Σ ProjectMathsNotes.ie™ 7/1436 LEAVING CERTIFICATE HIGHER LEVEL version 1.6 Copyright © Project Maths Notes™ 1433-1436. All rights reserved. When you purchase the “.pdf” file directly from ProjectMathsNotes.ie™ , you are entitled to keep three digital copies and one printed hardcopy, all for your own personal, non-commercial use only. It is illegal to make further copies of these notes. Each set of notes contains a unique identifier code connected to the credit or debit card that was used to make the purchase. If the notes are found to be distributed, then the original purchaser of the notes will be charged for all further copies made. To purchase a commercial teaching licence please visit www.projectmathsnotes.ie DO NOT TURN ANY PAGE UNTIL YOU COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE READ SO FAR! Read this from the front cover to the back cover. Care has been taken not to use any terminology which wasn’t explained prior. If you come across a term that you don’t fully understand, then read back over the previous pages and you should see what it is. You could also try looking up the word in a dictionary or online search. When you see the “mandatory exercises”, this means that you absolutely must not proceed to the next page, before you have answered this question. The answer is on the next page, overleaf. Some of these exercises are designed so that you can learn a great deal by completing them. Others of these exercises help develop your problem solving skills - very important to develop problem solving skills for exam success. It is crucial that you try your best to complete these mandatory exercises. Take several attempts at each one, if you do not get it right, straight away. Have patience. (It should be possible to figure out what the answer is from reading the material that precedes the exercise, and by using your own brain-power.) When you have finished reading each handout, do all the exercise questions. These questions, as well as the ‘mandatory exercises’, are also designed to help develop your problem-solving ability, specifically in relation to answering exam questions. Furthermore, if you do not do them, you may be missing some parts of the syllabus. If you cannot figure out how to do any particular exercises, keep coming back to them trying again and again. If all else fails you will need to consult with your classmates or teachers as solutions are not directly provided. You need to get a copy of the Formulae & Tables booklet, published by the State Examinations Commission (SEC), if you don’t have one already. You’re also going to need good equipment such as rulers, set-squares, and a good compass (with a sharp point.) For the ‘mandatory exercises’ and ‘practice exercises’ at the end of each handout, you’re going to want square-ruled paper to write on. Indeed, you should only use square ruled paper for maths, from now on. You need to get used to writing small and neatly on squared paper. This is because on the exam script, the box in which you put your fully worked out answers is small and square ruled (not line ruled.) The neater you write in an exam, the better, as it helps you see patterns easier, figure out answers quicker and make less mistakes in your calculations, saving you time in an exam. You can also fit more information in, increasing your chances of picking up more marks. All honour to Allah - The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. ii Handout 1 Number Theory, Set Theory & More 1.1 Natural Numbers (N) −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 The natural numbers are basically all positive whole numbers, i.e. any number that you can count with your fingers, as in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, etc., going on indefinitely. Decimals are not included in this set (e.g. 0.25 ∈ / N).1 As far as the Leaving Cert Project-Maths syllabus is concerned, ‘0’ is not a member of the set of natural numbers. That’s why it is excluded from the number line above.2 If you want to include 0 in your set of natural numbers, you would use the notation N0 . That ‘subscript zero’ lets everybody know that zero is included in your set, e.g. N0 = {0, 1, 2, 3, . . . } 1.2 Integers (Z) −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 The integers is the set of all whole numbers. Don’t incorrectly say that the integers are “the set of positive and negative whole numbers” because guess what, zero is neither positive nor negative, and zero is an element of the set of integers. (Zero is ‘unsigned’, i.e. no sign.) The set of positive integers, Z+ , is {1, 2, 3, 4, . . . }. The set of negative integers, Z− , is {−1, −2, −3, −4, . . . }. The set of positive integers including zero, Z+ 0 , is {0, 1, 2, 3, . . . }. The set of negative integers including zero, Z− 0 , is {0, −1, −2, −3, . . . }. (The same notation applies for rational numbers Q, and real numbers R.) 1 ‘I.e.’ is short for the Latin id est and it basically means ‘that is’. ‘Etc.’ is a written abbreviation for the Latin et cetera and means ‘and the rest’. ‘E.g.’ in Latin stands for exempli gratia and roughly means ‘for example’. 2 There’s a lack of agreement in maths and science communities with whether zero is included as an element of the set of natural numbers, or not. Some people say it is, some people say it isn’t. For those of us who want to be clear, we may notate the set of natural numbers excluding 0 as N+ , (with the ‘superscript plus’ symbol,) and the set of natural numbers including 0 as N0 . In the Project-Maths syllabus, N = N+ . 1 1.3 Rational Numbers (Q) A rational number is any number which can be expressed in the form b 6= 0. Basically it’s any fraction. a b, where a, b ∈ Z, and The reason why we don’t have b = 0 there, is because any non-zero number divided by zero is ‘not defined’, and, 00 is ‘indeterminate’. ‘Not defined’, or ‘undefined’ means that the answer doesn’t exist, and ‘indeterminate’ means that there can be an infinte number of answers.3 1.4 Why We Can’t Divide 1 0 Imagine we had a rectangle as below divided into 10 evenly sized segments. 0.1 Then imagine we had the same rectangle, except this time divided up into 100 segments: 0.01 If we added each of the segments together, we would eventually make up the full unit of the rectangle. We can say: 1 0.1 = 10. We can also say: 1 0.01 = 100. We cannot say that 01 equals anything, however, as if we try to add segments of size 0 together to get the full unit, we would never be able to get this, as if you kept on adding segments of size zero, you would just get them piling up on one side of the rectangle and not going anywhere: 0 In a way, it doesn’t make sense to ask the question “what is 1 divided by 0”. 0 does not divide into 1. 1.5 Classification Of Decimals 1 4 = 0.25 1 16 1 3 ... = 0.0625 = 0.3˙ = 0.33333 . . . Terminating decimal. (i.e. it ends somewhere.) ... Terminating decimal. ... Non-terminating, repeating decimal. (i.e. it never ends.)4 1 13 ˙ = 0.07692 3˙ = 0.076923076923076 . . . 1 26 ˙ = 0.038461 5˙ = 0.038461538461538 . . . ... ... 3 More 4 It Non-terminating, repeating decimal. Non-terminating, repeating decimal. on this later. See the ‘Limits’ sections of the ‘Lines’ handout, for a full explanation. also has a repeating pattern. The 3 repeats itself. Hence being called a ‘repeating’ or a ‘recurring’ decimal. 2 The little dots above the numbers there let us know that the decimals are ‘recurring’ decimals. E.g. 0.3˙ = 13 = 0.333333333333333333 . . . going on forever. (Also called ‘repeating decimals’.) It’s worth reminding you at this stage that you can have two dots in the decimals as well, for 1 ˙ 7˙ = 0.037037037037037 . . . going on forever. The first = 0.03 example the rational number 27 dot marks the beginning of the recurring pattern, and the final dot marks the end where it then repeats on and on again, indefinitely. It should be noted that the location of where the repeating pattern begins can be delayed, like 1 ˙ ˙ which waits until the second decimal place before the repeating = 0.038461 5, for example in 26 1 ˙ = 0.0192307 6˙ = 0.0192307692307692 . . . It waits until the pattern starts. Another example is 52 third decimal place before it starts repeating. 1.6 Irrational Numbers ‘Irrational numbers’ are non-repeating, non-terminating decimals. (I.e. never ending and with no repeating pattern.) An irrational number √ √ is any number which cannot be expressed as a fraction. Typical examples are ‘π’, ‘e’, 2, 3. These are decimals whose decimal places go on forever (non terminating), e.g. π = 3.141592654 . . . and e = 2.718281828 . . . , and unlike ˙ which goes on forever, and can be represented as a fraction (0.083˙ = 1 ), the decimal, 0.083, 12 ‘irrational numbers’, like ‘π’ and ‘e’, cannot be represented as fractions. 1.7 Real Numbers (R) −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 On the number line, the set of real numbers is represented as a continuous thick line.5 A real number is effectively any number which exists on the number line. It can be a whole number, it can be a decimal, it can be an irrational number. They are basically the set of ‘rational numbers’ plus ‘irrational numbers’. 1.8 What Is π? π is the ratio of the circumference (c) of a circle to its’ diameter (d). It’s the same ratio for all circles. And as written before, its’ value to nine decimal places’ accuracy is 3.141592654 . . . c MANDATORY ACTIVITY: d The formula for the circumference of a circle is c = 2πr. Given that dc = π , can you derive the formula c = 2πr ? (where ‘r’ stands for radius) 5 As you might remember from studying statistics, you can have ‘continuous data’ and ‘discrete data’. Examples of ‘discrete’ objects are cans of cola, and examples of ‘continuous’ data sets is lists of heights. The sets of natural numbers and integers are ‘discrete’ data sets, whereas the set of real numbers is a ‘continuous’ set. 3 To purchase a full version of the product, please visit: http://projectmathsnotes.ie 4
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