R a va ll i Co un ty Of f Roa d Us er A s s oc ia t ion www.ravallioffroad.org M AY 2 0 1 5 Calendar of 2015 Upcoming events: The rides listed on the Calendar are hosted by a club member and are not “club sponsored” rides unless they are stated as such. NOTICE: THE BOARD MEETINGS WILL BE THE 1ST MONDAY OF THE MONTH AND THE GENERAL MEETINGS WILL BE THE 2ND MONDAY OF THE MONTH. May 4th Board Meeting 6 PM at the Groomer Shed May 9th Youth Expo at Teller Wildlife (ATV Simulator run by Mike & Kathy Jeffords) May 11th General Meeting 7 PM at the Groomer Shed. The FWP ATV Simulator will be set up for demonstration and anyone that would like to try it. Also maps on Travel Plan with Dan and Mike going over the “fine” points. If you want your favorite road or trail listing in RCORUA’s possible objections you need to participate, please attend the meeting. May 16th RUN FOR SAPPHIRES contact John T. 369-2909 June 1st Board Meeting 6 PM at the Groomer Shed June 6th-14th ATV Safety Week—Take an ATV Safety Training Class for FREE! See below article. June 8th General Meeting 7 PM at the Groomer Shed. June 27th Military Day Plans will be discussed at the May 11th Meeting. Call Brent Nelson at 821-4844 for more information. ATV Safety Institute Offers Free ATV Safety Training The ATV Safety Institute is again offering free rider training for the second year. ATV Safety Week will be June 6-14 at Al’s Cycle with Mike Jeffords doing the instructing, it is available to adults, kids and families. ATV Safety Week is about promoting the eight Golden Rules for safe riding, with the 6 deaths in Ravalli County last year we encourage everyone to take at least one course after purchasing a machine, it doesn't hurt to take it more than once as you learn something new each time or to break the bad habits. Riders can find the closet training sites by going to ATVSafety.org and clicking on ATV Safety Week logo., you then must call 1-800-8872887 to sign up for a class. Please support our Business Sponsors! Business Sponsorship is only $100.00 per year! A great value as it reaches hundreds of individuals each month. Your business is listed each month in the newsletter and on the web and once a year your business card or your ad (if provided with your sponsorship dues) is included in the newsletter! Please send a card to the club or email Marsha with a scanned card or colored layout at: [email protected] . If you want your web address listed in the newsletter and on our web site you can email Marsha or Kathy T. [email protected] TRAVEL PLAN OBJECTIONS NEED TO BE IN BY JUNE 1ST (you can only file an objection if you commented on the Travel Plan). IF YOU DON’T PARTICIPATE YOU MAY LOSE A LARGE PART OF YOUR RECREATION PLACES AND RIDING AREAS! Call Dan Thompson at 531-3103 after looking at the maps and ROD (2000 plus pages) with your comments. Our web site at www.ravallioffroad.org has photos, a calendar of events, ride info, the newsletters and much more. You can email your photos, ride info or other items to: [email protected] Log on often to see what is happening! Page 2 www.ravallioffroad.org MAY 2015 2015 BUSINESS SPONSORS ALL VALLEY SANITARY SERVICES P.O. Box 344 Corvallis Dave & Tina Johnson MERCHANTS DELIVERY, Inc. 1410 North 1st Hamilton Case Quist [email protected] 369-1587 AL’S CYCLE 619 HWY 93 North Hamilton Russ and Kim Englund 363-3433 www.alscycleyamaha.com BITTERROOT RIDGE RUNNERS P.O. Box 265 Hamilton Dennis Wessels MILDENBERGER MOTORS P.O. Box 1630 Hamilton Brad Mildenberger NILES ENTERPRISES 7210 West Lapwai Lane Darby Kent Niles 381-0409 CLIFF REED, Inc. 656 Willow Creek Road Corvallis Cliff Reed 961-3224 PARTS UNLIMITED 1829 HWY 93 North Victor Bob and Sydney Hazeltine [email protected] DJ’S ELECTRIC P.O. Box 18 Hamilton D.J. Lengyel 961-1972 or 363-1972 www.djselectric.com RYE CREEK ENTERPRISES, Inc. Dba BITTERROOT ADVENTURES P.O. Box 877 Darby Brent Nelson www.bitterrotadventures.com DONALDSON BROTHER’S READY MIX, Inc. 477 HWY 93 North Hamilton Charles Donaldson 363-3600 363-4100 349-2067 642-3403 821-4844 SNOW MOUNTAIN ELECTRIC, Inc. 3039 Redjou Lane Stevensville FIVE VALLEY HONDA & YAMAHA 5900 HWY 93 South Missoula Lloyd Eckley 251-5900 Www.fivevalleyhondayamaha.com HAMILTON POLARIS 1151 North 1st Hamilton 363-1131 Steve, Kathy & Kerry Roebke 777-0912 THE EDGE RESTAURANT & SPORTS BAR / HAMILTON WINE & LIQUOR / QUICKSILVER CASINO 140 Bitterroot Plaza Drive Tom & Tamara Fair 375-0007 375-9903 HARPERS BITTERROOT VALLEY LES SCHWAB TIRES 4026 HWY 93 North Stevensville Tracy Harper 777-4667 THOMPSON DISTRIBUTING 320 South 1st Street Hamilton Brad Thompson 363-3620 VALLEY BICYCLES AND SKI, Inc. 219 South 1st Street Hamilton Randy & Kerri Leavell 363-4428 JC AND ASSOCIATES 153 West Hills Way Hamilton Carl and Kathy Lieberth 363-7487 JERRY WESSELS TIRE CENTER P.O. Box 518 Hamilton Dennis Wessels VALLEY UNITED INSURANCE SERVICES, Inc. 748 West Main Street Hamilton Jim, Jan and Tim Thomas 363-1227 363-3884 VERCRUYSSEN EXCAVATING, Inc. 300 6th Ave. Victor Norm and Betty Vercruyssen JONES KORMAN INSURANCE 518 South 1st Hamilton Bryan Jones 363-6583 LONE PINE / RIVERSIDE CONOCO 504 hwy 93 South / 1987 North 1st Hamilton Steve and Brian Hawkes 375-0536 / 375-0554 MAVERICK MOTORSPORTS OF MISSOULA 4950 North Reserve Missoula Guy & Terri Sharp & Brent Gyuricza mavmotorsports.com 549-4260 642-3506 A big THANK YOU goes to all the sponsors, your continued support and involvement helps the association in its effort to keep the trails open. Business Sponsorship runs from Date Paid on a yearly basis! MAY 2015 www.ravallioffroad.org Page 3 RCORUA PLANS MILITARY DAY At their general membership meeting on April 13, members expressed support for RCORUA to host servicemen for a day of Fun in the Sun. Many members expressed an interest in participating in such an event. Based upon the expressions of interest and support from our members, Brent Nelson has moved forward with preliminary plans for the event, tentatively scheduled for third week in June. At our upcoming membership meeting on May 11, Brent will update us on his ideas and progress for RCORUA’s Military Day. If you would like to participate in such an event please call Brent Nelson at 821-4844. RIDE FOR SAPPHIRES MAY 16 Our annual “Run for the Sapphires” is scheduled for May 16. This ride leaves from the snowmobile parking area on Skalkaho Road and goes to the Gem Mountain Sapphire mines on the Phillipsburgh side of Skalkaho Pass. This is about a 50 mile round trip ride. In the past, this event has been well attended and some participants have been rewarded by “Finding the Big One” at the Sapphir e Mine!! We will leave the parking area at 10:30 am, and return at approximately 4 pm. Participants are responsible for their own food and drink. Gem Mountain also has a snack bar available. Based upon our past experiences, participants should be prepared for a variety of weather: Heat, snow, mud, wind – virtually anything is possible. Rain gear, warm clothing, and sunscreen are highly recommended. The only guarantee is that you will have fun and get some mud and snow on your tir es!! Montana Department of Transportation plows snow from the Skalkaho road every spring. Their goal is to have the road open for full-sized traffic by the Memorial Day weekend – this year by May 25. In most cases, MDOT has the road “roughed out” sufficient for OHV traffic before the May 25 opening date. We will keep interested participants updated with emails, Facebook posts, and website announcements if changes in date are necessary. This activity is only suitable for vehicles less than or equal to 50” in width. Access around two closed gates prohibits the use of wider vehicles. Any questions? Call John Transue at 369-2909. Page 4 www.ravallioffroad.org MAY 2015 The Bitterroot National Forest is proposing to restore riparian habitats along sections of Nez Perce, Daly, and Railroad Creeks. Robert Brassfield, fish biologist in the Stevensville District, is the contact person for this project. Will have more information at the General Meeting. THE PERFECT STORM by Dan Thompson In the 2000 film The Perfect Storm staring George Clooney, a series of unrelated events come together at the wrong time and wrong place to create a disaster. Two unrelated storm systems arrive at the same place and time to create an unprecedented weather system between the fishing vessel Andrea Gail and their port in Gloucester, Massachusetts; as bad luck would have it, the ice making machinery on the Andrea Gail chooses that particular time to fail, forcing the vessel to attempt to pass through the storm to deliver its cargo. The particular coincidence of unrelated events came together at a particular point and place in time that resulted in the loss of the Andrea Gail with all hands. Today, we are the victims of a “Perfect Storm” of environmental concerns that has, for all practical purposes, resulted in the transfer of control of our public lands to a few wealthy and frequently litigious environmental groups. Here are the elements of this “Perfect Storm”. During the 1960’s and 1970’s, it became clear that human activity could adversely affect our environment to the point of producing unhealthy and unsustainable air and water quality. During that period of time, most of our major cities were often so polluted that they issued health alerts, warning citizens to protect themselves from air contaminations. Even Chicago, the “windy city”, was producing air pollutants at such a prodigious rate that the breezes couldn’t clear it away. Our rivers and lakes were so badly polluted that swimmers were warned to stay away, and dead fish were floating belly-up in the Hudson River flowing through our nation’s capital. The famous Blue Crabs in the Chesapeake Bay were at risk of extermination due to uncontrolled discharge of municipal and industrial waste products into the Bay. In response to what was clearly a critical situation, the Federal Government began passing dozens of laws intended to clean up the mess, and created the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970. Some of the laws that are relevant to Land Management Agencies from that era are the Multiple Use Sustained Yield Act of 1960, The Clean Air Act of 1963, The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Clean Water Act of 1972, the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and the National Forest Management Act of 1976, among others. Taken individually, each of these legislative actions were intended to address a particular problem, without regard to consistency with other pieces of legislation. Indeed, these various laws are internally inconsistent and often contradictory. This body of environmental law is often referred to as the “Gordian Knot” of environmental law because no one can unravel it. For all practical purposes, it is virtually impossible for a Federal Agency to propose a project that fulfills all of the requirements of all of the environmental laws simply because they are often in conflict among themselves. For decades, wealthy individuals had been minimizing their tax exposure by creating tax-exempt Foundations. In the ‘60s and ‘70s, Congress initiated a series of policies designed to increase the tax burdens on wealthy individuals, and in response many rich people set up Foundations to fund the environmental movement. Together with the passage of the Equal Access to Justice Act in 1980, environmental groups suddenly found themselves awash in cash. The fortuitous evolution of the “Gordian Knot” of environmental law and the availability of massive amounts of cash to environmental groups resulted in the “Perfect Storm” for the environmental movement. Environmental groups quickly discovered that they could persuade Federal Agencies to their way of thinking by filing endless lawsuits. Today, Federal land management Agencies make most of their decisions based on litigation avoidance. The inevitable result is to put environmental groups and their sugar daddy Foundations in literal control of the management of our public lands. With one-third of the surface land area of our country owned by the Federal Government, the implications of this “Perfect Storm” to our economic and social well being are enormous. MAY 2015 www.ravallioffroad.org Page 5 The notes on this page are by Marsha Waliser Notes from ARRA (Americans for Responsible Recreational Access ) S. 1040, The ROV In-Depth Examination Act or or RIDE Act! The ROV In-Depth Examination Act primary sponsors are Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). This bipartisan companion legislation to H.R. 999 would require the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study about the appropriateness of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) moving forward with its mandatory product standards for recreational off-highway vehicles (side-by-sides). (Look up the bill and let our Senators know how you feel about it) Also included in the May issue was an article on the Sage Grouse. California and Nevada Fish and Wildlife service have spent over $45 million in obtaining easements to thousands of acres of privately owned land in an effort to conserve sagebrush habitat and the Forest Service is spending millions to eradicate juniper and pinion trees that they say act as launching pads for predators. And these agencies wonder why we have lost faith in their ability to manage our public lands! To read more about this and other great updates subscribe to the ARRA Newsletter: Americans for Responsible Recreation Access 1225 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 600, Washington, D. C. 20005 [email protected] Free Fee Days for 2015 for Public Lands June 13th—National Get Outdoors Day. A fee-free day for the U.S. Forest Service. August 25th– National Park Service Birthday. Fee-Free day for Nation Park properties. September 26th– National Public Lands Day. Fee-Free day for lands managed by Fish & Wildlife Services, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service and the U.S. Forest Service. October 11th– National Wildlife Refuge Week. Fees waived at Fish & Wildlife managed sites. November 11th– Fees waived on all Public Lands in honor of our Nations’s Veterans. If you do not like the Travel Plan and did not send in a comment in the comment period, you cannot file an objection. You can let RCORUA know your concerns and we can try and incorporate them. You can also call our Senators, Representatives, the Governor and our County Commissioners, Julie King: the more calls, letters and emails we send out the louder our voice! Page 6 www.ravallioffroad.org MAY 2015 Membership Application / Renewal 2015 Mail to Ravalli County Off-Road User Association, P.O. Box 72, Hamilton, MT 59840 Date: _____________________________________Check Number ____________________________ Single ($10.00) _____Single Lifetime $150.00_____Family ($20.00)_____Business / Sponsor ($100.00)______ Donation $_______________________________________________ Individual & Family Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st yearly. Business Sponsors runs from date paid. Name (s) (please list all family names) or Business / Sponsor Name and Web site (optional): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip code: _________________ Telephone: _________________Cell Phone _____________________________Fax:________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Off-Road Users in the family:_________ Referred by: _____________________________________________ Do you want emails sent to you :all_______ , only meeting notices _______ or none ________ ? Do you want the newsletter emailed to you (colored) _______ or a printed version mailed (Black & White) ___________ PLEASE fill out the above form when renewing or for a new membership. Check or fill out all the lines that apply. We are encouraging members that have email addresses to sign up for the emailed version of the newsletter (in color & pdf) to cut our expenses. PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW YOU WANT THE NEWSLETTER SENT TO YOU AND IF YOU WANT ANY EMAIL’S! Your privacy is important to us, your information is only used for club purposes and is not shared with any outside entity. Notify us if you do not want your name or picture published in the newsletter or on the website! 2015 MEMBERSHIP DUES CAN BE PAID ANYTIME, MANY OF YOU HAVE NOT PAID AS OF 5/1/15! Call or email Marsha Waliser at 363-2292 / [email protected] to find out if you need to pay for 2015 or attend the May 11th meeting. MAY 2015 www.ravallioffroad.org Page 7 www.ravallioffroad.org PO Box 72 Hamilton, MT 59840 Our mission is to bring together on and off highway enthusiasts to enjoy, promote and protect responsible Off Highway Vehicle Use and other recreational activities. Picture from the Chain of Lake Overview taken 6/20/04 by Marsha Waliser. If you haven’t ridden the Chain of Lakes Trail yet, this may be the last chance to ride it as it is one of the many trails, roads or areas that would be closed to motorized and bicycle use in the Travel Plan. The trail can be a little difficult in a few spots and is not for the beginner rider! 2015 RCORUA Officers and Board Members Office Name Home Phone Cell Phone Email President Juli Morgan 369-1707 [email protected] President-Elect Lisa Jessop 381-2985 [email protected] Secretary Kathy Transue 370-2756 [email protected] Treasurer Marsha Waliser Past President John Transue Board Member Brent Nelson Board Member Dave Doll Board Member Don Miller 961-3874 360-9531 [email protected] Board Member Mike Jeffords 642-9079 544-5027 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Marsha Waliser 363-2292 360-1808 [email protected] Website Manager Public Lands Coordinator Kathy Transue 370-2756 [email protected] Dan Thompson 531-3103 [email protected] 363-2292 360-1808 [email protected] 369-2909 [email protected] 821-4844 360-1500 [email protected] 381-3183 [email protected]
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