Curriculum Vitae (Kuo-Pao Lai) PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Kuo-Pao Lai (賴國寶) Country Citizenship: Taipei City, Taiwan Gender: Male Contact Information: Research Center for Tumor Medical Science, China Medical University, No.91, Xueshi Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 40402, Taiwan Tel: (04) 2205-2121 ext 7662, E-Mail: [email protected] EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION 1. Ph.D., Dept. of Pathology, University of Rochester Medical Center, NY, United States (09/2005-07/2010) 2. M. S., Institute of Life Sciences, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan (09/1998-07/2000) 3. B. S., Department of Medical Technology, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan (09/1994-06/1998) EMPLOYMENT/TRAINING 1. Postdoctoral fellow, Dept. of Medicine, Divisions of Hematology and Medical Oncology, University of California, San Francisco, Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, CA, United States (11/2012-9/2014) 2. Postdoctoral fellow, Dept. of Pathology, University of Rochester Medical Center, NY, United States (08/2010-10/2012) 3. Research Technician, Dept. of Pathology, University of Rochester Medical Center, NY, United States (08/2004-09/2005) 4. Research Assistant, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan (04/2002-07/2004) HONORS AND AWARDS 1. Scholarship from National Science Council of outstanding student in Taiwan (1998-2000) 2. George H. Whipple Fellowship, University of Rochester (2005-2010) 3. Outstanding Research Poster Award, Pathology Research Day, University of Rochester (06/2009) 4. NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant (2014). GRANT SUPPORTED PROJECTS 1. Role of DUSP5 in the Pancreatic Cancer development and its Potential Correlates to the Immunotherapy (China Medical University intramural funding, 1025310G) SCIENTIFIC MEMBERSHIP 1. The Endocrine Society. 2. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). PUBLICATIONS 1. Hsieh CY, Chen CA, Chou CH, Lai KP, Jeng YM, Kuo ML, Wei LH (2004) Overexpression of Her-2/neu in epithelial ovarian carcinoma induces vascular endothelial growth factor C by activating NF-κB: Implication for malignant ascites formation and tumor lymphoagenesis. J. Biomed Sci 11(2):249-59. 2. Wei LH, Lai KP, Chen CA, Cheng CH, Huang YJ, Chou CH, Kuo ML, Hsieh CY (2005) Arsenic trioxide prevents radiation-enhanced tumor invasiveness and inhibits matrix metalloproteinase-9 through downregulation of nuclear factor kappaB. Oncogene 24(3):390-8. 3. Chou CH, Wei LH, Kuo ML, Huang YJ, Lai KP, Chen CA, Hsieh CY (2005) Up-regulation of interleukin-6 in human ovarian cancer cell via a Gi/PI3K-Akt/NF-kappaB pathway by lysophosphatidic acid, an ovarian cancer-activating factor. Carcinogenesis 26(1):45-52. 4. Su JL, Lai KP, Chen CA, Yang CY, Chen PS, Chang CC, Chou CH, Hu CL, Kuo ML, Hsieh CY, Wei LH (2005) A novel peptide specifically binding to interleukin-6 receptor (gp80) inhibits angiogenesis and tumor growth. Cancer Res 65(11):4827-35. 5. Niu Y, Altuwaijri S, Lai KP, Wu CT, Ricke WA, Messing EM, Yao J, Yeh S, Chang C (2008) Androgen receptor is a tumor suppressor and proliferator in prostate cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(34):12182-7. 6. Niu Y, Altuwaijri S, Yeh S, Lai KP, Yu S, Chuang KH, Huang SP, Lardy H, Chang C (2008) Targeting the stromal androgen receptor in primary prostate tumors at earlier stages. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(34):12188-93. 7. Yu SQ*, Lai KP*, Xia SJ, Chang HC, Chang C, Yeh S (2009) The diverse and contrasting effects of using human prostate cancer cell lines to study androgen receptor roles in prostate cancer. Asian J Androl. 11(1):39-48. (*equal contribution) 8. Altuwaijri S, Chuang KH, Lai KP, Lai JJ, Lin HY, Young FM, Bottaro A, Tsai MY, Zeng WP, Chang HC, Yeh S, Chang C (2009) Susceptibility to autoimmunity and B cell resistance to apoptosis in mice lacking androgen receptor in B cells. Mol Endocrinol. 23(4):444-53. 9. Chuang KH, Altuwaijri S, Li G, Lai JJ, Chu CY, Lai KP, Lin HY, Hsu JW, Keng P, Wu MC, Chang C (2009) Neutropenia with impaired host defense against microbial infection in mice lacking androgen receptor. J Exp Med. 206(5):1181-99. 10. Lai JJ, Lai KP, Chuang KH, Chang P, Yu IC, Lin WJ, Chang C (2009) Monocyte/macrophage androgen receptor suppresses cutaneous wound healing in mice by enhancing local TNF-alpha expression. J Clin Invest. 119(12):3739-51. 11. Yu S, Zhang C, Lin CC, Niu Y, Lai KP, Chang HC, Yeh SD, Chang C, Yeh S (2011). Altered prostate epithelial development and IGF-1 signal in mice lacking the androgen receptor in smooth muscle cells. The Prostate. 71(5):517-24. 12. Lai KP, Yamashita S, Vitkus S, Yeh S, Shyr CR, Chang C (2012) Suppressed prostate epithelial development with impaired branching morphogenesis in mice lacking stromal fibromuscular androgen receptor. Mol Endocrinol. 26(1):52-66. 13. Yamashita S*, Lai KP*, Chuang KL*, Miyamoto H, Tochigi T, Pang ST, Arai Y, Yeh S, Chang C (2012) ASC-J9® suppresses castration resistant prostate cancer growth via degradation of full-length and splice variant androgen receptors. Neoplasia 14(1):74-83. (* equal contribution). 14. Lai KP, Yamashita S, Huang CK, Yeh S, Chang C (2012) Loss of stromal androgen receptor leads to suppressed prostate tumorigenesis via modulation of proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines. EMBO Mol Med. 4(8):791-807. 15. Lai JJ*, Lai KP*, Zeng WP, Chuang KH, Altuwaijri S, Chang C (2012) Androgen Receptor Influences on Body Defense System via Modulation of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems: Lessons from Conditional AR Knockout Mice. Am J Pathol. 181(5):1504-12 (* equal contribution). 16. Wang X, Lin WJ, Izumi K, Jiang Q, Lai KP, Xu D, Fang LY, Lu T, Li L, Xia S, Chang C (2012) Increased infiltrated macrophages in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): the role of stromal androgen receptor in macrophage-induced prostate stromal cell proliferation. J Biol Chem. 287(22):18376-85. 17. Lee SO, Tian J, Huang CK, Ma Z, Lai KP, Hsiao SM, Jiang M, Yeh S, Chang C (2012) Suppressor role of androgen receptor in proliferation of prostate basal epithelial and progenitor cells. J Endocrinol. 213(2):173-82. 18. Lai JJ, Chang P, Lai KP, Chen LM, Chang C (2012) The role of androgen and androgen receptor in the skin-related disorders. Arch Dermatol Res. 304(7):499-510. 19. Lee SO, Ma Z, Yeh CR, Lou J, Lin TH, Lai KP, Yamashita S, Liang L, Tian J, Li L, Jiang Q, Huang CK, Yeh S, Chang C (2013) A new combinational therapy targeting differential androgen receptor signaling in prostate stem/progenitor vs. luminal epithelial cells to battle the castration resistant prostate cancer. J Mol Cell Biol. 5(1):14-26. 20. Huang CK, Lee SO, Lai KP, Ma WL, Lin TH, Tsai MY, Shyr CR, Luo J, Chang C (2013) Targeting androgen receptor in bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) improves the BM-MSC transplantation therapy in liver cirrhosis. Hepatology. 57(4):1550-63. 21. Lai KP*, Huang CK*, Chang YJ, Chung CY, Yamashita S, Li L, Lee SO, Yeh S, Chang C (2013) New therapeutic approach to suppress castration-resistant prostate cancer using ASC-J9® via targeting androgen receptor in selective prostate cells. Am J Pathol. 182(2):460-73. (* equal contribution). 22. Lai KP, Lai JJ, Chang P, Altuwaijri S, Hsu JW, Chuang KH, Shyr CR, Yeh S, Chang C (2013) Targeting androgen receptor in thymic epithelium enhances T-cell reconstitution and increases bone marrow transplantation grafting efficacy. Mol Endocrinol. 27(1):25-37. 23. Lai KP, Huang, CK, Fang LY, Izumi K, Lo CW, Wood R, Kindblom J, Wennbo H, Yeh S, Chang C (2013) Suppression of prolactin driven benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) via targeting stromal androgen receptor. Mol Endocrinol. 27(10):1617-31. 24. Fang LY*, Izumi K*, Lai KP, Li L, Hiroshi M, Liang L, Lin WJ, Chang C (2013) Infiltrating macrophage-induced prostate tumorigenesis via androgen receptor/CCL4/STAT3/p53/PTEN signaling. Cancer Res. 73(18):5633-46. (* equal contribution). 25. Izumi K, Mizokami A, Lin WJ, Lai KP, Chang C (2013) Androgen receptor roles in the development of benign prostate hyperplasia. Am J Pathol. 182(6):1942-1949. 26. Huang CK, Lai KP, Luo J, Tsai MY, Kang HY, Chen YC, Lee OK, Chang C (2013) Loss of Androgen Receptor Promotes Adipogensis but Suppresses Osteogenesis in Bone Marrow Stromal Cells. Stem Cell Res. 11(2):938-50. 27. Shang Z, Niu Y, Cai Q, Chen J, Tian J, Yeh S, Lai KP, Chang C (2014) Human kallikrein 2 (KLK2) promotes prostate cancer cell growth via function as a modulator to promote the ARA70-enhanced androgen receptor transactivation. Tumour Biol. 35(3):1881-90. 28. Huang CK*, Luo J*, Lai KP*, Wang RH, Chang E, Sparks J, Yan C, Dang Q, Lee SO, Chang C (2015) Androgen Receptor Promotes Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Development Through Modulating Inflammatory Interluekin 1 alpha and TGFβ1 Expression. Submitted (*equal contribution). 29. Yeh S, Chang HC, Li L, Lai KP, Messing E, Lin TH, Chang C (2015) Targeting androgens vs. targeting androgen receptor (AR) for better suppression castration resistant prostate cancers. Submitted. 30. Lin WJ, Izumi K, Lai KP, Chang C (2015) Androgen receptor roles in inflammation-related prostate diseases including chronic prostatitis, BPH and prostate cancer. Revision. 31. Lai KP, Moasser MM (2015) HER3 is required for the HER2 addiction in HER2 amplified breast cancers. Manuscript under preparation. 32. Lee SO, Lai KP, Yeh S and Chang C (2012) Differential Functions of Stromal and Epithelial Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer before and After Castration Resistant Stage. Advances in Rapid Sex-Steroid Action New Challenges and New Chances in Breast and Prostate Cancers Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 10.1007/978-1-4614-1764-4_9. (Book Chapter)
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