ba d We are determined to providing Africa quality training to help build capacity, increase efficiency and reduce unemployment in the continent. Become a BROADCAST JOURNALIST 8 WEEKS For more informa on: | email: [email protected] | call: 08133945455 PUSH AFRICA in partnership with JobAid is offering a 2-months long professional training in broadcast journalism at a training school designed through a scheduled and systema c course content to enable par cipants train to qualify as broadcast Journalists, editors, reporters and presenters/OAPs upon comple on of training. If you desire to be a prac cing broadcast journalist or would love to work in the media industry, then this training program is for you! PUSH AFRICA & JOBAID is calling all fresh graduates, degree, diploma, or cer ficate holders from any recognized ins tu on to apply and be trained to join the list of experienced and qualified journalists in the country. Come lets equip you with the requisite skills needed for the media job market. ba d Become a BROADCAST JOURNALIST IN 8 WEEKS OUR OBJECTIVES PUSH AFRICA & JobAid has over the years trained both locally and interna onally renowned broadcasters and we are proud of our quality trainings and output. Thus we encourage you to grab this rare opportunity and run with it. TARGET GROUPS v Print and Broadcast Journalists v General Media Prac oners v Prospec ve/Aspiring Journalists (Broadcasters, Editors, Reporters, Presenters/OAPs) v Unemployed graduates with flair for the media profession v Graduates, Diploma and Cer ficate Holders v Mass Communica on and Public Rela ons students v Other professionals RESOURCE PERSONS Our resource persons are experienced and qualified broadcasters and media prac oners both in the field of work and in academia. ba d All par cipants must pay their fees in full before 15th June, 2015. Fees once paid are not refundable. Par cipants must carry photocopy of their admission le ers, two passport size pictures and copies of bank tellers of fees paid when repor ng on the first day of lectures. Applicants should note that the course will be held in Abuja. Thus par cipants from other states need not worry about accommoda on as that is covered in their fees. Our aim is to provide Africa quality training and tools needed to build capacity, increase efficiency and reduce unemployment in the con nent. COURSE CONTENTS v News Script Wri ng and Structuring, News Gathering, Edi ng and Compila on - Week 1 v News Reading and Presenta on, Radio Produc on, Programming and Presenta on – Week 2 v Television Produc on and Presenta on , Marke ng, Adver sing, Public Rela ons – Week 3 v Legal and Ethical Environment of Broadcas ng, Pronuncia on/Voice Training – Week 4 Become a BROADCAST JOURNALIST IN 8 WEEKS ba d
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