Introduction to Cathodo-luminescence (CL) 陰極螢光分析系統簡介 Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) 電子物理系 周武清 Wu-ching Chou CL Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Luminescence analysis system References: 1. Physical Principles of Electron Microscopy By Ray F. Egerton, Springer 2. Electron Microscopy By J.J. Bozola and L.D. Russell, 2015/05/28 Jones and Bartlett Publishers Cathodo-luminescence (CL) Principle:the samples are excited by high energy (30 keV) and nano-meter scale e-beam to produce luminescence signal and second electron for the investigation of nano-meter scale composition distribution, morphology and photonic properties. Features of system: broad spectrum range:IR(2000nm) to UV (180nm) Broad temperature range:4K to room temperature highest spatial resolution (1.5 nm at 15KV) Principle of electron microscope Electron sources: tungsten filament, LaB6, Schottky emitter, or tungsten field emission tip 30 KV < 100 KV of TEM Beam size < 10 nm Much smaller than TEM 1μm Spatial resolution > beam size Principle of electron microscope Principle of electron microscope Principle of electron microscope SEM TEM use a stationary incident beam x, y scan (a)Line scan waveform (x), (b) frame scan waveform (y), (c) Digital equivalent, and (d) a single-frame raster scan (x + y) Detector’s signal (secondary or backscattered electrons) to drive the brightness Penetration of electrons into a solid Backscattered electron BSE Secondary electron (SE) Inelastic scattering elastic scattering ≈ Z2 Back scattered primary electron ≈ 30 keV (elastic scattering) SE < 100 eV Monte Carlo simulation 25 primary electrons of 10 nm (a)30 keV, 6.4 μm, (b) 10 keV, 0.8 μm, and (c) 3 keV, 0.12 μm, for Al (Z=13), (d) 30 keV, 1.2 μm for Au (Z=79) Secondary electron (SE) image Cross section diagram of a specimen Sample tilt angle SE yield 0.1 to 10 (average escaping SE/primary) SE signal, detector is located to the right of the specimen SE < 100 eV, escape depth < 2nm, topographical image Back scattered primary electron ≈ 30 keV (elastic scattering), penetration depth ≈ μm (a) SE image of a small crystal; using a side-mounted Everhart-Thornley detector. (b) BSE image recorded by the same side-mounted detector. Everhart-Thronley detector to improve the SEM signal Compound eye of an insect, coated with gold to make the specimen conducting. (a) SE image recorded by a side-mounted detector (located toward the top of the page) and showing a strong directional effect, including dark shadows visible below each dust particle. (b) SE image recorded by an in-lens detector, showing topographical contrast but very little directional or shadow effect. Backscattered electron (BSE) image Robinson detector: an annular (ring-shape) scintillator Feature of JSM-7000F Electron gun: In-lens Shottky Thermal FEG (0.5~30KV) Resolution:HR condition 1.5nm(15KV), 3.0nm(1KV) Analysis 3.0nm(5nA,15kV,WD 10mm) Probe current:a few pA to 200nA(continuous) OBJ lens: super conical lens Specimen exchange:one action mechanism (150mm,) Specimen stage:X=70mm,Y=50mm, WD=3 to 41mm, tilt=-5 to 70°,R=360° Option stage: X=110mm,Y=80mm, tilt=-5 to 60° (8 inch wafer) Motor control:X,Y rotation (standard),WD,Tilt(option) Digital Image display:1280 x 1024 pixels(for live and stored image) Operation system:Window XP Take off angle: 35° for EDS and WDS Option attachment: EDS, CL, Emission spectra Band information e-beam Morphology: Primary electron, secondary electron Holes in VB Issue of spatial resolution and spectrum resolution. PMT, CCD, length of spectrometer Comparison of PL and CL Photoluminescence (PL) Cathodoluminescence (CL) Closed Refrigerator computer 15K PL Intensity (a.u.) ZnTe L1 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Photon Energy (eV) L2 Argon - ion Laser L3 PMT SPEX 1403 Double-Grating Spectrometer Issue of spatial resolution and spectrum resolution. Spectrum resolution:(1)specrtometer length, (2) # of gratings, and (3) # of groves/mm E=1239.8 nm eV/ λ Available lasers: He-Ne: 632.8 nm (1.96) He-Cd: 325 nm (3.81eV) Ar : 488 nm (2.54 eV), 514.5 nm (2.41 eV) Kr, CO2, YAG ….. 大自然分光儀 Diffraction Grating Photomultiplier tube Quantum efficiency Thermionic emission Dark current Wavelength dependence of quantum efficiency M=δn Intrinsic semiconductor N-type semiconductor P-type semiconductor excitation emission 可能發生那些光學躍遷? si si si si si si si si si si si si si si si si CB D Eg VB donor si si si si si si N+ si si si si si si si si si N-type semiconductor (1) Free exciton X 自由激子 (2) Neutral donor (acceptor) bound exciton 施子(授子)束縛激子 (3) Donor-acceptor (D-A) recombination D-A 1LO, DA 2LO (3) Phonon assisted recombination DA-1LO, DA-2LO, DX-1LO …… 可能發生那些光學躍遷? D(n=3) D(n=2) D(n=1) CB D VB donor si si si si si si N+ si si si si si si si si si Donor-valence band (D-VB) recombination N-type semiconductor Ionization energy of donor level Ei=ED(n= ∞)-ED(n=1) Neutral donor bound exciton Se Zn Zn Cl+ Zn Se Zn Zn Se Zn Se Se Zn Se Zn Se Emission spectra Band information e-beam Morphology: Primary electron, secondary electron Holes in VB Fixed wavelength + e-beam scanning Fixed e-beam position and spectrum analysis Deep Ultraviolet Light–Emitting Hexagonal Boron Nitride Synthesized at Atmospheric Pressure Science 317, 932 (2007) Application: information storage, medical treatment, …. Fig. 1. Optical micrographs of recrystallized hBN obtained with a Ni-Mo solvent. (A) Typical hBN crystal on the solidified solvent (as grown). (B) A fragment of aggregate hBN crystals after acid treatment (the inset is an optical micrograph of a recovered sample). The shiny white regions are reflected light. There is no excitation laser for PL. CL X BX E=1239.8 nm eV/ λ Fig. 3. Cathodoluminescence spectra of recrystallized hBN at room temperature. (A) hBN obtained with a Ni solvent. (B) hBN obtained with a Ni-Mo solvent. (C) Direct quality comparison of the emission characteristics. Solid line, hBN obtained with a NiMo solvent at atmospheric pressure (in this study); dotted line, hBN obtained with a Ba-BN solvent at high pressure and high temperature (HP-HT). Fig. 4. Images of hBN crystal grown on the a-plane sapphire substrate (obtained with a Ni-Mo solvent prepared at 1400°C). (A) Differential interference microscopic image. (B) Cathodoluminescence image for 215-nm band. We did not find any intensity change of the measured spectra between the grain boundary and the plane surface area when measuring the point-to-point mode of the cathodoluminescence system, where the electron beam remained stationary and the measured luminescence was confined to the exposed spot area. Ultraviolet Emission from a Diamond pn Junction Science 292, 1899 (2001) N-type p-type Fig. 1. Impurity depth profile of pn junction measured by SIMS, where solid circles represent phosphorus (31P) and open squares represent boron (11B). Fig. 2. Representative I-V characteristics of diamond pn junction. In the linear plot (A), the voltage shows the applied voltage to ptype diamond. In the semilogarithmic plot (B), the forward direction corresponds to the case when the negative voltage was applied to n-type diamond. Fig. 3. Optical emission spectra of the pn junction operated with forward current of (A) 1, (B) 5, and (C) 10 mA. A representative CL spectrum of P-doped diamond thin film taken at room temperature is shown in (D). The inset is a representative optical image of the diamond LED with light emission. The circularshaped electrodes (diameter, 150 μ m) are formed by the separating each other by 150 μ m. Light emission can be seen around the electrode located at the center of the image. Microstructural evolution in m-plane GaN growth on m-plane SiC APL 92, 051112 (2008) FIG. 3. Color online a–c Plan-view SEM images, d perspective view SEM image of sample C near-edge area, and e cross sectional view SEM image of sample C fully coalesced center area. The blue rectangular and red oval dotted lines in d mark out the regions with partial and full coalescence along the c-axis between adjacent mesas, respectively. FIG. 4. Color online a Plan-view SEM image and b micro-CL monochromatic mapping collected at 380 nm of a near-edge area of sample C. The blue rectangular I and red circular II dotted lines mark out mesas with a trapezoidal and an irregular shape, respectively. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91, 251911 2007 Impacts of dislocation bending and impurity incorporation on the local cathodoluminescence spectra of GaN grown by ammonothermal method Spatially resolved cathodoluminescence CL spectra of GaN films grown on freestanding GaN seeds via fluid transport by the ammonothermal method were correlated with the microstructure and growth polarity. FIG. 1. Color online (a) and (c) Plan-view and cross-sectional SEM images of Ga-polar and (b) and (d) N-polar ammonothermal GaN films grown on a 400-m-thick freestanding HVPE GaN seed wafer. (e) Widearea CL spectra at 100 K and PL spectra at 293 K of the same GaN films. For comparison, PL spectrum of the HVPE GaN seed is shown in (f). FIG. 2. a Wide-area and spotexcitation CL spectra at 100 K, b representative local SEM image, and c–f corresponding monochromatic CL intensity mapping images recorded for various photon energies at 100 K of the 5-μm-thick Ga-polar ammonothermal GaN film. The spectra numbered 1–6 in a were taken at the numbered spots in b–f. In c–f, white areas correspond to those emitting bright lights. FIG. 4. a Wide-area and spot-excitation CL spectra at 100 K, b representative local SEM image, and c monochromatic CL intensity mapping images recorded at 3.50 eV at 100 K of the 4m-thick N-polar ammonothermal GaN film. The spectra numbered 1–4 in a were taken at the numbered spots in b. In c, white areas correspond to those emitting bright lights. Spatial fluctuations of optical emission from single ZnO/MgZnO nanowire quantum wells Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 115202 MgZnO/ZnO quantum wells on top of ZnO nanowires were grown by pulsed laser deposition. Ensembles of spatially fluctuating and narrow cathodoluminescence peaks with single widths down to 1 meV were found at the spectral position of the quantum well emission at 4 K. In addition, the number of these narrow QW peaks increases with increasing excitation power in micro-photoluminescence, thus pointing to quantum-dot-like emission centers. Indeed, laterally strained areas of about 5 nm diameter were identified at the quantum well positions on top of the nanowires by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. (30nm) (2nm) O partial pressure Ar partial pressure Figure 1. Idealized growth scheme of the MgZnO–ZnO– MgZnO heterostructures on top of ZnO nanowire arrays (only one wire shown here) with the indicated number of laser pulses for each PLD growth step. In addition to the shown axial growth, also some radial growth took place. Figure 2. Typical SEM images of the ZnO nanowire arrays on aplane sapphire with ZnO–MgZnO QW structure on top of the wires. Three different samples with wire diameters of 150 nm (top, ex situ process) and 1 and 2.5 μm (bottom, both by in situ process) are shown. The ex situ growth route typically yields structures of smaller diameter than the in situ process. Figure 4. Cathodoluminescence spectra of a single nanowire taken at RT. Emission bands from ZnO nanowire, ZnO QW and MgZnO barrier are observable, as indicated in the image. The QW emission is dominant at RT. Figure 6. Strong dependence of low temperature CL spectra on electron beam spot position on top of a single selected nanowire with QW structure, grown (a) by an in situ process within one chamber and (b) by a two-step ex situ process with ZnO nanowire and MgZnO–ZnO–QW structure from different PLD chambers. The wire diameters are 2 μm (a) and 150 nm (b). The spectra were taken at positions a few tens of nanometers apart. The Mg content of the ZnMgO barriers is 28% (a) and 21% (b), respectively. Figure 7. Temperature dependence of the CL signal measured approximately at the same lateral position of a wire. The additional features on the QW band are observable up to 110 K. Figure 8. Comparison between micro-PL spectra of a nanowire under different excitation conditions. The number of lines is increasing with increasing excitation power at 5 K. Here, P is the excitation power and equals 10 μW. Incorporation of Ga in ZnO/GaN epitaxial films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 92, 131905 2008 Growth of zinc oxide ZnO layers on gallium nitride GaN substrates benefits from the small lattice mismatch of these two materials. We report on spatially resolved cathodoluminescence studies of ZnO layers grown by a modified chemical vapor deposition process on GaN templates deposited on sapphire substrates. Line scans across the ZnO/GaN interface reveal the incorporation of gallium from the template into the ZnO layer. Transmission electron microscopy and micro-Raman measurements both indicate that strain relaxation occurs within a distance of a few nanometers from the ZnO/GaN interface. The diffusion coefficient of gallium in ZnO is determined. FIG. 1. CL spectrum obtained by exciting a 55 m2 area of the surface of the sample. FIG. 2. SEM micrograph, pseudocolor representation of the SEM-CL line scan, and the corresponding spectra recorded from the cross section of the sample. Optical studies of dislocationfree GaAs nano-wires grown on trenched Si (001) substrate by cathode-luminescence Dr. Ling Lee & Prof. Wu-Ching Chou(周武清) Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China Lee et al. Nanotechnology 21, 465701 (2010) Strengths and challenges of GaAs nano-wires on Si Higher carrier mobility of GaAs benefit HEMT in nano-scale 3/16 Dislocations and antiphase domains degrade the device performance Reduced dislocation in GaAs by shallow trenches Threading dislocations extend along <110> at GaAs (111). Is it possible to block threading dislocation by trench? [001] [110] [110] Threading dislocation free region Threading dislocation 4/16 Reduced dislocation in GaAs by shallow trenches For nano-wire width <150nm, the real emission volume is reduced which results a weaker intensity. Emission efficiency could be calculated for evaluating structural quality in terms of defect density near surface 5/16 L. Lee, W. C. Chou et al. Nanotechnology 2010 Lee et al. Nanotechnology 21, 465701 (2010) (a) Plan-view SEM image for GaAs nano-wires grown on nano-scale shallow-trench-patterned (001) Si. Planview TEM images along [110] with traench width of (b) 1000, (c) 80, and (d) 40 nm. Lee et al. Nanotechnology 21, 465701 (2010) Reduced dislocation in GaAs by shallow trenches 1000nm SEM 1000nm CL 80nm SEM 80nm CL 6/16 L. Lee, W. C. Chou et al. Nanotechnology 2010 Low-temperature cathode-luminescence GaAs grown on Si wafer exhibit a reduced eA emission than that grown on GaAs substrate A red-shift and splitting of near band edge emission are observed for GaAs grown on planar Si wafer As trench width is reduced, red shift and splitting of near band edge emission is reduced 9/16 Biaxial strain and band structure splitting heavy hole E g light hole E g 3 3 C C C 2C12 E g 0 a i b a E g 0 [2a 11 12 b 11 ] lateral 2 2 C11 C11 3 1 C C C 2C12 E g 0 a i b a E g 0 [2a 11 12 b 11 ] lateral 2 2 C11 C11 i 2 lateral vertical , a lateral vertical 11/16 S. C. Jain et al. Semicond Sci Tech 1996 Temperature-dependent CL analysis Homoepitaxial GaAs epilayer shows exciton emission obeys the Varshini’s prediction A decreased splitting is observed for GaAs grown on planar Si wafer, indicating a thermal induced strain 10/16 Biaxial strain and band structure splitting GaAs grown on planar Si wafer exhibit coherent strain at growth temperature, and a biaxial tensile strain during cooling down 12/16 Non-biaxial strain for GaAs nano-wire in trenches For GaAs grown in trenches with width >500 nm, a biaxial strain remains For GaAs grown in trenches with width <300nm, splitting is reduced 13/16 Uniaxial stress induced by SiO2 masks A (001) direction tensile stress is induced near SiO2 mask because of less thermal expansion coefficient of SiO2 than GaAs 14/16 Lee et al. CrystEngComm (to be published) Lee et al. CrystEngComm (to be published) Lee et al. CrystEngComm (to be published) Conclusion: The cathodoluminescence system consists of SEM, low temperature stage, and spectra analysis system. It is a powerful tool to study both the emission properties and morphology of the nano-structured material.
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