Get Involved

Pass Along Hope
Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign 2015
Verizon Wireless and the Philadelphia Eagles are teaming up again to raise awareness
of domestic violence, support survivors, and raise funds through our Pass Along Hope
campaign. This interactive campaign encourages the community to take action and
stand up for survivors in two ways:
1. Share a message of hope for survivors on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using
the hashtag #EaglesVZWHope. Looking for inspiration? Visit
2. Donate a no-longer-used wireless phone, battery or accessory to your local
Verizon Wireless store at the HopeLine collection bins
For every phone donated and hashtag tweeted throughout April, Verizon Wireless
will donate $1 to the Pass Along Hope campaign, which supports area shelters and
organizations through the HopeLine by Verizon* program.
Follow Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Jordan Matthews (@jmattjmattjmatt) and
long snapper Jon Dorenbos (@JonDorenbos) as well as Verizon Wireless
(@VZWSheldon) and the Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) to join the conversation and
spread hope.
*HopeLine by Verizon collects no-longer-used wireless phones and accessories and turns them into support for domestic violence
organizations nationwide. Through HopeLine, Verizon has donated hundreds of thousands of phones and awarded millions of dollars in
cash grants to partner agencies. The Pass Along Hope campaign will donate up to $15,000 to local area shelters.