1 preface. Rants on Islam is an anthology of my answers to questions that have arisen over the years, except from one of them which is an interview of Tariq Ramadan. In this collection, I have tried to simplify the crux of Islam, and dissociate it from all false labels that have been etched on it. This collection is dedicated to everybody that has been unlawfully, unjustly and wrongly killed in the name of Islam, most especially the recent incident of the 147 Kenyan Christians. More than anyone, Muslims, are the ones that bear the brunt of the senseless acts of a few of us. And for fear of a misunderstanding of Islam, and what it stands for, it becomes necessary that we publish works of this sort, and we oblige debates and conversations that will further enlighten the Muslims and the world at large. I started this work with the interview of Tariq Ramadan on Al Jazeera's Talk To Al Jazeera. I titled the dialogue ON THE TRUE ISLAMIC CALIPHATE. Tariq Ramadan is a Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at the Oxford University (Oriental Institute, St Antony‟s College) 2 and also teaches at the Oxford Faculty of Theology. He is a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, (Qatar) and the University of Malaysia Perlis; Senior Research Fellow at Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan) and Director of the Research Centre of Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE) (Doha, Qatar). You can read more about him here http://tariqramadan.com/english/biography/, and you can watch the entire interview here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J4J8tsRkFLM. The next rant was one I wrote after the Charlie Hebdo attack. It's titled ON CHARLIE HEBDO, ISLAM, PACIFISM, AND „WWMHD?‟ There, I brought to light the fact that if Muhammad (pbuh) was alive today, and had witnessed what the Hebdo Magazine have tried to do to his image, he wouldn't have called on an attack on them, instead, he would have prayed that God guide them. The next rant is titled ON ISLAM BEING A RELIGION OF PEACE. Muslims and critics alike have over the years been of the assumption that when Islam said it is a religion of peace, what it means is that, when one becomes a Muslim, one just automatically acquires some sort of angelic status, and one becomes peaceful. This is not only myopic, it is wrong. In this rant, I tried to explain what Islam means when it says it is a religion of Peace. 3 And of course, the question of what the Islamic Religion entails with respect to faith and its articles was addressed in the rant titled ON PRIDE AND THE PILLARS OF ISLAM. In the rant ON FORNICATION, ISLAM AND CIVILITY, the gentleness and style of the prophet was examined, so that the world can see what kind of man the prophet is Islam was. After having read the rant, one can comfortably say that the Prophet won't have approved of the actions of ISIS, Ash-shabab, Al-qaeda or any of their affiliates. ON PRAYERS, US AND GOD examine what a Muslim's attitude should be to prayers, and indeed that of all spiritually conscious beings. The patience that must be endured, and the hope that must be held on to. And the last rant focus ON SOULS, JUDGMENT DAY AND OTHER MATTERS. In it, I tried to make Muslims see that we are not, and in fact, cannot be Judges in our own or other people's religious cause. That matters on whether one is pious or not can only be duly ascertained by God, and that no man should assume such status. In conclusion, I pray and hope that this collection helps start a reformation of some sort within the minds of Muslims, and an understanding of Islam within the minds of non-Muslims. That's basically what I hope for. Reformation, and Understanding. I pray you find it resourceful. Amin. Salam! 4 1 ON THE TRUE ISLAMIC CALIPHATE. I: Thank you so much for talking to al jazeera. Let's start with the concept of a caliphate. In terms of mainstream Muslim thought for the last fourteen hundred years and Islamic Law, what is a caliphate suppose to be? R: Look, this is an important question, because the concept of caliphate is very much rooted in the Islamic tradition. It has to do with a specific way of dealing with power that the Muslims are going to have a leader and this organization is going to be the Caliphate. It happened just after the Prophet (pbuh) passed away and then this is the idea. I: So is he suppose to be a Pope, the Caliph? R: No, not at all. It has nothing to do with religious representation, it has to do with political power. And political power in Islam is perceived as having religious legitimacy, but it's not a pope, it's not religious structure, it's a political structure. 5 I: It's not Theocracy? R: It's not a Theocracy. I: So the caliph is not like a priest who has unchallenged powers, I mean, is it a civilian state? Sounds like what you are describing. R: That's exactly the point. The point is we have a religious authority, but anything which has to do with politics in Islam should be decided by the people. So the one who is going to be leading should be chosen by the people who are followers. So it's something that we today know as the democratic process. From the very beginning in the Islamic tradition, is a majority process, where the majority of the people are choosing the one who is leading. And there is, in the scriptural sources, in the hadith a reference to caliphate as a reference. The point that we have to make here is that we know the principle, we don't know the model. The model could be historical, it could change. Depending on history, depending on specific situation. So the principle of having a leader should remain, the way it's going to be done should be thought throughout history depending on the situation. I: But it's interesting, you said that he is supposed to be chosen by the people, so he is accountable to the people? 6 R: Of course, and the first... I: He can be removed by the people? R: Exactly, and the first who said this came just after the Prophet (pbuh); Abu Bakar Sadiq, who said 'if I'm right support me, but if I'm wrong, correct me.' correct me means today what we call the Public Opinion. The citizens should be there to support or to remove. So there is nothing like Dictatorship or Theocracy. I: So how did we get from those principles you are talking to me about in Muslim sources, Muslim texts for hundreds of years to now a group unilaterally declaring this is the Caliph, everyone come give you ba-iya or oath of allegiance to him. Beheading of journalists, minorities fleeing, I mean, it sounds very different from the principles you are talking about. R: Yes, and this is why I: Is that a caliphate? R: It's not. It's not. And why it is not a caliphate? It's just people playing with politics and referring to religious sources. And this is why Muslims scholars, Muslim intellectuals, we have to be quite clear about this. We have to speak the truth, and to be quite clear about the fact that if they are not representing what are the Islamic principles, many of the dictators of today are not representing the Islam either, they have 7 nothing to do with our principles, because our principles are clear, the one who is leading should be chosen by the people who are followers or citizens. So many countries who are dealing with the west, they are not as bad as daish today, but they are bad. I: Daish being ISIL, just to clarify for our viewers. R: Exactly, so this is one point. The point for me is to say that we need to come to the point that we have a diversity of interpretations. One of the main problems amongst Muslims is interpretations. And interpretations means that you have to look at the over-all message of Islam, not to take one verse, or one prophetic tradition, and to say I: Out of context R: Right. And this is what they are doing. They are distorting the whole message, so we have to respond to this by saying, there is a diversity of interpretations, but there are interpretations that are anti-Islamic, and what you are doing killing innocent people, implementing the so called Sharia, or the so called Islamic State in the way you are doing it, this is against EVERYTHING which is coming from Islam, what you are doing is wrong, and we should be courageous enough to say this to all the leaders that are betraying Islam today. And you know why I'm saying this? Many of the so called leaders of today that we are talking to are in fact doing wrong and some times justifying this kind of reactions by people saying you are wrong and we are right. 8 I: Where is does the yearning for a Caliphate or an Islamic State come from? People ask don't we have that in Saudi Arabia, or Iran, or the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and so on and so forth. What is missing, is there a feeling amongst Muslims that something is missing in their political order? R: Something is missing, and you need to understand that among the people and even among the you know, powers, Islam now is a brand, it's just a slogan. You will get legitimacy if you can qualify what you are doing as Islamic. An Islamic State, Islamic so, Islamic music, Islamic, and then the people are completely driven by emotions and not by critical thinking, so this is the way you get your legitimacy, or justification. I: Right, but one assumes that people will eventually see through that and they see that something is missing, what is it in the Muslim's psyche that is driving people to say there is wrong or missing in the political order? R: Because it's clearly wrong, when you don't have freedom, when you don't have, you know where everything is driven by corruption or corrupt regimes, of course there is something which is missing. Where in your daily lives, you don't feel that you are respected as a human being, that the basic rights that you should get, are not respected; there is something wrong. There is no way in Islam to have anything which is close to Islam if we don't have an open civil society. 9 Meaning what? That I should express myself, I can be heard, I can say what I have to say, and this freedom of expression is rooted in the Islamic Tradition, and when you are asking what is missing, all these is missing. I: Is there not also a feeling that perhaps cultural invasion, is that part of the equation? R: Yes. I: Perhaps, people are feeling that their values are being undermined by globalism, or westernization or modernism. R: It's true, but at the same time we have to be very cautious with this victim mentality that we are nurturing by saying this. It's true. Colonial power, the west, the power of the west. You know, we had political colonization, we had and we still have economic colonization, and we still have cultural colonization; they are true. But to keep on repeating this, as if everything is coming from outside, that we have to blame the west for our own failures, the main problems of Muslims are coming from the Muslims. From the Muslim majority countries. And then when we start being critical, saying we are going to speak out against all the dictators, we are going to speak out, some scholars, you know, some of the scholars, who responded to daish today, and speaking to the so called Islamic State, and saying this is wrong in Islam, they are 10 the same scholars that are supporting dictators, except you are lecturing these people... 11 2 ON CHARLIE HEBDO, ISLAM, PACIFISM, AND ‘WWMHD?’ I know this post that I‟m about to write might be unpopular to some Muslims, but I think I owe those in true search on where to stand on a day like this, this simple truth I‟m about to write. So the main question is „what would Muhammad have done?‟ right? Well, the truth is that, in the face of all the libelous cartoons Charlie Hebdo published, the Prophet of Islam, if alive, would have done NOTHING! And I am not making this up. If you think that the Charlie Hebdo Magazine did anything close to what the non-Muslim Arabians did to the prophet back in the day, then you have definitely not read enough about the life of the Prophet. Do you know they mobilized kids to stone him to death, and he had to run for this life? The kids even broke his front tooth. And you know what he told the Angels when they wanted to avenge him? he said „perhaps, some of their progeny will accept Islam‟. He laid his hands of mercy upon them. And that place, Taif, is predominantly a Muslim territory today. You know what the prophet did when his disciples were being killed and 12 he was being harassed and called „Insane‟? he calmed his disciples, and they left for Abyssinia, now Ethopia. After which they left for Yathrib, now Madinah. Let me make you understand the atrocities that were being committed against them before they fled. Sumayah, a woman, was the first human that was murdered by the Arabians because she became a Muslim. They tortured her, and when they got tired, they stabbed her private part with a hot spear. Bilal, a black man, was cooked several times under the desert sun. They would wear an iron armor on him sometimes, and other times, they‟d place his back on the hot sand, and place a rock on his chest. And yet, he refused to deny Islam. And the common practise was to tie the limbs of the Muslims to two separate horses, and then make the horses stretch them till they die. Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was alive at this time. There were several attempts by assassins to take his life. In fact, while they fled to Madinah, some assassins and bounty hunters still followed him, and the Prophet and his Companion, Abu Bakr, had to hide in a cave. So again, if Muhammad was alive, he would flee a place that did not like him to a better haven, where he would continue to preach his message of 13 peace. Or you think these Arabians weren‟t calling him names, and drawing offensive „cartoons‟ of him? Did he tell anyone of his companions to fight back at any point of these atrocities? No! I transcribed a lecture mid last year on my website, and it is titled „What Is Victory?‟ You guys should take time to read it – http://princeadewaleoreshade.com/victory/ I‟m about to summarize an incident that was well covered in the transcript. At a point, when Muhammad was negotiating with the Arabians for a chance to just make pilgrimage, the Prophet, with the aid of his disciples wrote a Treaty. It‟s famously known as the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. In it, they laid out terms, and as much as all the terms were varied, and the Prophet had to concede to those of the Arabians, one of the terms was that, they said that the part where he was referred to as a „messenger of God‟ must be erased. That to them, he is not, and that this Treaty is „between Muhammad the son of Abdullah‟, and them. You know what the Prophet did, he ordered that the „messenger of God‟ be erased, and that their position be upheld. Ali, his scribe declined to erase those words, so the Prophet asked where the words were written, and then, with his own hands, he erased the „messenger of God‟. With his own hands. Note that. And this Treaty, by Allah, was what led the path to the victory of Islam 14 over Makkah, and the entire Arab world. So what is Charlie Hebdo Magazine doing again? They are treating the Prophet as a mere man, just like the Arabians did over fourteen hundred years ago. And as much as we choose to be Ali, we must note that Ali did not reach for their throats, he only backed out, out of respect. He couldn‟t bring himself to erasing such a profound truth. You see, again, I implore everyone reading this to please and please read the essay in the link above to understand what victory should be to we Muslims. Violence never win wars. It has never! Every blood spilt will water the trees for more rebels. And this is not only true to the Muslims causing mayhem everywhere around the world, it is true, also, to the countries spending billions of dollars to „fight terrorism‟. Fighting terror will not end terror. In fact, the war on terror has brought more terror. It has increased the demands for weapons, and the companies dealing in the production of weapons have grown obese over the years. What win wars? Communication! That‟s what the Prophet did after signing the Treaty. He reached out to the People of Arabia. Enlightening those that have to know. And that will mean that one has to first know what to be taught. Terrorists, Extremists, Fundamentalists, or whatever term you wish to call them act on what they know. Killing those that you think teach them 15 what they know will not end their Orientation. The message will not just disappear in their minds. No! Death will not make them forget. You know what death of a loved one does, it aggravates. And in as much as the Prophet once said that „the strong one is not one who wins the other in a fight, but the one who is able to suppress his anger‟, these folks will not take to the advise. They don‟t even know or believe these sayings of the Prophet. Those fighting the war on terrorism have over the decades spent zillions of dollars and human resources, and the only change we‟ve seen is that these „terrorists‟ have gotten more sophisticated. You know why? Because violence ends nothing. We should have learnt this from the wealth of war histories at our disposal as humans, but those selfish and greedy folks making money off weapon sales won‟t let these wars end. If people are taught the true message, and this does not apply to Muslims alone, but to everybody, institution or nation that wants to fight a war, their plans will be foiled without it even beginning. For example, if the Palestinian freedom advocates will send delegates to reach out to the People of Israel, and make them know the truth about what Britain, America and the Zionists did to get them that land they call theirs, the people will reject any anti-Palestine politician, and if their work gets really successful, the Israelites might even vote in a Palestinian to lead them. And this is not far fetched. Judaist Jews want Palestinians governing over the territories now known as Israel. The Palestinians were the ones governing when the Jews were being prosecuted in Europe, and 16 they were the ones that made Palestine home to the Jews, until Zionists hijacked the whole situation with the help of America. Like I wrote, these Judaists might even elect a Palestinian, after all, no one wants to sit on a pot of boiling blood. You can read another essay on my website that addressed this history. It‟s titled – How the State of Israel Ethnically Cleansed Palestine. Back to my rant on what Muhammad would have done if he was alive; like I wrote above, he would have continued with his message of peace. And he would continue to pray for those that do not want to listen to him. He would pray for them, and their generations to come. So if you ask me what my take is in the light of this oppression melted out on those seemingly innocent satirists at Charlie Hebdo Magazine, I‟d say „be the Prophet!‟ Hide in a Cave. Run from Kids with Stones. If you ask me again, I‟d say „be his Disciples!‟ Stand away. Let the sun bake you while the stone burns you. Take the hot spear in your private part. Let the horses stretch you to death. And if you cannot take all of these, Go on exile! Do anything but start a Massacre in the name of the Prophet. And if people ask why you fled, tell them it‟s what the Prophet would have done. If you are asked why you won‟t take up arms to fight in defense of the Prophet‟s name, tell them the Prophet erased his. Tell them that what gave the Prophet and Islam the Key to Makkah wasn‟t Violence, it was Communication. It was a Treaty. It was reaching out to 17 the People. This is what end wars! Not violence! One becomes Victorious when one has successfully changed what‟s in the „Other‟s‟ mind, not when one eliminate the „Other‟. The Other cannot be eliminated. Seeds will become Shrubs and Shrubs will become Trees, and Trees will be Shade to more Violence. These histories are there for everyone to read, and this is the true Islam. Salam! 18 3 ON ISLAM BEING A RELIGION OF PEACE. I. What we mean when we say Islam is a religion of Peace is not that the moment you accept Islam, you suddenly become Peaceful. No, that‟s not what we mean. Neither do we mean that if you were born into a Muslim family, culture, tradition or state, you suddenly become Peaceful. Again, that‟s not what Islam says. You see, the notion of Islam as Peace, to put it mildly, is a Promise. A promise based on Trust, or more precisely a Covenant. And once you follow its tenets, not when you construe it to fit into your political or social whims and caprices; you will become at Peace, and not just with yourself, but with everything around you. And this, in fact, should be the basis of every serious religion. For when you are not at peace with yourself, you won‟t be at peace with everything around you. And that means that I am going to be in danger. For you won‟t be at peace with me; an innocent neighbor, or anyone at all. II. 19 The „MU‟ before the consonants „SLM‟ in „MUSLIM‟, from the initial noun „ISLAM‟ or „SALAM‟ which means „PEACE‟, signifies the one that is on the path of peace. The one striving for that path. The one seeking for it more than 17 times in a day during his or her Prayers while reciting Ihdina Siratal Mustaqeem (Guide me to the right path) in Suratul Fatiah. It doesn‟t signify the one that has reached it, even though they are expected to have reached it. We must continue to work towards it every day, for our peace of mind is not only tied to it, our happiness and love is also tied to it. III. So to me, the way to stop conflicts amongst Muslims is to seek the missing standard of ethics, and teach it to the lads lacking in that field in the most respectable and diplomatic way imaginable. IV. This does not however put those that have attained this peace, or that are closer to attaining this peace on a moral high ground, where they can decide to condemn those at the bottom of the pyramid. As seen in recent times with those that „Tekfir‟. For it might be that those at the bottom of the pyramid even have better zeal and desire in their hearts to attain that feat but have been bereft of it 20 because of their environmental, educational, social or psychological incapacity. The picture in fact should not be one of an up-down vertical hierarchy, but one of a side-by-side horizontal foresightedness. One in which everyone is equal, and only God knows the most peaceful and pious. 21 4 ON PRIDE AND THE PILLARS OF ISLAM. I will do this quickly; Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is recorded to have said in an authentic hadith that, he who has an atom of pride in his heart shall not enter paradise. He is also recorded to have said that he has come to teach moral uprightness. All that written, it is wrong to assume that by just mere obedience to the five pillars of Islam, one will make paradise. But it is difficult to see one that abides by the five pillars of Islam being an immoral being. I think I can't be quick with this anymore. Let me explain further The five pillars of Islam is not just the pronunciation of belief, performing the five daily prayers, fasting during ramadan, giving alms (Zakat), and going for Pilgrimage (Hajj). Let's take the pronunciation of belief (shaadah) for instance; what does it mean? It is not just to believe that God is one and only. It involves belief in six other things. That God is one, and alone. That one believes in all his prophets, and this includes Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Noah, Adam et al, 22 it also includes belief in all divine books, which includes the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus, which is called the Injeel, that of Moses too, which is called the Torah, and that of Muhammad, which is called the Quran. And before I continue, let me elaborate on this; what does it mean to believe in these books? Is it just to believe that they are divine? No! It is to believe in the virtues they preach, and the abstinence from the vices they warn against. So in relation to your post and my above assertion, mere pronunciation does not end with words, it's a deeper phenomenon. Now, let's move on. One has to believe in all the Angels, and this includes Angel Gabriel (Jubril), Angel Michael (Mikail) et al. Belief in Judgment day is also one of the articles of faith, and so does belief in destiny; that God knows everything, and that He knows all that is to come, and that everything has been written, and the pen has been lifted. So you see how deep the first pillars of Islam already goes? Can one believe in all these and still do immoral things? Does doing immoral things affect one's faith? Not necessarily, if one repents by seeking forgiveness, and doesn't go near the vice again. And Allah is oft-forgiving, the most merciful. So like the hadith I first stated, if one with an iota of pride won't enter paradise, Muslim or not, how much more those filled with other vices in their hearts? Just before I end this, I shouldn't forget to mention a fact that some 23 Muslims might not agree with; and that is that IT IS ABSOLUTELY ALLAH'S CONCERN WHO HE ALLOWS TO ENTER PARADISE. Get busy being a Muslim, and doing good, and let Allah do His part. But He has promised not to cause our actions to be in vain, and He judges all actions according to intention(s). So as much as some Muslims will say non-Muslims won't enter paradise, I think it's a thing for Allah to decide. You see, that reminds me, Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, once said that no man will enter paradise solely by his good deeds. That our good deeds can't reach Allah's recommended threshold of good. His disciples asked him, 'even you?' and he said, 'yes, even me'. And the Prophet (phuh), is one of the very few that has been assured of paradise even before his death, and while he was living, it was already revealed that all his sins have been forgiven. The ones he has done, the ones he is doing, and the ones he will do. And yet, he said even he hasn't done enough good deeds to reach Allah's recommended scale of good. How much more, or better put, less, we Muslims that don't even know the width or weight of our sins? So you see, that I am a Muslim, and I do all the good deeds shouldn't get me proud, or assured of paradise. Only Allah has the formula, but that doesn't mean we should drop everything altogether, no! What it means is that we should always strive for guidance. And it is not befitting for any Muslim to believe that he has reached the peak, and so starts forcing others to his path, no, and this is what we see with Boko Haram, ISIS et al. The assumption that they are the 'Muslims enough'. That self 24 righteousness that is tainted with all the shades of pride that there ever was. That, is not Islam. That even goes against the freedom of religion preached in the Quran, see verse 256 of Chapter 2 of the Quran, and the entire Chapter 109 of the Quran on this. You see, when Islam said it is a religion of peace, what it means is not that when you become a Muslim you suddenly become peaceful, no, that's not what it means, by any stretch. In fact, Islam cannot boast that all Muslims are peaceful. But what Islam can boast of is that if you abide by its true tenets every day of your life, you will attain peace. And if everyone on earth is in this search, or if you may, crave for peace, you will agree with me that the world will be a better place. This is why Allah has recommended that we recite suratul fatiah during every stand we make in our prayers every day, that's 17 times in total. And in it is the line, 'oh Allah, guide us to the right path', if by just being a Muslim is the end, we won't be enjoined to utter that line continuously 17 times a day. The Chapter continues with 'the path of those who earn your favors, and not the path of those who earn your anger'. I guess that's self explanatory. So again, a mere utterance of belief doesn't get one into paradise. It's a life time endeavor of hope, perseverance and virtues. Let me also mention that we Muslims believe that the religion of Moses, and Jesus was Islam. And in fact, the religion of those before them was Islam. But let me focus on Moses on Judaism, and Jesus on Christianity. 25 You see, Moses predicted the coming of the Messiah, and the Jews are still waiting for him. Jesus came, he is the Messiah, the Jews didn't believe in him, they supposedly nailed him, and before he went, he also predicted the coming of someone to complete the faith. Gospel of Barnabas says that the name 'Muhammad' was mentioned. Don't forget that Aramaic, which is what Jesus spoke, and Arabic are sister languages. But the word Muhammad has in present day Gospel theology been interpreted to mean 'the holy spirit'. I should be quick to note that the Christians then waited for this Muhammad, and when he came, they were one of the series of firsts to accept Islam. See the story of the King of Abyssinia (present day Ethopia for that). I should also note that some Judaists believed in Jesus, while most didn't and still don't believe in Jesus; and some followed through to believe in Muhammad's message. This is why the characters in these three religions are constant. It is constant because we are one and the same. In fact, Allah said in the Quran, that He is the God of Musa (Moses), Issa (Jesus) Yaqub (Jacob) Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Isaac), Muhammad et al. What does this mean? We all serve one God. Let me rest my pen here. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you all. Amin. Salam! PS: If I may recap the last part, what this means is that contrary to popular belief, we Muslim are more christians than the Jews are. In fact, the Jews don't have an iota of Christianity in them. Judaism came before Jesus, and they didn't believe in Jesus or his Gospel. 26 They even called Mary a prostitute. And they still believe that till date. They don't believe in the miraculous insemination of Christ, but Muslims believe this, we believe it so much, that whoever doesn't believe in it can't be called a Muslim, as you read above that 'belief in all the prophets, and their stories is one of the articles of faith. In fact, the Quran recorded that Jesus spoke at birth, when the Judaists were accusing Mary of prostitution. He spoke to defend Mary (Maryam). And we believe this totally. It is sad that Zionists are trying to split the Muslims and the Christians. It is also sad that Zionists are trying to split the Judaists and the Muslims. And it is sad that all of the Abrahamic faiths are in despair about what the future hold. This is probably the umpteenth time that I have tried to end this, and this time, I will. Cheers! Read the link I will be posting below, and aside that, to think that it is the 'holy spirit' that is the 'comforter', on the face of it just seems wrong. Does that mean the holy spirit wasn't around while Jesus was around? Wasn't it ministering and manifesting in the lives of the Jesus and his disciples already? Here - http://www.answering-christianity.com/prediction.htm 27 5 ON FORNICATION, ISLAM AND CIVILITY. I. Abu Umamah in an authentic hadith, reported by Ahmad said that „a young man came into Muhammad (PBUH) and said : “O Messenger of Allah, please permit me to do fornication” The companions were shocked to hear his statement, some murmured and got angry, some even told him “shut up, you!”. But The Prophet (pbuh) kept calm and said “let him come nearer (to me)”. And The Prophet (pbuh) told him “please sit down”. And the young man sat. The Prophet (pbuh) then said: “would you like someone to do fornication with your own mother?” The young man replied : “No, by Allah.” 28 The Prophet (pbuh): “and so does other people. No one likes their mother to do fornication with other people. Now, would you like to do fornication with your own daughter?” The young man : “No, by Allah.” The Prophet (pbuh) : “and so does other people. No one likes their daughter to do fornication with other people. Now, would you like to do fornication with your own father‟s sister?” The young man : “No, by Allah.” The Prophet (pbuh): “and so does other people. No one likes their father‟s sister to do fornication with other people. Now, would you like to do fornication with your own mother‟s sister?” The young man : “No, by Allah.” The Prophet (pbuh) : “and so does other people. No one likes their mother‟s sister to do fornication with other people.” The Prophet (pbuh) then put his hands unto the young man‟s head, and said “O Allah, please forgive his sins, clean his heart and guard his chastity”. Since then, as the narrator told, this young man never even looked to 29 something that‟s forbidden. II. I couldn‟t help but notice the „please‟ said by the guy that was requesting to do fornication. That please tells a lot. It tells of how virtuous fornication can seem. And how participating in it can seem harmless especially when the two parties are consenting adults. I salute his courage, and humility, in coming out to ask such a question. Why he didn‟t just do it, and subsequently resort to seeking for forgiveness; to me, that is remarkably profound. III. The other „please‟ I couldn‟t help but notice was that of The Prophet (peace be upon him). You see, Prophets should have that moral high ground to castigate and or rebuke such requests, right? But he didn‟t. He more or less begged him to come and sit by him, so that they can have a conversation on the matter. He didn‟t just send attacks on him, and assume that the lad was of Satan, or didn‟t possess a sound soul. He requested for a conversation. IV. And as soon as he sat, The Prophet put to practise the now famous quote 30 of „don‟t raise your voice, improve your argument‟. And after having had the conversation with him, he prayed for him. And all was well. V. That prayer though. It got me. Very intelligent, if you ask me. He first asked that the lad be forgiven of all his sins. After that, He asked that his heart be cleaned, because, even if one‟s sins have all been forgiven, that doesn‟t mean one‟s heart has been cleaned. He then asked that God should guard the lad‟s chastity. May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet, His Companions, and everybody that follows in their steps till the day of Judgment. Amin. VI. This, again, is why we keep telling the world that Islam, and The Prophet of Islam are civil. From the beginning to the end of that account, what one sees is a gentle, compassionate and understanding man answering the honest question of a troubled mind. Salam! 31 6 ON PRAYERS, US AND GOD. When you ask God for favors And this time he doesn‟t grant it; Replace your heart with memories Of those times He granted your prayers With just murmurs from your lips. Remember those times And be glad That He is doing the best for you For He knows everything. What is What was And what is to be Bask in the memories And trust in Him For all He does Is for your good 32 Your good And your good alone. And this has, for years, been my source of happiness, and lack of worries, because I know He‟s always got my back. When misfortunes come, I seek within, to see the lessons I‟m being taught. My thoughts query for lessons, not the existence of God; for I know he is here for me, and will always be. We forget too often how complex our being is. The kind of operations our systems work out daily on per seconds basis. If the body had to send emails to us for every task, we won‟t be able to keep up. ALL of us will die in the womb. ALL! We usually take that for granted. We don‟t see those as miracles or granted prayers. The more we seek to be grateful, and realize that He is always with us, closer to us than our jugular veins; the happier we will become. Even death doesn‟t escape his knowledge. A leaf just fell off a tree in China, and He knows about it, even that leaf in Mexico. Believe! He loves you. Salam! 33 7 ON SOULS, JUDGMENT DAY AND OTHER MATTERS. I. To we folks of the Abrahamic faiths, there‟s something we must be mindful of, and that is the existence of our actions as it relates to the soul. You see, most of us, me included, have forgotten of the existence of our soul, and our actions. We are more or less into the existence and beauty of the body. No thanks to modern ethics. We would starve, exercise and do all sorts to keep our body in shape, but we won‟t do what it takes to keep our souls fit and in shape. And even though we believe that our deeds will take a form of existence on the day of Judgment when our souls rise, we do not care how our souls or deeds will look like. II. Now let‟s take out some minutes. Let‟s think about how our souls look. 34 Let‟s create a mental picture. Do we think our souls and deeds, if they were transformed to humans, will be as beautiful as we are? May God grant us the humility to be sincere to our own selves. III. People like to say this existence of ours is a short one, and so we should do whatever we wish to do, and quickly too. I believe this firmly, and perhaps, extremely so. I believe our existence here on Earth is too short, shorter than a blink of an eye, and we must endeavor to do a lot of good to be one of the happy ones on the day of Judgment. Islamic Theology has taught us that at the beginning when Adam was created, all the souls that would be on Earth were summoned, and we all had a covenant to serve God. That‟s not what intrigues me, what intrigues me is that we as humans don‟t have memory of that occurrence. The covenant exercise must have taken a while, and yet we have no memory of it. It seems to me that this existence of ours too, by the time it‟s Judgment day, it won‟t seem just like a blink of an eye, or a blur, but it will seem like it never existed. And yet, our fate then will be based on our actions now! For just as we do not have memory of the hitherto covenant, and the memory of this earthly existence which has spanned millions of years before we came to join it; the probability that we will recall a fifty to hundred years of existence is VERY slim. 35 IV. So my point is, we shouldn‟t let this present existence of ours delude us. I wish getting people to do the right thing is as easy as just writing this. I wish. The holy books have written way more than this but the people are still the way they are. This should serve as a Reminder though. First to me, and to every believing heart. V. And we must also remember that Judgment Day is not a Day. At least, not a day that‟s measured by the dawn, sun and dusk as we measure days here. For all we care, Judgment Day might just be a long day of another existence where we will all be alive from its Beginning. One where we won‟t be born, but just be risen. Judgment Day will definitely not be your usual twenty-four hours. Maybe we will even be able to trade, and make a living, who knows. VI. Paradise and Hell are the true unending ones. Our existence in either of these destinations might be one where we are angels or counselors to another universe. 36 VII. All in all, we are infinite, timeless and death is not the end. Death is not the beginning either. It‟s just a paragraph in a chapter of a voluminous book. Salam! 37
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