lodges in an Ayurvedic Spa. Combining Ayurvedic treatments with daily Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga and Gong Sound Baths to heal mind, body and spirit. Cost is fully inclusive of treatments, accommodaIon and Organic Ayurvedic food. Day guest rates also available. Flyer: CloverOct Enquiries: Julie 01886 880859 theclovermill.com Events Calendar July: Sat 18 (12:30-‐1:30pm), Wed 22 (12-‐1pm) Breath, MeditaIon and RelaxaIon Lunch&me one hour relaxa&on combining breath, mantra medita&on and deep relaxa&on. Info: Bikramyogafleet August: Sat 1 (12:30-‐1:30pm) Breath, MeditaIon and RelaxaIon Lunch&me one hour relaxa&on combining breath, mantra medita&on and deep relaxa&on. Info: Bikramyogafleet 6-‐9, Pranayama, Gaunts House Summer Gathering Dorset A summer celebra&on of Music, Healing and Dance held in the beau&ful house and grounds of Gaunts House. Info: gauntsgathering 20-‐23, Pranayama, Tribal Earth Summer Gathering, East Sussex Perfect and in&mate, a gathering to celebrate all things joyful and happy. One not to be missed! Bookings/Info: tribalearth.co.uk September Sat 19 1:15-‐4pm Yoga & Sound at Bikram Yoga Fleet, Hampshire A deep experience of Pranayama, Mantra Medita&on and Gong Sound Bath immersed for blissful relaxa&on and deep healing. £25 inc refreshments. Book: Bikramyogafleet Pranayama at Grayshott Spa - Evening Talks & tuition July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 August 4, 12, 18, 26 [email protected] July 2015 Pranayama Sequence General rules for practice: Early morning is preferable, the ambrosial hours between 4 – 7am are golden. Empty stomach – Around 3-‐4 hours aSer ea&ng. Avoid large drinks 30 mins before and ideally eat or drink 30 minutes aSer Pranayama. All breathing in and out of the nose, mouth gently closed. Gradually build up stamina, rest whenever you feel the need to. Begin by crea&ng a sacred space to calm your mind. You can chant AUM several &mes or recite the Gayatri Mantra. Most important is to remember that as we are working with our main energy channel, the spine, it should be kept straight during prac&ce. Sit comfortably in easy pose (Sukhasana) or half lotus (Siddhasana) with a neck lock (Jalandhara Bandh) by lowering the chin to the chest. You may also sit on a chair, keeping your back and neck straight. Ensure face, neck shoulders arms and legs are relaxed and the spine is straight. BHASTRIKA PRANAYAMA (bellows breath) Timing: 2/3 minutes Method: Inhale into the lowest chamber by pushing out the abdomen, then con&nue to inhale and fill the middle then top chambers. Reverse the order on the exhale. Inten&on: Inhale gra&tude for the respira&on system and exhale joy of being alive. Contraindica&ons: Prac&ce gently if suffering from high blood pressure or heart disease. KAPAL BHATI PRANAYAMA (Deeply detoxifying breath) Timing: Build up to 5 minutes per round then rest. Con&nue for at least two rounds (10 minutes total) for general good health and 15/20 minutes when working with an exis&ng imbalance in health. I sec per exhala&on is the rhythm. Method: Powerfully exhale through the nose, synchronise with navel to spine ac&on and gentle pelvic floor contrac&on. Inten&on: Banish toxins and disease from the body, include toxic thoughts. Contraindica&ons: Do not do if pregnant and six months aSer surgery. Prac&ce gently for those with heart and BP problems. BAHYA PRANAYAMA (moving the energy up the spine) Timing: 3-‐5 &mes Method: Inhale and fully exhale. On suspended exhale pull mahaband (neck lock, diaphragm lock and root lock), squeeze and hold whilst pulling the energy from the base of the spine to the third eye point. Inten&on: Visualise the energy moving from the base chakra or Muladhara along the spine to the third eye or Ajna chakra. Contraindica&ons: Do not do if you have heart or BP problems, if you are pregnant or having your period. [email protected] July 2015 AGNI SAR KRIYA (digestive tract massage) Timing: 3-‐5 &mes Method: On suspended exhale, rhythmically contract and release the navel to spine ac&on to massage the internal diges&ve organs. Contraindica&ons: Do not do if you have heart or BP problems, if you are pregnant or having your period. UJJAYI PRANAYAMA (thyroid stimulation) Method: Tighten the throat and make a snoring sound from the throat. Elongate as long as possible, hold and exhale through the leS nostril Timing: 2/3 Rounds Contraindica&ons: none ANULOM VILLOM (alternate nostril breathing) Timing: Build up to 5 minutes per round then rest. Con&nue for at least two rounds (10 minutes total) for general health. Repeat the &mings used in breath 2 above (Kapal Bha&) to balance. Method: Start by blocking the right nostril, inhale through leS, switch and exhale right nostril, inhale right nostril, switch etc. Remember to start and end with the leS nostril. Inten&on: Visualise cosmic prana entering the crown chakra on the inhale. The exhale is from the heart centre and is seen as a bright white healing light. Send healing to your physical body and to any loved ones if you choose. Contraindica&ons: none The final three Pranayamas leading to medita&on, to be prac&ced one aSer the other without a pause. BHRAMRI (buzzy bee breath) Timing: 5 &mes Contraindica&ons: none Method: Thumbs block ears, last three fingers in the eye socket, index fingers res&ng on temples. Inhale and hum ONG internally. UDGEETH (AUM chanting) Timing: 5 &mes Contraindica&ons: none Method: Chant ONG PRANAV (meditation) Timing: At least 2 minutes, con&nue for as long as required. Method: No control, simply follow the breath. Look and listen inside, be aware of the sensa&ons in your body and surrender to the ‘now’. It is essen&al to conclude the sequence by relaxing in Shavasana (deep relaxa&on) for at least three minutes. This is the &me when the body is integra&ng all your hard work!
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