The Rowdie Review

Volunteer to
By Katy Pizell
The Eagle has Landed
those in need.
Interact is lending their time to
Each and every year around help with Toys for Tots. The Marines
this time there are plenty of people help to get people in our country to
in need. There are many groups of donate a brand new toy in the bin
so that
t h e y
in the
c a n
commug i v e
nity and
to the
t h e
dren in
that help
Nationthose in
need. A few of those groups hap- al Honor Society is lending their
pen to be located in the school and time to help at the Heavenly Tree
they all volunteer some time to help Party where they will help to serve
a meal to families in need. The children at the party also receive a gift
of some sort as well. And, NHS
plans to do some bell ringing for the
* Opinions (p. 2)
Salvation Army.
Don’t free Boosie! The RTHS Student Council is
continuing its tradition of mak* Student Life (p.3-4)
ing blankets for the Crisis Nursery
Student of the Month
Center in Champaign-Urbana. The
Gift Ideas, Resolutions
blankets are fleece tied blankets,
5 in the Hall, Study over break? and will be sure to keep many children warm and cozy this holiday
* Sports (pgs. 5-6)
season and throughout the year.
Athlete of the Month, Wrestling This is the perfect time of the
Basketball, Tyvon Davis,
year to volunteer and give to those
in need. So, if you have some extra
* Entertainment (p. 7-8)
time, volunteer and help those who
Jokes, Art, Trivia, Puzzles
need it most.
What’s Inside
Call of Duty commerical
sparks debate, controversy
By Nick Cole
commercial conveying any message that they would like. The major
Call of Duty: Blacks Ops is criticism of the commercial is that it
the follow-up to the highest sell- makes a mockery of war, making it
ing game of all time, Call of Duty: a joke.
Modern Warfare 2. While this game While I agree that war is a tercould sell with no adverrible thing that is not worth
tisement at all, because of
laughing about, Hollywood
the fan base the series has
has portrayed war in this
manor for one hundred plus
created, the latest Black
years. So the idea of makOps commercial finds itself
at the front of a controvering war into entertainment
sial topic.
is not a new idea, and thus
The commercial feathis commercial should not
tures A-list stars such as
be blamed for this. Rather
Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel the way that society has come to dealong with blue and white collar fine war should be at fault.
workers at a rundown base in the Secondly, the line “There is a
desert. The different actors in the soldier in all of us” is not at all meant
commercial can be seen with auto- to be disrespectful. If this is the way
matic weapons and grenades, kick- that people have taken it, that is a
ing in doors and blowing up heli- different issue. It is a creative way
of promoting the game, while in a
Many people do not see the way showing a respect for the miliharm in this video and find it enter- tary, by stating that a soldier is some
taining while others call the actions, one that every one should strive to
and the tag line of the commercial, be like, and deep down each person
“There is a soldier in all of us,” dis- possesses these qualities.
respectful towards the soldiers who With Black Ops being as popuare actually putting their lives on lar as it is, it comes as no surprise
that it would stir up some controthe line make sure we are safe.
First of all, our American sol- versy. However, the final verdict is
diers are fighting to preserve the up to you, is this commercial funny,
right of the directors to make any or is it a mockery?
By Josh Mihaly
Gucci Mane, drug possession
and assault. T.I., felony weapons
charges and drug possession. Lil’
Wayne, illegal weapons possession.
Lil’ Boosie, murder and drug charges.
These rappers are seen as inspirations in the music world and are
treated as such. They have every-
Bart Simpson on his chain.
thing they could wish for and they
mistreat this privilege by committing illegal and criminal acts.
A common thing to see, whether
you’re simply walking around town
or going to school, are shirts that
read simple phrases such as “Free
Weezy” and “Free Boosie.” These
rappers are among what some would
call lyrical geniuses of this era.
They may be good musical artists; they might even be great, but
this does not mean that they should
be praised when committing such
acts as illegally owning weaponry,
illegal drug usage, and even as corrupt as murder.
Lil’ Wayne is currently near the
Lil’ Boosie is somewhat of a
separate story among rappers who
have gone to prison. He is currently
serving a four-year prison sentence
due to owning drugs and a weapon,
as well as violating his probation.
While in prison, Lil’ Boosie was
convicted of murdering Terry Boyd,
as well as possibly five other individuals.
He has stated that he is innocent,
but the evidence against seems to be
leaning towards placing the death
penalty on him. Many individuals
Lil’ Wayne poses in for his mug
will consistently say “Free Boosie”
shots after being arrested for illegal weapons charges. Image from and be serious of the matter, but the point is that he had illegal possession and is now being charged in six
top of the charts with his new album, “I Am Not a Human Being.”
Lil’ Wayne is not a totally heinous
person and actually attempts to
reach out to his fans with his music,
but the fact is that he held weapons
and he should be punished for that.
People parading around shirts
reading “Free Weezy” seems a bit
excessive, being that he was only
sentenced to a year in prison and
even got out eight months early due
to good behavior. Lil’ Wayne did
the right thing by serving his time
without complaint, and you can not
penalize him for that.
Lil’Boosie possibly faces the
Such great head figures as Bill
death penalty for his part in
Clinton have even spoken out on his
the murders of six people.
behalf. Lil’ Wayne may be leaving
his past behind him and becoming separate murder cases.
a better person, but he still commit- Is this really a man we want to
ted these crimes and should be held be walking the streets, free to do
whatever he wants? This is a man
who has committed heinous crimes
and should be prosecuted accordingly by serving the death penalty.
Lil’ Boosie may have good lyrics
and music, but he is a poor individual who has completely ruined any
success he had going.
Let’s face the facts, Lil’ Boosie
will likely receive the death penalty
and people will still be chanting
“Free Boosie,” but he has possibly
been a part of six murders and that
does not make you a decent human
being in the least.
Don’t get me wrong with this, I
enjoy listening to both Lil’ Wayne
and Lil’ Boosie, I believe they are
both very good within the music industry. They both committed crimes
that deserve punishment and people
should not take that matter so lightly.
Lil’ Wayne and Lil’ Boosie do
not deserve to be free unless they
make up for their mistakes and serve
time. Lil’ Wayne did his part and is
now free from prison. Lil’ Boosie
has consistently violated his probations and is now being accused of
six separate murders.
Lil’ Boosie is not a man who deserves to be let go and set free, but
instead a man who deserves only
incarceration and possibly even the
death penalty.
Do you have a response to
this article that you want to be
heard? Submit it to Mrs. Franzen in Room 210.
Student Life
Gift ideas Tyler Knowles named
for anyone Exchange
Student of the Month
By Madison Sellers
If you have not already started
to buy presents for the people in
your life, it is about time you start
thinking about it! The holidays will
be here before you know it!
To help you out, I asked some
people to come up with some gift
ideas you may like.
For the ladies, get your boyfriend concert tickets to his favorite band. That way the two of you
can enjoy the gift together!
If it’s serious enough, boys
should get their girlfriends jewelry.
If it’s not that serious, clothes are
always a nice gift. She’ll be happy
either way!
Girls who don’t know what to
get for your best friend, consider
a Snuggie. Decide which pattern
screams your friend’s style the
best. For your boy best friend, get
him a gift card to his favorite food
place. Therefore, next time you
two are driving around and looking for a bite to eat, you won’t have
to worry about not having enough
For your dad, tools! What man
doesn’t need to feel handy every
once in a while. Finally, get mom a
box of chocolate. No woman will
deny chocolate.
While there are many different
things you can buy for your dearest
ones, these are just a few fail-proof
ideas. Happy shopping!
By Katy Pizell
Q: Where are you going to college?
Every month a new senior is A: Southern Illinois University at
chosen by the Exchange Club as Edwardsville.
student of the month. This month
Tyler Knowles was chosen. To get Q: What are you going to major
to know Tyler better, The Rowdie in?
Review asked him a few questions. A: Pharmaceuticals.
Q: What has
been your favorite part of
your senior
year so far?
A: Not calculus.
Q: What has
most difficult
challenge in
high school?
A: Calculus
and AP Chemistry.
Q: What activities
Q: What have
you involved
you learned
this year that
A: Marching
will help you
band, jazz band, spring musical, in the “real world?”
WYSE, and scholastic bowl.
A: You can’t procrastinate on everything, if you do, you fail.
Q: What are your plans for after Make sure to say congratulahigh school?
tions to Tyler Knowles when you
A: Go to college.
see him in class and the hallways!
Happy Holidays from the
staff at the Rowdie Review!
Do you have any New
Year’s resolutions?
By Marissa Clampitt
The winter holidays are times
to celebrate, be with family and
friends and enjoy the 2 weeks off
from school. But as we near the end
of 2010 and approach another new
year, many look forward to the new
beginnings January has to offer.
I was interested to see if the students at RTHS had any New Year’s
resolutions for 2011, if any at all.
Many didn’t have resolutions,
but the majority of people that did
wanted to eat healthier and exercise
more frequently. Everyone knows
that when it comes to resolutions,
they’re easier said than done.
Will YOU follow through with
your resolution? Try it out; set a
goal for yourself and see if you can
be a better you for 2011.
What is your New Year’s resolution?
Sara Mallory - “To maintain my
Cassie Zook - “To go to school
more. To not miss as much.”
Justice Long - “To start getting my
biology work in and to get stronger.”
Michelle Sweat - “To be better in
Marty Mennenga - “To be better at
Student Life
hall To
work on break or
to not work on break...
is there any question?
By Andi Tyre
In this month’s five in the hall,
we asked, “What holiday gift do
you want this year?”
(sernior) wants an iPod Touch.
Emily Passarelli (senior) wants
Skull Candy Headphones.
By Alexus Hasler
Every year, as Winter Break approaches, students all over America
anxiously await the sound of that
final bell on the day before break.
Jamie Hedrick (junior) This is a time for students to let the
stress of school melt away and enwants money.
joy the time spent with family and
Sometimes, though, the holiday
fun is cut short because some teachers believe it is a logical idea to assign homework over Winter Break,
not just in Rantoul but all over the
Some of the reasoning behind
break homework is that teachers
don’t want students to “get rusty”
and so they should practice over
Brenda Gordon (sophobreak. Well, if students are going
more) wants an iPod touch
to forget the material that quickly,
and clothes.
then perhaps it needs to be reviewed
again and wasn’t taught to its full
Students don’t come to school
to teacher themselves, that’s the
whole reason students are required
to come to school, so teachers can
teach. Many teachers do a review
with students when they return from
Detrion Carter
wants a car.
break anyway, so this extra work
should not be necessary.
After all, Winter Break is about
getting a break from the hectic and
stressful life that students power
though for the rest of the year. Time
with friends and family is essential
for everyone, and everybody could
use some time off. Life shouldn’t be
about trying to cram work into every inch of our lives.
I’m not saying working hard is a
bad thing at all, but everyone needs
a break sometimes. If school is constantly put before everything else,
are people really enjoying their
teenage years? They work hard in
school, to work hard in college, to
work hard at their job all to obtain
money and material things. By the
time people stop putting school and
work at the top of their list, they are
too old to enjoy it.
All I’m saying is people need
to step back for a minute and take
a break once and a while. Winter
Break should be a time for students
to remember what truly makes them
happy, not what makes their teachers happy.
Athlete of the Month Wrestling begins a new
honors go to Travis Britt season with new faces
by Eva Meyer
already has great plans to play ball
at the next level. While he’s not sure
This month’s Rowdie Review where he wants to go, he did say
Athlete of the Month is boys’ bas- that it would be like a dream come
ketball player Travis Britt. Travis true to play at Duke. At the rate he’s
was named to the Gibson City All- going, that goal doesn’t seem too
Tournament Team, in
far off.
which the Eagles took
To learn a little bit
second place after
more about Travis,
losing a heart-breakwe asked him a few
er in overtime by two
points in a to the Prairie Central Hawks.
1. How many sports
After a total of
do you play?
seven games, TraJust basketball.
vis is shooting 48.5%
from the floor, and he
2. What’s your favoris leading the team in
ite part of basketball?
scoring with 128 toBonding with teamtal points so far this
mates and winning.
season. This equates
to an average of 18.28 points per 3. How long have you played basgame, more good enough to earn ketball?
him plenty of area attention.
Since 3rd grade.
In addition to leading the team
in scoring, Travis is also leading 4. Who is your favorite team in the
the team in just about every other NBA?
category. He has a team-high 45 Oklahoma City Thunder.
rebounds, 19 assists, 20 steals and
seven blocks.
5. Do you plan to pursue basketball
This is not to say that he is the in college?
only important piece of the team. Yes.
After all, the team wouldn’t be what
it is with just one person on it.
The future is looking bright for
“The team works hard every day Britt and the boys’ basketball team.
in practice, and we strive hard to Be sure to congratulate him on his
get better every day. We work really successes so far this season and
hard to push one another,” Travis show up at a game to see him and
said of the team and his teammates. the rest of his talented teammates in
Although only a junior, Travis action.
By Eva Meyer The Wrestling Team began its
2010-2011 season last month. Their
first meet was held in Hoopeston.
The team did well and showed great
The first home meet was against
Danville on November 30. Leon
Riley and Lamont Miller both won
their first matches.
This year, there are many new
faces on the team. As the freshman
learn more moves and gain more
skill it’s sure to be a great season.
The wrestling team is 1-4 in regular non-tournament matches as of
December 10, beating Tolono Unity’s team on November 27 in one of
RTHS’s first matches of the season.
Wrestling’s Upcoming Schedule:
12/11 vs, MacArthur/Eisenhower/
Urbana, 10:00am
12/18 @ Unity Tournament,
01/04 @ Charleston vs. Charleston/Salt Fork/Oakwood, 6:00pm
01/06 @ Eureka vs. Mahomet-Seymour/Eureka, 5:00pm
01/11 @ GCMS, 6:00pm
01/13 @ U-High vs. Pontiac/Prairie Central U-High, 5:00pm
01/15 @ U-High Tournament,
Lamont Miller handles his Danville opponent at the November 30th meet. Lamont wrestled this match at the 152 lb. weight class and won. Photo by Mrs. April Jones.
begins Tyvon Davis earns
with high expectations All-State
By Jamie Hedrick
some of the toughest teams they will
face this season already, they didn’t
Both the boys’ and girls’ basket- come out with the win, but they did
ball teams have high expectations fight hard and realized what they
set by the coaches and all of the need to work on in practice.
players this year. Conference and Varsity girls’ Coach McKaufsky
regionals is what they are preparing said, “We need to go back to the
for every day, whether it’s a game basics, work on ball-handling, start
day or tough practices.
playing as a team and anticipate
each others’ actions.”
They are focusing on improvement mainly, being the young team
they are, with three sophomores
starting most games and only two
seniors on the varsity roster.
The varsity girls were 0-9 as of
December 10, but there is still a lot
of season left to play.
Both the boys’ and girls’ teams
will be playing in the Charleston
Holiday Tournament over winter
Hannah Wascher goes up for the jumpball break. With all of the excitement
against Fisher’s number 13 in a battle to
and games to play, it would be wellwin her team the first possession of the
worth the trip to travel to Charlesgame.
ton and cheer on your Eagles.
As of December 10, the varsity
boys’ team was 3-4, losing to Prai- Upcoming Games:
rie Central and Monticello, both in
nail-biting overtime, and to Eureka Boys
in a heart-breaking buzzer-beater. 12/11 Shootout @ the Hall vs.
However, they did take home sec- Pontiac, 12:15pm
ond place honors at the Gibson City 12/14 @ Kankakee, 6:30pm
Thanksgiving Tournament.
12/17 @ Prairie Central, 7:30pm
It’s obvious that the boys have a 12/27-12/29 Charleston Tourney
lot of talent, and everyone is looking forward to a long, successful Girls
season. They are ranked fourth in 12/13 vs. Olympia, 7:30pm
the class 2A.
12/17 @ Prairie Central, 6:00pm
Varsity girls’ basketball didn’t 12/18 @ Eureka, 2:30pm
start off as they planned. Playing 12/27-12/29 Charleston Tourney
By Nick Cole
player in school history to make
All-State honors, and he is the first
Tyvon Davis had a successful in over ten years, following Sean
football season, to say the least. He Bubin. Bubin played for the Uniended his high school career with versity of Illinois, and held a breif
NFL career, in which
the 3rd place slot for
he spent some time
rushing yards in a
with the Minnesota
season in school hisVikings.
tory, with 1,434 total
After high school,
yards and 8.1 yards
Tyvon said he defiper carry. Tyvon also
nitely plans on playset the school record
for rushing yards in a
ing football at the
next level. As to
where, that is still
On the other side
up in the air. “I’m
of the ball, Davis
not really sure about
was a phenominal
linebacker, register- Tyvon Davis rushes the ball into where yet. Maybe
the endzone.
ing 73 tackles.
Quincy University.
Photo By Mrs. April Jones
Or SIU-C,” said
With these many
accomplishments on
Tyvon when asked if
the season, Tyvon was named to the he had any ideas about the future.
Illinois High School Coaches As- With the great season that Tyvon
sociation All-State Team. He is one had, his ability to set his goals and
of only 18 people selected for this his work hard to meet them, I’m
honor in the 4A class, joined only sure we can expect great things
by one other player in the Cornbelt from him in the years to come. ConConference.
gratulations, Tyvon on a successful
He is only the third football high school carreer.
Holiday jokes to Yearbooks make
make you jolly
great gifts!
By Brenda Gordon
1. What do monkeys sing at Christmas?
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
8. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
9. What did Santa shout to his toys
2. What do you have in December on Christmas Eve?
that you don’t have in any other “Ok, everyone! Snack time!”
The letter D!
10. Why does Santa Claus go down
the chimney on Christmas Eve?
3. What do snowmen eat for lunch? Because it “soots” him.
4. What do you get when you cross
an apple with a Christmas tree?
A pineapple!
5. Why does Scrooge love all the
Because every buck is a deer to
6. What do elves learn in school?
The Elf-abet
7. How do sheep in Mexico say
Merry Christmas?
Fleece Navidad
Buy yours today for $55 in
the main office or with Mrs.
Franzen in Room 210.
You can also buy online.
Payment plans accepted.
Student art work
By Kelly Roberts
Holiday movie trivia Try a holiday word-find to
By Rebecca Hethke
put you in the holiday spirit
7. To ring in the New Year in
By Jessica Mickler
Spain it is tradition to do what on
each chime of the clock?
a. Eat a grape
b. Take a sip of wine
c. Clap your hands
2. In the movie A Charlie Brown d. Light a candle
Christmas, how much did Lucy
charge for psychiatric help?
8. Why do the Chinese celebrate Hanukkah
the New Year by letting off fire- icicle
3. Celebration of the Jewish New crackers?
Year is known as what?
a. To commemorate departed fama. Yom Kippur
ily members
b. Rosh Hashanah
b. To encourage good luck in the
c. Ramadan
coming year
d. Purim
c. To scare away evil spirits
d. All the above
4. What year did the tradition of
dropping the ball in New York for 9. Who is the mascot for New
New Years begin?
1. How many gifts would you receive if you received all of the gifts
in the song The Twelve Days of
5. Who sings Grandma Got Run
Over By a Reindeer?
a. Elmo and Patsy
b. Adam Sandler
c. Al Yankovic
d. Elvis
6. Which character does Kevin
Pollack play in The Santa Clause
a. Santa Clause
b. Father Time
c. Tooth Fairy
d. Cupid
Answers: 1. 364 gifts; 2. “Five cents,
please.”; 3. B; 4. 1906; 5. A; 6. D; 7. A; 8.
C; 9. Baby New Year