fro...din3s ol tae ttre otSchoo, R..l{o.31s Sch.ol S'rb: irom Ed 01-04 Regarding. 1. e.O.Ll. 2. 3. 4. dated: 01 G.O.{1D dakd: C.O.l10). dared 31. G.O.{1D the rndea m€aiionri Sanclbnin!. fuiie. Conlnuaore .a pa(lcularised jn tao erictose{l The Ce(tltcate as Fina.ce (D) Deradment, date.j: lncumbents tn their :enrpora., 5, daaed: llt .03.2015- ,r ' Tenp.ary P.ns , Coninralian ol(]els 5 aralidd lrom Goy€rnment - C.rtii.rle 3 mbnihs tnrn t1.04. :015 ,ssued 175 Schoc Ed,-Jrro(C2tDepdnf -nl 1r7, S$ool E ucali.n(C2) Dep.t, -157,_ S.hooJ Eduaraon iasl2, ,eranmenl. ).13t, S.hooj Edu*iion lSSi) Oep.rtrnelrl, are herebl, ihal lhe od.(j .f cove-me$ cedai. Teachifig Tentrora,, post beyond] r0t5 .l ,d w(h refe8nce to pamgraph 3 c.C.Ms_t1l, 104, .r1.1474 for lhe d.rwat ,f tjrt and Aitowrn..n or the ls n cder ro draw an, dtsEurse tfe p,,, 1nd !f tirree m,lhsir.e a1.04.1015. Oders of covemmenl S 1o, ag iL-L-. Cor.. .r^ L r. .a.aD,.ary uo:.s .rc^l aae 01.04.2015 will ba Certificale D,.e.ior o, S; _Iie .F^','x ''U) Chief Ed:rcaiionai All Djsfict t.eas!ry O{ce. The Pay and Accounts Ofrcerc. Thr ot i€aiarrie, The Ar:lst.i! pay and Ac.o{nts t 006. inalmlenls for alio,rrncar of i!n.l: !du..ti;n, Che.!t- $to nnailSoulhlNod E3sr) & [,ta.Jurai. i,{c.ount. Cai6ir.rl-1a , ahennaj Cclpor?lrn. Cne5ai 3. cERitflCATE Ce.ttud that the R.C-No- 013i54 /L32015. of ltre fullowlng teo':la,-,ry lo3ts havg boen addaessedin l1}o Drecio/s letter .!3.2!1i tor srrlririno lie tudls. conll.lirtrcg tl'!.ode,s,5f1he Governmenl:.'l6n areawailed- 40."* alle Chref E{tucation.l oliicer All Oistdcl Tr€aeury Oftef Con lhe Pay and Accou.E 0tiiaers. Th! Commisdoaer of laeaslries The A$lslani Fry and A..o!.ls nai (Sou1h/Norlfi/Esst) & Msdu.Ei. Accal^ai C,!ennai-1 5. rer, Chealu; Comola:lon, Cr€nna!3-
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