4th Annual Southeast Asian Studies Symposium in conjunction with the Asian Economic Panel conference The Year of ASEAN: Integrating Southeast Asia 20–24 March 2015 at Sunway University, Malaysia The Southeast Asian Studies Symposium organised by the University of Oxford is the world’s largest annual conference on Southeast Asia. It aims to present interdisciplinary and transnational solutions to contemporary Southeast Asian issues, provide opportunities for dialogue and networking among academic, business, political, and civil society leaders from Europe and Southeast Asia, and also a platform for emerging and established scholars to demonstrate their latest research on Southeast Asia. After three successive years at the University of Oxford, Project Southeast Asia is pleased to bring the 4th annual Southeast Asian Studies Symposium to Sunway University, Malaysia, in the heart of Southeast Asia. It will be hosted by Sunway University and the Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia. The Asian Economic Panel (AEP) conference will be held in conjunction with the Symposium. Themes The Environment and Natural Resources Public Health Education Economic Development While panels and workshops on these themes will be particularly welcomed, the Symposium will also accept panels and papers on any topic relating to Southeast Asia. Featured Speakers Professor Wang Gungwu • Chairman, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore • Chairman, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore • Chairman, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore Professor Walden Bello • Professor of Sociology and Public Administration, University of the Philippines at Diliman • Executive Director of Focus on the Global South, Bangkok • Akbayan representative in the Filipino Congress ASIAN ECONOMIC PANEL CONFERENCE The Asian Economic Panel (AEP) conference Registration to invites about 40 economists from around the the Symposium world (particularly from Asia) to meet three times also includes a a year to discuss issues that are important to sub- complimentary entry regions of Asia or individual Asian countries. The to the Asian Economic proceedings of the AEP conference are edited and Panel conference. published thrice yearly in a journal, Asian Economic Papers (MIT Press). Panellists include: • Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University • Professor Barry Eichengreen, University of California • Dr Chalongphob Sussangkarn, Thailand Development Research Institute • Professor Kiyohiko Nishimura, University of Tokyo • Professor Fan Gang, National Economic Research Institute • Professor Dato’ Dr Woo Wing Thye, Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia Programme Itinerary and List of Panels Day 1 8:00AM Registration Friday 9:00AM Opening Plenary — “Key Challenges for Asia in the 21st Century” 20th March 2015 SEA Symposium • Professor Graeme Wilkinson (Chair) • Professor Dwight Perkins — “Malaysia’s Past and Future Economic Development: A Comparative Persepective” • Professor Arthur Kleinman — “Addressing the New Agenda of Social and Health Problems in Asia: Why Economic and Policy Studies Need Anthropology and Global Health” • Professor Yoon Young-Kwan — “East Asian International Relations of the 21st Century and the Role of ASEAN” • Professor Kiyohiko Nishimura — “Enhancing the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy: Evolving Transmission Mechanisms and Heightened Uncertainty” 11:00AM Break 11:15AM Welcome Addresses and Official Opening • Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, ao Founding Trustee, Jeffrey Cheah Foundation • Professor Nick Rawlins Pro Vice-Chancellor for Development and External Relations, University of Oxford 11:30AM Royal Keynote Address (Subject to Confirmation) • DYMM Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah, Sultan of Perak 12:00PM Special Luncheon Addresses • Professor Wang Gungwu • Professor Walden Bello 2:00PM Panels A (Refer to List of Panels) 4:00PM Break 4:30PM Panels B (Refer to List of Panels) 5:30PM Jeffrey Cheah Distinguished Speakers Series (Open to the Public) • Professor Nick Rawlins — “Pain and the Brain” 8:00AM Registration Saturday 9:00AM Panels C (Refer to List of Panels) 21st March 2015 11:00AM Break 11:30AM Panels D (Refer to List of Panels) 1:00PM Lunch 2:00PM Panels E (Refer to List of Panels) 4:00PM Break 4:30PM Panels F (Refer to List of Panels) SEA Symposium Day 2 Jeffrey Cheah Distinguished Speakers Series (Open to the Public) • Professor Barry Eichengreen — “Global Economic Prospects: What Should Keep Us Up at Night?” 7:30PM Reception at Sunway Resort Hotel 8:30PM Gala Dinner at Sunway Resort Hotel • Dinner address by Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, ao 8:00AM Registration Sunday 9:00AM Panels G (Refer to List of Panels) 22nd March 2015 11:00AM Break 11:30AM Panels H (Refer to List of Panels) 1:00PM Lunch 2:00PM Panels I (Refer to List of Panels) 4:00PM Break 4:30PM Panels J (Refer to List of Panels) SEA Symposium Day 3 Day 4 8:00AM Tour of Arkib Negara Malaysia (National Archives of Malaysia) 9:00AM Closing Plenary of Southeast Asian Studies Monday 23rd March 2015 Symposium and the Opening Plenary of Asian Economic Panel Conference — “Slower Growth in Southeast Asia: What is to be done?” Asian Economic Panel Conference • Professor Dato’ Dr Woo Wing Thye (Chair) • Dr Mari Elka Pangestu — “Regional Trade Reform as Growth Driver” • Dr Chalongphob Sussangkarn — “Thailand’s Long-term Development: Aspiration, Reality and Challenges” • Dr Muhammad Chatib Basri — “The Middle-Income Trap Awaits Indonesia?” 11:00AM Break 11:15AM Asia’s Newest Tiger: Sri Lanka? — Prema-Chandra Athukorala & Sisira Jayasuriya 12:45PM Lunch 2:00PM Understanding the Economic Malaise of Russia — Iikka Korhonen 3:30PM Break 3:45PM Technical Progress, Resilience and Competitiveness of the Korea Export Industries — Heeho Kim, Mikyung Pai & Jaimin Lee 5:15PM Are the Benefits from ASEAN Integration Sustainable? — Kiki Verico 7:00PM End of Day 1 7:30PM Reception & Dinner (by invitation only) • Professor Barry Eichengreen — “Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, the Great Recession, and the Uses – and Misuses – of History” Day 5 8:00AM Tour of Forestry Research Institute of Malaysia (Oxford SEA Symposium) 8:45AM Macro-stabilization & Zombie Firms — Yiping Huang 10:30AM Break 10:45AM The Determinants of Outward FDI by Chinese Firms: The Role of Chinese Returnees — Zhao Chen & Tony Fang 12:30PM Lunch 1:30PM Malaysia’s Past Successes and Uncertain Future: Graduating from the Middle or Caught in the Middle? — Hooi Hooi Lean & Russell Smyth 3:30PM Jeffrey Cheah Distinguished Speakers Series (Open to the Public) Tuesday Asian Economic Panel Conference 24th March 2015 • Professor Jeffrey Sachs — “The Age of Sustainable Development” The Organizer reserves the right to alter the content and timing of the programme in the best interest of the Symposium. It is accurate as of 16th February 2015. List of Panels Panels A Day 1 - 2:00PM 1. Jokowi Six Months On: Has the Promise Been Fulfilled? 2. The Challenges of Contemporary Security in Southeast Asia 3. The Role of Democratic Media in Malaysia and Singapore 4. Natural Resources, Environment and Landscape Management 1 5. Philippine Narratives of Public Health 1: Colonial Diseases 6. Cities of Hotspots: Digitality, Education and Civic Creativity Panels B Day 1 - 4:30PM Panels C Day 2 - 9:00AM 1. Achieving Transparency and Accountability in Natural Resource Development 2. The Future of Tourism in ASEAN: More Blessing than Blight? 3. The Future of Singapore Values and Identity 4. Difficult Knowledges: Methods for Knowing the Unseen, the Hidden and the Silent 5. Refugees in Southeast Asia Panels D Day 2 - 11:30AM 1. Understanding the Reformed ASEAN 1. Breaking the Cycle of Coups in Thailand: Part 1, The Future of Thai Democracy 2. Can we have Race without Racialisation in Singapore? 2. Emerging Issues in Southeast Asian Education Systems 3. Natural Resources, Environment and Landscape Management 3 3. Issues of Local Businesses in Malaysia 4. The Discussion of Sexuality, Reproductive Health and Rights among the Young: Issues of Disability, Unwanted Pregnancy, Policy and Youth-Friendly Services 4. Natural Resources, Environment and Landscape Management 2 5. Philippine Narratives of Public Health 2: Contemporary Institutions, Structures and Agents 6. Government, Social Policy and the Role of the State in Determining Economic Development in Southeast Asia 5. Education, Migration, and Disadvantage in Southeast Asia 1 Panels E Day 2 - 2:00PM 3. Urban Archaelogy for Sustainable Development in Southern Vietnam 1 1. Human Resources Issues and Challenges in Southeast Asia 4. Marketing, Branding and Economic Development Policies 1 2. Art and Society in Southeast Asia 5. Malaria in Southeast Asia 3. Breaking the Cycle of Coups in Thailand: Part 2, Voices from Thailand 6. Technlogy in Southeast Asian Schools 4. Natural Resources Management and Policies Panels H 5. Public Health Challenges in ASEAN: Lifestyle Diseases, Communicable Diseases and Environmental Contamination 1. Historical Legacies in Southeast Asia 6. Education, Migration, and Disadvantage in Southeast Asia 2 3. Urban Archaelogy for Sustainable Development in Southern Vietnam 2 7. State-Society Interactions in Southeast Asia 4. Marketing, Branding and Economic Development Policies 2 Panels F 5. Overcoming Childhood Obesity in Malaysia: Aligning Multidisciplinary Fields for Better Outcomes Day 2 - 4:30PM 1. Progress of Human Resource Policies in Southeast Asia in the Past Decade and Looking Forward 2. English in Southeast Asia 2. Gender and Nationhood: The Emerging Gendered Modernities of Malaysia and Indonesia 6. Documentaries on Development, Urbanisation, and the Underclass in Kuala Lumpur 3. Neoliberal Governmentality: The Singaporean Context Panels I 4. Documentaries on the Environment and Natural Resources I: Borneo 1. “The Look of Silence” 5. Genomics in the Understanding of Human Origins and Disease in Southeast Asia 6. Mediated Civil Society and Governmentality in Southeast Asia Panels G Day 3 - 9:00AM 1. Documentaries on Myanmar 2. The State and Future of the Study of Gender in Malaysia from a Multidisciplinary Perspective: Disciplinary and Methodological Challenges and Opportunities Day 3 - 11:30AM Day 3 - 2:00PM 2. Documentaries on the Environment and Natural Resources II: The Philippines Panels J Day 3 - 4:30PM 1. “The Look of Silence” Round table Discussion 2. Documentaries on the Environment and Natural Resources III: Cambodia The programme is subject to change. It is accurate as of 16th February 2015. Registration Details Registration Fees1,2 Optional Add-ons2,3 Professionals Tour of Forestry Research Institute of Malaysia RM750 (~£140) RM50 (~£10) Students Tour of Arkib Negara Malaysia RM300 (~£55) RM30 (~£6) To register, please visit www.eventbee.com/v/symposium2015 Contact Dr Pingtjin Thum [email protected] +44 (0) 7721 763059 Ms Joyce Tang [email protected] +603 7491 8622 (Ext. 8420) Ms Ng Beng Lean [email protected] +60 19 391 1265 For more information, please visit www.projectsoutheastasia.com/academic-events/sea-symposium-2015 Inclusive of admission to all events and all meals at the 4th Southeast Asian Studies Symposium and Asian Economic Panel conference 2 No refunds are permitted 3 Each tour is limited to only 30 participants * Registration ends on 28th February 2015 1
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