Parent Weekly Bulletin A College-Preparatory High School in the Benedictine Monastic Tradition Volume 1, No. 16; April 13, 2015 Calendar Monday, 4/13 Deanery Schedule Varsity Baseball vs. NDCL…5:00PM JV Baseball @ NDCL…5:00PM Tuesday, 4/14 9:00am 7:00pm Convoca on Schedule Development Mee ng No Academic Council Mtg. Parent Boosters Mtg. (Caf) Varsity Baseball @ NDCL…5:00PM JV Baseball vs. NDCL...5:00PM Wednesday, 4/15 5:30pm Mee ng Period Schedule (Clubs A and B) Admissions Test (Caf) JV Baseball vs. Beachwood…4:30PM Freshmen Baseball @ Cuyahoga Heights [Bacci Park] 4:30PM JV and Varsity Lacrosse vs. Lake Catholic 4:45PM and 6:30PM Thursday, 4/16 All day All day 12:30pm Deanery Schedule Art Retreat Pro-Life Club Trip Admin Team Mtg (118) Friday, 4/17 Convoca on Schedule Saturday, 4/18 ACT Tes ng Monday, 4/20 All Day Tuesday, 4/21 All Day 9:00am Wednesday, 4/22 Deanery Schedule Moeller House System Visit Convoca on Schedule BHS Blood Drive (Gym) Development Mee ng Mee ng Period Schedule (Clubs C and D) Italian Heritage Luncheon Deanery Schedule Admin Team Mtg. Convoca on Schedule He appears and wishes them “peace!” St. Thomas in his confusion regarding these events demands a physical sign in light of the Divine mystery. Yet when he actually sees the risen Christ, he realizes that his request for a sign was foolish and stubborn. The Risen Christ is among us! He calls us to a deeper faith and to put forth our best efforts at doing his will and loving as he loves each day. St. John in his le er to us says that those who keep the commandments of God and believe in the resurrec on will “conquer the world.” If this is indeed the case, then keeping in mind the power of Christ in our daily lives will certainly assist us through the challenges and difficul es we all face in our lives. Saint Benedict, pray for us! LUKE EASTER FIELD RESTORATION INITIATIVE Freshmen Baseball @ Holy Name [Kurtz Park]… 4:30PM Track @ St. Igna us…4:00PM Varsity Baseball @ WRA…5:00PM JV Baseball @ WRA…5:00PM Freshmen Baseball vs. North Ridgeville…4:30PM Track @ Walsh Jesuit… 4:30PM Varsity Baseball @ Hawken (DH)…2PM JV Baseball @ Hawken (DH)…2PM Track @ Walsh Jesuit…10:30AM JV and Varsity Lacrosse @ Westlake…11:00AM and 1:00PM Periods 5/6 Thursday, 4/23 12:30PM Friday, 4/24 Saturday, 4/25 6:00pm Italian Heritage Club FESTA! Prayer for the Week: The Risen Christ appears among the disciples in the locked room. He does not scold them for abandoning him at the during the passion and crucifixion. Clean-Up Crew for this Week: 5th: Evan Comella, Graham Hallman-Taylor, Connor Huntley, Rayshon Knight. 6th: Samuel Terry, DaMonte Torian, Tyler Wainwright, Brendan Zawadzki. Art Retreat, Thursday, 4/16: The following students are scheduled for the Art Retreat with Ms. Shannon: Davon Aaron Tom Benne Tyler Bias Antwon Cunningham Noah Cvijanovich LaMarr Davis Chris Di Francesco Chris an Fernandez William Hardwick-Le Ben Keiper Terrell Mitchell Colin Pecoraro Ibrahim Rosa Dan Simko Michael Wenzel Dan Witowicz Pro-Life Club Trip to Steubenville: The following members of the Pro-Life Club will begone all day on Thursday, April 16 to Steubenville: Marlon Hamilton Stephen Matz Nate Moore Saidi Wadesisi T.J. Beltavski Noah Schrader Paul Gnatowski Blaise Rudmann Tom Pacak Michael Boehm Chad Molnar Anthony Brown Ryan Kelly Logan Cooper Ma Gnatowski John Dosen Dan Fuerst Stephen Joyce Joseph Dober Jus n Sacha Baseball Diamond Restora on Ini a ve: The Center for Non-Profit Excellence and the Cleveland Indians have partnered with the City of Cleveland for a one me field restora on ini a ve at Luke Easter Park. As Benedic ne baseball is the beneficiary of this ini a ve, they have asked for our support and par cipa on for a short me on Thursday, April 16 from 10:35 to 11:45am. The gi includes a $10,000 restora on plan to add new dugouts, bleachers, foul poles, and a leveled playing surface to all be completed that day. The baseball team members will be transported to Luke Easter Park, take a couple of photos with city members, and return back. Benedic ne is extremely excited and apprecia ve of this very generous dona on. The Baseball team members are listed below: John Boswell Tanner Caster Alex Clemente Victor Ferrante Ma Finucan Jonathan Harris Anthony Jim Jove Kohl Donaze Melvin Alex Ocasio J. PomneanT Joseph Prevesk Brandon Riddle Gabriel Evans Joseph Shue ordan Barne Vincent Bailey Michael Boutell John Szuch Mekel Chapman Spencer Furlich Jaret Glassman Andrew Heil Nolan Hopkins David Kozelka Kevin Rhoa homas Smith Bobby Pa erson B. Prendergast Terrell Mitchell Levi Pokersnik Thomas Lopez Collin Pecoraro Ben Keiper James Carcioppolo Mark Flachbart Mike Laffey Michael Bey Ben Zimmerman John Smenda Riley Keenan Aus n Gordon Jerry Miller Da'Von Johnson Chad Molnar Marlon Moore Fred Brown Michael Boehm Friday, April 17 - Track Early Dismissal The Track team will be compe ng in the Walsh Jesuit Warrior Relays on Friday and Saturday. On Friday, a number of par cipants of the team seek an early dismissal from ninth period to make the compe on on me. The students are listed below: Ma Dinovo Joe Houser Patrick Hoover Connor Roncagli P. J. Triolo Aubrey Ward Marlon Hamilton Patrick Fleming Shawn Lozada Jus n Layne Dontez Rash Isaac Pesicka Conner Bogard Italian Heritage Club Luncheon: The Luncheon is scheduled for Wednesday, April 22 during both lunch periods in the cafeteria. All are welcome to purchase a lunch for the benefit of the IHC and their scholarship efforts. Sunshine Club THANKS: The Sunshine Club wishes to thank all who donated items for the children serviced by the Domes c Violence Shelter. Your dona ons really made a difference in the lives of parents and children. God reward your generosity! Benedic ne Athle c Boosters Present the 4th Annual Derby Day Extravaganza: The Boosters have combined the “Night at the Races” with the Kentucky Derby this year for twice the excitement! When: Saturday, May 2, 2015: 4:00pm to 11:00pm. Where: BHS Cafeteria (Benedic ne Downs) Contact: Mrs. Jane Fazio at the Bengal’s Den or email at mestands [email protected]. Tickets are $25 per person or $40 per couple. The cket price includes: food, bo led beer, wine, so beverages, prizes, awards for the winning horse owners, 12 races including auc on race and the Kentucky Derby, live broadcast of the Kentucky Derby. Also Available: Cash liquor bar, Chinese raffles, Aucon race, losers lo ery, ladies hat contest, side boards 50-50 raffles. More informa on and registra on form on the next few pages. Upcoming Dates to keep in mind: Tuesday, April 28: 3:15pm Faculty Mee ng 6:00-7:30pm Xtreme Open House Thursday, April 30: NHS Induc on Ceremony Morning Assembly Schedule that day. English End-of-year exam: class of 2018 only Friday, May 1: Photography Retreat: All Day. a endees in next week’s MMB. Physics Field Trip: All day. all physics students. College Board (AP) Exams: Weeks of May 4 and 11 Tuesday, May 5: Math End-of-year exam: class of 2018 only Saturday, May 9: Senior-Junior Prom May 11-13: Senior Exams by Department Friday, May 22: Awards Assembly (AM) all students Sunday, May 24: Baccalaureate Mass 2:00pm Tuesday, May 26: Commencement 7:00pm May 27-29: Final Exams for Underclassmen Wednesday, June 3: Final grades due by 3:00pm Details for Senior Parents of expecta ons and events leading up to gradua on will be sent in a separate packet to you by April 20. What is a Night at the Races? A Night at the Races is the closest thing to being at an actual race track without being there. Included in the cket price, you will receive dinner, several varie es of bo les beer, wine, so beverages and, of course, the races and live broadcast of the Kentucky Derby. Just before the start of each race, the be ng windows open for you to place your wager. If your horse wins, you receive a payout based on the amount wagered during the race. Races are on DVD and are projected on the big screen for all to see. A live race announcer will enthusias cally call each race. This year, there will be a total of 12 races, 10 regular, 1 auc on and—of course—the Kentucky Derby, along with a Daily Double and Trifecta Race (see explana ons below). Each race will consist of 12 horses. All horses will be available for sponsorship (first come, first served) and you as the “owner” will have the right to name your horse and to collect a percentage of any winnings. The Auc on Race is the very last race of the evening. Usually groups of people combine resources to bid for horse sponsorship. The winning owners split the pot with the house 50/50. Trifecta is a bet in which the person making the wager forecasts the first three finishers in the race in the correct order. Daily Double is a single bet on the winners of two named races in a day. Hat Contest: Wearing a hat to the Kentucky Derby is believe to be good luck! Wearing a hat is much like ge ng into costume, you might be pleasantly surprised to see what type of character you become. There are no rules or limits, it’s free to par cipate, and you could win a cash prize as a result! When you name your horse, you are encouraged to be as crea ve and clever as possible. Some examples are: Hoof hearted, Phil McCrackin, Ben Dover, etc. Say these fast and you should get the idea! So please join us for a night of fun, food, dancing, music and good company. And remember, all proceeds go directly back into the school. Have fun and good luck! Derby Day Extravaganza Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 Gates open at 4:00pm Name:_________________________________________ Phone #:______________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ Payment Method: ___________________ Total $ Enclosed: _____________________________________________________________ Deadline for Ads, Horses and Sponsorships is Monday, April 27th. Please make checks payable to Benedictine Athletic Booster Club. For your convenience, you may submit any art work, horse names, or business descriptions to [email protected]. Tickets for Derby Day _________ x $25 each = _________ Sponsor a Horse _________ x $20 each = _________ Owner’s Name:______________________________ Horse’s Name:______________________________ Advertise in the Race Program Full-page ad (5-1/2” x 8-1/2”) $100.00 Half-page ad (5-1/2” x 4-1/4”) $50.00 Quarter-page ad (2-3/4” x 4-1/2”) $25.00 Number of ads: __________________ Type:________________(full, half, quarter) Amount: ______________________ Horse’s Name: ______________________________ Sponsor a Race: $100.00 Number of races_____ x $100 = _________ Sponsor’s name headlines their race, name is read aloud by the event announcer at the start of the contest as well as after. Owner’s Name: ______________________________ Sponsor’s Name: _____________________ Horse’s Name: ______________________________ Horse’s Name: ______________________________ Use reverse side for additional names Business Description: __________________ ____________________________________
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