KATZ CONCERT SERIES BRITISH DEPENDENCY REGGAE concert SATURDAY, JUNE 27 at 4PM Rockaway Beach PARK Seagirt Boulevard and Beach 17th Street in Far Rockaway In partnership with Kupferberg Center for the Arts and City Councilmember Donovan Richards, Jr. queensbp.org/katzconcerts | #katzconcerts Hailing from the British Isle of Anguilla, British Dependency brings Root, Heart and Soul to Reggae music by fusing various genres with their three piece ensemble, drum, guitar and bass. Their unique and eclectic sound appeals not only to those with a discerning musical palate but also those who are avid reggae fans. The Band lives by the mantra, “Creating music that reflects originality, talent, togetherness, bravery and wisdom. Our Music, Our Future, Our Independence“ and with that they continue to push the boundaries and open new roads of empowerment and forward-thinking. All those attending the concerts are advised to bring chairs and/or blankets FOR ENHANCED COMFORT AND ENJOYMENT FREE ADMISSION, RAIN OR SHINE www.queensbp.org/katzconcerts #KatzConcerts www.queensbp.org @melindakatz queensbpkatz Printed In House
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