PEPS Leaflet - Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

Open Access
E- J ournal
The Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) would like to introduce
its new peer reviewed English language open access e-journal
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS), which has
been published by the JpGU and Springer since April 2014.
PEPS prints original research articles and high quality review
articles covering all of the fields of Earth and Planetary
Space and Planetary Sciences
Science, including:
Space and planetary sciences
Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences
Human geosciences
Solid earth sciences
Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences
It also welcomes papers based on interdisciplinary research.
As an open access journal PEPS charges an Article Processing
Charge (APC), however the JpGU will partially or fully subsidize
the APC for review articles, invited research articles and
manuscripts submitted by JpGU members.
Human Geosciences
Full details about PEPS (including all published papers and
information about submitting papers) are available on the
Springer PEPS Website,
The JpGU PEPS Website,,
provides additional information including a gallery view of all
published papers for easier browsing, and templates to use
Solid Earth Sciences
when submitting manuscripts.
We hope you will find the papers published by PEPS interesting
and useful, and we would like to ask researchers from all over the
world to consider PEPS when submitting their next paper for
JpGU Progress in Earth and Planetary Science