PARISH NEWS CHURCH of the RESURRECTION Nr. 17 (3069) April 26, 2015 4th Sunday of Easter - B The fourth Sunday of Easter is called Good Shepherd Sunday. This chapter of John's Gospel follows Jesus' healing of the man born blind and the rejection of this miracle by the Jewish leaders who question Jesus' authority to heal. Jesus responds to this challenge by calling himself the Good Shepherd. He is criticizing the leadership of the Pharisees and the other Jewish leaders. The Pharisees and other Jewish leaders are so angry that they attempt to stone and arrest Jesus. This controversy with the religious leaders continues until Jesus' death. In the portion of the chapter that we hear proclaimed today, Jesus describes his relationship with his followers as similar to the relationship between a good shepherd and his sheep. As a good shepherd will risk and lay down his life in order to protect his sheep, Jesus willingly sacrifices himself for the sake of his sheep. Jesus contrasts the actions of the good shepherd with the actions of the hired shepherd who abandons the sheep in the face of danger. In the verses following Jesus' teaching, we learn that the Pharisees and the other religious leaders understand that Jesus is referring to them when he describes the hired shepherds. Sunday Missal pg. 408; The concern of a good shepherd for his sheep is part of the shepherd's job. Jesus says, however, that the actions of the good shepherd are based upon the relationship that develops between the shepherd and the sheep. This is at the heart of the difference between the good shepherd and the hired shepherd. The good shepherd knows the sheep and therefore acts out of love. For the Good Shepherd, this is never simply part of a job; this love-in-action is integral to his identity. As with so much of John's Gospel, one hears in this passage John's particular focus on Christology. As the sheep are known by the Good Shepherd, the Father knows Jesus and Jesus knows the Father. There is an essential unity between the Father and the Son. The freedom with which Jesus acts when he lays down his life is rooted in the unity that he shares with his Father. The work of ecumenism is to restore unity among all Christians so that we form one flock under one shepherd, as God desires. ( "Lord Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd who keeps watch over our lives. May I be ever attentive to your voice and submit fully to your wise rule for my life. Draw me near to you that I may always find peace and joy in your presence.” ( R.R. The stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone (CBW 98 p.) Sunday’s Mass intentions are for : 8 a.m. †Ona Svarinskas (A.Ciaucionas); 9 a.m. †Michael Brough (1anniv.) (S.Brough); 11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners; †Antanas Stanevicius (A.V.Stanevicius); †Birute Danaitis (1 anniv.) (family); †Jonas Buksaitis (B.Cepaitis); †Kazimieras Cepaitis (B.Cepaitis); †Janina and Juozas Sarunas (R.Girdauskas) Barsciauskas deceased family members (grandchildren); for Parish working priests (G.K.) †Milda Ziluckis (family) †Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas (by bequest). Calendar 2015 May 3 First communion May 24 PENTECOST SUNDAY May 30 RUN FOR HOPE June 7 Confirmation June 12 - 14 Camp Kretinga work weekend Camp Kretinga English speaking July 12 - 25 Lithuanian speaking July 26 – August 8 Family Camp August 9 - 14 Camp Romuva August 16 - 22 CHOIR SCHEDULE FOR APRIL 26th - Occasional THIS WEEK’S HOLY MASSES: MONDAY (April 27): 7 p.m. V.B.Paulikaitis family (family); TUESDAY (April 28): 7 p.m. for living and deceased benefactors; in thanksgiving (Dr.K.A.Ambrozaitis); †Stase Barsauskas (A.K.Ratavicius); WEDNESDAY (April 29): 10 v.r. “Labdara” †Monika Povilaitis (G.Matukas); 7 p.m. †Antanas Dobis (A.Dobis); †Algimantas Zubrickas (O.Taseckas); †Marija Magdelena Selmys (1 anniv.) (J.Selmys); THURSDAY (April 30): 7 p.m. †Ona Girdauskas (M.Janeliunas); †Gabriele and Zigmas Tamkevicius (O.Krasauskas); for Krasauskas deceased family members (O.Krasauskas); FRIDAY (May 1): 7 p.m. †Stasys Dackus (Gitana); †Elena Bockus (N.Tamulaitis); Ceponis deceased family members (family); SATURDAY (May 2): 9 a.m. for Lukauskas deceased family members (F.Maciulis); special intenction (family) 5 p.m. “Vilnius Manor” †Simas Baltrusaitis and Antanina Chrulskis (E.Shishkus); SUNDAY (May 3): 8 a.m. †Paul Boccongelle (A.Vaisnoras); 9a.m. for Brough, Cerniauskas and Pranckevicius deceased family members (S.Brough); 11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners; †Jurgis Simaitis (A.V.Stanevicius); for Pleinys and Vysniauskas deceased family members (R.Pleinys); for Survila deceased family members (R.R.Syvokas); †Ieva Kalinauskas (Prakapas family); in thanksgiving – for Vytautas Birstonas 95 anniversary (J.M.); for living and deceased Mamas and Grandmother (Gitana); †Antanas Petrauskas (1 anniv.) (P.D.Pertauskas)†Anicetas ir Elena Prialgauskas (by bequest). In memoriam DONNA NEIL, 61 Funeral Mass will be May 2nd, Churh of the Resurrection She is survived by her mother Teresa and brother Edvardas Lorencas. Sincere condolences to her family. Please remember her in your prayers. Collections: April 19 - $ 4,579.10 May God reward you abundantly for your generosity. In memory of †Birute Danaitis on the first anniversary of her death, her family is treating everyone to coffee. Please remember her in your prayers. The Museum-Archives of the Lithuanian Canadian Community, is preparing an exhibit on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the passing of John Govedas. All are invited to commemorate the life of the musician, composer and friend, by visiting the exhibit, “A Glimpse into the Life of John Govedas,” on May 3rd and 10th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; May 5th to 7th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. TODAY we invite you to partake in the Toronto Youth Choir bake sale, supporting them in their endeavour to participate in the 10th Song Festival, taking place in Chicago July 5th. Show your support and indulge in delicious, homemade baked goods. A heartfelt Thank You for your support. Through the sacrament of Baptism, we welcome Lucy Arija Boer and Cole Amorim into our community of faith. We rejoice with their parents, asking God’s abundant blessings upon their families. Congratulations to Christina Miniota and Christopher Bell! February the 16th they were united in the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony by their exchange of wedding rings. May God bless their covenant of love which they pledged to one another! The Toronto Lithuanian Youth (Folk) Ensemble “Gintaras” invites everyone to its 60th anniversary concert, “The Magic of Midsummer.” Tickets are available for purchase Sundays at Lithuanian Martyrs’ and Resurrection parishes after Mass, as well as after rehearsals. For tickets or further information, please call Nijole at 905-270-2091, or email Kassandra at [email protected] Atlantic Express Canada (3262 Lensworth Dr., Mississauga, ON L4X 2G1, tel.: 1-905-499-1122) Your items can be sent to Lithuania and throughout Europe. “In the Sacraments we discover the strength to think and to act according to the Gospel.” -Pope Francis (@Pontifex) on April 23, 2015. April 23rd is the Feast Day of St. George as well as the name-day of Pope Francis. George is the current Bishop of Rome’s name, given to him at birth. He chose Francis as his papal name in Rome, upon being elected to the Apostolic Throne of St. Peter, and at the start of his ministry as Pastor of the Universal Church. The Pope’s—ruler of Vatican City State—name-day is traditionally a state holiday. And so, during Francis’ pontificate, on the Feast of St. George (the pope’s name-day), there is no papal activity, no audiences or meetings scheduled. The offices and institutions of the Holy See are closed and essentially, the entire Vatican is on holiday. Despite that, before lunch on April 23rd, Francis addressed his Twitter followers in nine different languages, calling attention to the Church’s Sacraments and Gospel: “In the Sacraments,” the Pope tweeted, “we discover the strength to think and act according to the Gospel.” Monsignor Guillermo Karcher is an Argentinian priest and pontifical usher and has known the Pope for over 20 years. It was he who held Pope Francis’ microphone when he addressed his first words to the world from the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica following his election. In an interview with Vatican Radio marking the Pope’s name-day of Jorge or George, Monsignor Karcher described the Pope as a modern-day St. George because “he is a great fighter against the forces of evil and does this with a truly Christian spirit.” Monsignor Karcher said Pope Francis showed the same strength and same characteristics when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires where he sowed good in order to fight evil and was much loved by his flock. Argentinians do not forget that fact. For example, during Wednesday’s general audience, those Argentinians wishing to attract the attention of “their Pope,” even now are used to calling him “Father,” “Father George,” or simply “George.” It is obvious, that he planted the seed of friendship in the capital of Argentina, when he would wander out in the streets, visiting the poorest outskirts of the city. And so now people hold him as their own, which delights the Pope, and he replies with a smile, hug, heartfelt fatherly gaze. Despite the Pope’s huge popularity, Monsignor Karcher was asked if Francis gets upset when criticisms are leveled against him, including from those within the Catholic Church. He replied saying that the Pope responds to such criticisms by laughing and saying “OK, it’s better that we know what people are like.” He says this reaction is due to Pope Francis’ freedom of spirit and his interior strength. The Pope, he continued, is carrying forward a ministry entrusted to him for the good of the Church and the world and he does it with a tranquil heart and a feeling of certainty. He also has a strong spirituality and every morning dedicates two hours to prayer and reflection. Asked what greeting or wish he would like to give the Pope on his name-day, Monsignor Karcher said he hopes the Holy Father will continue to be himself, with his consistency and his transparency because “he is doing so much good.” I hope, he concluded, that St. George protects him and that he continues “this battle for good, by sowing the good that he is already doing.” (Vatican Radio) C A N A D A Gas appliance installation, maintenance and repair TS #000222 1 61 T K TK Services SA Home, Auto & Business Insurance Tadas Kartavicius Certified Gas Technician Furnaces • Air Conditioners • Water Heaters • BBQ Lines E-Mail: [email protected] The Parish is not responsible for the content of the ads Affiliated Insurance Management 647.999.3601 Competitive rates Expert, professional advice Personal service Supporting the Lithuanian community Contact: Rima Dresher, [email protected] Rick Dresher, [email protected] 2012 Ontario Insurance Brokerage of the Year 905.845.4201 Accepting New Patients 416-234-2223 3327 Bloor St. West Located at Islington and Bloor GIC Ypatingom kainom 2.25% 2.00% Lina Kuliavas - Sales Representative Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage 416-762-8255 bus // 416-616-1600 cell [email protected] 5 metu˛ 4 metu˛ 3 metu˛ 1.80% 2 metu˛ 1.60% 1metu˛ *Taikomos kai kurios sąlygos ir apribojimai. Siūlomi produktai ir jų ypatybės gali pasikeisti arba būti atšaukti, bet kuriuo metu, be įspėjimo. Yorke Chapel 2357 Bloor Street West Toronto 416-767-3153 Butler Chapel 4933 Dundas Street West Etobicoke 416-231-2283 PLEASE NOTE: Writing Cheques payable to Resurrection Parish in the MEMO write the charitable purpose: Donation to Parish, Mass, Soup kitchen, parish renovation… Writing Cheques payable to Franciscan Fathers in the MEMO write the charitable purpose: Sielovada, camp “Kretinga”, Monastery, Oncology centre Klaipeda, Franciscan High School Kretinga... 1.90% Peel Chapel 2180 Hurontario Street Mississauga 905-279-7663 Neweduk-Erin Mills Chapel 1981 Dundas St. West Mississauga 905-828-8000 Proudlly serving the Lithuanian Community Office hours: Pastor: Fr.Jonas Sileika, OFM; I - V 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Associate Pastor: Phone.: (416) 533 0621 Fr. Aurelijus Kazimieras Kasparavicius, OFM; Fax.: (416) 533 7247 Parish economist: Web: Fr. Raimundas Bukauskas, OFM; Email: Serving Priests: [email protected] Fr. Augustinas Simanavicius, OFM; [email protected] Msgr. Edmundas Putrimas; Rev. Kazimieras Kaknevicius; Church of the Resurrection Deacon: Dr. Kazimieras Ambrozaitis 1 Resurrection Rd., Toronto, ON. Parish office: Gitana Judvytyte M9A5G1
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