GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY ******* BILATERAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL COOPERATION BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN THE AREA OF BIOTECHNOLOGY JOINT CALL FOR PROPOSAL (2014-16) LAST DATE OF SUBMISSSION 16th May ‘2014 Under Programme of Cooperation (PoC) between Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology (MST), India and Russian Ministry of Education and Science (RMES), Russia invites Joint Research Proposal in the area of Biotechnology. I – OBJECTIVES The objective is to broaden and deepen cooperation in Science & Technology in the field of Biotechnology; to encourage industrial R&D and related investment flows, bilaterally and/or regionally in the field of Biotechnology and to promote transparency through exchange of information and cooperation among relevant institutions. II – PRIORITY RESEARCH AREAS In the area of Biotechnology, the following research areas will be given priority in the present call for proposal: A. B. C. D. E. Bio-energy Nano-biotechnology Bio-instrumentation Affordable Diagnostics for Human Health and Agriculture Affordable Devices for Human Health and Agriculture Proposals submitted in other research areas will not be considered. III – PROJECT DURATION The duration of a project will be three years initially. IV – WHO CAN APPLY The Principal investigators from Universities and Research Institutions of each side who fulfill national eligibility rules for research grant application are eligible to apply. V- CRITERIA FOR PROPOSAL SUBMISSION The minimum requirements for proposal submission in response to the present call for proposal are as follows: 1. Only a Joint Proposal having at least one Indian and Russian investigator will be accepted. 2. Joint Proposals written in English language ONLY will be accepted. 3. Proposals of exceptional quality having a strong translational component will be preferred. 4. Investigator must hold a regular/permanent position in an Indian institution. 5. List of Existing facilities and brief scientific output sketch (not more than 1 page) of the investigators must be appended with the proposal. 6. The investigator must have at least 3 internationally peer reviewed articles in having impact factor not less than 2 7. The age of the Indian investigator should not exceed 55 years. Proposals screening and evaluation criteria may include but, in general, will be separate from the minimum submission requirements. VI – MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS An originally signed letter or email from a Russian collaborator must accompany with the proposal. A proposal must have clear objectives and the proposed complementary work plan. VII – APPLCIATION PROFORMA The Proforma for submitting a Joint Research proposal is available as Annex 1. The detailed information and the application form may be accessed under Call for Proposal at DBT website and on for participants from Russia. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. VIII – FINANCIAL SUPPORT Under this PoC, the total grant earmarked from both sides is US $ 17,00,000.00 (equivalent to US $ 850,000 in their respective national currency). The funding agency in each country will support expenses for their own respective national researchers. Funding procedures and eligible costs are subject to national regulations. Terms and conditions of the financial support are as follows: 1. The duration of each project will be three years initially. 2. Support is available for Joint Research in areas of biotechnology. Joint research projects will be carried out by research teams from both countries. 3. Independent investigators/team leaders should submit an application to respective nodal agency, using the respective forms prescribed by DBT and RMES. Applications submitted by one side only; not on prescribed format and received after due date will not be accepted. Indian/Russian independent investigators/team leaders should, therefore, ensure that their counterpart submit an identical application on prescribed format as per guidelines of nodal agencies.s 4. DBT and RMES will conduct parallel review of the applications respectively based on the agreed criteria. DBT and RMES will make joint decisions based on the review results. 5. List of selected projects will be posted on website and 6. Expected start of projects: around September/October 2014 7. Maximum funding available is approximately 9mln rupees per project per year (5 mln rubles). The total amount of grant is not more than 27mln rupees (15mln rubles) 8. On Indian side, the project staff will be supported as per the guidelines of Government of India in force from time to time. 9. The subsequent year funding depends upon the submission of the annual progress report, financial documents as well as other documents desired and based on the performance appraisal of the project evaluated by the Joint Steering Committee. IX – ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSALS All applications received on or before the notified closing date will undergo a peer review process and then be referred to an independent advisory panel for consideration and ranking. Applications must attain a positive rating to be considered eligible for funding. Joint selection of successful applications by DBT and RMES will be discussed by the respective nodal agencies. The following criteria will be taken into consideration of evaluation of proposals. 1. Scientific excellence: A. Relevance of Research approach and quality B. Project impact and possibility of commercial application C. Potential to achieve the expected results and indicative values 2. Qualification & relevant experience of the Project Coordinator/Investigator and the team (including foreign partners): A. Qualification and Research experience B. Scientific achievements 3. Availability of Research Infrastructure (Equipments and Lab space) 4. Project funding: A. Cost estimates and planned activities B. Rationale for proposed funding The evaluation results will be jointly discussed in the meeting of Joint Working Committee. The projects approved by the Joint Working Committee will be supported. X – PROPOSAL SUBMISSION The applicants must fulfill national eligibility funder rules for research grant application. The proposals may be submitted from each side at follows – India: An Electronic and had copies of the preliminary proposals needs to be submitted by the Indian investigators. Electronic copy may be sent at [email protected]. However, the head copies (8 copies) of the proposal may reach at Dr. Rajneesh K. Gaur, Scientist ‘C’, Department of Biotechnology, International Division -2, 814, Block -2, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003. Russia: All correspondence related to this Joint Call for Proposal may reach to Evgeniy Sergeevich MASTERSKIKH, Head of Unit of science infrastructure, Department of Priority Directions in Science and Technology, Ministry of Education & Science of the Russia, Tverskaya street, 11, Moscow, 125993; Phone: 007-495-6292636, e-mail: [email protected]
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