Summer Workshop in International Security

Summer Workshop in
International Security
Workshop Aims
Champaign, Illinois, is not
included. Travel information can
1) to inform students about key be secured on the ACDIS website.
security issues and equip
them with the analytic tools Application
to evaluate global policy
Application deadline extended
proposals to address them;
to April 17, 2015. Application can
2) to develop a self-sustaining
be found on-line at:
network of students with
competence and interest in
security studies; and
3) to introduce students to Eligibility
careers in security policymaking in private and public Applicants should be rising
sectors by meeting
sophomores or advanced underinformally with security
graduates. Majors of all fields are
encouraged to apply.
The fee is $1,500 to cover
cost of instruction, lodging
on campus, and all meals.
Travel to and from Urbana-
Program in Arms Control,
Disarmament, and
International Security (ACDIS)
University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
June 7–12, 2015
More information at:
L. Jean Camp, Indiana University
Stephen P. Cohen, Brookings Institution
Anthony H. Cordesman, Center for Strategic and Int’l Studies
Conrad C. Crane, US Army Military History Institute
Paul F. Diehl, University of Illinois
James J. Hentz, Virginia Military Institute
Feisal Amin Rasoul Istrabadi, Indiana University
Edward Kolodziej, University of Illinois
Frederick K. Lamb, University of Illinois
David M. Lampton, Johns Hopkins University
Jacquelyn Schneider, US Air Force
Jennifer Sims, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Clifford E. Singer, University of Illinois
Marybeth Peterson Ulrich, United States Army War College
Brenda Anne Wilson, University of Illinois
College Credit: One hour
Scholarships available
Todd C. Robinson, Associate Director
311 International Studies Building
910 South Fifth Street
Champaign, Illinois 61820
(217) 333-7086