3rd Announcement - XVIIth International Workshop on

XVIIth International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular
Tunneling in Solids and other Phases
Hotel Dorint – Blüemlisalp, Beatenberg/Interlaken, Switzerland
http://qamts.ethz.ch/qamts2015/, http://hotel-interlaken.dorint.com/
Sunday 31 May through Wednesday 3 June 2015
Third and Final Announcement and Program
The 2015 meeting venue is in Beatenberg, a village on a mountain plateau
with superb views of the Bernese Alps, in a beautiful setting, indeed one of the
most beautiful regions of Europe.
Beatenberg is located 12 km away from the Interlaken-West Railway station,
which is easily reached by train from areas in the middle of Europe (including
trains to Interlaken via Bern/Thun), by car (freeway via Bern/Thun) and by air
through both Zürich and Geneva airports (followed by a fast train ride). See
travel instructions here on website. Please contact us if you need help with
The meeting will start with scientific sessions on Sunday morning, thus
participants from abroad should arrive by Saturday night 30 May. The meeting
will end with the conference dinner on Wednesday evening, departure being
Thursday morning 4 June after breakfast. The scientific sessions are all plenary
and include invited lectures, contributed lectures and posters.
The preliminary program with a time table for the lecture and poster sessions is
to be found on the website (click here: program) and will be updated on the
website as needed. Please check your lecture titles for corrections and also
times and duties as chairman. Note that the free informal discussion afternoon
with possible excursions can be either on Wednesday or on Tuesday
depending on weather conditions. The lecture program for these afternoons
will be exchanged accordingly. Thus speakers planned for Wednesday
afternoon should be also prepared to give their talks on Tuesday afternoon
instead of Wednesday. The decision on this will be taken on Monday
afternoon at the latest, depending on weather forecast.
Posters will always remain mounted during the whole meeting.
We would like to remind you of the unique nature of this series of workshops.
As in the past, the hallmark of QAMTS is the highly cross disciplinary nature,
which includes work on tunneling of protons and heavier species in
condensed or any other phases and in chemical reactions, transport in
condensed phases, rotational tunneling, biological systems, studied by
experiment or by theory. Lecture times (40 minutes or 20 minutes) include
discussion times and it is customary to leave enough time for discussion.
We look forward to welcoming you in Beatenberg.
Executive Committee
Jürgen Eckert, University of South Florida
Beat H. Meier, Frédéric Merkt, Martin Quack, ETH Zurich
Further information may be obtained by contacting
Martin Quack ([email protected]), Jürgen Eckert ([email protected]), or the
other members of the executive committee.
Please consult also the first and second announcements as well as other
information which will appear on our website as time goes on (particularly so,
if you are not familiar with the QAMTS workshops).
Local Committee
Urs Hollenstein, Ruth Schüpbach ,Georg Seyfang, Sieghard Albert,
Irina Bolotova, Ziqiu Chen, Csaba Fábri, Ľuboš Horný, ETH Zurich
The meeting is supported by
Swiss Chemical Society
Division of Fundamental Research
Contact group for Research Matters (KGF)
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Syngenta International AG
Novartis AG
Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie