Adult Tennis GET READY TO START PLAYING TENNIS! Rec & Ed Tennis is part of the USTA’s Start/ Restart program, the perfect program for adults looking to start playing tennis for the first time or wanting to get back on the court after a period away from the game. New participants can receive free promotional t-shirt and gift card! Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext, 53243 email: [email protected] Please read the player level descriptions below carefully to place yourself in the correct class. Registered participants may check out a loaner tennis racquet from the Rec & Ed office one week prior to start of class. For Varsity Tennis Center classes, participants must wear tennis court shoes with non-marking soles. For all classes, no running shoes please. Rec & Ed Tennis follows the USTA Code of Conduct. PLAYER LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS: Beginner (NTRP 2.0): New/inexperienced players learn basic stroke mechanics of forehand, backhand, volley, serve; footwork, rules, and scoring. Advanced Beginner (NTRP 2.5-3.0): Can briefly rally the ball with forehand and backhand from baseline, can serve over net; will review and improve groundstrokes, volleys, serve, footwork and learn overheads and approach shots. Intermediate (NTRP 3.0-3.5): Can rally from the baseline fairly consistently, feels comfortable at net hitting volleys and overheads, serves consistently; work on perfecting all strokes, improving confidence, consistency, strategy and tactics. Cardio Tennis (Advanced Beginner to Advanced) Stay fit hitting hundreds of balls in this fun, fast-paced, high intensity, aerobic tennis workout. Recommended for players with full range of mobility. No beginners, please. For more information go to Cardio Tennis @ UM Varsity Tennis Center Cardio Tennis classes are held outdoors, but have indoor backup in case of rain. Non-marking soled tennis shoes required. No beginners, please. 4 classes. CLASS ID# DAY TIME DATES 3606.802 Tuesday 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 6/30 – 7/21 $59 3606.804 Thursday 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM $59 7/2 – 7/23 FEE High School Age Players: Beginner and Advanced beginner high school players up to age 14, should attend Fast Track Tennis youth classes, and those older should attend adult instructional classes before proceeding to Junior Team Tennis. Instructional Classes (co-ed) See Player Level Descriptions above for correct class placement. All beginner classes are part of the Start/Restart program. No class 7/4. CLASS ID# LEVEL DAY TIME DATES #CLASSES LOCATION FEE 3602.811 Beginner (NTRP 2.0) Mon/Wed 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM 6/15 – 7/1 6 Pioneer $95 3602.812 Beginner (NTRP 2.0) Tues/Thurs 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM 6/16 – 7/2 6 Pioneer $95 3602.851 Beginner (NTRP 2.0) Saturday 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM 6/20 – 7/18 4 Clague $65 3602.863 Beginner (NTRP 2.0) Tue/Thur 10:00 AM - 11:30AM 6/30 - 7/23 8 UM Varsity $145 3602.813 Beginner (NTRP 2.0) Mon/Wed 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM 7/13– 7/29 6 Pioneer $95 3602.852 Beginner (NTRP 2.0) Saturday 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM 8/1 – 8/22 4 Clague $65 3602.861 Beginner (NTRP 2.0) Mon/Wed 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM 8/3 – 8/19 6 UM Varsity $119 3602.821 Adv Beg (NTRP 2.5-3.0) Mon/Wed 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM 6/15 – 7/1 6 Pioneer $95 3602.853 Adv Beg (NTRP 2.5-3.0) Saturday 10:30 AM – 12 Noon 6/20 – 7/18 4 Clague $65 3602.822 Adv Beg(NTRP 2.5-3.0) Mon/Wed 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM 7/13– 7/29 6 Pioneer $95 3602.854 Adv Beg (NTRP 2.5-3.0) Saturday 10:30 AM – 12 Noon 8/1 – 8/22 4 Clague $65 3602.864 Adv Beg (NTRP 2.5-3.0) Mon/Wed 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM 8/3 – 8/19 6 UM Varsity $119 3602.831 Intermed (NTRP 3.0-3.5) Tues/Thurs 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM 6/16 – 7/2 6 Pioneer $95 3602.832 Intermed (NTRP 3.0-3.5) Tues/Thurs 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM 7/14 – 7/30 6 Pioneer $95 3602.865 Intermed(NTRP 3.0-3.5) Tues/Thurs 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM 8/4 – 8/21 6 UM Varsity $135 96TH ANNUAL CITY TENNIS TOURNAMENT! The Ann Arbor Area Community Tennis Association (AAACTA) and Rec & Ed invite you to play in the 95nd Annual City Tennis Tournament. Adult Mixed Doubles June 6-7, Adult Singles July 8-12, Adult Doubles July 24-26, Juniors July 22-24. For divisions and registration information, visit AARECED.COM 2015 SUMMER CATALOG 27
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