recycling tower

i ---1171
recycling tower
Fiveplasticcontainen,slx 2x2sand sclewn
and one houis work are all it takesto put
togetherthis space-sang recyclingsrorage
rack our frame fits containers that have a
top that measures14 l/2 in. x 10 in. and are
15 in. tall. Our coDtainerswere made by
Ifyou usedifferent-size
ihe distancebetweenthe uprights so the
2x2swill catchthe lip of the containelThen
adjust the spaci.g of the horizontalrungs
for a snugfitwhen thecontainerisangledas
Startby cuttingthe 2ts to lengthaccord
ing to the illustration.Then mark the position ofthe rungson the uprights.Drill two
5/32 in. holesthroughthe uprightsat each
positio!. Drill fiom the outsideto
the insideand anglethe holesinwardslighily to preveDt the soews from breaking out
the sideof the rungs.
Drive 2-ll2 in. screws through the
the front
uprightsinto the rungs.Ass€nrble
ind back frames.Then conn€ct
tower for plasticrscyBuild. spac6-gaving
clingcontainerswithsimple2t2.nd scr.w
parts organizer
Keepscrews,connectors,nailsand other snall parts
in "ighr and hdndywirh rhisrerealable
can build it out of a 3/4 in.-thick scrapof plywood.
Start by cutting two pieas of plFood as shoM.
Drare lines I in. apan acrossthe shorter piec€ with a
square,stopping I in. ftom the edge.Now cut along
the lines with a jigsaw. Screw the tlvo piecesof ply
wood together and scrM the unit to the wall fill
resealablebagsand slip them into the dots
I x22 x3/4 PLYWOOo
Cut 3lotsin a pi€csof plywoodwith a iigsaw.Fillresoalabl.
bagswith smallpans,hardltareor craft itemsand hlngthem
from the slotted plywood.
rrE FAMtrvHATDYMT ruNErooTat