“Kia Whai Kororia, Hareruia kia Ihoa o Nga Mano Matua, Tama, Wairua Tapu me ngā Anahera Pono, tatu ki ngā Tuakana Wairua, Te Arepa, Te Omeka, Piri Wiri Tua, Hamuera, ko te Mangai kei roto aia nei, ake nei, ae!” KOMITI O NGĀ RAHUI RATANA COMMUNAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hui Whakapumau Report 4th April 2015 1 HE MAUMAHARA TENEI O TO TATOU WHAEA TE MEMA PUMAU O TE KOMITI O NGA RAHUI – RATANA COMMUNAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES KO BETTY HOHIPERA RONGONUI-MEIHANA O te raa e te Whaea moe mai raa i roto i ngaa ringaringa o ngaa Ariki Ka mihi ki o tatou tini mate Ka aroha atu hoki kia ratou kaore i uru mai Ki roto ki tenei tau hou, Noreira hoki atu ki te kainga tuturu o taua o te tangata Haere, haere, haere, Moe mai i roto I te kahui Ariki – Wairua 2 RIPOATA O TE HEMANA Kia Whai Kororia Hareruia kia Ihoa o Nga Mano, Matua, Tama, Wairua-Tapu me nga Anahera-Pono me te Mangai hei tautoko mai aianei akanei Ae! E te Tumuaki tena koe, e te Hemana me te Hekeretari tena korua, e nga Pou me nga Morehu tena tatau katoa. First I give all praise and thanks to our Heavenly Father for his consistent blessings over the last 12 months and our condolences’ to those who have lost loved ones may Ihoa continue to bless you all and give you strength Mangai tautoko Ae! Once again I give thanks to our members who volunteer their time and energy to work tirelessly in looking after our buildings and reserved lands. Buildings Every year the board has minimised its workload and focused on what MUST be done. The Boiler and Temepara is this year’s priority as outlined in our report. However, despite our lack of finances we believe there is a solution for every difficulty. 100th Anniversary 8th November 2018 We have a lot of work ahead of us in preparation for this occasion. It falls on a Thursday and carries on until Sunday 11th. To this end a planning committee will be formed with the intention of organising a matoro to discuss the plan. We look forward to some positive feedback and support. Land We have always had Reserves Trustees. That is Trustees of all of the land areas used for church purposes and upon which we have our church buildings. Historically the Trustees were also active members of the Ratana Communal Board of Trustees. Today we only have 2 trustees being Sonny Tamou (Snr) and Jack John Smith, and sadly we lost Aunty Betty recently. At a meeting held in 2014 it was accepted that the whanau assume 100% of the land Trusteeship for safety purposes and the Ratana Communal Board assume Trusteeship of all church buildings on behalf of the Morehu. Thus the rationale for the board to restructure itself and to solidify its position. Attached is draft Constitution for your feedback before we submit to Charities Commission. 3 Turetangata Kaupapa A Mahi In our restructuring this development is in its teething stages and although KOMITI O NGA RAHUI is in fact still the Communal Board we are considering that it be the arm that works with the Morehu and with those organisations that deal with turetangata matters. This issue was a directive from the Tumuaki and we have come to Hui Whakapumau to ask for feedback on how this could happen. No reira e nga Morehu, katoa e runga e te ingoa o te Matua, Tama, Wairua-Tapu me nga Anahera-Pono me te Mangai hei tautoko mai aianei akanei Ae! Joyal Tainui Pene Hemana KOMITI O NGA RAHUI – RATANA COMMUNAL BOARD. 4 DRAFT CONSTITUTION AND RULES FOR THE RATANA COMMUNAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 2015 5 INTERPRETATION – In these rules unless the context requires a different interpretation 1. Ratana Communal Board of Trustees (RCBOT) means the board of trustees 2. Court means the Māori Land Court of New Zealand, Aotea District 3. Financial Year means the end of the financial year as determined by the Ratana Communal Board of Trustees when the financial accounts and records are closed off for review. 4. General Meetings means regular monthly meetings held by the Ratana Communal Board of Trustees 5. Hui Whakapumau means the annual Synod of the Ratana Church 6. May means it is at the discretion of whoever is responsible to carry out the rule. 7. Publicly Notified means publicly notified under the public notices section in the Wanganui Chronicle and advertised 14 days and then again 7 days before the Annual General Meeting. Publicly notified may also include notices distributed within Ratana Pa. 8. Shall means that there is a legal, mandatory, or compulsory requirement to carry out the rule. 9. Special Meetings means meetings of the Ratana Communal Board of Trustees (from here on referred to as RCBOT) held for a specific purpose/reason. 10. Trusts means the purpose or conditions established by the trust orders and or conditions that trust funds are acquired. This will include any subsidiary bodies formed to carry out specific duties under the DIRECTION OF the RCBOT. 11. Vesting orders: Person/s named as trustees responsible for administrating the said land and buildings according to the Trust Orders. 6 PART ONE: 1. NAME The name of the trust is Ratana Communal Board of Trustees abbreviated or referenced as RCBOT 2. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TRUSTEES “The RCBOT shall be charged with the duties and responsibilities of the proper care, development, upkeep, maintenance and repair of the said land and all buildings and other improvements thereon.” “The RCBOT shall be responsible for ensuring that all requirements, requisitions, and by-laws of the Medical Officer of Health or other statutory authority or local authority and all requirements of any regulations for the time being in force relating to Māori Reservations are duly complied with.” PART TWO: ADMINISTRATION Administration is additional to the vesting and trust orders set by the Māori Land Court, Aōtea District, and provide rules for the administration and management of the Communal Board who have formed and operational arm called Ratana Communal Board of Trustees. 1. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE TRUSTEES a) To adhere to and execute all trust orders set down by the Māori Land Court, Aōtea District on the 11 April 1958 and any subsequent orders made by the court. b) To accept ownership of any property, assets, or funds, donated, gifted or bequeathed and accepted by the RCBOT. c) To administer any donations, gifts, or bequests made to and accepted by the RCBOT d) To generally execute and carry out all powers and duties that is necessary to administer and manage the affairs of the RCBOT according to the laws of New Zealand. e) To uphold the absolute authority of the President of the Ratana Church as the representative head for the adherents of the Ratana Movement. 7 f) To submit a report on the administration, management, and affairs of the RCBOT to Hui Whakapumau. g) To engage, employ and dismiss managers, secretaries, servants, agents, workmen, solicitors, accountants, or other consultants, surveyors, engineers, valuers and other professional advisors required to carry out the powers of the Trust. h) To invest all or any of the money upon any securities in which Trust funds may be invested by Trustees in accordance with the Trustee Act 1956 or in accordance with any other statutory authority i) To enter into arrangements or agreements or contracts with any other person or organisation. 2. TRUSTEES 2.1 Composition The composition or number of trustees shall be no less than five and no more than seven. 2.2 Eligibility of Trustees a) Trustees shall be an adherent of the Ratana Movement. b) Trustees shall be over the age of eighteen years. c) Trustees must be eligible according to any rules of the Māori Land Court, Aōtea District. 2.3 Election of Trustees a) Trustees shall be elected from an Annual General Meeting to be held at Ratana Pa subject to compliance with rules above. b) Trustee’s nominations shall be made in writing, signed by the nominee and at least one other person supporting the nomination. Nominee must meet criteria of 2.2 a) above. c) All trustee nominations shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the RCBOT and receipted at lease two clear days before an Annual General Meeting. d) Should the trustee nominations not exceed seven in total then all nominations shall be accepted as trustees. e) Should the trustee nominations exceed seven in total an election of trustees shall be held at the Annual General Meeting. 8 f) The Chairperson of the Annual General Meeting shall determine the election process by ballot or show of hands. g) The Chairperson shall not exercise a casting vote. h) There shall be no voting by proxy. i) Adherents of the Ratana Movement may attend and vote at an Annual General Meeting. 2.4 Appointment and Replacement of Trustees a) The term of office for any trustee shall be three years or until the third Annual General Meeting after the Annual General Meeting at which they were appointed. b) Trustees may put themselves forward for election at the end of their term of office. c) Due to resignation, bankruptcy, insanity, or incapacity, the RCBOT may coopt a replacement trustee to fill any vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting. d) The RCBOT may remove any Trustee from the Board if any Trustee is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Board without an apology being lodged with the Secretary of said board. e) The removal of any trustee and/or the appointment of a co-opted trustee shall be passed by resolution at a special meeting of the Communal Board called for that purpose. f) Any co-opted trustee shall hold that office until the next Annual General Meeting which will be convened within 3o days following Hui Whakapumau 3. OFFICERS OF THE COMMUNAL BOARD The RCBOT shall have the following officers, who shall be appointed at the first general meeting following each Annual General Meeting, Chairperson: Who shall chair the meetings of the RCBOT and carry out any such duties that are generally accepted duties associated with that of a chairperson. Secretary: 9 Whose duties shall be to keep minutes and records of all meetings, to give notice of meetings, and to carry out any such duties as the RCBOT may direct that are generally accepted duties associated with that of a secretary. Treasurer: Whose duties shall be to keep true and accurate financial accounts and records in a manner that is consistent with any legal requirements and to carry out such duties as the RCBOT may direct according to generally accepted duties associated with that of a treasurer. 4. TRUST ARE TO BE MAINTAINED OR ESTABLISHED The RCBOT shall maintain existing trusts and may receive such real and personal property or any estate or interest or funds which in the course of law may be vested in the RCBOT, and may include; a) Donations from members of the Ratana Church and Movement and/or any person who supports the trusts of the RCBOT. b) Funding from any arrangement with a government body or regional body or a local body (if the funding supports or assists the trust of the RCBOT) must be complied with. c) Any property as may be received by the RCBOT from any source. 5. MEETINGS OF THE RCBOT 5.1 Annual General Meeting. a) An Annual General Meeting shall be held every year. b) The date, time, and venue for an AGM shall be determined by the RCBOT. c) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in Ratana Pa. d) The Annual General Meeting shall be publicly notified e) The business of an Annual General Meeting shall include; i. ii. iii. iv. v. The Minutes from the previous Annual General Meeting (except the Inaugural Annual General Meeting); A report from the RCBOT, a review statement signed by a qualified person and A copy of the annual Statement of Accounts. To elect a Reviewer or Auditor or Auditors, and; To consider and decide any other matter which may be properly brought 10 before an Annual General Meeting. 5.2 General Meetings a) General meetings of the RCBOT shall execute and carry out all powers and duties that are necessary to administer and manage the affairs of the Trust. b) The Communal Board shall meet on a monthly basis unless due to extraordinary circumstances it is inconvenient to do so. c) Notice of any general meeting shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to make contact with all the trustees informing them of the date, time and venue for any meeting. d) In the absence of an executive officer (providing there is a quorum) a temporary replacement can be nominated from the floor. 5.3 Special Meetings a) The RCBOT may from time to time call special meetings outside of General meetings. b) Any special meeting called shall stipulate the reason or reasons for the meeting. c) The procedure for giving notice for a special meeting shall be the same for that Of a general meeting under 5.2 c). 5.4 Quorums for Meetings Quorums for meetings RCBOT shall require four of the trustees to be present and no business shall be conducted without a quorum being reached. 5.5 Proceedings at meetings a) For general meetings of the RCBOT the proceedings shall follow generally accepted protocols and procedures for conducting a meeting. b) For special meetings of the RCBOT the proceedings shall only deal with the reason or reasons for calling the special meeting. c) The minutes of any special meetings shall be presented at the next general meeting of the and re RCBOT corded in the minutes of that meeting. 5.6 Voting at Meetings a) Only trustees shall exercise a vote at any meeting of the RCBOT Except at an Annual General Meeting. b) Resolutions shall be passed by a majority vote. c) The Chairperson may exercise the prerogative of a casting vote in the event 11 of an impasse. 5.7 Attendance at Meetings a) Trustees shall attend meetings ref to clause 2.4 d} b) The President of the Ratana Church may attend meetings c) Any other person may attend meetings at the invitation or with the approval of The Chairperson. 6. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS a) The RCBOT shall keep proper financial accounts and records at all Times. b) The financial accounts and records shall follow generally accepted accounting Standards and practices in New Zealand. c) At each general meeting a financial report shall be presented by the treasurer and will include income received, expenditure and accounts to be passed for payment or if already paid acknowledged as paid and any other financial business relating to the administration and management of the RCBOT d) The financial accounts and records shall be open to inspection by any trustee On request at a time to be arranged between the treasurer and any trustees RCBOT. e) At the end of each financial year RCBOT shall present all the financial accounts, records, minutes and any other information required for Auditing or Review the financial accounts to the elected Auditor or Reviewer. f) The Reviewer or Auditor shall audit the financial accounts of the RCBOT according to standard accounting and auditing practices of New Zealand. g) The RCBOT shall present annual audited financial statements to the Annual General Meeting, and to Hui Whakapumau. h) At each Annual General Meeting a Reviewer or Auditor shall be elected for the purposes of reviewing/auditing the Financial accounts and records of the RCBOT 7. PRIVATE PECUNIARY PROFIT No private pecuniary profit shall be made by any person from the RCBOT except that; 12 i any member may receive full reimbursement for all expenses properly incurred by that member in connection with the affairs of the RCBOT ii The RCBOT may pay reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or servant of the Board (whether a member or not) in return for services actually rendered to the RCBOT. iii Any member be paid all usual professional / business charges for services rendered, time expended and all acts done by that member or by any firm or entity of which that member is a member, employee or associate in connection with the affairs of the RCBOT; iv Provided that no member or person associated with the member of the RCBOT shall derive any income, benefit or advantage from the RCBOT where they can materially influence the payment of the income, benefit or advantage. 8. INTERESTED PERSON – CONFLICT OF INTEREST Any person who is or may be in any other capacity interested or concerned directly or indirectly in any property or undertaking in which the RCBOT is or may be in anyway concerned or involved, shall disclose the nature and extent of the trustee’s interest to the RCBOT, and shall not take any part whatever in any deliberations of the RCBOT concerning any matter in which that person is or may be interested other than as a trustee of the RCBOT. 8.1 Limitation of Liability 8.1.1 Trustees shall be liable for: i. Any loss not attributable to the trustee’s own dishonesty or to the wilful commission by that trustee of an act known by the trustee to be a breach of trust; or ii. the acts or defaults of a co-trustee; or iii. Any act done in good faith in conformity with the decisions of the trustees; or iv. The neglect or default of any solicitor, banker, accountant or other agent or servant appointed or employed in good faith by the trustees. 8.1.2 No trustee shall be bound to take any proceedings against a co-trustee for any breach or alleged breach of trust committed by such co-trustee. 13 10. ALTERATIONS TO THE RULES The rules within this constitution may be altered, added to, rescinded, or amended by a resolution passed at an Annual General Meeting or at a special meeting. Any rule altered, added to, rescinded, or amended by a resolution passed at a special meeting must be confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting. 11. DISPUTES RESOLUTION If a dispute arises at any time in respect of a matter which is not provided for in these Rules or any doubt exists as to the interpretation of these Rules or any other matter shall arise pertaining to the RCBOT, its properties or interests, the same shall be determined by the RCBOT whose decision shall be conclusive and binding. 14 NGA WHENUA RIPOATA Before we report on buildings belonging to you our Morehu we acknowledge the 100th Anniversary on the 8th November 1918 which it seems loaming over the horizon very quickly. It is the desire of the Board to have the following work completed by end of 2017 or earlier if possible. That way we can all enjoy the celebrations starting 1st January 2018 and we know many of you across the motu have some wonderful plans on the table. The problem is we do not have the funds to complete this work and we need your help! This is a call for HELP! to find the resourcing to carry out maintenance required on our buildings. You will understand why when we report on our Financial situation. TEMEPARA A Major Internal Paint Job Required! This activity is happening in the four corners of the building and bubbling below the surface of walls where it has not yet started to peel. 15 This is just above door on left in centre of room as you walk in. Wall on left hand side near above door. No major work was carried out during year with exception of roof damage as result of storm. Fortunately only cost incurred was Insurance excess of $500. Gravestones have been re-painted with a little more work to touch up gold areas. Prior to Christmas there was vandalism inside the building. With help of Morehu the repairs and clean up were swiftly dealt with. 16 LIST OF WORK REQUIRED IN TEMEPARA 1. Preparation, plastering and painting walls including reinstatement of tohu me ngaa taonga (we have yet to obtain quotes for tohu mahi). Quotes (Excl. GST) : i. Painting : a. Master Painters - $13,766.00 b. Richard Gedye Ltd - $18,324.00 ii. Plastering – Skelsey Plasterers - $6,950.00 iii. Supply Scaffolding - $5,700.00 plus $490/week rental 2. Spraying of insect repellent particularly for borer. (Usually done every 5years). 3. Re-piling of building. 4. Seats re-varnished MANUAO No major work carried out during 2014. Men’s Toilets We are awaiting confirmation of possible sponsorship to upgrade men’s toilets ie. removing existing urinal system and replacing with separate urinal pans. Kikoopu All zips are past their use by date and need replacing. Boiler There is a strong will of collaboration between the various Komiti Haahi Matua Turetangata Komiti. This involves Ratana Communal Board, Orakeinui and Komiti Marae. It has been agreed we will share in the cost of replacing the Boiler at an estimated of $45,000. The contribution of the Board is being generously donated by a Whanau Trust. 17 Process and Preparation: This involves pulling out the old boiler, roughening up existing concrete slab before applying new concrete, fixing bolts ready for fastening Boiler. Installation will be completed by Steve’s Machinery from Whanganui. Next stage is installation of new pipes and last of all electrical work. Work should be completed by June. LIST OF WORK REQUIRED IN MANUAO 1. Boiler – Steam & Machinery Ltd Replace existing Boiler with second hand diesel fired Anderson Boiler Quotes (excl. gst) $22,000.00 Plus cost of electrics and plumbing which we will not know till after installation of Boiler. 2. Men’s Toilet – A+ Plumbing To remove existing stainless steel urinal, fix walls, concrete up channel and install 5 new porcelain urinettes. Quotes (excl gst) $9,980.00 3. Kikoopu – Zips – A+ Plumbing Office – Replace three zip hot water units with boil and brew 4.5 ltrs Quotes (excl gst) $2,950.00 Kikoopu – Remove four hot water cylinders and replace with 2 Rinnai Infinitys in ceiling and running new plumbing to a new hot tap at each sink. Quotes (excl gst) $9,985.00 Wharemaori During our National Komiti Whaiti hui an offer was made to work on restoration, preservation, storage and external work to building. This is being followed up by the board. It is hoped work will be underway soon. Wharemarama (Orakeinui) We are very greatful for the work and generosity of Orakeinui Trust. They have taken care of the wonderful external repaint, supply and installing of surrounding iron fence, removed old water tanks and repaired verandah. Seamer House No major works carried out during 2014. 18 KAITIAKI HURHURU RIPOATA A APPENDIX I - Financial Report prepared by the Boards Accountants, SBA Whanganui for the year ending 31 December 2014. B APPENDIX II – Tuku Aroha Account C APPENDIX III – Koha & Caravan collected 25th January 2015 19 APPENDIX I Contact Soraya Peke-Mason for full copy of Financial Statements. 20 APPENDIX II TUKU AROHA ACCOUNT Below is list of regular annual doners, they have Automatic Payments in place on either a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. N.G. Tioko G.J. Taiaroa R & N Maraku K.P. & M Anderson J.H. & R.B. Hotu L.T.R. TePoi A Ratapu A & S Mason J.H. & R.E. Pharazyn J.J. Smith R.R. Johnson H & B Meihana M Edmonds L.K.T.R.F Paraone 21 APPENDIX III KOHA COLLECTED 25th JANUARY Receipt No. 13359 Name Mataara Wara 13360 13361 13362 Whaea Tansy Daniel Lines Rotorua Pariha 13363 Otiria Moerewa KW 13364 13365 13366 13367 Otiria Moerewa KW Te Arepa Morehu KW Perth Diane Marsh Roger Tozer 13368 13369 13370 Cancelled Awhina Areta & Jean Hart Te Pariha o Glen Innes 13371 13372 13373 13374 13375 13376 13377 13378 13379 13380 13381 Te Puke Hei Marae Waetford Whanau Te Kaute o Mangonui Ngati Taka Waru & Emily Ashby Wati Whanau o Kaipara Rose Orr Kairirangi Hohepa Te Aroha o Ihoa ote Haahi Ratana Morehu Tauranga Moana Pariha R Casanella 13382 13383 Hika Whanau Kohunui Whanau 13384 Te Rauna Cawker Omeka Paa 13385 13386 Pamela Webber Amy Solomon Turangi 13387 Tamaki Makaurau Morehu Amount Designation $400.00 $500.00 $50.00 $1.40 $150.00 $150.00 $40.00 $40.00 $20.00 $5.00 $500.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 Manuao Temepara Temepara Manuao Manuao Temepara Temepara Manuao Orakeinui KW Registration Manuao Temepara Temepara Manuao $100.00 $150.00 $150.00 $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $50.00 $100.00 $500.00 $100.00 $20.00 Temepara Temepara Manuao Temepara Temepara Manuao Manuao General Temepara General Manuao $60.00 $270.00 $10.00 $20.00 $100.00 $10.00 $10.00 $20.00 $20.00 $40.00 $25.00 $25.00 $100.00 General Manuao Manuao Temepara Temepara Temepara General Temepara Manuao Temepara Temepara Manuao Temepara 22 13388 13389 Aperahama Whanau Mangamoka KW 13390 13391 Tohu Maraha Puritia Te Kani TOTAL: $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $5.00 $100.00 $$50.00 $50.00 $4,611.40 Manuao General General Registration Temepara Temepara Manuao CARAVAN SITE COLLECTION 2015 Receipt No. 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 Name Rameka Vanessa Te Ua Caroline Reti Sarah Rameka Keria Rameka Tama Rameka Tracy Brown Billy TK Sophie Te Moni Ron Hapi J Peeti Donald Walker Jenna Paki Grace Tahari Ririnui Kereopa Natalie Rameka Maaka Kapene Merv McLeod Rob Abraham Rameka Rocky Tahuri Denise Poroa Les Owens Koha Hamuera Evans Fee TOTAL $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $100.00 $20.00 $40.00 $2080.00 23
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