JULY 2015 Loan Committee: New Chairman We are excited to announce that the Pacific Southwest District has a new LCEF Loan Committee Chairman in Mr. Paul Hassler. Paul was appointed to the Loan Committee in 2013. Paul served in the United States Navy for five years during the Viet Nam War. After his time in the Navy he spent the next 43 years in the Recreational Vehicle Industry. In 2009 he retired as President and CEO of Patrick Industries Inc. For the past eight years he has been serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors for Patrick Industries. Additionally he has served as President of three different LCMS congregations both in Southern California and Northern Indiana. During this time he has served in just about every position there is in a LCMS congregation. He is currently attending Trinity Lutheran Church in Temecula, California, where he is serving as President of the Board of Directors. Paul has this to say about his vision for ministry in the Pacific Southwest District: “It is my belief, that the ministry of LCEF and the Pacific Southwest District is one of service to the local congregations. We are there to assist when requested, and give guidance and encouragement as needed. God has a plan for each of our congregations and we are there to help them fulfill their mission.” We extend our deepest thanks to outgoing Chairman, Julian Fruhling who served as Loan Committee Chairman for the past seven years. Julian’s expertise in finance has been invaluable and we are happy that he will remain as a Committee Member. PSD Convention — LCEF Raffle Winners Visitors to the LCEF tables at last month’s Pacific Southwest District Convention had the opportunity to enter their name is a drawing for four prizes. We had a wonderful time visiting with pastors, lay delegates and Convention guests about partnering with LCEF. And the winners are: $100 VISA gift card—Rev. Bill Baker $50.00 VISA gift card—Rev. Chris Deknatel $25.00 VISA gift card—Rev. Michael Mueller Gift basket— Carol Stoop In 2014 the Lutheran Church Extension Fund made the decision to open a federally chartered credit union to better serve the LCMS community. In December, 2014, approval for the new credit union was received from the Federal Government. It is currently anticipated that the Lutheran Federal Credit Union will be operational this fall, offering all of the traditional services of a credit union to Missouri Synod Lutherans. Look for more information to follow. LCEF Visa® Gift Cards Hey, have you heard that LCEF is now offering Visa Gift Cards for purchase if you are an investor with LCEF? What a great gift for graduates, Father’s Day and other special celebrations. It’s a perfect gift when you don’t know what to give; and it’s a perfect gift for someone who has everything! We all enjoy different activities like golfing, going to a movie, purchasing a laptop, purchasing a new outfit or going out to dinner. All gift cards will be available n $25, $50 and $100 values. An additional $1.99 fee per gift card will be added to the order. Need to get a gift? Check out the lcef.org/giftcards to purchase a gift card to give to someone special today! A Partnership in Planning Through a partnership with The LCMS Foundation, LCEF has recently put together a great resource booklet, “Planning Your Legacy: A Christian Guide to Planning Your Will and Trust.” This guide is designed to help you move forward with a plan that writes a very good chapter in the book of your life. Estate planning can provide peace, provisions for property, protection and a spiritual legacy. These free booklets are available by contacting Gail by email at [email protected] or call 949-854-3232 ext. 205. Visit gifting.lcef.org to ensure your legacy reflects your love for ministry. If you have questions or wish to have LCEF assist you, call 800-843-5233. News Where saving money is fun… and helps others learn about Jesus. Now Presenting: A New Address for Fun and Stewardship “But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs to the kingdom of heaven.'" —Matthew 19:14 Check out the NEW Young Investors (Y.I.) Club Online Activity Center at yiclub.lcef.org for: Games! Bible stories! Devotions! Videos! Service project ideas! Crafts and recipes! Each group—Little Lambs, Mission Builders and World Changers—has its own area on the site with age-appropriate activities. There are interactive games, coloring pages, Bible stories and devotions, videos, and, for older members, news stories and links to servant events and projects. New items will be added regularly to keep young ones engaged and entertained! This website will reinforce Bible lessons, enhance understanding of stewardship concepts and supplement studies in math, English, history and personal finance in a fun and meaningful manner. We want each Y.I. Club member to know and understand Jesus’ love and the fact that their investment is helping others learn about Jesus as well. Explore the site and have some Y.I. Club fun! Designed to work well on mobile devices and tablets, it’s perfect for families on the go! Y.I. Club Members Earn Extra Credit Young Investors can earn "extra credit" for good grades and community service projects. Good Grades—may be submitted by semester or trimester. Every “A” grade earns $1.00, up to $25.00 in a calendar year. Community Services—a minimum of 10 hours of service. Hours may be completed on one project or several. A maximum of one $25.00 extra credit award in a calendar year. Use the forms provided on the Y.I. Club page at lcef.org to submit the information. LCEF Ads How to use an Ad Position mouse over the ad. Left click to highlight the ad. Right click Choose Copy Image Go to your bulletin document. Right click Choose Paste Resize as needed. LCEF Call Center 1-800-843-5233 7:00 am to 6:00 pm PSD Office toll-free number 855-856-5350 LCEF Videos If you would like to use a video in your congregation, share these links with your worship technician, or visit www.vimeo.com/lcef. All videos run approximately 30 seconds. July Bulletin Bits https://vimeo.com/128524283 for “What Do You Say?” http://vimeo.com/112086972 for “Building the Kingdom” http://vimeo.com/102950400 for “ConnectPLUS” http://vimeo.com/95874973 for “LCEF By the Numbers” http://vimeo.com/91958029 for “Special Interest” http://vimeo.com/85470283 for “Spring into Savings” http://vimeo.com/70554230 for “YI Club” http://vimeo.com/65252366 for “Future Friends” http://vimeo.com/59604057 for “Young Investor” http://vimeo.com/46291866 for “Now It’s Your Turn” http://vimeo.com/48909134 for “Experience LCEF ” http://vimeo.com/57069732 for “A Place to Grow” Invested for a Higher Purpose Thousands have invested in the church through Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF). They invested to serve a higher purpose, not just draw a competitive interest rate. When it comes to your financial needs, LCEF offers investments for everyone from babies to grandparents. You can invest with LCEF knowing that your dollars are empowering ministry in Kingdom work. As an LCEF investor, you are empowering the ministries of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. LCEF is thankful for God’s blessings on the ministry of Church Extension. We pray that by the continued grace of God, LCEF can provide loans and ministry support that further expand His kingdom. Visit lcef.org or call 800-843-5233 to start investing for a higher purpose. Larry Sanders CONTACT US Gary Spencer Gail Kanneg District Vice President 949-854-3232 Ext. 217 Toll-free 855-856-5350 [email protected] Administrative Assistant 949-854-3232 Ext. 205 Toll-free 855-856-5350 [email protected] Promotions Regions 1 & 2 760-246-6429 [email protected] Larry Dunkirk Gene Grefe Promotions Region 3 844-999-1188 [email protected] Promotions Region 4 480-967-8559 [email protected] From Larry Sanders Regions 1 & 2 [email protected] 1-760-246-6429 We continue to lift up Larry Sanders in prayer as he battles cancer. He recently had another stay at City of Hope, hoping that this round of treatment will achieve remission. We also want to include, Lani, Larry’s wife in our prayers as she cares and supports Larry in his battle. Region 1 & 2 Advocates, please contact Gail at the District Office if you need any assistance. From Larry Dunkirk Region 3 [email protected] 1-855-999-1188 I always stress the importance of a prominent location for your LCEF display board. Most pastors are willing to support our efforts and rely on your good judgment for a proper setting. Rarely an administrator, board member or even someone in the congregation may object to the placement for any variety of reasons. Usually, explaining what LCEF is all about diminishes those objections and an alternate but prominent location can be found. Remember that the display board is often the first time someone becomes aware of LCEF. Your telephone number will be prominently displayed as the first contact point for your congregation. Subsequently your referral to us to answer questions will be very valuable to the potential investor. And always try to keep the area around the board neat if you can and keep the interest page up to date. Speaking of neat, some of you have seen and have had delivered the new style LCEF display board with the upgraded graphics and centralized position for current interest rates. The board is neater, cleaner and much more concise about us and certainly more readable regarding current interest rates than the old “Dollar Bill” system. The new LCEF “splash” graphics is certainly an eye catcher and draws potential investors to the display. As I have only recently designed this display and have delivered to a limited number of settings, I have been waiting for those LCEF Advocate’s comments and so far everyone has been very positive! It is my intention to eventually replace all of the old style display boards in our area but I want to pay particular attention to those that have been worn, tattered or otherwise damaged. If your church needs a new board, contact me by email - [email protected] and include your phone number and I will arrange a delivery date for you. Perhaps even your pastor will give me ten minutes or so to introduce LCEF to members of your congregation and I will stay after the service to answer questions. And for an extra cup of coffee, I will even do two services. Thanks again for all you do! From Gene Grefe Region 4 [email protected] 1-800-279-8930 code 1142 It’s hard to believe, but the start of school is only 6 weeks or so from beginning. I know at Gethsemane it starts on August 5th. That means that if you have a school you probably also have an early start date. And if you have the Y.I. Club active it’s time to plan your fall activities when school and/or Sunday school kicks off again. While on the subject of “promotions”, I’m once again trying to get my records up to date. Please let me know the following, even if I’ve just recently spoken to you. Please let me hear from you on the following items by mid-July. Name, address, phone and email address of LCEF Advocate at your church. Advocate for Y.I. Club promotion (if other than you at your church). Give same info as above. It seems to work better if there is one person for Y.I. Club and one for other LCEF promotions, but it can work either way, just let me know. If you have not had an LCEF Sunday, I’d encourage you to plan one for this fall. Let’s discuss and make plans. It’s always good to sit down with your pastor to be sure he is ‘on board’ with the program and plan together, then carry out your plans together. I’ll help as best I can, but remember that I can’t be at every church. Anything else that is on your mind. Let’s work as a team, and remember that Gary and Gail at the District Office stand ready to help out also. I know its 90+ days away, but we plan to have meetings again this fall and would like to have some idea of how many will attend. Put these dates on your calendar and give me a tentative decision by July 15 on whether or not you will attend, and which one. Nevada meeting will be held on Saturday, October 17 at Grace, Henderson, 10:30 am - 2:30 pm. Arizona meeting will be held Saturday, October 24 at Gethsemane, Tempe, 10:30am - 2:30 pm. More than just a meeting, these events are planned to be times of fellowship and support. Details will be sent out soon. If you are unable to attend, please consider finding someone to come in your place. Your pastor is welcome to attend with you. Again, I would appreciate you letting me know your intentions by July 15th for planning purposes. I wish each of you a pleasant rest of the summer, whether it’s relaxing at home or where ever your travels take you. Blessings always. Please be sure to get in touch if I can be of help in some way. Investment Interest Rates — July 2015 StewardAccount ® — Individuals Fixed -Term Notes Minimum Investment Rate APY Term Min. Investment Rate APY Less than $1,000 $100 0.375% 0.376% 6-month $500 0.125% 0.125% $1,000 and less than $5,000 $1,000 0.500% 0.501% 9-month $500 0.250% 0.250% $5,000 and less than $10,000 $5,000 0.625% 0.627% 1-year $500 0.375% 0.376% $10,000 and more $10,000 0.875% 0.879% 18-month $500 0.500% 0.501% 2-year $500 0.625% 0.626% 3-year $500 0.875% 0.878% 4-year $500 1.000% 1.004% 5-year $500 2.250% 2.269% Family Emergency St ewardAccount Minimum Investment Rate APY $25 1.000% 1.005% Required minimum monthly investment of $25 until the balance reaches $10,000. Young Investors StewardAccount Floating-Term Notes Min. Investment Rate APY Term Minimum Investment Rate APY $25 to $1,000 $25 3.500% 3.557% 2½-year (30 month) $100 1.000% 1.004% $1,000 and more $1,000 1.000% 1.005% 5-year (60 month) $100 1.250% 1.256% Portion of balance > $1,000 earns second tier rate. ConnectPLUS Two -Year Term Note (for new investors, 18 and older) Term Investment Rate APY Investment Rate APY 2-year $500 to $5,000 3.000% 3.034% Over $5,000 1.000% 1.004% PartnerPLUS Term Note (for new money) Term Investment Rate APY Investment Rate APY 2-year $500 to $25,000 2.000% 2.015% Over $25,000 1.000% 1.005% 4-year $500 to $25,000 2.500% 2.524% Over $25,000 1.000% 1.005% LCEF is a nonprofit religious organization; therefore, LCEF investments are not FDIC-insured bank deposit accounts. This is not an offer to sell LCEF investments, nor a solicitation to buy. LCEF will offer and sell its securities only in states where authorized. The offer is made solely by LCEF’s Offering Circular. Investors should carefully read the Offering Circular, which more fully describes associated risks. LCEF StewardAccount access features provided through UMB Bank n.a. The Dedicated/Demand Certificates and StewardAccount are not available to investors in South Carolina. The Family Emergency StewardAccount is known as the Family StewardAccount in the State of Ohio. ConnectPLUS is not available to investors in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Neither LCEF nor its representatives give legal, accounting or tax advice. Consult your tax advisor as to the applicability of this information to your own situation. UMB Bank serves as a custodian of the LCEF IRA/HSA Programs. Learn more about LCEF products and services at lcef.org
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