queen of apostles school tuition & fees policy 2015-2016

In-Parish Tuition
In-parish tuition is offered by the pastor of Queen of Apostles Catholic Church to families living within
parish boundaries who are registered members of Queen of Apostles parish and are participating
members of the parish community (e.g., regularly attending Sunday mass, supporting parish activities,
contributing to parish financial needs).* Mass attendance is accounted for by placement of the weekly
offering envelope into the collection at mass.
*The financial support of Queen of Apostles parishioners makes it possible for the parish to provide an annual subsidy to the
school that, in turn, makes the in-parish rate available to families who are parishioners.
Special information for families registering in the parish at the time of enrollment:
a. For a family that has just moved into the parish from another area and lives within the territory of the
parish, in-parish tuition may be granted.
b. For a family that is currently living in the area but has not registered in the parish until the time of
school enrollment, the family will be assigned out-of-parish tuition for the remainder of the semester
(fall or spring) for which their child is enrolling. After completion of the semester, the family’s
parish participation, contributions, and other forms of support will be evaluated and in-parish tuition
may then be granted.
c. For a family that is currently living out of the parish boundaries but wishes to practice the faith at
Queen of Apostles parish, the family will receive out-of-parish rates for the first six months of
enrollment. After the completion of six months the family’s parish participation, contributions, and
other forms of support will be evaluated and in-parish tuition may then be granted.
Children who are not baptized cannot be considered as members of the Catholic Church even though
one or both parents are baptized Catholics. Please be aware that the sacraments should not be sought
merely to reduce tuition. Families wishing to baptize their children should contact the Queen of Apostles
parish office for more information.
Out-of-Parish Tuition
The out-of-parish tuition rate is given to those families who are registered, participating members of
another Catholic parish. To receive this tuition rate, each family must submit a parish verification and
tuition status form, which must be signed by the pastor or parochial vicar of their home parish.
Other-Faith Tuition
This tuition rate for families who are not practicing Catholics is still below the actual cost per student to
educate a child at Queen of Apostles School. This rate takes into account that families of other faiths do
not provide direct parish support. The other-faith rate is paid when:
1. The family does not profess the Catholic faith.
2. The children have not been baptized Catholic even though the family professes to be Catholic.
3. The family professes the Catholic faith but is not registered in a Catholic parish.
Tuition & Fees Payment
Tuition is paid through the FACTS Management Company in 10 monthly installments. FACTS is
commonly used in Catholic primary and secondary schools to manage the collection of tuition and the
distribution of financial aid. All families must register online with FACTS by April 1, 2015. If online
registration is not possible, please contact the school office for a paper registration form.
Each student’s material and test fee is due on May 1, 2015. The fee is $300 for the first child in a
family and $250 for each additional child.
The first tuition payment for the 2015-2016 school year is due July 1, 2015, and then every month
thereafter with the last payment due in April. A fee of $30.00 will be assessed for late payment.
Because of administrative fees, it is necessary to assess your account with a $30.00 fee for each returned
You may access FACTS online at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/4F37H to pay tuition and fees. You
may also contact FACTS at 1-866-441-4637.
Tuition Assistance
Families seeking tuition assistance should submit the appropriate financial information to FACTS
by March 16, 2015. You may submit information online at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/4F37H.
Paper financial information forms are available from the school. No reduction in tuition can be made
unless application forms are submitted directly to FACTS, which provides confidential and objective
financial analysis to the Diocese of Arlington. Financial assistance is granted by the diocese to Catholic
families. Submission of forms does not guarantee assistance or availability of funds.
Non-Catholics who are new to Catholic schools may receive assistance through the Tax Credit
Scholarship. The school principal submits applications for qualified students to the diocese. Funds are
Awards are made for one academic year only and are based on each family’s demonstrated financial
need. Queen of Apostles School determines the amount of the distribution of all awards for each
academic year. The school will contact you when award decisions have been made, and a credit will be
made to your tuition account. If additional tuition assistance money becomes available, parents in need
of financial assistance will be notified and their accounts will receive an additional credit.
Queen of Apostles School accepts students of all religions, races, and ethnic origins. Students are
admitted in the following order: current students from the parish, siblings of currently enrolled students,
students from parishes without schools, out-of-parish Catholics, and students from other faiths.