Deadstick Landings 2015.06 - Franklin County Aircraft Modelers

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Franklin County Aircraft Modelers
Deadstick Landings
Volume 9 Issue 6
March 2007June
Web Site:
Web Site:
What's Inside
Lily 2, 3
Secretary's 4
2015 Officers
Lewis Gordon
1330 E. Madison Rd.
Madison Me
[email protected]
Vice President:
Frank Bedard
96 Perkins Rd.
N. Anson, Me 04958
[email protected]
Ron Sarner
320 School St.
New Portland Me 04961
[email protected]
Upcoming Events
June 6 – Pease Field Club Fly-In
June 20 – Lily Pond Float Fly
June 27 – Meeting & Club Picnic – Whispering Pines
Indoor Flying Schedule
Indoor Flying at Calvary Pentecostal Church in Madison
Tuesday Nights – 6pm to 9pm
Every Wednesday 9:00am to 12:00pm
($$Donations Appreciated$$)
From the past.........
Lily Pond Seamaster Flyers
Frank Bedard
96 Perkins Rd.
N. Anson, Me 04958
[email protected]
Safety Officer:
Wayne White
60 Preble Ave
Anson, Me 04911
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor:
Joseph Gilbert
32 Brann Ave
Augusta Me 04330
207 622-3005
[email protected]
******* Next Meeting *******
June 27th
Whispering Pines
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FCAM 2015
Event Schedule
Feb 27 Indoor Flying & Meeting –
March 27 Indoor Flying & Meeting –
March 28 & 29 OHTM Midcoast
Model Festival
April 24 Indoor Flying & Meeting Anson
May 9th Pease Field Club Fly-In
May 23rd Whispering Pines Club
Fly-In & Meeting
May 30th Lily Pond Float Fly
June 6th Pease field Club Fly-In
June 20th Lily Pond Float Fly
June 27th Whispering Pines Club FlyIn & Meeting & Family Day Picnic
July 4th Pease Field Club Fly-In
July 25th Whispering Pines Club FlyIn
Aug 1 Display and demo at Sugarloaf
Aug 8th Lily Pond Float Fly
Aug 29th Whispering Pines Fly-In &
Picnic - Vern Duckworth day
Rain date Aug 30th
Sept 5th Pease Field Club Fly-In
Sept 12th Lily Pond Float Fly
Sept 26th Whispering Pines Club FlyIn & Meeting
Oct 3rd Lily Pond Float Fly
Oct 10th Pease Field Club Fly-In
Oct xx Indoor Flying & Meeting –
Nov xx Meeting & Election- Anson
Franklin County Aircraft Modelers
Deadstick Landings
Lily Pond
Saturday, May 30
Five FCAM members and two KVMA members traveled to Lily Pond for a
nice day of float flying. Eric, Wayne, Lief, Bob Hines, Bob Chapman, Roland
and myself comprised the group. A warm day and a bit breezy but not too bad
for flying.
I arrived just after 7:30 from Eustis to find Eric already there and ready for
some flying. After we got the rescue kayak in the water for “just in case”, I
make a flight with my Polaris. Then Eric flew his Flyzone Beaver for the first
time from water. He did a very good job! Later he made the maiden flight with
his new Flyzone Tidewater. Again, a good flight!
Plenty of flying during the morning as the breeze came and then died. We
started the grills for lunch about 11:00 and served a bunch of 'dogs & rolls
along with onions.
After lunch, a few of us got in some more flying. I had eight flights total with
my Polaris, Polaris Ultra, and Seamaster II. Others flew CZ Cubs, Beavers,
Mentors, and Tidewaters. We were all packed up and leaving by 12:15.
Another great day at Lily Pond.
Photos by Roland & Joe
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Franklin County Aircraft Modelers
Deadstick Landings
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Franklin County Aircraft Modelers
Deadstick Landings
MAY 23, 2015
Meeting was called to order at 9:10AM by President Lew Gordon.
6 Members were
The last Meeting report submitted by Ron Sarner was accepted as published.
The Treasurer’s report was submitted by Francis Bedard and accepted.
Old Business:
Frank Bedard announced that the new tables have all been installed at Pease Field.
New Business:
Lew stated that Club logo cowling and fuselage stripe colors for the new polo shirts have
been changed to red for a better contrast against the shirt color. Lew also displayed the
corrected version of the polo shirt “back”. The shirt back has Franklin County Aircraft
modelers displayed a large circle with the Club logo appearing in the center. The polo
shirts with a pocket displaying “FCAM” and, will be pre-ordered at a cost of $30.00@ for each
member at the Member’s stated shirt size. Lew stated he is also ordering a dozen hats
3-Gray, 3-Tan, and 6 mesh style summer hats, also gray and tan.
NOTE: All Members are encouraged to attend the next Club Meeting to be held on June
27 at Whispering Pines field as polo shirt and hat orders will be taken at that time.
Lew suggested ordering a dozen T-Shirts with the Club Logo to be offered for sale at the
baked goods tables during the Madison/Anson summer event. The selling price will be
determined at a meeting prior to the event date.
Volunteers are needed to mow both the Whispering Pines and Pease fields. These fields
require mowing once every week. To volunteer contact Lew (474.2518), Frank
or Bob (635.2222). At some date in the near future, one of the mowers will be stored at
Ron & Joan’s home. Their property is located next to the field on the south side. A
combination lock will be used to enter the garden shed which is located behind the
No notice will be required of Ron & Joan prior to arriving to remove the mower.
Bob Hines stated that he will be purchasing 4 new mower blades to replace the worn
Lew directed Ron Sarner to print 100 FCAM business sized cards for Club promotional
purposes. Lew will distribute the cards to the Membership to present to anyone who
may show interest in the RC flying hobby or an RC flyer looking for a Club/flying field.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:40AM
Minutes submitted by Ron Sarner, Secretary