187Re -187Os Nuclear Geochronometry: A New Dating Method Applied to Old Ores Goetz Roller 1 2 10.00 0.30 Sudbury 0.25 6.00 Stillwater / 187Re ? 187Os 187Os / 186Os 8.00 4.00 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 2.00 ? 0.00 0 eλt -1 B2FH (1957): model line of sudden nucleosynthesis 0.00 2 4 T i m e (Ga) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 T i m e (billion years ago) © Götz Roller 2015 187Re -187Os Nuclear Geochronometry: A New Dating Method Applied to Old Ores Goetz Roller 12.00 1 + 2 = Nuclear Geochronometry 187Os / 186Os 10.04 8.00 Sudbury Stillwater 6.00 mixing 4.00 sudden nucleosynthesis 2.00 0.00 sudden nucleosynthesis 0 B465, Blue Posters Tuesday, 5.30 P.M. 2 ≈3 Ga 4 6 B641, Blue Posters T i m e Wednesday, 5.30 P.M. 8 10 12 ≈13.78 Ga (billion years ago) © Götz Roller 2015 187Re -187Os Nuclear Geochronometry Nuclear geochronometry is a new research field, developed to bridge the gap between geochronology and nuclear astrophysics. It is based upon the discovery of terrestrial signatures from at least two rapid (r-) neutron-capture processes, which plot on the astrophysical model line of sudden nucleosynthesis (see 2 ; Burbidge et al 1957). It aims at dating rocks by means of radioactivity, which makes it a subfield of nuclear chemistry. The dating method is embedded in other scientific fields like cosmology, cosmochemistry and nuclear theory, which impose tight constraints on nuclear geochronometry. Or, in other words: in nuclear geochronometry we start with Becquerel and Curie, move on to Rutherford and Soddy, pass Chadwick and Fermi, and finally end up with Fowler, Mather and Smoot … 3 © Götz Roller 2015 Let‘s first talk about some basics: most of the neighbour nuclides of Os (Re, Ir) are created via the r-process and subsequent β- decay. Because of its 41.6 Ga half-life,187Re becomes a powerful cosmic clock to calculate the age of the heavy elements, which is a lower boundary for the age of our Universe. Knowing the nuclear production ratio (PR), it is possible to solve the following equations for t: 187Re/188Os 187Re/188Os -λt now = PR (e ) 187Os/188Os 187Re/188Os -λt now = PR (1 – e ) The PR`s may be derived from nuclear theory (which is the normal case in astronomy) or from observation: Ir/Os = 0.96 ; C I Chondrites; (Lodders et al. (2009), arXiv: 0901.1149) Ir/Os = 0.96 ; solar photosphere; (Asplund et al. 2009, ARA&A 47. 481) See the following chart, which is an excerpt from the chart of nuclides, modified for nuclear geochronometry ... 4 © Götz Roller 2015 A Z Pt 190 192 0.02 0.79 Ir Os 184 186 0.01 1.58 75 Re 180 0.13 W N= 182 26.3 108 183 187 188 185 187 37.4 62.6 184 186 189 194 191 193 37.3 62.7 190 192 19 r- process p- process ά decay β- decay Look at the chart: 191Ir and 185Re as well as 193Ir and 187Re have similar relative abundances (37:63), which could point to the same physics behind the creation of these nuclides! We find Re/Os ≈ Ir/Os ≈ 1. 5 © Götz Roller 2015 The most powerful nuclear chronometer currently used is 187Re. Five nuclear 187Re chronometers (Re/Os ≈ 1) have been identified so far. There are two age clusters: At TNUC ≈ 13.78 Ga and at TNUC ≈ 3 Ga. ≈ Ir/Os Ref. Sample / CHRONOMETER 187Os/186Os187Re/186Os Re [ppt] Os [ppt] Re/Os 187Os/187Re TNUC [Ga] 1 [5085 BasKom] BARBERTON 10.04 38.9 208 245 0.849 0.25809 13.78 2 [R85–62] RONDA 1.97 38 710 740 0.959 0.0518 3.034 3 [Mo369] IVREA 1.9360 39.1 101 106 0.951 0.0495 2.901 1.800 41.5 2.600 2.500 1.04 0.0434 2.549 2.040 40.6 448.000 440.000 1.02 0.0502 2.943 (4) 5 [LA 14] LANZO [Cape Smith Sulf.] CAPE SMITH [1] Birck, J.-L. & Allegre, C.-J. (1994) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 124, 2139 - 148 (NTIMS) [2] Reisberg, L. C., Allegre, C.-J. & Luck, J. M. (1991) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 105, 196 – 213 (SIMS) [3] Roller, G. (1996) RKP Natw. + Techn., Munich. (NTIMS) [4] Roy-Barman, M., Luck, J. M. & Allegre, C.-J. (1996) Chem. Geol. 130, 55 - 64 (SIMS) [5] Luck, J. M. & Allegre, C.-J. (1984) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 68, 205 -208 (SIMS) 6 © Götz Roller 2015 Model Ages and TPI Ages By means of two-point-isochrone (TPI) ages it is possible to question the significance of model ages. Model ages are based on the assumption, that a sample has a defined initial ratio at a specific time. For an r-process, this initial ratio is assumed to be ZERO. TPI ages constrain the initial ratio using the BARBERTON or IVREA etc. chronometer always as the second data point in a TPI diagram. 7 © Götz Roller 2015 Model Age (i = assumed) 7/8Os TPI Age (i = derived) 7/8Os mutual control ∆ 7/8Os ά ∆ 7/8Os i ∆7Re/8Os age equation: i t = 1/λ ● ln (tan ά + 1) tan ά = ∆ 7/8Os / ∆7Re/8Os 7Re/8Os ά ∆7Re/8Os 7Re/8Os Look at the next charts for an example. You will see these two diagrams attached to the diagrams of the example … 8 © Götz Roller 2015 Example: Model age diagram for The initial ratio (i) is assumed to be ZERO, as expected in case of a sudden nucleosynthesis event. The model age is well constrained by the cosmological Planck-WP-highL age of the Universe. 2σ data-point error ellipses are 1.4 Planck+WP+highL age: 187Os / 188Os 1.2 13.817 ± 0.048 Ga 1.0 7/8Os + ZERO 13.781 ± 0.063 Ga 0.8 ∆ 7/8Os ά ∆7Re/8Os 0.6 7Re/8Os TPI ZERO (model) age 0.4 Age = 13781±63 Ma 188 Os/ Os = 0.00 (assumed) 187 Initial 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 187Re 3 / 4 188Os 5 Isoplot/Ex.3.75 Ludwig (2012) Sp.Publ.Nr. 5 BGC,UCB, Berkeley 6 9 © Götz Roller 2015 Example: TPI age diagram to control the model age The two data points are the BARBERTON Thielmountain Pallasite chronometer and the . The model age is constrained by this TPI age, which is also a lower boundary for the age of the Universe. 187Os / 188Os s 2 data-point error ellipses are 1.4 Planck+WP+highL age: 13.817 ± 0.048 Ga 1.2 + ZERO 1.0 13.781 ± 0.063 Ga 7/8Os + 0.8 : 13.775 ± 0.071 Ga 0.6 ά ∆7Re/8Os Thielmountain (Pallasite) 7Re/8Os 0.4 Age = 13775±71 Ma Initial Os/188Os =0.00059±0.00087 0.2 187 0.0 0 1 2 3 187Re 4 5 Isoplot/Ex.3.75 Ludwig (2012) Sp.Publ.Nr. 5 BGC,UCB, Berkeley 6 / 188Os Data for Thielmountain: Shen et al. (1998), GCA 62,2715; Calculation: Roller (2012), RKP N+T, Munich, mod. 10 © Götz Roller 2015 Dating the Sudbury ores with the BARBERTON chronometer Now, let’s begin with the PGE ores. Below you see a conventional isochrone calculated with the data of Walker et al. (1991, EPSL 105, 416 - 429) for the Strathcona ores of the Sudbury Igneous Complex: data-point error ellipses are 2 s 65 Age = 1689 ± 160 Ma 187Os/186Os = 8.8 ± 2.3 i 187Os / 186Os 55 MSWD = 5.0 45 35 25 15 Isoplot/Ex.3.75 Ludwig (2012) Sp.Publ.Nr. 5 BGC,UCB, Berkeley 5 0 400 800 187Re 1200 1600 2000 / 186Os 11 © Götz Roller 2015 The nucleogeochronometric TPI ages for these Strathcona ores are in good agreement with the isochrone age of 1689 ± 160 Ma: + PGM-79-126: 1715 ± 62 Ma, 187Os/186Osi = 8.913 ± 0.044 + PGM-79-128: 1649 ± 62 Ma, 187Os/186Osi = 8.957 ± 0.044 + PGM-79-138: 1733 ± 84 Ma, 187Os/186Osi = 8.901 ± 0.059 + PGM-79-139: 1586 ± 63 Ma, 187Os/186Osi = 8.998 ± 0.045 Look at the improved 2 σ values! Then, see the next two charts and remember the … 12 © Götz Roller 2015 Below, the TPI ages are attatched to the isochrone data points. Remember the and see the next chart …. 2s data-point error ellipses are 65 Age = 1689 ± 160 Ma 187Os/186Os = 8.8 ± 2.3 i MSWD = 5.0 187Os / 186Os 55 TPI ages + PGM-79-126: 1715 ± 62 Ma, 187Os/186Os = 8.913 ± 0.044 i 45 + PGM-79-128: 1649 ± 62 Ma, 187Os/186Os = 8.957 ± 0.044 i 35 25 + PGM-79-139: 1586 ± 63 Ma, 187Os/186Os = 8.998 ± 0.045 i 15 5 0 400 800 187Re 1200 / 186Os 1600 + PGM-79-138: 1733 ± 84 Ma, 187Os/186Os = 8.901 ± 0.059 i 13 © Götz Roller 2015 BARBERTON + IVREA mingling / mixing field 187Os mingling 7Re/6Os Sudbury TPI age and SIC isochrone 7/6Os / 186Os 10.04 8.00 SIC isochrone data 7/6Os 12.00 6.00 mixing 7Re/6Os 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 T i m e (billion years ago) BARBERTON chronometer IVREA, RONDA, CAPE SMITH chronometer 14 = Sudbury SIC 14 © Götz Roller 2015 Dating the Stillwater ores by means of the IVREA RONDA or CAPE SMITH chronometer For the Stillwater Complex (Montana, USA), Marcantonio et al. (1993, GCA 57, 4029 – 4037) report a Molybdenite Re/Os age (ST86-1) from the G-chromitite of 2740 ± 80 Ma, consistent with the Sm-Nd age of 2701 Ma (DePaolo & Wasserburg 1979). For this age, the ST86-1 WR1 sample from the G-chromitite shows an extremely high suprachondritic 187Os/186Osi = 6.55. (187Os/188Osi ≈ 0.786). [high suprachrondritic = very, very high!] This is very close to the signature of the BARBERTON chronometer at the same time. Remember the and see the next chart … 15 © Götz Roller 2015 BARBERTON + IVREA mingling / mixing field mingling 7Re/6Os 8.00 ST86-1 WR1 7/6Os / 186Os 10.04 187Os SIC isochrone data 7/6Os 12.00 6.00 mixing 7Re/6Os 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 T i m e (billion years ago) BARBERTON chronometer IVREA, RONDA, CAPE SMITH chronometer 14 = Stillwater = Sudbury SIC 16 © Götz Roller 2015 Contrary to that, ST86-1 chromite separate 1 from the same G-chromitite (Ultramafic Series) shows an unusual ultrasubchondritic 187Os/186Osi = 0.13 (187Os/188Osi ≈ 0.0156). [ultrasubchondritic = very, very low, much lower than the chondritic mantle at 2700 Ma, which shows a 187Os/186Osi ≈ 0.92 or 187Os/188Os i Using the ≈ 0.11] geochronometer, a TPI age of 2717 ± 100 Ma (187Os/186Osi = 0.125 ± 0.067 or 187Os/188Osi ≈ 0.015) can be calculated for ST86-1 chromite separate 1 Again, keep the . in mind and see the next chart … 17 © Götz Roller 2015 BARBERTON + IVREA mingling / mixing field SIC isochrone data 7/6Os 12.00 10.04 mingling 187Os 8.00 7/6Os / 186Os 7Re/6Os 6.00 mixing 7Re/6Os 4.00 ST86-1 chrom. sep. 2.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 T i m e (billion years ago) BARBERTON chronometer IVREA, RONDA, CAPE SMITH chronometer 12 14 = Stillwater = Sudbury SIC 18 © Götz Roller 2015 From WR2 and WR3 of the Stillwater Complex G-chromitite reported in Marcantonio et al. (1993, GCA 57, 4029), an isochrone age of 2671 ± 75 Ma can be calculated, which confirms the TPI age of 2717 ± 100 Ma and the other ages for the Stillwater Complex (2740 Ma, 2701 Ma). The initial 187Os/186Os ratio of the isochrone is 1.143 ± 0.089 (187Os/188Os ≈ 0.1372). This could be explained by mixing of components from the and geochronometers at ≈ 2671 ± 75 Ma. Thus, the situation is comparable to the Levack West + Falconbridge isochrone of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. See the isochrone diagram for WR2 and WR3 on the next chart, ... … and then the nucleogeochronometric summary chart … 19 © Götz Roller 2015 data-point error ellipses are 02 187Os / 186Os 10 8 6 Age = 2671±75 Ma 186 Initial Os/ Os =1.143±0.089 ST86-1 G-chrom. WR2+WR3 4 187 Isoplot/Ex.3.75 Ludwig (2012) Sp.Publ.Nr. 5 BGC,UCB, Berkeley 2 20 60 100 140 187Re Do you remember all the , 180 220 / 186Os and you have seen so far? If not: don’t worry! Just look at the following summary chart … 20 © Götz Roller 2015 BARBERTON + IVREA mingling / mixing field 7/6Os 12.00 SIC isochrone data 10.04 mingling 187Os 8.00 6.00 4.00 7/6Os / 186Os 7Re/6Os Sudbury TPI age and isochrone WR1 ST86-1 mixing 7Re/6Os Levack West +Falconbridge isochrone 2.00 ST86-1 WR2+WR3 ST86-1 chromite separate 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 T i m e ( billion years ago) BARBERTON chronometer IVREA, RONDA, CAPE SMITH chronometer 14 = Stillwater = Sudbury SIC 21 © Götz Roller 2015 Conclusions 1. Ultra-suprachrondritic 187Os/186Os or 187Os/188Os initial ratios in Proterozoic magmatic rocks may be explained as being derived from a magmatic source with a ≈ 13.78 Ga old rprocess signature, created in a sudden nucleosynthesis shortly after the Big Bang. 2. Ultra-subchrondritic 187Os/186Os or 187Os/188Os initial ratios in Archean magmatic rocks may be explained as being derived from a magmatic source containing a ≈ 3 Ga old rprocess signature from a sudden nucleosynthesis event, which might have initiated rifting within the Pilbara Craton and thus plate tectonics on Earth. 22 © Götz Roller 2015 3. Initial Os isotopic ratios between the and evolution lines (as in the case of the Stillwater and the Sudbury Complex) may be explained as a mixture between the two r-process reservoirs and / or the convecting mantle signature. 4. The interaction of the two reservoirs may be responsible for convection within the Earth`s core, thus being still today‘s driving force for plate tectonics and the Earth‘s magnetic field. 5. Nuclear geochronometry favours an endogenic origin for the Sudbury and Stillwater ores, with at least some of the PGE‘s being genetically related to the Earth‘s core. … and since a picture tells more than 1000 words, see the next chart! 23 © Götz Roller 2015 12.00 ≈ 3.2 Ga: reservoir interaction, convection => onset time of plate tectonics SIC isochrone data 7/6Os 8.00 6.00 mingling 7Re/6Os mixing WC 5-6 WC 1-2 (rifting) 4.00 7/6Os 187Os / 186Os 10.04 mixing 7Re/6Os (Shirey & Richardson 2011, Science 333, 434) ≈ 3.48 Ga: core collapse, => initiation of plate tectonics 2.00 0.00 0 2 ≈ 3 Ga 4 6 8 10 r-process T i m e (billion years ago) Earth‘s inner core Earth‘s outer core 12 ≈ 13.78 Ga r-process Stillwater Complex G-chromitite (UMS) Sudbury Complex, Strathcona, Falconbridge etc WC Wilson Cycle (1-2 Pilbara / 5-6 Kaapvaal) See the last chart … 24 © Götz Roller 2015 Nucleogeochronometric Evolution of the Earth‘s Core 13.78 Ga → 3.48 Ga ancient component weak magnetic field Fe, Ni … (?) Re/Os ≈ 1 BARBERTON slow cooling during ≈ 10 Ga pin ≈ pout metastable pin ≈/> pout ≈ 3.48 Ga core collapse p+ + e- → n + ν, r-process ignition of nuclear processes nucleosynthesis etc. suddenly increasing magnetic field strength element element formation formation element formation Fe, Ni Re/Os ≈ 0.85 BARBERTON element formation element formation element formation element element formation formation 3 Ga → today modern Earth, inner/outer core convection, pulsation magnetic field reversals mantle/crust/plate tectonics Fe, Ni Re/Os ≈ .85 BARBERTON solid Re/Os ≈ 1 IVREA T (K) instable pin >>>> pout gravitational collapse thermal expansion magnetic pressure pin ≈ pout Fe, Ni, … (?). liquid outer core T (K) T (K) stable “only“ magmatism, earthquakes etc. T = temperature (Kelvin); p = pressure out = outward, due to thermal expansion etc. in = inward, due to gravitation etc. 25 = down, = up © Götz Roller 2015
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