Self-assessment questions 2015. • Please describe the following terms

Self-assessment questions 2015.
Please describe the following terms: polymer, monomer, oligomer, repeat unit, degree of
Classify the polymeric materials on the basis of structure. Give examples.
Which are the commodity plastics? Describe their chemical composition, physical,
mechanical etc. properties, respectively.
Which are the engineering plastics? Introduce their general physical, mechanical etc.
properties and give examples.
Introduce the primary chemical bonds. What is their importance at polymers?
Introduce the secondary chemical bonds. What is their importance at polymers? Give
Introduce the chain-growth polymerization mechanism. Which are the common features
of these?
Introduce the step-growth polymerization methods. Which types do you know? Which are
the general features of these?
Describe the Carothers-equation.
Which are the industrial polymerization methods? Compare them briefly. How the
exothermic heat can be adsorbed during polymerization?
Name the possible industrial reactors of polymerization. Introduce them briefly.
Molecular weight distribution. Determining the molar mass. What is polydispersity?
How does the molecular weight affect the mechanical properties, melt viscosity and
crystalline structure of polymers?
Classify the polymers based on bonding groups.
What is conformation and configuration? Explain it by giving examples.
What is stereoregularity (head-tail connections, tacticity)? What is their effect on the
What is copolymerization? What types of copolymers do you know?
What does polymer blend and compound mean?
Classify polymers on the basis of their molecule’s shape. What is the difference between
linear and cross-linked polymers?
Draw and explain the specific volume – temperature diagram of semi-crystalline
Which crystalline formations occur in a semi-crystalline polymers? Name amorphous and
semi-crystalline polymers.
Explain the fringed micellar model of polymeric materials. What other theories exist to
characterize the structure of semi-crystalline polymers?
How does the degree of crystallinity affect the physical and mechanical properties of
Draw the structural graph of polymeric materials.
What is DSC measurement? What is it good for?
What does hydrophilic and hydrophobic mean? Describe the water take up mechanisms of
polymers. Draw the wetting and drying curves as a function of time. List some polymers
which are sensitive to moisture. How does the humidity affect the tensile properties of
Classify the mechanical tests of polymeric materials. Introduce the methods briefly and
give examples.
What is the difference between the tensile curve of metallic and polymeric materials?
Explain Hooke’s law. How can we determine the tensile modulus of a polymer?
What do we call stress-relaxation? Give engineering examples.
What do we call creep? Give engineering examples.
Which are the macro-deformation components of viscoelastic polymeric materials? What
is their relation with the micro-structural changes?
Which are the modeling elements of the deformation components? What is their main
How can the stress relaxation of polymers modeled? (Amorphous thermoplastics and
semicrystalline polymers)
How can the creep behavior of polymers modeled? (Amorphous thermoplastics and
semicrystalline polymers)
Explain the following terms: duration stress, duration strength, fatigue strength
What is the difference between the state of matter and the physical state? Which are the
typical physical states that can be present in polymeric materials?
What does micro- and macro-Brownian thermal movement means? What is glass
Introduce the characteristic transition temperatures (ranges) of polymers and give
structural explanations.
What is DMA test? What is the complex dynamic modulus and how can it be
How can the thermomechanical properties of polymers be determined?
Draw the DM(T)A curve of an amorphous thermoplastic material and explain it.
Draw the DM(T)A curve of a semi-crystalline thermoplastic material and explain it.
Draw the DM(T)A curves of a duromer and an elastomer material and explain it.
What is rheology?
Describe the Newtonean and the Bingham flow models.
Describe the Power law (Ostwald-de Waele model) for polymer materials. How can we
determine the dynamic viscosity from the apparent viscosity?
What is a dilatant material? What do we call pseudoplastic?
Introduce the time-dependent properties of polymer melts.
How does a real polymer flow? Why is it important from the viewpoint of polymer
Describe the flow of a Newtonean material in a capillary. Where does it have a role in
polymer processing? Speed distribution, stress distribution etc.
Describe the Hagen-Poisseuille equation. What is MFI and MVR and how can we
determine them?
Introduce the thermoforming process. What polymers are processed this way?
Which are the flow instabilities? How can we compensate them?
What does dispersive and distributive mixing mean?
What is static mixing? Which other types of mixers exist?
Which are the typical additives in a polymer compound?
Describe the two roll milling process.
Describe the Banbury-type kneader technology.
What is extrusion process?
Draw an extruder, identify its main parts, draw the pressure diagram.
Which are the sections of an extruder screw? What is their role? How can we increase the
pressure within the extruder? Why is it important? What is the typical L/D ratio of the
What is the screen pack and breaker plate? What is their role?
Describe the thermal properties of an extruder (work diagram).
Describe the material flow in the homogenization section. Which are the components?
What is the discharge factor of the extruder?
Draw and explain an extruder die capable for tube manufacturing.
Draw and explain a sheet manufacturing extruder die.
Draw and explain a wire-coating die.
Introduce the film-blowing technique.
What is co-extrusion? Draw a simplified die.
Introduce the extrusion blowing technique. How can we adjust the wall thickness?
Describe the injection mould blowing technique. Why can we use pre-stretching?
Which are the main parts on an injection moulding machine?
Describe the injection moulding process by introducing the injection cycle.
Describe the injection moulding process by drawing the pVT diagram.
Which are the multi-cavity injection mould types? Which are their advantages and
Introduce the calendaring process.
Draw the pressure and speed distributions between calendaring rolls.
How can the calendar roll bending be compensated?
What does composite material mean? Explain the definition in detail.
Which are the typical matrices and fibers of composite material? What is their advantage
and disadvantage?
Why do we use fibers as reinforcement?
Introduce the film-stacking and compression-moulding methods.
Describe the pultrusion technology.
Explain the Kelly-Tyson formula. What does critical fiber length mean?
How can we classify the composite processing technologies? Give examples.
What does rapid tooling mean?
What is 3D printing? Which are the typical rapid prototyping methods?