C LI N IC IA N ’S PU RS U M AN AG EM EN T E IT Jointly sponsored by the Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation and The Customer Link, Inc. O F O PT IM UM TH ST RA TE G IES A CME/CPE/CE Activity This activity is supported by an educational grant from Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. Release date: July 2008 Expiration date: July 31, 2009 Introduction IBS, a chronic condition characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel function, affects approximately 58 million people in the United States. The prevalence of IBS and other functional bowel disorders is far higher in women than in men, with 80% of IBS sufferers being women between the ages of 20 and 40. Despite the fact that IBS predominantly affects women, current diagnostic criteria do not address the particular issues specific to women. IBS diagnoses can be challenging since many symptoms overlap with those of other functional bowel disorders, specifically chronic constipation, and other conditions. With recent advances in definition, updated guidelines, and continuous studies, researchers and clinicians have tried to delineate the differences between chronic constipation and IBS in order to provide better clinical care for both of these often-overlooked disorders. Once an IBS or chronic constipation diagnosis is confirmed, a successful treatment plan must be established. Due to the everchanging scope in diagnosis and treatment, it is important for clinicians to stay up-to-date on emerging data in IBS and chronic constipation. This monograph will provide insight related to IBS and chronic constipation diagnosis and management in women. Learning Objectives • Describe the signs and symptoms of IBS in women and differentiate IBS from other functional bowel disorders • Identify gender differences and other conditions associated with IBS in women • Cite the American College of Gastroenterology guidelines for diagnostic testing in patients with IBS • Assess the usefulness of lifestyle modifications and alternative treatments in the management of IBS • Review the current pharmacologic treatment options used to manage IBS and other functional bowel disorders and explore their mechanisms of action Target Audience This activity is designed for clinicians with an interest in the diagnosis and treatment of IBS in women. Method of Participation This activity should take approximately 1 hour to complete. You should read the objectives and other CME information, then proceed through the monograph. To receive CME/CPE/CE credit, please visit http://totalmeded.com/ibsmonograph. The evaluation on the posttest site provides you with the opportunity to comment on the extent to which the educational needs were met, the quality of the instructional process, the perception of commercial bias, and your view on future educational needs. This credit is available through July 31, 2009. No credit will be given after this time. Accreditation and Designation Physicians: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint sponsorship of the Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation and The Customer Link, Inc. The Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation designates this educational activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Pharmacists: Purdue Uni- versity School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. This program is a continuing education activity of Purdue University, an equal access/equal opportunity institution. Universal Program Number (UPN): 018-999-08-107-H01-P, 1.0 contact hours (.10 CEU). Release date: July 2008. Expiration date: July 31, 2009. Nurse Practitioners: This program has been approved for 1.0 contact hours of continuing education (which includes 0.5 hours of pharmacology) by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Program ID 0805234. Nurses: The Dannemiller Memorial Educa- tional Foundation is an approved provider of the California Board of Registered Nursing. Provider Number 4229 for 1.2 contact hours. RNs outside California must verify with their licensing agency for approval of this course. Physician Assistants: AAPA accepts 1 credit from AOACCME, Prescribed credit from AAFP, and AMA Category 1 CME credit for the PRA from organizations accredited by the ACCME. Faculty David A. Peura, MD, MACG, FACP University of Virginia Health Sciences Center Charlottesville, VA Suzanne Rose, MD, MSEd Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York, NY Disclosures In accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation requires that any person who is in a position to control the content of a CME activity must disclose all relevant financial relationships they have with a commercial interest. Accordingly: Dr. Peura reported that he serves as a speaker for, consultant to, and member of the advisory board for Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. and TAP Pharmaceutical Products Inc. Dr. Peura also reported that he serves as a speaker for AstraZeneca and Santarus, Inc. Dr. Rose reported that she serves as a speaker for, consultant to, and member of the advisory board for Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. and Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dr. Rose also reported that she serves as a speaker for TAP Pharmaceuticals Products Inc. Jason Jenkins, medical writer, and Pete Sloan, medical editor, have no financial relationships with any commercial interests that are relevant to disclose. The Dannemiller staff and Customer Link staff that were involved in the development of this activity have no financial relationships with any commercial interests that are relevant to this activity. To resolve identified conflicts of interest, the educational content was fully peer reviewed by a physician member of the Dannemiller Clinical Content Review Committee who has nothing to disclose. The resulting certified activity was found to provide educational content that is current, evidence-based, and commercially balanced. Disclosure of Unlabeled or Investigational Drugs This educational activity may contain discussion of published and/or investigational uses of agents that are not indicated by the FDA. The opinions expressed in the educational activity are those of the faculty. Please refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings. Further, attendees/participants should appraise the information presented critically and are encouraged to consult appropriate resources for any product or device mentioned in this program. Disclaimer The content and views presented in this educational activity are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation; Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.; or The Customer Link, Inc. This material is prepared based upon a review of multiple sources of information, but it is not exhaustive of the subject matter. Therefore, healthcare professionals and other individuals should review and consider other publications and materials on the subject matter before relying solely upon the information contained within this educational activity. To take the posttest and receive CME/CPE/ CE credit, please visit the following Web site: http://totalmeded.com/ibsmonograph. This activity is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. Jointly sponsored by the Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation and The Customer Link, Inc. Conquering IBS in Women: The Clinician’s Pursuit of Optimum Management Strategies Women: Bearing the Burden of IBS with IBS reported being too sick to work or go to school than did those without IBS (11.3% vs 4.2%). Furthermore, IBS often goes unrecognized, undiagnosed, and/or untreated, and many patients often endure symptoms for months or years before consulting a health care provider.13 A survey of 340 IBS patients (276 of whom were women) found that 42% of respondents had been diagnosed with IBS ≥10 years before the survey; almost two-thirds had had the condition for at least 5 years. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been defined as a functional bowel disorder in which abdominal pain or discomfort is associated with defecation or a change in bowel habit, along with features of unsatisfactory defecation.1 Characterized by cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea, IBS is one of the most common gastrointestinal (GI) disorders diagnosed in the United States, with a prevalence of approximately 15% to 20%.2 Symptoms associated with the disorder occur frequently, resulting in considerable physical, emotional, and economic costs. Women bear much of the burden of IBS: twice as many women as men seek treatment for IBS in the United States and other Western countries.3,4 Whether the increased prevalence in female patients means that women are more willing than men to report IBS-related symptoms, or if it means that women are biologically predisposed to IBS, is still not clear; however, it is worth considering that functional pain syndromes with a female predominance (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, interstitial cystitis, and migraine headaches) overlap with IBS.5 Recent data also suggest that gender differences exist in the symptoms, pathophysiology, and response to certain treatments in IBS.6 Female IBS patients are more likely to be constipated and complain of abdominal distension and extraintestinal symptoms. The purpose of this review is to highlight the issues facing women with IBS, including proper management and treatment options. IBS: Pathophysiology IBS is a chronic, relapsing, and frequently lifelong condition of unknown etiology14; however, abnormalities of GI visceral sensation, motility, autonomic function, bacterial flora, and immunity have been cited as possible mechanisms accounting for symptoms.15 IBS may also be regarded as a collection of symptoms without a single cause that reflects an integrated response to a variety of complex biologic and psychosocial factors.16 In other words, IBS may be seen as a disorder of brain-gut interactions with both physical and psychosocial components.16,17 Figure 1 illustrates a proposed pathophysiologic model of IBS.18 Figure 1. IBS: Pathophysiology18 The Cost of IBS IBS exacts a significant economic burden. A 2007 study of 558 IBS patients revealed that the mean annual direct health care costs were $5049 per patient for IBS, and the annual average out-of-pocket expenses to treat this condition were $406 per patient.7 Health care costs of IBS and associated productivity losses attributed to IBS symptoms are approximately $30 billion annually,8 comparable to the costs associated with asthma, migraine, or hypertension.9-11 Chang and colleagues found that women with IBS had a lower quality of life and reported more fatigue, depressed mood, and levels of anxiety, and less positive self-control and well-being compared with men with IBS.5 Furthermore, Lee and colleagues compared health-related quality of life scores between men and women with IBS and found that female patients with IBS had worse raw scores than did male patients; however, after controlling for gender differences in the general population, the only disparity was greater bodily pain scores in the female patients.4 The symptoms of IBS often affect a patient’s ability to live a fulfilling life. This was demonstrated by Drossman and colleagues, who showed that patients with IBS had missed about 3 times as many days from work or school in the previous year because of illness as did those with no evidence of functional GI disorder (mean values, 13.4 vs 4.9 days; P=.0001).12 The same study revealed that a higher proportion of individuals The etiology and role of motility anomalies in IBS patients are unknown; however, researchers have long believed that distorted motility patterns of the rectum, colon, and small bowel are the primary reason for the abdominal pain experienced by IBS patients.19 Although the motility response to various stimuli (eg, diet, psychological distress, or physical activity) is similar in IBS patients and healthy controls, there are measurable differences in the degree of response.20 Patients with IBS have increased motor reactivity, which may be perceived as pain or discomfort. Factors such as meals, stress, cholecystokinin secretion, and neostigmine or corticotropin-releasing hormone injection can increase motor activity in the ileum, colon, and rectum in these patients. Another important consideration is gender differences in gut transit duration because women have slower gut transit Conquering IBS in Women: Women: The The Clinician’s Clinician’s Pursuit PursuitofofOptimum OptimumManagement ManagementStrategies Strategies times than do men.5 Whether this difference is a function of the menstrual cycle remains unclear. Studies involving balloon distension of the bowel have confirmed that visceral hypersensitivity (enhanced perception of visceral events and a lower threshold for pain) occurs in IBS patients, confirming a brain-gut interaction.21 There are also gender differences in processing visceral perception in IBS patients. Whereas male IBS patients show greater activation of cognitive areas, activation of central sympathetic areas, and inhibition of limbic regions of the brain in response to visceral stimulation, female IBS patients display greater activation of affective (emotional) and autonomic regions of the central nervous system.22 These differences could explain gender-related differences in autonomic, emotional, and antinociceptive and treatment responses. Appreciating brain-gut interactions is a key to understanding and treating IBS. Research on the role of neuroendocrine and sex-linked hormones in the autonomic nervous system and pain modulation might help explain the variation and severity of IBS symptoms experienced by some women during their menstrual cycles. Painful Menstruation The influential role of ovarian hormones such as estrogen and progesterone on bowel function and pain sensitivity may help explain the gender differences in IBS.5 GI symptoms increase throughout the entire menstrual cycle, especially during the late luteal and early menses stages.5 Several investigators have observed this variation in GI symptoms throughout the menstrual cycle—particularly, increased abdominal pain and loose stools just before and at the onset of menstruation. In a 2003 study of female IBS patients aged 18 to 48 years, Heitkemper and colleagues found that women in the IBS-C and IBS with mixed bowel pattern (IBS-M) groups reported more GI symptoms and showed a trend toward having more symptoms of all types compared with those in the IBS with diarrhea (IBS-D) group.26 These symptoms were significantly affected by menstrual cycle phase. Heitkemper concluded that premenstrual syndrome is more common in women with IBS, especially those with IBS-C and IBS-M, and that dysmenorrhea is twice as prevalent in women with IBS as in those without IBS. IBS Subtypes Patients with IBS can be categorized into 4 groups based on bowel patterns and response to treatment (Table 1).1,23 Table 1. IBS Subtypes1,23 IBS Subtype Characteristics IBS-C • Hard stools ≥25% of the time • Loose stools <25% of the time • More common in women IBS-D • Hard stools <25% of the time • Loose stools at ≥25% of the time • More common in men IBS-M • Both hard and soft stools ≥25% of the time Unsubtyped IBS • Stool consistency not sufficiently abnormal to meet criteria for IBS-C, IBS-D, or IBS-M History of Abuse IBS is one of many different functional somatic syndromes characterized by persistent bodily complaints for which examination does not reveal a specific pathology. Consequently, clinicians managing IBS patients, especially women, should consider the patient’s history and realize that treating IBS might require a multidisciplinary approach. The link between sexual, physical, verbal, and emotional abuse and functional GI symptoms has been well established. In 1995, Drossman and colleagues found that patients with a history of sexual abuse were 2.8 times more likely to have a functional bowel disorder.27 One study concluded that 31% of IBS patients reported some form of abuse, and another investigation revealed that 44% of female GI patients had a history of sexual or physical abuse. Furthermore, women with functional GI symptoms are 3 to 4 times more likely than men with similar complaints to report a history of abuse.27 IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; IBS-C, IBS with constipation; IBS-D, IBS with diarrhea; IBS-M, IBS with mixed bowel pattern. IBS with constipation (IBS-C) and chronic constipation share several symptoms, such as straining, hard or lumpy stools, decreased bowel movement (BM) frequency, and the sensation of incomplete evacuation.24 What distinguishes IBS-C from chronic constipation is the presence of abdominal pain.24,25 Individuals exhibiting little or no abdominal pain are more likely to have chronic constipation, whereas those experiencing abdominal discomfort are more likely to have IBS-C. Postinfectious IBS In postinfectious IBS (PI-IBS), low-grade GI inflammation or immune activation may result in altered motility. Approximately 10% of individuals with acute gastroenteritis will develop chronic IBS-like symptoms; PI-IBS caused by Campylobacter, Shigella, or Salmonella can occur in 7% to 31% of these patients.28 Increasing duration of initial infection-associated symptoms is the strongest risk factor for the development of PI-IBS; symptoms lasting more than 3 weeks can increase the risk of developing PI-IBS 11-fold. Conditions Associated With IBS in Women An important clinical feature of IBS, especially in women, is its overlap with other GI disorders, non-GI pain disorders, and affective disorders. The autonomic nervous system plays a critical role in IBS through both visceromotor responses and effects on pain modulation.6 It has been postulated that psychological and neurobiologic mechanisms account for IBS symptoms as do observed gender-related disparities. Recent findings note that stressful life events occurring immediately before or after acute infection are also a precursor of IBS development, especially in women. One study examining equal numbers of men and women with gastroenteritis revealed that IBS symptoms were present at 3 months after a stressful life event in 77% of the female cohort versus 36% of the male cohort.6 nosis. Other symptoms supporting a diagnosis of IBS are an abnormal frequency of BMs (<3 BMs per week or >3 BMs per day), abnormal stool form (lumpy/hard, loose/watery), straining, urgency, sensation of incomplete stool evacuation, presence of mucus in the stool, and bloating. Figure 2 shows the diagnostic criteria for IBS.1 Figure 2. Rome III Diagnostic Criteria* for IBS1 Fibromyalgia and Other Symptoms More than 60% of female patients with IBS complain of fibromyalgia and other rheumatologic symptoms.6 Other conditions reported more often in patients with IBS than in the general population include hypertension, headaches, low back pain, insomnia, nonspecific fatigue, and palpitations. Recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort at least 3 days/month in the last 3 months associated with 2 or more of the following: Chronic Pelvic Pain Chronic pelvic pain occurs in 35% of women with IBS.6 Women with both pelvic pain and IBS are more likely than those with IBS alone to have a lifetime dysthymic disorder or panic disorder or a history of sexual abuse. Women with both pelvic pain and IBS are also more likely to undergo a hysterectomy. Improvement with defecation Onset associated with a change in the frequency of stool Onset associated with a change in the form of stool * Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis Diagnosis of IBS A diagnosis of IBS requires identifying characteristic symptoms and excluding organic disease. Making an early, definitive, and clinically based diagnosis can be reassuring to patients, especially those concerned about eliminating a serious cause for their symptoms, and can minimize the cost and inconvenience of unnecessary testing. Until recently, IBS was considered a “diagnosis of exclusion,” or a condition whose presence cannot be established from examination or testing, with diagnosis requiring elimination of other possibilities.29,30 Clinicians may do well, instead, to view IBS as a clinically based diagnosis rather than one made as a last resort, after other disorders have been eliminated. Attempting to exclude other disorders can result in unnecessary and expensive testing, such as functional brain imaging, abdominal x-ray, and ultrasonography. Providers who believed IBS was a diagnosis of exclusion ordered 1.6 more tests and spent $364 more per patient on diagnostic workup than those who did not,29 thus increasing the cost burden for the patient. Clinicians can confidently diagnose IBS by using symptombased criteria and excluding alarm features suggestive of disorders other than IBS (ie, new onset of symptoms in patients older than age 50, unexplained weight loss, GI bleeding, progressive or unrelenting pain, nocturnal or large-volume diarrhea, and a family history of colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease [IBD; see “A New Way to Diagnose? Making IBS a “Diagnosis of Inclusion”], or celiac sprue).31 Although no single biological marker can identify patients with IBS-C,29 a thorough history and physical examination combined with the exclusion of medical conditions that are clinically similar to IBS can typically enable clinicians to establish a diagnosis of IBS.30 Clinicians may occasionally employ diagnostic tools such as routine blood tests, stool studies for infection, radiographic imaging, or endoscopic procedures such as upper endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy in selected patients30,32; however, more extensive and repetitive investigations may create uncertainty detrimental to the successful management of patients with IBS because the positive predictive value of such tests remains small.33 Unnecessary investigations could prevent the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with IBS because of misleading test results. Clinicians should consider the age, symptom pattern, history, and alarm signs/symptoms of the patient before ordering diagnostic testing.32 It should be noted that the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) does not encourage the routine use of diagnostic tests in IBS patients who do not also present with alarm features; however, routine testing for celiac disease may be considered, especially in individuals with frequent diarrhea.30 The ACG encourages colorectal cancer screening for all patients, including IBS Symptom-Based Criteria: Rome III Diagnostic Criteria for Diagnosis The symptom-based Rome III diagnostic criteria for IBS offer clinicians the best tool for an accurate diagnosis. The Rome III diagnostic criteria require the combination of recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort for at least 3 days per month in the last 3 months, with at least 2 of the following: symptoms were improved with defecation, onset was associated with a change in the frequency of stool, or onset was associated with a change in the form (consistency) of the stool.1 These symptoms must have started at least 6 months before diag- Conquering IBS in Women: The Clinician’s Pursuit of Optimum Management Strategies Table 2. ABCs for Diagnosis in Women5,37-39 Accurate, directed patient history •Symptoms (nature, duration, and characteristics) •Gynecologic issues (fibroids, dysmenorrhea, ovulation, pregnancy, etc) •Medications (laxatives, oral contraceptives, etc) •Emotional distress •History of abuse physical examination •Abdominal examination •Digital rectal examination (include assessment for rectocele) •Pelvic examination, when indicated •Assessment of neurologic function of diagnostic tests •Rule out systemic disease or obstruction based on factors listed above •Colonoscopy (in patients with significant family history, in patients aged ≥50 years, or in the presence of alarm symptoms) Brief, focused Careful selection and/or diarrhea.30,32 Clinicians should remember, however, that there are noticeable differences in IBS symptoms based on gender. Table 2 provides a helpful guide to diagnosing IBS in women.5,37-39 A detailed patient history should include gynecologic issues and pregnancy, which have been shown to play a role in IBS. In addition, clinicians should perform a brief and focused physical examination and carefully select diagnostic tests to rule out systemic disease or obstruction. Female IBS patients often report abdominal distension associated with bloating, constipation, nausea, alterations of taste and smell, an unpleasant sensation on the tongue, muscle stiffness in the morning, depression, anxiety, somatization, greater food sensitivity, and medication side effects.4 Clinicians should bear in mind that other conditions sometimes mimic IBS in women: chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, worsening of GI symptoms during menstruation, dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse), or other gynecologic-associated symptoms can confound a diagnosis.1,32 Furthermore, the symptoms of a variety of GI conditions resemble those of IBS. Such conditions include chronic constipation, IBD, microscopic colitis, infectious colitis, celiac disease, colon cancer, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, functional dyspepsia, and gallstones.32,33,40 In addition to gynecologic problems, non-GI conditions in the differential diagnosis of IBS, such as musculoskeletal pain and renal colic, should also be weighed.4 Gynecologic symptoms associated with IBS, chronic pelvic pain (defined as pelvic pain ≥6 months’ duration), and a wide range of reproductive disorders such as dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, and pelvic congestion affect approximately 15% of women.41,42 patients. For the average-risk patient, individual screening should begin at age 50.34 A New Way to Diagnose? Making IBS a “Diagnosis of Inclusion” An emerging school of thought among IBS researchers is to make the disease a “diagnosis of inclusion,” in order to distinguish IBS from other bowel disorders such as IBD. IBD is a chronic inflammatory disease of the GI tract that also comprises ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. The reported prevalence of symptoms suggestive of IBS varies from 33% in ulcerative colitis patients in remission to 57% in Crohn’s disease patients in remission.35 Although IBD symptoms flare and remit over weeks to months, IBS symptoms tend to fluctuate on a daily basis.36 It should be noted, however, that a sizable number of patients with IBD in remission display bowel symptoms resembling IBS.35 Low and colleagues found that the Rome criteria alone did not help discriminate IBD from IBS because 86.7% of IBD patients also met the criteria for IBS36; however, in contrast to the Rome criteria, varied stool form and frequency can readily separate IBD from IBS, even in the absence of alarm symptoms. Devising criteria for a diagnosis of IBS based on stool form and frequency in addition to applying the Rome criteria might help establish IBS as a diagnosis of inclusion and also arm clinicians with a more robust clinical tool. Referral to a Gastroenterologist Although most patients with IBS can be treated by their primary care provider, clinicians should refer patients to gastroenterologists when symptoms do not fit the ACG or Rome III criteria, or when initial treatment fails.32 Referral is also warranted when patients display alarm features such as30,32: • Hematochezia • Weight loss >10 lb • A family history of colon cancer or IBD • Positive fecal occult blood test • Recurring fever • Anemia • Severe diarrhea • Acute onset of symptoms • Onset of symptoms in elderly patients Patient-Clinician Communication Most IBS patients present to their primary care providers, who are in the best position to know a patient’s history, personality, and family.1 Patients presenting to specialists are more likely to have severe symptoms, anxiety, panic, depression, or other complicating psychosocial disorders that require special treatment. An effective clinician-patient relationship is the cornerstone of successful care for IBS, and good patient-clinician Diagnostic Considerations in Women Common IBS symptoms in most patients include abdominal pain or cramping associated with a change in bowel habits, bloating, flatulence, mucus in the stool, and constipation communication has been shown to improve outcomes.33 Unfortunately, frustration often pervades the patient-clinician relationship when proper care is delayed and patient anxiety and treatment costs are increased (Figure 3).18 make connections between stress, diet, and (for women) menstrual cycle phase and symptoms. Patients should also be urged to take an active role in treatment, including monitoring their food intake. Although major exclusion diets are not recommended and have not been proven to reduce IBS symptoms, specific foods may trigger symptoms.32 Clinicians should evaluate patients for lactose intolerance; laxative effect of certain foods (caffeine, fructose, sorbitol, and/or herbal products); gas/bloating caused by carbonated beverages; intake of certain foods such as beans, cabbage, and broccoli; use of chewing gum; and fat, carbohydrate, and fiber intake. Figure 3. Patient-Clinician Cycle of Frustration18 Anxiety Hypervigilance Patient Experience Urgent visits, Requests tests • Pain • Disability • Expects cure Communicating With Female IBS Patients Patient Cognitions • Dissatisfaction • Pessimism • Maladaptive coping • Lack of control Most patients respond to physicians who are willing to listen to their concerns, spend time with them, and show interest in building a strong clinician-patient relationship.1 Taking a multifaceted treatment approach can reduce health care utilization. Clinicians should have a professional, understanding demeanor and encourage patients to ask questions. Furthermore, they should avoid overtesting and harmful treatments. Dissatisfied patients may visit multiple clinicians, endure dangerous or unnecessary investigations, take improper medications, and undergo unjustified surgeries. Clinicians should note that female IBS patients typically have individual concerns. Although some of the questions listed in Table 3 could also pertain to men, the table includes female-specific questions that clinicians should ask women who present with symptoms suggesting IBS.1,4,26,43-45 The Bristol Stool Form Scale is a helpful tool that can facilitate patient-clinician communication (Figure 4).46 The scale’s Physicians • • “Organic” etiology focus “Drained” biased attitudes Referrals, tests, drugs, surgery, iatrogenic harm, high costs To break the cycle illustrated in Figure 3, clinicians should strive to be nonjudgmental and should take a patient-centric approach when conducting patient interviews, by educating patients about their condition and involving them in treatment decisions.33 Clinicians should explore stress-related symptoms or comorbid psychological concerns that Table 3. Key Questions to Ask Female Patients With IBS1,4,26,43-45 could exacerbate the severity of illness, impede daily functioning, and impair health-related outcomes. In addition to calming the natural fears of • Have you experienced significant, • Do you need to perform continuous, or repeated episodes manual maneuvers to assist their IBS patients, clinicians should investigate any of any of the following? with defecation? unstated patient concerns or aggravating factors.1 • Abdominal pain They should assess the level of daily functioning, • Bloating personality, recent life stress (eg, divorce, job loss, • Nausea or bereavement), and any psychological disturbance. Symptom type and severity and the nature • What is the frequency of your • Is there a change in frequency of associated psychosocial issues should define the bowel movements? or intensity of symptoms course of treatment. Symptom perception may be during menstruation? further altered by psychological factors. A patient’s • Could you be pregnant? • Are you taking oral reaction to these symptoms may be more significant contraceptives? than the symptoms themselves. • Are you taking hormone • Have you ever exhibited any Patients also have a role to play in breaking the replacement therapy for menopause? eating disorder behavior? cycle by acting as their own advocate. This includes • Are you experiencing painful • Do you have any current becoming educated about their condition as well as sexual intercourse? gynecologic problems taking a proactive role in treatment decisions.33 Since (eg, endometriosis, fibroids)? treatment of IBS is often focused on specific symptoms, patients should maintain a regular symptom • Do you have a history of physical or diary or log. This also allows patients to note when sexual abuse? (This history must be elicited privately and with care) and which symptoms occur and what appears to trigger an event. Keeping a diary can often help patients Conquering IBS in Women: The Clinician’s Pursuit of Optimum Management Strategies utility rests with its ability to enable patients to accurately describe their BMs. The Bristol scale illustrates all stool types, ranging from type 1 (separate hard lumps) to type 7 (watery with no solid pieces). Clinicians can develop appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic strategies when patients describe their stool accurately. Clinicians may also have a better idea of the psychological impact of the symptoms, based on how the patient responds to open-ended questions about his/her stool. functional obstruction or dyssynergic defecation. In addition, perineal descent during straining can be assessed; when abnormal, this can also lead to a functional type of obstruction. Treatment of IBS Treatment of IBS includes both nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies. Components of nonpharmacologic treatment of IBS include patient education, diet recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and psychological intervention. Figure 4. Bristol Stool Form Scale46 Behavioral therapies focus on reducing stress and stressrelated triggers of IBS symptoms, increasing THE BRISTOL STOOL FORM SCALE relaxation, and reducing negative self-talk. Examples of behavioral therapy include relaxation Slow Type 1 Separate hard lumps therapy, biofeedback, hypnotherapy, cognitive gut therapy, and psychotherapy. Drossman and coltransit Type 2 Sausage-like but lumpy leagues found that women with IBS showed an improvement in global satisfaction and quality of Type 3 Sausage-like but with cracks life following cognitive behavioral therapy com in the surface pared with education alone.48 Reassurance and support is also crucial for the IBS patient. Clinicians should emphasize that IBS Type 4 Smooth and soft is not a life-threatening disorder and should reassure patients that their symptoms are not imagiType 5 Soft blobs with clear-cut edges nary.32 They should also inform their patients that IBS symptoms have physiologic causes that are poorly understood. Psychotherapy can also miniType 6 Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, Rapid mize patient anxiety.32,49 a mushy stool gut transit Type 7 Watery, no solid pieces Lifestyle Modifications Implementing dietary and lifestyle changes in patients with IBS may prove beneficial, but the effectiveness of these treatments has not been fully validated from an evidence-based perspective. Although lifestyle modifications alone are typically not effective for patients with IBS, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can prevent other diseases and should therefore be encouraged by clinicians. Ensuring adequate hydration (1.5 to 2 L of fluid per day) is a commonly recommended lifestyle modification and is especially beneficial in patients who are dehydrated.50 Furthermore, patients may benefit from increasing their dietary fiber intake; it is recommended that individuals consume at least 25 g per day. It may be helpful to gradually increase the fiber dose instead of starting with a high dose because fiber may cause bloating. Other lifestyle modifications include initiating regular nonstrenuous physical exercise (such as walking or swimming) and having patients schedule dedicated bathroom time. Patients with IBS may also benefit from probiotics. Probiotics are thought to work by several mechanisms, including shifting from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory cytokine profile, decreasing the transport of bile acid to the colon, and modulating intestinal motility.33 Bifidobacterium animalis may reduce colonic transit time, and Lactobacillus casei may improve constipation severity and stool consistency.51 A 2005 trial of probiotics comparing either Bifidobacterium infantis or Lactobacillus salivarius to placebo in 75 patients with IBS over a 12-week Digital Rectal Examination Performing a digital rectal examination (DRE) can identify the presence of perianal lesions, offer an assessment of muscle strength and function, and provide information about stool consistency or blood in the stool.38 The DRE may be the most important component of the physical examination of an IBS patient. When performing the DRE, clinicians should place the patient in the left lateral recumbent position and visually inspect the perianal region for abnormalities (eg, hemorrhoids, fissures, or prolapse).38,43 IBS has been shown to be a prevalent condition in patients with hemorrhoids.47 Clinicians should evaluate the muscle strength of both the internal and external anal sphincter and pelvic floor, and then assess the anal canal with a sweep of the examining finger, checking for nodules, irregularities, or tenderness. Finally, female patients should be assessed for rectocele, a condition occurring when the wall of the rectum bulges into the vagina. During a DRE, it is important to instruct the patient to bear down as if he/she is defecating.38,43 During this maneuver, clinicians should feel the relaxation of the external sphincter; if muscle function appears normal, pelvic floor dysfunction is less likely, but if there is heightened contraction during defecation, the clinician, while bearing in mind that the patient may be experiencing embarrassment or inhibition, should consider treatment period showed a significant reduction Table 4. Current Pharmacologic Treatment Options for IBS30,32,33,54 in abdominal pain and discomfort, bloating, and difficulty with BMs with B infantis, but not with Treatment Indication Evidence L salivarius.52 Recent Changes in Available Pharmacologic Options Tegaserod, a partial 5-HT4 agonist that had been shown to be effective in relieving the global symptoms of IBS-C, was voluntarily withdrawn from the US market by its manufacturer in March 2007, then reintroduced as a limited investigational new drug in July 2007.53 In April 2008, however, tegaserod was once again voluntarily withdrawn from the US market and is now only available for emergency situations, defined by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as immediately life-threatening or serious enough to require hospitalization.53 Although the manufacturer of tegaserod will supply the drug for these situations, requests must be approved, and shipments of the drug must be authorized by the FDA. Current Pharmacologic Treatment Options for IBS Chloride channel activator (lubiprostone) IBS-C in women aged >18 years More effective than placebo over a 12-week treatment period Bulking agents (psyllium) IBS Not more effective than placebo at relieving global IBS symptoms Osmotic laxatives (polyethylene glycol [PEG] 3350, lactulose) IBS-C More effective than placebo at improving IBS symptoms Antidiarrheals (loperamide) IBS-D Not more effective than placebo at relieving global IBS symptoms Antispasmodics (dicyclomine, hyoscyamine) IBS-M Insufficient data to make a recommendation about the efficacy in IBS Tricyclic antidepressants (desipramine) IBS-D IBS-M Not more effective than placebo at relieving global IBS symptoms; improves abdominal pain in IBS patients Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs, eg, citalopram) IBS-C More effective than placebo at relieving abdominal pain and improving overall well-being in some IBS patients Antibiotics (rifaximin) IBS More effective than placebo at improving IBS symptoms Pharmacologic therapy is best used in IBS 5-HT3 receptor IBS-D with More effective than placebo at patients with moderate to severe symptoms antagonists restricted relieving symptoms refractory to clinician counseling and dietary/ (alosetron) availability lifestyle modifications. Treatment has traditionally been aimed at the most bothersome IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; IBS-C, IBS with constipation; IBS-D, IBS with diarrhea; IBS-M, IBS with symptom because of the lack of effective treat- mixed bowel pattern. ment for the overall improvement of multiple symptoms; however, new therapies for IBS have recently been at all effective; 4=extremely effective). Although patients taking introduced and shown to effectively treat multiple symptoms. lubiprostone in increasing doses noted greater treatment efficacy Table 4 lists the current pharmacologic treatment options for than did those taking lesser doses, side effects were greater with IBS.30,32,33,54 the larger doses. Patients taking all doses of lubiprostone scored higher than did patients taking placebo. Chloride Channel Activator: Lubiprostone Lubiprostone should not be given to patients who have In April 2008, the FDA approved lubiprostone for the treat- severe diarrhea or patients with bowel obstructions.54 Furment of IBS-C in women aged 18 years or older, making it the thermore, its safety and efficacy have not been established in only FDA-approved medical treatment for IBS-C available in patients with renal or hepatic impairment, pregnant patients, the United States. The approved dose is 8 µg BID, taken with or nursing mothers. The most common adverse events associfood and water.54 It is also important to differentiate appropriate ated with lubiprostone are nausea, diarrhea, and headache,57 lubiprostone doses for different diseases; the approved dose for although recent data suggest that nausea is decreased when chronic idiopathic constipation (1 to 2 BMs/week) is 24 µg BID. lubiprostone is administered with food and water. LubiprosIn two 12-week, phase III, multicenter, double-blind, random- tone is classified as a pregnancy class C medication. ized, placebo-controlled studies, patients receiving lubiprostone were nearly twice as likely as those receiving placebo to achieve Bulking Agents an overall response.55 Additionally, a dose-finding study of 193 Bulking agents include psyllium, methylcellulose, calcium subjects by Johanson and colleagues in 2008 showed that 8-µg polycarbophil, corn fiber, and ispaghula husk.33 Initial manBID doses of lubiprostone provided optimal combined benefits agement of IBS has often included fiber supplementation; of efficacy and limited adverse events.56 Patients self-rated their however, the ACG Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Task efficacy of treatment after 1 month on a scale of 0 to 4 (0=not Force assessed randomized, placebo-controlled treatment tri- Conquering IBS in Women: The Clinician’s Pursuit of Optimum Management Strategies als for IBS and reported that none of the trials evaluating bulking agents were of high quality.30 Bulking agents in therapeutic quantities can cause adverse effects, such as bloating and abdominal pain and discomfort.33 Patients who wish to take bulking agents, particularly those who have insufficient dietary fiber intake or who experience bloating, should be reminded to initiate the recommended dose gradually to minimize side effects. Psyllium is classified as a pregnancy category B medication.57 an advantage over placebo.64,65 This class of drugs works best in patients who have abdominal pain and diarrhea or IBSM.32 Clinicians are advised to warn their patients about early side effects (ie, fatigue, dry mouth) that generally improve over time.66 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors TCAs and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may work by addressing visceral hypersensitivity. As noted above, one of the pathophysiologic mechanisms proposed for IBS is visceral hypersensitivity.20 Altered communication between the brain and the gut might work to enhance the sensation of pain; these medications may also modify communication via the brain-gut axis. SSRIs have fewer side effects than TCAs, making them more attractive to IBS patients.16 Few trials have addressed their efficacy; those doing so included few study subjects. SSRIs appear to have a mild analgesic effect and may also reduce the reporting of multiple bodily symptoms or somatization. A study conducted by Tack and colleagues in 23 patients showed an improvement in abdominal pain and bloating with citalopram compared with placebo after 6 weeks of treatment.67 Citalopram is classified as a pregnancy class C medication.57 Osmotic Laxative: Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350 is an FDA-approved osmotic laxative often used for short-term constipation,37 but it also has applicability for moderate IBS-C. PEG is no longer available by prescription; over-the-counter PEG 3350 is indicated for occasional constipation for up to 7 days.58 PEG 3350 is a synthetic polyglycol that is not absorbed and results in an increased osmotic load within the lumen of the small intestine and colon, leading to luminal distension and increased peristalsis.57 A 2006 study conducted by Khoshoo and colleagues reported that PEG 3350 increased the mean frequency of BMs from 2.07 to 5.04 per week and slightly decreased the mean pain level in the 27 IBS-C patients.59 Common adverse events associated with PEG 3350 include nausea, abdominal bloating, and cramping.58 Use of PEG 3350 might result in electrolyte disturbances. PEG 3350 is classified as a pregnancy category C medication. Antibiotics Rifaximin has shown promise in improving IBS symptoms. In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 124 patients that encompassed 3 10-day phases (phase 1=baseline, phase 2=treatment of rifaximin 400 mg BID or placebo, phase 3=posttreatment), rifaximin improved abdominal bloating and flatulence.68 Rifaximin provided better global symptom relief than placebo when measured at the end of phase 2 (41.3% vs 22.9%, P=0.03), and improved symptoms were also measured at the end of phase 3 (28.6% vs 11.5%, P=.02).68 These results were confirmed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of 87 IBS patients published in 2006.69 At the end of treatment, more patients in the rifaximin group reported global improvement in their IBS symptoms (37.7% vs 23.4%) (P <.05) and clinical response (37.2% vs 15.9%) (P <.05).69 However, more data proving rifaximin does not induce bacterial resistance are needed before the drug gains widespread acceptance.62 Antidiarrheal Agents In IBS-D patients, antidiarrheal agents such as loperamide can be effective in decreasing BM frequency. Loperamide limits peristalsis and fluid secretion, resulting in longer gastrointestinal transit time and increased absorption of fluids and electrolytes from the gastrointestinal tract. Loperamide, however, does not decrease the abdominal pain associated with IBS-D.60 Common adverse reactions to loperamide include cramps and nausea. Loperamide is classified as a pregnancy class C medication.57 Antispasmodics Antispasmodics are the most commonly prescribed medications for IBS.61 The antispasmodic agents available in the United States are dicyclomine and hyoscyamine.62 In a review of 11 randomized, placebo-controlled trials (N=1260) of antispasmodics, bulking agents, and antidepressants in IBS, antispasmodics were the only class of IBS treatment medications that reduced abdominal pain and resulted in the improvement of symptoms.63 There is no firm evidence, however, that these agents are efficacious in the IBS population as a whole; 3 of 4 placebo-controlled trials suggested antispasmodics are no more effective than placebo in improving IBS symptoms.62 Serotonin Type 3 Antagonists (5-HT3) The 5-HT3 antagonist alosetron has been shown to improve diarrhea in female IBS-D patients. A 2007 study by Krause and colleagues showed improvement with all doses of alosetron at 12 weeks.70 However, concerns about ischemic colitis and severe constipation57 have prompted withdrawal of alosetron in many countries. In the United States, alosetron is available on a restricted basis only for women with severe IBS-D who have chronic IBS symptoms and have not responded to conventional therapy.71 Alosetron is listed as a pregnancy class B medication.57 Tricyclic Antidepressants A meta-analysis and a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial demonstrated that tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) offer 10 Table 5. Emerging Treatment Options for IBS72-74 3. American College of Gastroenterology Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Task Force. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002;97(11 suppl):S1-S5. 4. Lee OY, Mayer EA, Schmulson M, et al. Gender-related differences Potential Indication(s) in IBS symptoms. Am J Gastroenterol. 2001;96:2184-2193. New Agent IBS-C IBS-D IBS-M All Subtypes 5. 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