Applied Science Reports E-ISSN: 2310-9440 / P-ISSN: 2311-0139 DOI: 10.15192/PSCP.ASR.2015.10.1.811 App. Sci. Report. 10 (1), 2015: 8-11 © PSCI Publications Population density of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita infecting eggplant as affected by medicinal plant aqueous extracts M. M. A. Youssef1, Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi1, Mona G. Dawood2 1. Plant Pathology Department, Nematology Laboratory, National Research Centre, Dokki, Post Code 12622, Cairo, Egypt. 2. Department of Botany, National Research Centre, Dokki, P.O. Box 12622, Cairo, Egypt. Corresponding author email: [email protected] Paper Information ABSTR ACT In this experiment, certain medicinal plant rhizomes as aqueous extracts Received: 11 January, 2015 were used for controlling root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita infecting eggplant (Solanum melongena) cv. Baladi under screen house Accepted: 29 February, 2015 conditions. The tested plants ginger (Zingiber officinale) and curcuma (Curcuma aromatic) were tested as soil drench at concentrations of 10, 5 Published: 20 April, 2015 and 2.5%. All the tested materials showed nematicidal activity as they significantly (p≤0.05) decreased nematode criteria in roots and soil of eggplant including the number of galls and egg masses and hatched Citation juveniles on roots and number of juveniles in soil, and reduction differed Youssef MMA, El-Nagdi WMA, Dawood MG. 2015. according to treatment. The plant growth parameters as length of shoots Population density of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne and fresh and dry weights of shoots and roots were positively increased by incognita infecting eggplant as affected by medicinal plant the tested concentration. At the same trend, the percentages total soluble aqueous extracts. Applied Science Reports, 10(1), 8-11. carbohydrates; protein, phenolic and carotenoid contents increased in dry Retrieved from leaves of eggplant and were positively correlated with all tested (DOI:10.15192/PSCP.ASR.2015.10.1.811) concentrations. © 2015 PSCI Publisher All rights reserved. Key words: Biochemical compounds, Curcuma aromatic, nematode control ,Solanum melongena, Zingiber officinale Introduction Nematodes are a major problem in crop production quantity and quality. Since nematicides are very expensive and cause serious environmental pollution, control strategies are today directed towards the use of natural products. Green manuring of plant parts have been practiced as a method of control of plant parasitic nematodes (Youssef and Amin, 1997; Amin and Youssef, 1997 and 1998). Mostafa et al. (1997) reported that effective reduction of Rotylenchulus reniformis occurred by using aqueous leaf extracts of oleander plants. Different extracts and decomposition products of several indigenous medicinal plants and their parts such as fruits, seeds, leaves, stem and roots have been reported to be toxic to many plant parasitic nematodes including root knot nematodes (Goswami and Vijayalakshmi, 1983 and 1986; Youssef and Lashein, 2013). Ginger (Zingiber officinale) aqueous extract was used for controlling Meloidogyne javanica on tomato. Higher concentration of ginger extract was effective in reducing root- knot nematode egg hatching and juveniles as reported by Zareen et al., (2003). The treatment of soil with ginger as raw and dry park, powder as well as extract at lower concentration (S/100) inhibited M. javanica in brinjal in the form of lowering galling incidence (Hassan et al.,2001). Extract of turmeric or curcuma (Curcuma aromatic) has nematode – hatching inhibitory activity against M. incognita (Pandey et al., 2001). Singh et al. (2011) indicated that hydro-alcoholic rhizome extracts of curcuma longa and Zingiber officinale and its combination reduced the Indian earthworm, Pheretima posthuma. The present work was carried out to evaluate the effect of curcuma and ginger rhizomes as aqueous extracts against the root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita infecting eggplant under screen house conditions. Materials and methods Plant materials Four weeks-old eggplant (Solanum melongena) cv. Baladi seedlings were used in his experiment. The tested plants were ginger (Zingiber officinale) and turmeric or curcuma (Curcuma aromatic). App. Sci. Report. 1o (1), 2015: 8-11 Preparation of aqueous extracts Rhizome extract of each plant was prepared by using 10, 5 and 2.5g green rhizomes which mashed and mixed thoroughly in 100ml. distilled water using electric blender for 3 minutes. The resultant mixture from each plant rhizome was left for 72hr hr. at lab. temperature and then, passed through 15 mm. diam. Whatman No.1 filter paper. Obtained filtrates were used as 10, 5 and 2.5% concentrations at the rate of 20ml per pot and were added at time of nematode inoculation. Four weeks-old eggplant (Solanum melongena) cv. Baladi seedlings were transplanted in May 25, 2013 in pot 25-cm diameter containing 4 kg solarized sandy loam soil (1:1 w/w). The treatments were divided into 3 groups of pots as follows: the first and second groups of pots were received 20 ml per pot of aqueous rhizome extract of each tested plant and the third group of pots was inoculated with nematode only to serve as untreated control. Each pot was inoculated with 1,000 newly hatched juveniles of root knot nematode M. incognita reared on pure culture after establishment of eggplant seedlings in July 3, 2013. Two months after nematode inoculation in September 9, 2013, plants were uprooted and cleaned by tap water to avoid adhering soil. Numbers of galls and egg masses on roots of eggplant were counted. Juveniles in soil were extracted by sieving and decanting method (Barker, 1985). Hatched juveniles from egg masses on roots were extracted by method of Young (1954). Plant growth parameters including lengths and fresh and dry weights of shoots and roots were recorded. Chemical analysis Total soluble carbohydrates (TSC) from dry leaves of eggplant were determined calorimetrically by the method of Yemm and Willis (1954) and total soluble proteins (TSP) from dry leaves were determined as described by Bradford (1976). Carotenoid content was determined according to the method reported by AOAC (1984). Total phenolic compounds were extracted from dry leaves and determined colorimetrically according to the method defined by Snell and Snell (1953) using folin ciocalteu phenol reagent. Statistical Analysis Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and means compared with Duncan, s Multiple Range test using COSTAT programme version 4. Results Medicinal plants used in this study were promising in controlling M. incognita infecting eggplant and enhancing plant growth criteria (Tables 1 and 2). Number of galls, egg masses, and juveniles on roots and number of juveniles in soil differed according to treatment and material used (Table 1). Population of nematode significantly (p≤0.05) increased in untreated pots. As shown in table (1), all treatments significantly (p≤0.05) decreased nematode criteria under study compared to untreated check. In general, there was a positive correlation between the tested concentrations and the percentages reduction in nematode parameters. I.e. Higher concentration of extract caused higher percentage nematode reduction. Vice Versa, its lower concentration caused lower percentage nematode reduction. When the whole averages of materials were compared with each other in controlling nematode parameters, it is evident that ginger extract was more effective in reducing number of j2, galls and egg masses in roots than curcuma extract (Table1). As for plant growth, all the tested treatments significantly (p≤0.05) improved plant growth criteria as evidenced by Length of shoots, fresh and dry weights of shoots and roots at different degrees and were positively correlated with the tested concentrations. In other words, higher concentration of each material caused higher plant growth increases and vice versa. When the whole averages of materials were compared with each other, the results indicated that curcuma extract was more efficient in improving length and fresh weights of shoots and roots and dry weight of shoots than those by ginger extract. In contrary, ginger extract was more efficient in improving dry weight of roots (Table 2). At the same trend, the percentages soluble carbohydrates, protein, phenolic and carotenoid contents increased in dry leaves of eggplant and were positively correlated with all tested concentrations compared with those of untreated check. I.e. Higher concentration of extract caused higher percentage the mentioned contents. Vice Versa, its lower concentration caused lower percentage. When the two tested materials were compared with each other, it was noticed that curcuma extract was more effective in increasing soluble carbohydrates, phenolic and carotenoid contents than ginger extract. Vice versa, ginger extract was better than curcuma extract in improving protein content (Table 3). 9 App. Sci. Report. 1o (1), 2015: 8-11 Table 1. Effect of two aqueous extracts of curcuma and ginger rhizomes on the root- knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita infecting eggplant. Treatments Concentration No. of % No. of J2 % No. of % No. of % (%) J2 in Reduction in roots Reduction galls Reduction eggmasses Reduction soil Curcuma 2.5 1895 a 13.1 4940 bc 48.7 56 b 52.5 39 b 52.4 aromatic 5.0 1652 a 24.2 4112 b 57.3 46 c 61.0 35 c 57.3 10.0 905 b 58.5 3156 cd 67.2 39 d 66.9 30 c 63.4 Average 1484 B 31.9 4069A 57.8 47 A 60.1 35 A 57.3 Zingiber 2.5 1854 a 15.0 3042 cd 68.0 62 b 47.5 45 c 45.1 officinale 5.0 1777 a 18.5 3280 cd 65.9 36 d 69.5 32 c 61.0 10.0 1697 a 22.16 2398 d 75.1 29 d 75.4 26 c 68.3 Average 1776 A 18.53 2907 B 69.8 43 B 63.6 33 A 59.8 Untreated 2180 a 9632 a 118 a 82 a (control) Values are averages of 5 replicates.-Figures followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different according to Duncan's Multiple Range Test at p≥0.05 *Con. = Concentration Capital letters indicate the differences between averages of each material Table 2. Effect of two aqueous extracts of curcuma and ginger rhizomes on plant growth of eggplant infected byroot- knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Treatments *Con . (%) Curcuma aromatic 2.5 5.0 10.0 2.5 5.0 10.0 - Average Zingiber officinale Average Untreated (control) Length of shoots (cm) 45.0 bc 47.8 b 52.2 a 48.3 A 44.6 bc 45.6 bc 47.0 b 45.7 B 42.2 c % increase 6.64 13.27 23.70 14.45 5.69 8.06 11.37 8.29 - Fresh weight of shoots 32.8 bc 36.9 ab 38.5 a 36.1 A 26.2 cd 27.7 cd 31.7 bc 28.5B 24.3 d % increase 34.98 51.85 58.44 48.56 7.82 13.99 30.45 17.28 - Dry Weight of shoots 11.28 a 11.70a 11.47a 11.48 A 9.55 a 9.52a 10.48a 9.85 A 7.84 b % increase Fresh weight of roots % increase 43.88 49.23 46.30 46.43 21.81 21.43 33.67 25.64 - 20.20 a 15.00 b 22.30 a 19.20 A 13.55 b 14.20 b 15.30b 14.35 B 10.20 c 98.04 47.06 118.63 88.24 32.84 39.22 50.00 40.69 - dry weight of roots 1.76 b 2.09 ab 2.22 ab 2.02 A 2.03 ab 2.31 ab 2.56 a 2.30A 1.74 a % increase 1.15 20.11 27.59 16.09 16.67 32.76 47.13 32.18 - Values are averages of 5 replicates. Figures followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different according to Duncan's Multiple Range Test at p≥0.05.*Con. = Concentration Capital letters indicate the differences between averages of each material Table 3. Effect of two aqueous extracts of curcuma and ginger rhizomes on biochemical compounds of eggplant infected by the root- knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Treatments Curcuma aromatic Average Zingiber officinale Average Untreated (control) *Con. (%) 2.5 5.0 10.0 2.5 5.0 10.0 - % Soluble carbohydrates 5.904 de 6.435 d 8.146 c 6.828 B 7.902 e 10.540 a 9.150 b 9.197 A 5.722 e % Proteins % Phenolic content 7.340 c 8.340 b 9.480 a 8.387 A 5.600 d 8.260 b 9.820 a 7.890 A 8.140 b 0.933 d 0.950 d 1.401 a 1.095 A 1.124 c 1.281 b 1.373 a 1.239 A 0.850 e Carotenoid mg/L 0.735 c 0.474 d 0.932 a 0.714 A 0.667 c 0.814 c 0.834 b 0.772 A 0.664 c Values are averages of 5 replicates. Figures followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different according to Duncan's. Multiple Range Test at p≥0.05 *Con. = Concentration. Capital letters indicate the differences between averages of each material Discussion Previous studies indicated that some pant parts caused reduction in gall formation by the root knot nematode (Sharma et al. 1985; Ahmad et al. 1993; Ameen and Youssef, 1996; Youssef and Amin, 1997; Zawam et al., 2003). As reported by Pakeerathan et al. (2009) medicinal plant, neem, Azadirachta indica leaf extract inhibited egg hatching and increased larval mortality of M. incognita up to 60%, which may be due to these leaves contain a chemical compound called ethanol (Aderbite and Adesiyan, 2005). Moosavi (2012) reported that the number of M. javanica juveniles in soil was suppressed by using seed powder and leaves of A. indica. Also, extracts of the neem seeds and the shoots and leaves of Nerium oleander caused higher nematode mortality. Datura fastuosa has nematicidal activity which may be due to this plant contains some effective compounds, tigloidine, apoatropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine (Shahwar et al., 1995). 01 App. Sci. Report. 1o (1), 2015: 8-11 Eucalyptus species has essential oils as mixture of volatile compounds that may be lethal to root knot nematode (Dawar et al., 2007). Similarly in previous studies, nematicidal effect by some medicinal plants has been investigated for controlling nematodes in some agricultural crops (Al-Obaedi et al., 1987; Firoza and Maqbool, 1996). In the present study, the toxicity of the aqueous extracts of ginger may be due to a biologically active constituent(s) present in ginger rhizome as reported by Zareen et al. (2003). At the same trend, Singh et al. (2011) stated that the ginger and curcuma caused anthelminthic effect which may be due to the synergistic effect of active phyto-constituents including alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, terpenes, steroids etc…present in the extracts. The treatment with the tested compounds enhanced nutrient status which may be due to faster absorption of the nutrients via roots (El-Nagdi et al., 2010). Further investigations are required, which could lead to the exploitation of the natural biocidal activity of ginger and curcuma against root knot nematode as an environmentally benign control measure. References Aderbite AA, Adesiyan SO. 2005. Root extracts of plants to control root knot nematode on edible soybean. World J. Agric. Sci., 1:18-21. Ahmad RA, Ali ST, Sahi NJ, Shakir AS. 1993. Control of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica by organic soil amendments. Pak. J. Nematol., 11:25-29. Al-Obaedi JFW, Askari AR, Stephan ZA.1987. 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