New Zealand Fire Service Fire Engineering Unit A simple comparison of a new internally ferruled instantaneous coupling with that currently used on NZFS hose This simple test compares the flow rates and pressure losses of existing NZFS fire hose couplings and the new internally ferruled coupling from PSL. Document Information Date: Revision: Author: 20 September 2011 2 Jeff Parkinson 1. Table of contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Table of contents ................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 3 Introduction............................................................................................................ 3 Method .................................................................................................................. 4 Coupling dimensions ............................................................................................. 5 Layout and equipment used................................................................................... 6 Results .................................................................................................................. 8 Other observations ................................................................................................ 9 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 9 Recommendations ............................................................................................... 10 P:\EIRSA\ENGINEERING\S25 SPECIAL PROJECTS\S25.04 AUCKLAND PROJECTS\FIRE FIGHTING WATER\HOSE COUPLING TEST\A COMPARISON OF INSTANTANEOUS FIRE SERVICE HOSE COUPLINGS - NZFS REPORT V2.DOCX Page 2 of 10 2. Executive Summary Phillips & Smith Limited (PSL) have introduced a new internally ferruled (I/F) instantaneous coupling for fire hose that meets the requirements of the following standards: o BS 336:2010 – Specification for fire hose couplings and ancillary equipment o BS 6391:2009 – Specification for non-percolating layflat delivery hose and hose assemblies for fire fighting purposes (with the exception of Part 10.2) o SNZ PAS 4505:2007 – Specification for Firefighting Waterway Equipment A series of simple comparative pressure and flow tests were carried out to investigate if this new design offers any improvements when compared to the existing wire fixed coupling currently in use. The test were undertaken at the NZFS Mount Wellington Training Centre on 1st August 2011. The results showed that hose fitted with the new I/F coupling had an increase in water flow in the range of 2.4% - 24.4% over the tests undertaken with 45 mm and 70 mm diameter fire hose. 3. Introduction The NZFS are considering changing the type of couplings on their lay flat hose from those that are secured externally by 20 turns of galvanized mild steel wire to a new internally copper ferruled (I/F) design manufactured by PSL. The Fire Engineering Unit was commissioned by Ross Taylor (Auckland Region Logistics Manager) to record preliminary measurements and compare the pressure loss and flow rates of water over prescribed lengths of 45 mm and 70 mm diameter hose with both coupling types. P:\EIRSA\ENGINEERING\S25 SPECIAL PROJECTS\S25.04 AUCKLAND PROJECTS\FIRE FIGHTING WATER\HOSE COUPLING TEST\A COMPARISON OF INSTANTANEOUS FIRE SERVICE HOSE COUPLINGS - NZFS REPORT V2.DOCX Page 3 of 10 4. Method A NZFS Type 2 appliance with a Darley fire pump was connected to a single 90 mm feeder length and a standpipe shipped to a hydrant to provide the water supply. Three lengths of hose were connected and measurements of the running pressure at the pump and at the end of the three 25 m lengths were recorded using recently calibrated gauges. The final flow rate was recorded using a Giddens flow gauge that had been calibrated on the day of the test. The following combinations of hose were used for this test: 3 x 25 m lengths of 45 mm diameter fire hose 3 x 25 m lengths of 70 mm diameter fire hose 3 x 25m lengths of 70 mm and 1 x ‘branch mans’ length: (1 x 25 m length of 45mm diameter hose) For accuracy, the pump pressure was set at 1050 kPa using the gauge connected to the delivery outlet rather than by using the gauge on the pump appliance. P:\EIRSA\ENGINEERING\S25 SPECIAL PROJECTS\S25.04 AUCKLAND PROJECTS\FIRE FIGHTING WATER\HOSE COUPLING TEST\A COMPARISON OF INSTANTANEOUS FIRE SERVICE HOSE COUPLINGS - NZFS REPORT V2.DOCX Page 4 of 10 5. Coupling dimensions The new I/F couplings have a larger internal diameter as shown in the table and figures below. Item Internal diameter (mm) Female 45 mm - wire fixed Female 45 mm I/F Female 70 mm – wire fixed Female 70 mm I/F Male – all sizes both types 33 45 56 63 56 45 mm - wire fixed 45 mm – I/F Figure 1 – 45 mm hose 70 mm – I/F 70 mm - wire fixed Figure 2 – 70 mm hose P:\EIRSA\ENGINEERING\S25 SPECIAL PROJECTS\S25.04 AUCKLAND PROJECTS\FIRE FIGHTING WATER\HOSE COUPLING TEST\A COMPARISON OF INSTANTANEOUS FIRE SERVICE HOSE COUPLINGS - NZFS REPORT V2.DOCX Page 5 of 10 6. Layout and equipment used As the ground had a slight gradient the hose was run out from the pump with an equal length up and down slope. The flow gauge and pump outlet were placed at approximately the same level and all hose was laid over the same route. This layout ensured consistency in the tests. Pressure gauges Flow meter Figure 3 - Layout of pump, hose and flow gauge P:\EIRSA\ENGINEERING\S25 SPECIAL PROJECTS\S25.04 AUCKLAND PROJECTS\FIRE FIGHTING WATER\HOSE COUPLING TEST\A COMPARISON OF INSTANTANEOUS FIRE SERVICE HOSE COUPLINGS - NZFS REPORT V2.DOCX Page 6 of 10 Figure 4 - Pressure gauge at Pump Figure 5 - Pressure gauge at end of hose lengths before flow gauge Figure 6 - Giddens flow gauge P:\EIRSA\ENGINEERING\S25 SPECIAL PROJECTS\S25.04 AUCKLAND PROJECTS\FIRE FIGHTING WATER\HOSE COUPLING TEST\A COMPARISON OF INSTANTANEOUS FIRE SERVICE HOSE COUPLINGS - NZFS REPORT V2.DOCX Page 7 of 10 7. Results Hose Pump Pressure (kPa) Flow Meter Ring Size Hose Pressure (kPa) Flow (l/min) 3x 45 mm wire fixed 1050 D3 40 700 3x 45 mm I/F 1050 D3 100 880 3x 70 mm wire fixed 1050 D5 340 2120 3x 70 mm I/F 1050 D5 340 2170 3x 70mm & 1x 45mm wire fixed 1050 D3 80 980 3x 70mm & 1x 45mm I/F 1050 D3 190 1220 Diff. (l/min) 180 50 240 P:\EIRSA\ENGINEERING\S25 SPECIAL PROJECTS\S25.04 AUCKLAND PROJECTS\FIRE FIGHTING WATER\HOSE COUPLING TEST\A COMPARISON OF INSTANTANEOUS FIRE SERVICE HOSE COUPLINGS - NZFS REPORT V2.DOCX Page 8 of 10 8. Other observations The figure below show the overall shape of the hose when traditionally made up on the female coupling: Figure 7 - Hose made up on female coupling. As can be seen, the left hand hose (I/F coupling) is more circular in shape that of wire fixed on the right which is more oval in shape. When the I/F coupling hose was run out it paid out more evenly compared to the wire fixed hosed. This would be due to the location of the lugs (axis of rotation) being more central on the I/F hose compared to the wire fixed hose which is more offset due to the overall length of the female coupling - a line drawn through the lugs on the images above illustrates this. Similar observations were also made when the hose was made up on the female coupling. 9. Conclusions The intent of this test was to simply measure, record and compare the pressure loss and flow rates for a limited sample of hoses when flowing water at a standard pump operating pressure of 1050kPa. As expected, the larger internal diameter of the I/F couplings resulted in a lower pressure loss and a greater flow of water compared to hose with wire fixed couplings. However, as the internal diameter of the male coupling was 56 mm for all hose this became a constant reduction for all 70 mm hose, but not 45 mm diameter hose. The recorded additional flows were in the range of 50 - 240 l/min (2.4% -24.4%) when using the new I/F couplings on typical operational lengths of hose. This will result in more water being available for fire fighting purposes. P:\EIRSA\ENGINEERING\S25 SPECIAL PROJECTS\S25.04 AUCKLAND PROJECTS\FIRE FIGHTING WATER\HOSE COUPLING TEST\A COMPARISON OF INSTANTANEOUS FIRE SERVICE HOSE COUPLINGS - NZFS REPORT V2.DOCX Page 9 of 10 10. Recommendations Based on the results obtained from this simple comparative test it is recommended that field trials be undertaken by operational crews across the country using the I/F couplings on the 45mm ‘branchmans’ length to gauge feedback on what practical advantages are obtained. Further full range tests should also be carried out using in-line magnetic flow meters to accurately establish the pressure curves for hose with this I/F coupling over a range of operating pressures, flow rates and hose lengths to develop new pressure loss tables. The actual increase in fire fighting efficiency in terms of reduced fire extinguishing times should also be the subject of further study if this new I/F coupling is procured. P:\EIRSA\ENGINEERING\S25 SPECIAL PROJECTS\S25.04 AUCKLAND PROJECTS\FIRE FIGHTING WATER\HOSE COUPLING TEST\A COMPARISON OF INSTANTANEOUS FIRE SERVICE HOSE COUPLINGS - NZFS REPORT V2.DOCX Page 10 of 10
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