I 9S5-S293?5 - e'&?!*LEFET tihen recorded. returrr to: {i?1Ae res F? ,. rlHf , tas" r; :l!rs! L. rrij: l99S_Oee3es lf*n" ll. llaldrsta *ttorne:r et LsH, ttd. 6315 E. ll*in St', S*ite llese , Arizcna 8t2e5 : :ljE rc.t : C."HTI "I 2 Frrs? r*?xllilx:F 3c $EcLt**rlgt o? EEs':r*rc?Isns fSE*EAg a Seclar*tion cf *eEtr:ictiene dEted $eptenber 1, t9?0" gertaini$* to the felloring desilribed prauiser, to rcit: L*rts 1-93' inel$aive, end ?raets A ead B' qUgEN C*EBr SUBiIRB:I!$' Rf,ffftlEs, seccrdi*3 to thrr plet of r*cord ir t?|e offiee of th* Ccaaty Reearder cf lPiael Carrtlty, Arizoaa, ia Book 15, Pag* 15' ttap Drarer t, l!*3 131' rfsr pcorded isr Dceket 6&7, ?agts 2t3-3CG, ia thn of f ice of the of Pirl*l Co$aty, ,lriz1'tl8; ead *ilC*.3t$ the und.srsig*ad lot ors'erg of qgg3lf CRSBI S9BU*BAI{ IANCN*$ deeire to ape*d ssid l*ct*ratioe af lestristicnsi Con*t5r *a**rrder , ?83*8fCRg, I'srsgrrl'} 5 oa pege 2 of th* *b*ve-dercribed $ectarsticr af, *egtrie!ioae is heraby *ee*rdegj Lo read ss fol'lor*: t{o c**re, off ice er othar gl:*a cf, br*gir}*ss sf iry hi:rd end *n haepital, eanit*ri*rra, ar cflt*f Pls** for th* eare *rr tr**csc*t of the sich er di.s*bl*d, Phtaic*tty cr tor .rry elurch ah*ll ever be sreeted or l;rxtrtly, parritt** o* *ay of erid lct,a, tr Eny *3rt thereaf; *ad *qr busia*se nf *ay kiad or cbartcter ilhttevsr rhall bt ?he ca$d$ct*d i* or f,ran *ay bgildia* oa ceid lota. the rrtf lillit rr<r ia etrall hererer, feregsi*t" clinic veteri*ery or bo*piitl en of suisEl xaiut*ining rlntrthia* to ,the $! arrt cse or tore cf s*id l*ie" cratr*ry berei* nctnithstendi*g" eucb ho*pitel or ctiaic r*y be og*r*ted aut of cne or lora buildings toceted tlr any loa sr s*t trro or tore adioiai*g lots ' ilS,f t. Lot &xner tst l{e: Fete ! iaa;e-*-;il;;;hi;f,.;jffi,fl,T::ffH;ffi1, W#:H-W.*--'** nirrFflnneegS trcc&d Er{l ro: geh Tttle c+mtl X. Ccatsrel, Suite l0l ftoenir, irlrmr 85012 Trust friirii6(It rrftl$B 143 trclAnflTrot{ % 0F _'qr-tt I ':fIOil.S Tf,USE KIIOH ALL UEN EY TttESE PRESEflTS: That HINilESOTA TITLE ml{p{Bt', an Arizona colpotation_, qs Trustee, being the owncr oll aL1 of the folloring described prenisesi situlte rithin ther County of Pinal, State of Arizona, to-uit; ai d Tlasts A and B,k!:--r:9lr._iqqtusive, QlIEEl,l CREEX SUBURBAN RAIICHESi, according to the plat of record in the office of-the County Recorder of Pinel County, Arizona., in Book 15, Page 16, Map Ilranei l, llap lSt t? estabtish the narure of the use and enjoy_ l1!-d:illilg nent thereOf. dOeS herehv declare declere s.cirl rrraricac iii[;ilii crrtrian+ gg": hereby 11o:.lh:I:?f_t. to the follouing etcpress coyenants,saia-priiiiii stiiulations,end restrictions as to the use asd enjiyurenf ineieoi, all of rhich are to be construed as resriiari;; ;;;;;;i" runling uith the title to said frenises anit rirh ;;;h;il- efery part and parcel thereof, to-vit: l_. The lots subjeet tc these restrictions shall be knovn and. described as siugle-faniJ.y residential lots. 2. .No building ercept one single fanity resldencer or one oobile holrl, a private Sarage or carport detached o:r seni-detached tor not nore than tso (2) catrs, and a stTucture to serrs as a stablLe, livestock shelter, {nd/or tack room shirli be erected, naintained, placed or pemitted on any residential lot or portion ott said reiidential lot- in qUEE:S CREEK SUfUngAN ITAHCHES. SuEh stable, li-t-estoct shelter anrl/oi tack roonr shall be of a desigr haruroaiols *ith the other structure or structurer; upofl said lot, no use of used or inferior ilaterials sUifr -andpernitted. be ,lay quarters i:or serrrants guests nust be aa integral pi,rt of said or res idence. shall_be erectedr pemirteit, l: _ll_$:rting or naintained upon said lots uhiih- conteins less than eleven hundred (1f00) square feet of ground floor teyel arei ginlt,rdiog inieiior storage) under pernanent rodf, excluiive oi opened roof areas, cabanasr carports, s, and garages. No nobile hone less than t tin flo) ten (10) fl feet ride and fortv fd0l feet Ilong shati bi ty-(40) feet pernitted or naintiiied-upon siia-iots- All plgl+lngs' robile hores, structufes, and Durrdrng: erected, pernitted and naintained upon. said lots and al1 appurtenant strustureg -1- t1+1::-G-1t! thau u6u trentlr LrrilLy (a-0) rGeE feet ftrot frnor t:EG propertl rlbc rrollE froat DroDgrEy llne, exceptt6v, rhat e front pt'rch or attrded garage or car?ort nay projec:t ojic:t into the tne-tFiiit frant ysrd not rore thsn five {5} (5) fe€t, feet, nor sbrlt sbrlt the side ualls of any such t,ullding be rcarel than fifteen (15) felt fron the prSnerty line on each sirle of said lot; providld lurtf,er tlrat tllris restri.ctiori slifi qppty to the s_tgble, livestock sheltcr anLd/cr teck roo/r, rhich structure nEy nEl' not be located closcr closcr ihs[ (251 feet t-ron the nein structure trenty-five tuenty-five (25) struc or residence, nor closer than twcrt)r (ZC) fect to any side property lipe.. . . :q. .'=-* ".r:.,i .*.r'ji t',:':,:-:.$., shall bc bg_?riclcif-au irecgcil ar-iry's.f tffi .b.f 'said f*iriential r#iriential lots until .a ilye_llilc Lotrse shiir [ave beer . ,.._. .*:i erected, a uirbile uilbilq [qe pleccil thereon. lide plsccil thirein, or'untll. or'untll . , ,.' :,+1 a contract vith a reiiabte and fispeniitre . :: contrsctor sfuilt baXe bliit' Cntered-irito. frir thc . ':n,:* cqnstruction of e_frellrng_rhici qhaf! Corpl: . ,. ,,'..A vith the restrictidns hcrEin perrittia on.ffi : ;,:1111 such preriscs- No geraBrs or Stable and Cect- .,'..i.i:. j;1.=r{; roon ihalr te used iil-;;';een;ili-p&;fi No outside toilets stsll be renitt;il irr fuy !::-i:.rii eventl and all toilets, sinli, baths, slwels, 1j:l:j and_sipilar plmbiag oi sanitition ficititl.es' i'f 'i proiptty shall be cinnected to and cupty inio , ". lmdergrotmd septic taaks and/or cesspools "i-.i' and/or a serer systet all of rhicL nrrst leet i;, -;i the requircFcnts of the appticeblc Cornty anil ;.. ,DepartEcnts. 5. No storer office or othe:r plaa; of business of- any kind snd uo hospital , saniteriu, or sther place for the cere DT iEreat[ert of the sick or d,isabled, physically or rcrrtalllr, aor any church shall ever be eror;ted or perritted on atry of said lots, or any llart thereof; and no business of any lind or clraractpr rhaterer shall be conductet in or frqr any buililiag on State Health and Sanltetion said lots. 6. l{one of the above described lots shall be subdivided iuto sualler lots nor coilyeyed in less than the full dirension of the lot ts -z- . -r ihfiilfll?ffiffi #il d..-r, i !:.; '. F.."t' shoyn by the RANCHES, plat of QttEEt{ CnBEf SUllnBAil exccpt for public utilities. 7. An entire residsntiat :[ot together nith the ilprovencnts theroon lny be rentcd or lsased by the osner thereo:F to e single falily, but not othenrise. L Horses, poultry, or lir/estock aay be kept or laintaineil on aay of saji.d lots, rhich horses, poultry, and/or linestock r;hell be for the sole and exclusive uge and enjo;rnent of the orners of said lot and their invit:ed guests. The naintenance of such borscs,, poultry, end/or livestock and the physical facilities for the sale shall be aaintained by lot ovner in a clean, neet, orderly fasbion in accordance uith the prcvailing custo! and csage, so that such facilities shall not t)econe a nuisance to the renaining lot oilners irr seid QIIEEN CREE|( SIIBURBIN R&{CIIES. Any suctr physical facilities for the uaintenance of poul.try, livestock or horses uust be naintained art a nininn distance of seventy .(70) f€et frol t:he front property line of any seiil lots. Norte of said lois o1 any portion thereof shall erysr be used fpr counercial aninal husbaadry'. 9, l.Io unlarful , offensive, noxious or innoral activity or conilition shalt be carried on or naintained upor eny lot, Do,r shall anything be done or pernitted thereon rhich nay be or becoae a luismce or arnoyance to the neighborhood. No equipnent, service yards, noodpiles, or storsge piles, nor snything norually described as_junt, trash, or rubble ihall be tept or naintained on any lot. Alt rubbish, trlsh or garbage shall be recoued fron the lots and shall not be allored to accunulate thereon. Xo incinerator, other than high-conbustion burners, shall be kept or naintained on ady lct. 10. lfittr the excepticn of one .'For Rcnt'f or "For Sale"-slgn lulich shall not exceed lg by 24 indres in size) no advertising signs, biliboards, urrsightly objects or nuilancls ihatt be erected, placed, or pernitted to renain en anf lot. 11. No slerated tants of any kind shall be e-rected, pl?-ced, or penitted upm any of the above described lots. .{ay ranki useil in connection sith al1r residen,ces, tparbetrts, nsbile_hores, or structures on tt'e lots, iicluding tants for storage of, gas, fuel oil, gasolinc, or oil Dust be tept buried ,qr kept screcned by adequate plantilg oT fease to concasl thel fror lolghborlng iots end structrrres. -5: -'-r':g:q': rnftTfti? ffiglE + r l" 12. lJotrithstanding anythinlg to .the contr*ry= herein contalned, Treets A and B, QttEEIl CnEEX SUBIIRSA}I RAI{G{ES, consisting of rell sites and, iuproneients, shall be used only for purtrroses conron to all lots in QUEEH (:REEI SUBIilEIH R ilGlES. Ho buildings or stlructutres sball be erected or mainteined on sairl afee, other than facilitios necessarT for and incidental to the operation and Esintenance of said uell sit"s. l'he Board of Ilirectors of QIIIiEN CREEK SttDttRBfrItl R.tl{CtlES, tNC, shal1 heve the erclirsive rigbt an'il porer to establish anil irrpose rules anil regulations goyerning the us{:, naintenancc gad devclopaent of said Trects A snd B, and eny person using the facilities of seid trast$ shaLl abide by sudr rules antl regulations. 13. It is anticipated that t:ertail resideaces, end oobile hores rill be constructed ffi and naintaineil on the hereinhefore ilescribed tots and that uater pupeil f:ror Tracts A and B rill be used for irrigation lrurposes only on saiil lots; that ornersbip to each of said lots will be evidenced by a D€ed. Tracts A and D shall be and are hereby rade subject to atr eascE€nt rhich shrll be appul'tenant to all of the lots in QllEElI CtrEEf SUBIIIUAI{ BANCHES for the use and benefit of all ol[ the orners of said lots, their succassors lmil assigns, to usc said Tracts froa which to obltaia *ater for irrigation purposes, subject to 1:he llnitations herein set forth. Trects A rmd B,shall br conveyed ts and grncd by QltSliN CREEK SUBIfiBAF RAflCHES, fNC., an Arizora nortprofit corporation. Tlre proper naintenance, repalrrs and upteep of the said lracts, irprovenents an<l facilities located thereon shall be undertaten by the sei.d qmEll CREEK SlEltRBAll RlllCtlES, INC. The :rights and obligations of said corporati.on rith respect ta said Tracts A and B end the lrainteerauce, repairs and upkeep thereof shall be rrs follovs: A, One nesbership in QIIEEI{ CREDf, SI|EIIRBN{ II{C., an Arizorra nanprofit cor?oration, shall be issued to the onnsr or ouners of record, or cor,ttact purclrascr or purchasers, of each lot ulthin QIEEil CaEEK SUBURBAII RAilCHES- In th,e event e lot is orncd or is bcing purcha,seil uidcr cotrtrect by tr+o or rnore pcrsons, onc rcrbership shall be issued i.n the rratas of all of said orners or cotrtract purcha:iersl and they collactively shall desigtete to the corporation ia uriting (rlr? of their nugber nho- shall harc the poyet to vote the s*id nenbership at arly annual or sPeciel teeting of the nelbers of the corporation. RATICHES, B. quEEil CSEEr SUBIIRSIII MI{CRES, rHC. shall dcvelop, to the eritent lecessary' -{- *ui?SE? Prcrlp? operate, incJLuding but not T?iTt"iDr rl.rllted to the pay4ent of the cost of electricity or gas, oiJl, etc. necessary for the purnping-operati.6ns, and other-' t{lse rnErnage Tracts A arrd B and shall pay all real estate taxes rrhich nay be asiessea agailst and levied upotr said Tiacts, and--a1l" inpror.ernents loclte,d or construited preniums for fire, Il:I:qn, Tdpublic lg.pal.ali hasard and liability insnrance. C, Each o}'ner or the o$rers of record cf eech lqt in said subdivision shall piy io QUEEN CREEK SUBURBAI{ RAilCHES, t:vC. iittrin ten {10} days of receipt of inuoice his pro rata share of the aggregate costs eaumerated in the preceiling-subparagraph B. {i) The ovnerrs pr} rata share shall be deterained by thrr Board of oi*Jiio* of _QUEEN CREE{ SUBUTR}.{\ R&\c}tES, ii-a:-and shall be in the retis that [he of lots ornerl by each (}wner -nunber bears to the total trunLer of lots in Ayi:Ff CREEfi SUBURBA:| R{.\CHES. Invoices shall be subnitted nonthiy or at such regular intenrels ai ,nay be iiiea .othgl by the Board of Dirr:ctors of QUef![ CnfXX strBuRBAr RAIICHES, Itic. {iil The uaxinugr antount uhich na1, be as_sessed b.v the Boald of .Ilirector! of I:EC. for anl-_of the purposes enuneratea heiein' shalt not exceed $ Il!.00per lot per !'ear, previded thaE-EEit haxisrun emounr na,v be increas_erl by a rnajority vgte of rhe menbers of QUEEI cREEt( subuRBA.{ R{-\CtlEs, I_\C. at an,, flgu}ar $eering sr s^pecial meeting of said-mimbers called for that purpgse. QUEE.V CREEK SUBU:IB{\| Rft!{CiqES, event any iavoice as provided for P, -fT tb. in this Paragraph tS is noi paia'within thirtv {IC). ilays fr6u ihe oate.trre ;"r; i;"i#Jil;;t in the United Srares naii i"a;iioiess.l-$--the_ ouner or owners of a roi, .it e-*rnount such invoice shall constituti ina U".or" ot l_igtr_gpon said tot provi,iiJ qufHrc cREEK " SUBURB-{II ILtlcHES, Llc. .,iuJ*r'-to- be fited in the Office of th6 County Recordir, pinal County, an Affidavit of'Hrn--i;fi;;t of iuch invoice in the foru of . xiteri"inen,s Lien a Eopy of thrr said $f .ngstinstot. said tien shall Lb forecj,oiea-riirrin-;i; "ariiup"" t;i' nonths fron the aate of liilingittre _ Effiaavit of Non-Payment as hereinarbove"deiirined rn.Ene nlntrer provided by the dpplicable and -{rlzons starutes pertaining to .-the foreclosure -5- =$ Bft-ri?fll?rdm 1 rerain in force and effect Ertil anrl including lleccnbar 51, 2000. Thereafter they shall bc deerrcd ts bavc been autonatlcally reneved and erteaded for r;ucceisiye periods of ten {10) years eadr unless revsked or alcnded br att instrurent. in rriting executcd and acknowledgert by the orrrbrs of not less than three-fourths of the lots it seid snbdirision ead recorded in the Otfice of the Recorrlcr of Pinal Cormty, Arizona, uithin ninety (90) days prrror td the expirrtion of the initial effectiye period hereof or atry ten-ylar + z extension. firese coveaants, restrictllons, treservatLons rnd conditions Eay at any tiue be lodifj'ed ori anended by an instrrment in writing executed and flctnotil,edgcd by thc orners of not less than three-fourths of the lots in sai'il subdivisioa, and rccorded in the Office of the Recorder of Pinal County, Arizona. Inrslidation of arty cne ol: thesc €oyenants or restrictions by judgnent or court c::der siall in no uise affect any of the other provisions rrhich $hall resain in full force and effect Tlre benefits and obligaticrns, Ldreunder sball iaure to and be binding upon the parti€s heretorl their succesFo.f,s : r-.. .-.;.1,.J and assigns. DATED .. let iley cf $eltttdelE' , lg?O. this I'IIHXESOTA Attes STATE OF ARIZONA COT'NTY OF I{ARICOPA ) t-' ) )- fITtE COttpAl{Y, Trrrstee t:, ..'1. ..-$4 ss. E f .: lsB day of Septqbef Septcdelr , 1970, thts, this,_-the the lsr lg?0, before befo ne, _ On gned officeriFsonally the undersiigned officeriFFsonatty fu sp?jr-E L F. totgrrert and iho aclnoirrei-ged tbcrES:!ffi*FTG rsglYes to De ttre anil le-sLgtat $ecrctlry robpectively of pAltT-,_ifr-Tfr ffi ulqPAIiI, an Arizona 6F 6iFor cofporStion, e li 8s Trustecr and that they being ng authorieed to do sq, so-, cxecuted thc forelo cxbcuted cxbc foregoiag , instrrnent for the-purposes herein cont;in;N Uy signing-tiE nane name of the corporation by by thenselves as suth btfiEers. IN IrTI{ESS. officiat,seal. 'a'. SHEREOF, I hereunio set ny hauil aad { ' -8- ,t
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