The Effect of Motor Imagery on Gait in Patients PostChronic Stroke: A Meta Analysis By: Mysa Sangria DPTc UCSF/SFSU PT 209-910 Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) Interruption of blood supply to the brain resulting in damage or death to the affected brain tissue (National Stroke Association, 2013) CVA Impairments Sensory Fatigue Neuromuscula r Cognition Function Activity Participation (Langhorn et al., 2011) Significance Prevalance 6.8 M Incidence 795,000 Medical Costs 315.4 B Second most common cause of disability (Go et al., 2014) Neuroplasticity The brain’s ability of remapping by forming new neuronal connections Langhorne 2013 Clinical Problem Multisystem Impairments: Neuromuscular Sensation Cognition Psychosocial Persistent adverse compensatory movement Post-chronic stroke Plateau of mechanics neuroplasticity patients need additional resulting : results in a to plateau interventions improve Decreased mobility of functional gait and functional independence mobility mobility return to work and activities Paz et al., 2013 “Motor Imagery (mental practice) is an active practice in which the patient imagines or visualizes the performance of a function, a movement, or a task without overt movement.” (Hwang et al., 2010) Motor Imagery (MI) Repetition and Rehearsal of Images Visual Imagery –physical movement from an external perspective Kinaesthetic Imagery – imagines internal sensory information during physical movement (Cho et al., 2010) Cho et al. 2010) ( Theoretical Construct Parietal Lobe Preservation & generation of kinaesthetics Frontal Lobe Motor planning Executive control Occipital Lobe Visuospatial processing 3rd person perspective Moran et al., 2012. Vries et al., 2007 Theoretical Construct Type Activity Response Autonomic Walking Bicycling Increase heart & respiration rate Mental Chronometry Walking Similar processing time Neuro-Imaging Walking Dancing Cortical network activation Guillot & Collet, 2005. Jackson et al., 2003 Relevance to PT Motor Imagery Benefits Physiological response Home exercise program Improve Mobility and Quality of Life Similar cortical networks No specialized equipment Cost effective Safe Intervention Foreground: Does motor imagery training improve gait speed and functional mobility in chronic post CVA individuals? Gap in Literature Strong Evidence for UE: Lower Extremity Mobility & Gait: - Systematic reviews & Meta Analysis - Case Studies - Several RCTs but no meta- analysis done (Veerbeek et al., 2014) (Dunsky etal., 2006; Dickstein et al., 2004) Hypotheses: Within & Between Groups Null Hypothesis (A) No improvement in gait speed with MI training Alternative Hypothesis (A) Improvement in gait speed with MI training Null Hypothesis (B) No improvement in functional mobility with MI training Alternative Hypothesis (B) Improvement in functional mobility with MI training Research Question P = patients post-chronic stroke (6 months) I = motor imagery training (LE/gait) C= no motor imagery training for LE/Gait O = gait speed and/or functional mobility Expected Findings At least 3-5 randomized controlled trials and cohort studies Search Procedures Databases Search Terms Motor imagery Mental practice Mental Rehearsal Mental imagery Gait Ambulation CVA Stroke Cerebral vascular accident Search Procedures Inclusion Criteria Chronic post CVA Exclusion Criteria At least 6 months Not in English Ambulatory with or without and AD – at least 10 feet Case Studies Motor imagery training LE movement Gait tasks Outcomes (At least one of the following) Gait speed Validated mobility outcomes Statistical Summary Individual Effect Sizes Calculated for Selected Outcomes: Gait Speed: Gait speed, 10 Meter Walk Test (10MWT) Functional Mobility: Timed Up and Go (TUG), Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) Heterogeneity Statistic (Q) with p-value: P > 0.05 fixed model for gait speed P < 0.05 random effects model (including weighting) for functional mobility Grand effect size using 95% Confidence Interval PRISMA Diagram Harm and Cost Unfamiliar with treadmills: Falls Injury Increased Activity Fatigue Injury No reporting of training therapists/testers Treadmill ($200) Video recorder ($300) Television set ($800) Results: Gait Speed Significan t Within Groups Clinically Significant: 0.13m/s within groups 0.078 m/s between groups Between Groups 10 MWT MCID: 0.06m/s Grand effect size and 95% CI: 0.62 and (0.12,1.1) Significan t Grand effect size and 95% CI: 0.34 and (0.00, 0.68) Discussion: Reject the Null Hypothesis ? Null Hypothesis (A) : No improvement in gait speed with MI Outcome Significant Within Groups Significant Between Groups Gait Speed Yes Yes Alternative Hypothesis (A) : There is an improvement in gait speed with MI training Results: Functional Clinically Significant: Mobility Significant Within 6.2 seconds within groups 8.9 seconds between groups Groups Significan Between Groups t TUG MCID: 2.9 seconds Grand effect size and 95% CI: 2.72(0.87,4.56) Grand effect size and 95% CI: 0.67(0.05,1.29) Discussion: Functional Mobility Null Hypothesis: There is no improvement in functional mobility with MI training Outcome Significant Within Groups Significant Between Groups Functional Mobility Yes Yes Alternative Hypothesis: There is an improvement in functional mobility with MI training Hwang 2010 Within-groups, functional mobility: Volume and frequency MI + physical task training = 30 min/day, 5days/week vs. 30 min/day, 3 days/week Patient specific task training with a physical therapist Discussion: MI + Gait/Functional Training MI + Gait / Functional Training Large (0.8) to greater than large effect size for within and between groups Lee 2011, Cho 2013, Hwang 2010, Kim 2013, Hosseini 2012 MI Stand Alone Small (0.2) effect sizes for within and between groups Dunsky 2008, Dickstein 2013,2014 Gait / Functional Training: 20-30 minutes 3-4x / week 5-6 weeks Increase in function : Neuromuscular and musculoskeletal adaptations Langhorne et al. 2013 Discussion: Patient Demographics MI is more effective in younger populations and with a lower stroke chronicity Hwang 2010, Hosseini 2012, Cho 2013 : 50 years old, stroke chronicity of 1.5 years vs. 64 years old, stroke chronicity of 2-3 years Discussion: Patient Demographics Aging cortex experiences neural decline Cortical changes: decreased thickness, white matter integrity, cortical engagement Decreased cortical plasticity with increased time poststroke Goh et al. 2009 Decreased ability: Functional map expansion Axonal sprouting and synaptogenesis Discussion: MI Treatment Parameters Lee 2011, Cho 2013, Hosseini 2012: MI for 20-30 minutes, 3-5 times/week, and visual and kinaesthetic imagery Visual (3rd person) Imagery: Primarily targets the cognitive stage of motor learning through visual observation resulting in more task interpretation and problem solving Hwang etal., 2010 Kinaesthetic (1st person) Imagery: Strongly associated with stimulation of proprioception pathway: joint position and movement and internal sensory information Cho et al., 2013 PT Application 20 – 30 minutes, 3-5x / week Visual and kinaesthetic imagery Adjunctive with gait or functional mobility training Limitations and Future Work Limited search procedures No long term follow up Heterogeneous sample population Various MI protocols MI + physical task training Future Studies: Homogeneous sample population Kinaesthetic imagery vs. visual imagery MI performed independently MI protocol Conclusion Motor imagery elicits the same cortical and physiological effects as physical execution of a task Motor imagery is effective in increasing gait speed and functional mobility in postchronic stroke individuals Motor imagery can be implemented into physical therapy practice as an adjunctive intervention THANK YOU Maurine Coco, PT,DPT Ck Andrade, PhD, PT Andrew Lui, PT, DPT Jeannette Lee, PhD, PT Aaron Ortiz, DPTc Patrice Jang, DPTc Primary References Hwang S, Jeon HS, Yi C, Kwon O, Cho S, You S. 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