MAY 2015 The Community Activities and Seniors Program for April has been well attended. I have been working with Tina Johnston from Quilpie HACC Services. Each alternate week we have been holding the Community Activites and Seniors Program at the Quilpie CWA Hall and St Matthews Hall. Everyone is welcome, the young and the elderly. The more the merrier, bring a friend! To commemorate the Anzac Centenary, marking the 100 years since the landing of our troops at Gallipoli during the First World War. The Quilpie HACC and Seniors Craft Group have been busy making Poppies for Anzac Day. Some of the ladies have been knitting, crocheting and using felt and fabric to make the poppies.This has been a great community project for the seniors.The poppies were layed out to make the words ANZAC 2015.This was put up on display in the foyer at the Quilpie Shire Hall for Anzac Day.Well done ladies! A special thanks to Val Stevenson for her contribution of knitted poppies and Dorothy Walker for the crochet poppies she made for the Anzac display, also Marion Holiday who donated some wool to the Craft group to use as well. The Tai Chi and Gentle Exercise sessions are still popular. Tina and I held a Scrabble afternoon on Thursday 23rd April at St. Matthews Hall.We had nine ladies attend. Two of ladies were tourists that were staying at the caravan park. One lady had been here 12 months ago and had been part of the seniors program. It was nice to catch up with Tina again. If there is anything you would like to see happen in the Community Activites and Seniors Program please feel free to ring me or call into the Quilpie Shire Council Office and speak to me. On Thursday the 16th April, Tina and I held a Pamper afternoon at the CWA Hall. Ellie Springall from the Quilpe Hospital did footcare and Tina painted fingernails. John Haylock came along and had his feet done. This was a first for John. Also some of the ladies had a game of Skip Bo while waiting to have their feet and nails done.This was a good time had by all. John Haylock Gail Weier & Tina Val Stevenson and Ellie Leah Cameron Ellie & Kim Anderson Ruby Andrews & Jackie Johnson Sue McWaters, Jackie Johnson, Cheralee Lane and Bubsy Lander Wanted Plastic Shopping Bags Household Paintbrushes Please contact Michelle Donohue on 0746 561 500 Simple Balance Exercise 2 Retaining Your Ability To Walk Balance is all about your feet. For the next exercise, you will keep your right foot flat on the ground while the left foot will only have the toe touching the ground. This is the stance you would have when you are walking. While having no support or just touching the support bar with your fingertips, stand in position for 30 seconds. When you are done you can repeat the same exercise by turning around and switching your feet. When one loses their balance, they will usually also lose their ability to walk. This is because they did not make use of their leg muscles. Usually this is a more common occurrence to people who have been in a wheel chair for a long time. With exercise, some of these individuals can build up their leg muscles and then retain the ability to walk and maintain balance. HACC SERVICES – WATER AEROBICS Water Aerobics has now finished for the season.Thanks to Tina from HACC Services for instructing these classes once a week. Thanks also to the Quilpie Hospital for providing the fruit each week. Tina and I are looking at doing other activities on a Thursday morning while the pool is closed for the season.We will keep you informed. Watch This Space. Walking Group When: Where: Bring: Cost: Every Tuesday and Thursday at 5.45 – 6.30am Bicentennial Park Water Bottle and a friend Free For more information call Michelle on 0427 243 055 or 4656 0509 Bowen Therapist Kate Percival will be visiting Quilpie on 11th May at the Quilpie CWA Hall $50 per session (45mins) Sports Injuries-sore backs/necks $40 Pensioner Rate Please call Kate to make an appointment on 0427542283 QUILPIE SHIRE COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES AND SENIORS PROGRAM Gentle exercises are held every Monday at 10.30am. Alternate weeks at the CWA Hall and St Matthews Hall Craft for Seniors is held every Tuesday afternoon at 2.00pm. Alternate weeks at the CWA Hall and St. Matthews Hall Tai Chi is held every Wednesday morning at 10.30am at the CWA Hall. Seniors cards and games afternoon is held every Thursday afternoon at 2.00pm. Alternate weeks at the CWA Hall and St Matthews Hall EVERYONE IS WELCOME - Why not bring a friend HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Ray Nowland 8th MAY Thelma Lander 10th MAY We hope you all have a Happy Birthday full of lovely surprises! From all of your Quilpie Community Activity friends Visiting Specialist Dates FOR YOUR INFORMATION Dr Grame Banks - Monday 27th April – 1st May Dr Nicole Mohajer- Tuesday 5th May Dr Julia Fielding – Thursday 7th May Michael Young Optometrist - Wednesday 13th May Stephanine Breitkreutz Dietician - Wednesday 20th May Matt Farrell Exercise Physiologist - Thursday 28th May Ailsa Walker Physiotherapist - Thursday 28th May PLEASE NOTE: Dates and times are subject to change For appointments please ring CWAATSICH – 4656 1391 Quilpie Medical Practice Consulting hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 5.00pm with the last appointment at 4.30pm and closing for lunch from 1.00 – 2.00pm Phone: 07 4656 1158 Quilpie Multi Purpose Health Service Phone: 07 4656 0100 Poisons Information Phone: 13 11 26 EMERGENCY Phone: 000 Chicken and Mushroom Casserole Kathryn Bennett Our Chicken and Mushroom Casserole is the ideal meal to share when you are craving some comfort food. And with only a few ingredients, you can put it together without much fuss. Serves: Two Time: One hour and 10 minutes Ingredients 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 small brown onion 350g of chicken pieces 1/2 can (284ml) mushroom soup Method Preheat the oven to 165°C. In a pan, sauté the onion in oil. Once it’s cooked, place in a casserole dish and add the chicken and cover with the mushroom soup. Bake uncovered in the oven for one hour. Serve with steamed greens or a salad. DATES TO REMEMBER Church Services Friday 8th May 2015 6:00pm St. Matthews Church Sunday 24th May 2015 1:30pm Toompine Sunday 24th May 6:00pm St.Finbarr’s Church Biggest Morning Tea Friday 15th May 2015 10:00am Quilpie Hospital Sunday 24th May 2015 10:00am (CWA) Supper Room Healthy Ageing Lunch Tuesday 26h May 2015 12:00pm at Hertiage Inn Please RSVP Michelle on 0427 243 055 - no later than Tuesday 19th May Foodcents Wednesday 27th May 2015 10:30am Supper Room A LITTLE HUMOUR Recruiting Exam During an exam, a police recruit was asked what he would do if his job required him to arrest his own mother. His response was, "Call for backup." The Driving Test A professional juggler, driving to his next performance, is stopped by the police. "What are you doing with these matches and lighter fluid in your car?" asks the police officer. "I'm a juggler and I juggle flaming torches in my act." "Oh yeah? Let's see you do it," says the officer. So the juggler gets out and starts juggling the blazing torches masterfully. A couple driving by slows down to watch. "Wow," says the driver to his wife. "I'm glad I quit drinking. Look at the test they're giving now!" SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Let age, not envy, draw wrinkles on thy cheeks.
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