Town of Raymond VENDOR/PARTICIPANT APPLICATION The Town of Raymond invites you to participate in the 1st annual Everybody ♥'s Raymond Celebration. Planning is well underway. This year’s event will be a 1 day event. Tentative scheduled events are the Medal of Honor Ceremony, Craft Fair, Pie Eating Contest, and a variety of games, contests, booths with local artisans, food vendors and more. Downtown businesses will be promoting their wares. Several displays are planned from local nonprofit groups, highlighting the town’s efforts to promote community pride and spirit. Plan to join us as we continue to build on this annual event. WHERE: Main Street & Mill Street, Raymond. WHEN: Saturday, July 4, 2015 TIME: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM SET UP: Saturday beginning at 8:00 AM APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 29, 2015 @ 11:30 AM Please make a copy of this completed form for your records. For scheduling purposes, please return as soon as possible to: Raymond Celebration c/o Town of Raymond 401 Webbs Mills Road Raymond, ME 04071 APPLICATION Name: __________________________________________ Phone:____________________________ Business Name: ____________________________________Email:____________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:______________________________________________________________________ What activity will you be providing or items offering for sale? ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Electricity will not be provided. Vendors must supply their own. Electricity users must supply their own heavy duty extension cords that are free of frays, splits of damage of any kind. Limited water is available by hydrant. All trash must be removed from your site and placed in a designated container for vendors. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to having you spend the day with us! I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true, and that I will abide by all published rules of record, those herein and in any future communications concerning this event. I agree to forever discharge and release the Town of Raymond, their agents and representatives from all actions, suits and claims. THE 4TH OF JULY DAY COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND VOLUNTEERS, RAYMOND REVITALIZATION COMMITTEE, THE TOWN OF RAYMOND, AND/OR ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES, OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE EVENT WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURY, DAMAGES, DEMISE, OR LOSS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ANY PARADE PARTICIPANTS, ACCIDENTS, DAMAGES OR OTHER OCCURENCES RESULTING IN SUCH. Signature: _______________________________________________ Print Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*OFFICE USE ONLY* LOCATION:____________________________________ LOT NUMBER:_________________________________ CHECK IN:____________________________________ CHECK OUT:__________________________________ ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT:________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
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