2015 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally Committee Presents “Ride the Wind” 2015 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally Art Exhibition & Sale June 20 - July 11, 2015 Please attach tags to upper right corner on back of artwork Raton MainStreet 145 S. 1st Street Raton, NM 87740 Artwork Tag, Ride The Wind Artwork Tag, Ride The Wind Artwork Tag, Ride The Wind Name:_____________________________________ Name:_____________________________________ Name:_____________________________________ Address:___________________________________ Address:___________________________________ Address:___________________________________ City:_________________State:_____Zip:_______ City:_________________State:_____Zip:_______ City:_________________State:_____Zip:_______ Title:______________________________________ Title:______________________________________ Title:______________________________________ Medium:_________________Category:________ Medium:_________________Category:________ Medium:_________________Category:________ Price(minimum $75):________________________ Price(minimum $75):________________________ Price(minimum $75):________________________ Artwork Tag, Ride The Wind Artwork Tag, Ride The Wind Name:_____________________________________ Name:_____________________________________ Address:___________________________________ Address:___________________________________ City:_________________State:_____Zip:_______ City:_________________State:_____Zip:_______ Title:______________________________________ Title:______________________________________ Medium:_________________Category:________ Medium:_________________Category:________ Price(minimum $75):________________________ Price(minimum $75):________________________ PLEASE PRINT * Notice: All unsold work must be picked up at the Raton Museum in Raton on Saturday, July 11, 2015 from 10:00AM to 12:00PM. Any artwork not picked up by the deadline will be subject to a $5.00 per day storage fee. Please Initial (required):________________ “Ride the Wind” 2015 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally Art Exhibition & Sale Bring this form and entry fee with artwork on Friday, June 19, 2015 from 2:00pm to 4:00PM to the Raton Museum, 108 S. 2nd St., Raton, NM Artist Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Title of Work 1 2 3 4 5 Category Price Sold Picked up by Buyer’s Name _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ I understand that, although all reasonable attempts will be made to safeguard against damage or theft, the Raton MainStreet and Raton Museum, volunteers and employees are not liable for any artwork entered in the “Ride the Wind” 2015 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally Art Exhibition & Sale. Raton MainStreet’s 2015 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally Committee Presents “Ride the Wind” 2015 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally Art Exhibition & Sale The Raton Museum in Raton, NM is the location of this special art exhibit and sale. Artists are encouraged to submit their best work for competition. Awards will be given in eight categories. Awards Awards are presented by Raton MainStreet’s 2015 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally Committee Award winners will be selected by qualified, impartial judges. Category I Oil Category II Watercolor Category III Pastel Category IV Acrylic Category V Pencil (Graphite, Colored Pencil, Charcoal) Category VI 3 dimensional art: Sculpture, weaving, pottery, glass, wood, and other fine crafts, including wearable art. Category VII Photography Category VIII Mixed Media Calendar Artists please retain for dates and other info. Artwork Deadline: Friday, June 19th, 10AM-2PM All artwork must be hand delivered at this time to the Raton Museum, 108 S. 2nd St., Raton—upstairs in the Gallery. Saturday, June 20 through Friday, July 10, 2015 Show Opens to the Public: Artwork Pickup Saturday, July 11, 2015 10AM-12PM All unsold artwork must be picked up. Any artwork not picked up by the deadline will be subject to a $5.00 per day storage fee. Publicity “Ride the Wind” 2015 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally Art Exhibition & Sale will receive extensive publicity in regional newspaper, radio advertisements and articles. Reception A reception to honor artists will be held Friday, July 3, 2015 from 1-4 PM at the Raton Museum. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Eligibility Requirements All artwork must be for sale and completed within the last 2 years. All artwork entered will be reviewed by the Standards Committee. The committee reserves the right to deny acceptance of any piece of artwork due to availability of space. All artwork submitted must be suitable for installation. No saw tooth hangers will be accepted. All 3-Dimensional work should include its own method for display. The jury has the right to refuse entry of any piece due to the inability to properly display. Outside dimensions of framed work should be no smaller than 8” x 10” and no larger than 36” x 48”. All works purchased will be charged a 30% commission fee. Work produced from kits, patterns or copies of existing work will not be accepted. Original pieces may be entered for a non-refundable fee of $10.00 per piece. Participants must be 18 years or older. Artwork should be priced in round figures in increments of $25 with a minimum price of $75, maximum price of $5000. For more information contact: Christina Boyce 575-447-2016 Carol Crary 575-445-5682 A special Youth Reception will be held on Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 1:00PM to celebrate our young artists who participated in the 2015 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally Logo Contest Please bring the form on the opposite side with artwork and fees to the Raton Museum Friday, June 19, 2015 between 2:00PM and 4:00PM
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