I V D OMINGO DE P ASCUA 2 6 DE ABRIL DEL 2 0 1 5 9 1 5 Z o e S t . , H o u st o n , T X 7 7 0 2 0 7 1 3 - 6 7 5 - 5 3 3 3 w w w . r c c h o u s t o n . o r g A PRIL 26, 2015 F O U RT H S U N DAY O F E A S T E R #1 Reason to Enroll your Child at Resurrection Catholic School: JESUS Jesus walks with students all day through Prayer For Information call (713) 674-5545 www.rcshouston.org Student Daily Prayer Schedule RCS Prayers Poem 7:50 a.m. The Morning Prayer At Resurrection Catholic School 10:45 a.m. Grace Before Meals Morning Prayer starts the day. At noon to Mary students pray. And grace before meals we cannot forget, Students can’t leave just yet. 12:00 p.m. The Angelus Prayer 3:10 p.m. The Holy Rosary School-Wide Mass on Tuesdays The Holy Rosary will end their day, with this safety net they’re on the way. All Classrooms Include Prayer Stations Catholic School students receive C.C.E credit towards completing First Communion Sacrament ! Biblical Stories and Catholic Values are embedded in the core subjects. Religion Classes 30 minutes Daily 26 I V D O M I N G O D E P A S C UA M ASS I NTENTIONS ♦ I NTENCIONES Saturday 5:30pm † † 7:30pm † † DE M ISA April 25: Epifania B. Castro Julie Alvarez Incarnacion Balderas Maria Esther Velasco Sunday 7:30 am April 26: 4th Sunday of Easter Ramon Cantu Padre “Panchito” Urbanovsky Maria del Socorro Domiguez George Lopez Federico Rodriguez Benny and Celia Cumpian Pablo & Angelica Salazar Josefina P. de Flores Tuesday April 28: St. Peter & St. Louis de Montfort 8:30 am † Martin Torres † Sergio D. Garcia Wednesday April 29: St. Catherine of Siena 6:30 pm † Lucas & † Lila Zermeño † Marcos Martinez Thursday April 30: St. Pius V 8:30 am † Francisco Arana Jr. † Sergio D. Garcia † † 9:00 am † † 11:00 am † † 12:30 pm PRAYERS FOR THE SICK / ORACIONES POR LOS ENFERMOS Olga Gonzalez, Eva Reyes, Belia Cavazos, Thomas Suarez, Patricia Pinillos, Rosa Arteaga, San Juana Loredo, Liz Perez, Lydia Ravenna, Richard Mendiola, Christopher Gonzales, Manuela Castillo, Gloria Rodriguez, Daria Hernandez, Socorro Renteria, Elsa Salazar, and Anselma Sanchez. Names will be posted for three consecutive weeks once a year. Los nombres serán publicados durante tres semanas consecutivas una vez al año. G RUPO DE O RACION El grupo de oración se reúne todos los miércoles después de la Misa de 6:30pm en la iglesia. CONFESSIONES/CONFESIONES Wednesday Spanish: 5-6pm Saturday English: 4:30-5:15pm Spanish: 6:30pm-7:15pm NEW DSF GOAL $29,000 Nueva Meta DSF $29,000 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 THIS WEEK AT RESURRECTION ESTA SEMANA EN LA RESURRECCIÓN Monday, April 27: 7:30am C.C..……….……….………………………..…..Rectory 6:00pm Rosary……………………………………….…...Church 6:00pm Youth Open Gym….………………Gym & Admin Bldg 6:30pm Parish Mission Meeting…………………………Rectory Tuesday, April 28: 8:30am Mass (English)………………....………………...Church 6:30pm Youth Ministry (High School)……………………..Gym 6:30pm Bazaar Meeting………………………………….Rectory 6:45pm Choir Practice……………………………………Church 8:00pm A.A……………………………………………...Rectory Wednesday, April 29: 9-5pm Adoration…………………………………………Church 9:30am Legion of Mary……………….………………....Rectory 5-6pm Confessions……………………………………….Church 6:30pm Basketball Practice…….…………………..……….Gym 7:30pm Grupo de Oración………………………………..Church Thursday, April 30: 8:30am Mass (English)………………....………………...Church 6:30pm Youth Ministry (Middle School)…………………...Gym 7:00pm A.A……………………………………………...Rectory 7:00pm Hispanic Ministry…..………………………Admin Bldg Friday, May 1: 10:00am Legion of Mary (Spanish)………………….......Rectory Saturday, May 2: 8:30am Mass in honor of our Blessed Virgin Mary..Church Sunday, May 3: Spring Bazaar 11am-9:00pm Spring Bazaar………………………... 7:30am Mass (English)…………..………………..……...Church 9:00am Mass (Spanish)…………..….…………..…….…Church 11:00am Mass (English)……………..………………..….Church 12:30pm Mass (Spanish)…………………………………Church 2:00pm Cub Scouts…………………………………………Gym 4:00pm Girl Scouts………………………………………….Gym C ONFERENCE FOR MARRIED AND ENGAGED COUPLES TOGETHER IN HOLINESS CONFERENCE FOR MARRIED AND ENGAGED COUPLES May 2, 9am—3pm $45/couple or $25/individual St. Cecelia Church Motivating insights and practical guidance for embracing a vibrant spiritual life in your marriage and family from nationally known speakers. Treat yourselves to this day of inspiring presentations, prayerful reflection &conversation with the one you love. For more information see the church bulletin board or go to togetherinholiness.org A PRIL 26, 2015 F O U RT H S U N DAY O F E A S T E R F R OM O U R P A S T OR : F R . C H R I S T OP H E R P L A N T H EALING M ASS Misa de Sanación MAY 13 6:30 PM Bilingual God longs to heal the deeply buried wounds that effect our lives and those around us when we don’t even realize it. God’s desire to pour out His mercy is so great that He uses difficult times to get our attention and inspire us to turn to Him. Christ lays His own healing hands on us through the priest. “To revive the spirits of the dejected, to revive the hearts of the crushed… I will heal them and lead them; I will give full comfort to them” (Isaiah 57:15,18) Legion of Mary / Legión de María La Legión de María en español se reúne todos los Legion de Maria – Español viernes a las 10:00 am en el cuarto de conferencias en la rectoría. Para mayor información llamarle a María Martínez 713-672-0933. O F F E R T O R Y C O L L E C T I ON R E P O R T ( F I S C A L 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 ) R E P O R T E D E L A C O LE C TA ( F I S C A L 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 ) $12,315 April-Week 3 Actual Budget Variance (+/-) Abril-Semana 3 Actual Presupuesto Diferencia (+/-) Total $9,829 $12,315 -$2,487 For 42 Weeks Ending: / 42 Semanas Terminando: 4/19/2015 Year-to-Date Actual Budget Variance (+/-) Hasta la Fecha Actual Presupuesto Diferencia (+/-) Total $384,784 $517,230 -$132,446 Improvement Fund / Reparaciones: $121 Tuition Aid / Asistencia de Colegiatura: $226 Ms. Maravillo has been a valuable long-standing staff member and was instrumental in continuing to drive up enrollments from around 130 to above 190 in a single year. She worked diligently with parents to arrange affordable tuition for them and helped guide them through the enrollment process. Ms. Maravillo also contributed her talents in arranging for many of the activities of the school, from field trips to graduations. Join me in congratulating her for her new career and thanking her for allowing Resurrection Catholic Community to be part of her life just as we were a part of hers. Let us pray for her as she continues to discern God's will and her as she continues to give of her youthful energy. In Christ, Fr. Christopher Plant, Pastor The Legion of Mary meets every Wednesday at 9:30 am in the rectory conference room. Weekly Needed: Necesitamos Semanalmente: With joy, we announce that a long-time staff member, Andrea Maravillo, has accepted a position for Pemex as an accountant. She has worked very hard to complete her degree in accounting and to move on to what she really aspires to do. Of course, we announce this with sadness because she will no longer work for us as director of Enrollment and Student Services. D E A C O N R I C H W I L S O N — T H A N K Y OU ! Thank You! I just want to say a special thank you for the most thoughtful gifts that I received as I completed my service at Resurrection Catholic Community. The stole with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful gift! It really reflects all of the people and character of the parish. Also, I deeply appreciate your gift of a sick call kit. That was very thoughtful and will be very practical in ministry. It has indeed been a blessing to serve at Resurrection Catholic Community and La Divina Providencia. I am most grateful for Father Christopher and all of the faithful who ministered to me through their example and prayers. Please know that you will be in my prayers. Deacon Rich Wilson I V D O M I N G O D E P A S C UA 26 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 F O U RT H S U N DAY O F E A S T E R A PRIL 26, 2015 26 I V D O M I N G O D E P A S C UA DE ABRIL DEL 2015 SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2015 Spring Bazaar UPDATE BAZAAR … FESTIVAL… FIESTA… JAMAICA THE BAZAAR NEEDS YOU EL BAZAR TE NECESITA Please sell your raffle tickets …Vende tus boletos de la rifa Drop your Bazaar tickets in the collection basket at Mass. DONATIONS Bring donations every Sunday: s Can coke 2 liter cokes VOLUNTEER your time, a few hours will help. DONACIONES Bring plants & cakes Bazaar Day: Plants ~ Plantas Cakes Pasteles Silent Auction Items Artículos para la subasta silenciosa Bring your donations to the church office, to church on Sunday, or Bazaar Day Questions ~ Preguntas Contact Bazaar Chairman – Dave Arevalo at 713-416-0359 Lia Alejandro, Lupe Alvarado, Dave & Irma Arevalo, Sal De La Garza, Nora Hernandez, Janie &Rudy Garza There is no limit to what we can accomplish together! Thank you for your help! ¡No hay limite a lo que podemos lograr juntos! ¡Gracias por su ayuda!
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