ul rdwRT 44 I 5S 411ch:urOft0- ranw Lido-11, 0/ 5 491. , VttrT (SITOSTOTTO), +1,31I #, Fait (.4 ER-rftrwrft-ITK-D (.4 mit Yr wR*-41- RT-R7-0-zw, 311-7-a--R-6-31tr-{ chi4stlei RTR74 -4-W, Wr-4- I dpi it 3i--64a" rd -FdtzT Mt- 2015-16 t chic Try4T FJ-ftzT 4Och FITT 14VTzTa TM" 'TT ftql'sT A- 1 317 1i=46 ctol 411 31-Titita "43:1 - 6k3tc ul airca *WM.( TT tritW- J-12014/3/-MGNREGA-V -12.03.2015 tra r-4*-G 310 1I/2/-MGNREGA V fib- 20.03.2015 it"- 4-1611-4, 3Erir4-ff ATftrq aTifff Tr-{17 )3TF1 47-e NAT fd-F4r4 3-clxra f+-zir dkit t 3Trcr 31-daTa- 1 ---T-4=r 2015-16 # 936.57 .1-i 41 c>1 el, i-?a I )3T3=1 TT f4:TT Bottom up approach t ci6c i fTTIT d I I t I 37TituT anrd- TITTTT f:d-F--4'P:T 2015 16 f -cr )31-3=F -a"-dTT-4tra- 1;11: 4-MIS Report cn TtTT 2.1.3 LiT.41eict fc tT 39WM "Trzfr di t, 1# Download i+-TIT FT9T MTT dl Id 1 Li -c-nelcicui/W45cik Print f:"-T-I-RT 4-1chcil t I 2. d-nd-nui 1-4wr-4:r c1-1 41 c>1 , aITTa- - - ÷Rellk T ft5)--d" 4:,17--r6 Raft t-i -Etktd 17ffdff0--zif wfirTit chl 3 arm aragTa- 01-,z I LI 1 aT 011 zlk-Id ITT a-rf 3-Ft ar -Tr 3-1-12t aff Raft of .‘L-1 cHiT) 2015 t itTfr cik4i t3-iTtita- cT Tr--t-Jrr f1 chl T:r# ftzif IL ci1 f Cniig •-(-N 1:7 31144T/d,114-i tfTa1 cf Cif tItR31-1 (c11 RAT Trtm traitwzrte #7-err-T#.-aw air-cdoiN (i) 9-rd-ff4ftrzif )g-JT "aZ" cifd-zisr" MIS Download sTiT .TLi6i7sE.T oilel I Trazi\6-f - 34--d-ta-rr 3 cm-12Pw—d-r ci A''r au.) arr #--41trff iT3i Trit-R-r3it , t k4 - (iii) aTtdR- #a-Trr-{ ft4-4=r Er 3-trzrr 74 . -ray (1 --zryff urr4 -4t TrIt-d-) (iv) 33razr rrmzra- (v) TZTTzit tritTicrldziff M 1--4 7 3ftg, 2015 # 1411- crf -z1-r tr-4- .s k,1 ftzif 1TZr ► e-fms Ezi-d-TZTT trazrrff.-w arf ► g#3-F R:1-4C-T T-- "Wstf 4'1 1-Tf I vT ER" cciei rl f#4rt z v41- Trait al -razr afELT--zr1 4: a "Wisr It-4W" f+-Tfr err I fisr Rfiao-rrT itaTr # Taft =r'4 -r4tTrft-zn- 13-trazti'A -a- ft-4r -r(ri Raft Tzr--ritrwrtr lt4Tt 3-Erftzra- Ttit WEr fir 91,4-1 1a7r1=4tr -d- f -zfr ft--7 Ta e rr .5zr (ii) wrazr 141jai fzrr S marr 7-4 f ft-4 trr4-4t aft t 7r -zt (iii) Tra=r 1-i-uk4d curzrf 3-rrtTR- unWo?-6a- ftzTT 7 -1-7ito f-7--dzrF• 30 .3Ac>q, 2015 # t ft741t (r) 4(4 wrirtl-t4--zif chl Tr---d-rr 3T7=, J-4-6 31 3TftWRT4t-fa_ J3T3=1 tt 3.Trz 3Td-M fkftzn- 3-TVtT t It 31 cH I # 4c 1>MiTarT 3iTZT)fa - f itfr-Tur -Trft T-4--zf 0-11Qtad Trrzr Ti-r24- 7 .•ftft 31-Rata-a- aft 27 33-r - , 2015 (-kb 3-1-rav:w t-a-Trr-{ fd-T4T arrTfra 39)3Taur oily I Tt4fra3t4a-r-a- -Tr-zrr QTA" 2015 # 1-0 3TraT r l'a=fro-r fatra-r Fa-4- W-Gr Fatrzr tr- rtrwrftzlf chl afr 3,,r) 1 r (yr-4'N. Frr/r1 3 1 )c R-04 wrh No. G-31011/2/2014-MGNREGA V Government of India Ministry of Rural Development Department of Rural Development (Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Division) Krishi Bhavan New Delhi Dated 20th March 2015 To The Spl CS/Pet ecy/ Secretary Rural Development (incharge of MGNREGS) Q I States t Subject: i'd1-11-"" ur Budget 2015-16 - Holding of Special meetings of Sarpanches 'Block level in last week of March and Special Rozgar Diwas at the ram Panchayat in 1st week of April 2015. Sir/Madam, You are aware that the `agreed' Lcbour Budget for 2015-16 has been finalized in the Empowered Committee meetings held with the State Government. Since the Planning exercise has been done at the GP level, the LB 2015-16 is now available for every GP in Report 2.1.3. of the MIS reports in the following URL: (htto:// budget Approved Monthwise all.asi x? fin year-2015-2016). The agreed LB can be downloaded/printed for a particular GP or for all GPs in a Block. It is necessary that the agreed LB for each GP is made known to all 2. Sarpanches and the GP level functionaries, and they in turn, mak it known to all the job card holders. For this purpose, it is advised to direct all Block Officers and POs MGNREGA to: Development Officers a) Convene a meeting of all Sarpanches/GP level functionaries at the Block last week of March 2015 to: level in i. Formally print and andover the agreed LB for the GP for 2015-16 ii. Explain the need to prioritise the requirements of women and vulnerable sections(SC/ST/ Nomadic/ denotified tribes / BPL/ Women headed / Disabled headed / IAY or LR beneficiary / FRA beneficiary households) in allocation of work. The performance of each GP on providing work to the vulnerable sections will be separately monitored. iii. Emphasise the need to convene the Rozgar Diwas every month at every Ward level, register demand and issued dated receipt. iv. Explain the eFMS system and that at the GP level they need not be constrained for funds within the agreed LB. the Page 1 of 2 i S9 v. Requirement to focus on creation of productive assets, especially related to developing land, water (irrigation) and trees. b) Fix a date-wise schedule for convening a Special Rozgar Diwasto be held before 7th of April 2015 in every GP at one central location. All the job card holders in the GP should be invited for this Rozgar Diwas. A senior officer from the Block should be present in this Special Rozgar Divas meeting. During this Rozgar Diwas, the following is expected to be discharged: i. Reading out the agreed LB for the GP for the year. ii. Screening the list of works added in the shelf of works and identifying works for execution before 30 th July 2015 (4 months) iii. Start registration of demand for work and issue dated receipts. Since communication of the agreed LB is the key to making available 3. entitlements to the workers, it is requested to bestow special attention in making the above successful. Yours faithfully (R. Subrahmanyam) JS, MGNREGS (RE-I) Page 2 of 2 F. No. J-12014/3/2015-MGNREGA-V Government of India Ministry of Rural Development Department of Rural Development Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi -110011 Dated: 12th March, 2015 The Pr. Secretary Rural Development Department Government of Bihar Patna- 800001 Sir, This is in reference to the meeting of the Empowered Committee held on 12.03.2015 at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development to discuss and scrutinize Labour Budget for 2015-16 submitted by Government of Bihar. The approved minutes of the kind information and necessary action.Empowered Committee meeting are enclosed for Yours faithfully, (Rajesh Makkar) Under Secretary to the Government of India Encl: as above Copy to: PPS to Secretary, RD PPS to AS & FA PPS to AS (RD) PS to JS (RE-1)/PS to JS (RE-11) Consultant (Sh. Ashutosh) with the request to upload the minutes On N R EGA Soft, No: J-12014/3/2015-MGNREGA-V Government of India Department of Rural Development MGNREGA Division MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EMPOWERED COMMITTEE HELD ON 12.03.2015 FOR FINALISING LABOUR BUDGET FOR THE STATE OF BIHAR FORFY 2015-16. A meeting of the Empowered Committee to discuss and scrutinize the Labour Budget (LB) estimates under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 12 (MGNREGA) of the State of Bihar for the Financial Year 2015-16 was held on .03.2015under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development in Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. The State Government of Bihar was represented by Sri Pradip Kumar, Secretary RD. 2. After going through the presentation made by the State covering the issues listed in the Questionnaire and after due discussion on various aspects of implementation, the Committee made the following observations: (a) Observations about demand: a. The conduct of Rozgar Divas especially in the IPPE Gram Panchayats shall be monitored on a weekly basis. b. The provision of work as per demand for the vulnerable communities shall be monitored at the District/State levels, and there should be zero tolerance for non-provision of work as per demand esp. in the case of these poorest sections. (b)Delay_s pa_y_rnent Delays in payment of wages shall be taken seriously at all levels. For this purpose, the following may be done: a. The fixing responsibility on the functionaries for delays shall be completed and enforced. b. Delays in movement of funds shall be monitored weekly at the State level. In case the delayed payments exceed 1.0%, the further release of funds to the State would be reconsidered. (c)Fund management: a. The State shall move to eFMS completely for qualifying for release of funds in 2015-16. If there are major difficulties in any particular areas requiring exemption from eFMS, a specific proposal may be made before 31' March. b. All the sub-State accounts shall be closed (or made into Zero Balance accounts) and implementation levels shall be linked electronically to the State eFMS account. (d)Observations about the worksprogramme: a. The process of identification of the GPs for 'Open Defecation Freer campaign under MGNREGA as a part of the Swachh Bharat 14(4+ No: 3-12014/3/ 2015-MGNREGA-V Government of India Department of Rural Development MGNREGA Division Abhiyaan shall be completed. The planning and implementation of works shall be started before August so as to complete all the works before March 2016. b. In 33 Districts, the expenditure on agriculture related works are below the statutory limit. Efforts should be stepped up to ensure that more works in this category are taken up immediately. c. The State Convergence Plans already formulated for 2014-15 should be updated for 2015-16 duly listing down the processes of convergence so that implementation is done as planned. Any impediments in implementing the convergence should be reviewed at the State level and resolved. Of special importance is the convergence of IWMP, irrigation (PMKSY), PMGSY (road side plantation) and IAY (90/95 days of unskilled work for housing) d. The outcomes being noted against each work will be critically reviewed by the district and State levels so that the data entered is correct. If needed, the staff may be trained to do this work correctly. e. Quality monitoring structure shall be put in place as laid down in the guidelines immediately. (e)Conduct of Social Audit: Conducting of Social Audit as laid down in the Audit of Scheme Rules 2011 is mandatory for the State to be eligible for release of funds for 2015-16. The State is yet to take the following steps in this direction: Establish independent Social Audit Directorate Fill up the posts lying vacant at State and District level To conduct social audit as per rules, upload the SA reports and ATRs on the website , Take expeditious action on the redressal of grievances registered by the SAU f. Any other State specific issues: Take expeditious action on the formation of labour croups Release P,s.178.43 crore as matching State share as reflected in the MIS take appropriate action in the linking of treasuries with the PFMS. take expeditious action on Linking with PMJDY and share the action plan with the Ministry. Ensure that Ombudsman are appointed in all the districts. hold SEGC meetings regularly and share the minutes of these meetings with the Ministry. 2 ,)' 3 ICS No: J-12014/3/2015-MGNREGA-V Government of India Department of Rural Development MGNREGA Division To furnish ATRs on 214 complaints (VIP- 13 and General- 201) pending with the State. 3. After making the above observations, the Empowered Committee has examined the Labour Budget presented by the State. The demand projected was checked at the Gram Panchayat level with reference to the performance as evidenced by average Persondays generated in the last 3 years. 4. IPPE component:The State has 293IPPE Blocks, which constitute the most backward areas in the State requiring special attention in implementation. Normally the LB achievement in these Blocks has been depressed due to poor capacity issues. . By focusing on these implementation issues and fixing them, it is expected to increase their performance to match the demand. Accordingly, in view of the handicap faced by these backward Blocks, the double of average performance of last three years has been taken as the expected performance level. 5. Non-IPPE component: For the GPs which were not selected for the IPPE exercise by the State, the normalisation has been done keeping in view the average performance of the GP in the past 3 years. 6. After normalisation of the projected demand based on the past performance in the above manner,separately for the IPPE Blocks and Non-IPPE Blocks, the agreed LB for each GP has been arrived at. By aggregating the agreed LB of each GP, the Empowered Committee agreed for a Labour Budget for 2015-16 as follows: IPPE Blocks Non-IPPE Blocks Total 660.55 PDs 276.02 0-'Ds 936.57PDs The State may always come up with a proposal for revised labour budget after October if the actual performance far exceeds the approved labour budget. 7. The GP-wise agreed LB shall be formally printed and shared with the Gram Panchayat for which provision has been made in the MIS. The implementation of the LB for the vulnerable sections shall be monitored separately. 4, *4 P4.ge 3 af 3- Thc Mahatma Gandhi National Mural Linnlox omit 6narantee Act 2005 Ministry of Rural Dev elo pm en Government of India Labour Bud et 2015-2016 State: BIHAR District : BANKA Block : BELHAR Panchayat : Bahorna panchayat Agreed labour budget (2015-2016) : 20400 Persondays. Persondays Generated (2014-2015) as on Date 23/03/2015: 6467 No. of Vulnerable Households : 238 I Persondays Projected for : Month Month rApril 1970 May 3759 June 2329 July 1011 August 570 September 725 'October 670 November 1 113 'December 440 'January 1362 [ rFebruary IM arch 24 Cumulative upto the Month 1970 5729 8 8058 - 9069 9639 10364 11034 12147 12587 13949 I 16361 4039 20400 Gram Panchayat Bahorna panchayat (IPPE) is requested to plan the execution of LB as per the LB agreed in above table. If the demand exceeds the estimated agreed LB, the block development officer intimated for revising the LB suitably, So that no demand for work is not met. Stamp & Signature of the Block Official (In-Charge of MGNREGA) Important : This Projectea labour budget is to be printed ,signed and handed over to the gram panchayat Acknowledgement Receipt I Acknowledge the receipt of the month wise Labour Budget for financial year (2015-2016) of my Gram Panchayat Bahorna panchayat. Stamp & Signature of the Sarpanch of Gram Panchayat (In-Charge of MGNREGA)
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