STRAWBERRY DAYS 3V3 SOCCER TOURNAMENT GAMES TO BE PLAYED AT THE PG JR HIGH FIFA Rules: If not specifically modified within this set of rules, all FIFA rules pertaining to 3v3 soccer apply. Player Registration: All teams must be registered by Friday, June 19th at 1:00 PM. For competition leagues, players must provide proof of age. The tournament director may, if evidence presents itself, move a team from one division to another based falsified information or apparent mis-alignment of skillsets. Team Rosters: All team rosters must be complete at the time of check-in Team Check-in: It is recommended that teams check-in no later than one hour prior to their first game. All teams must check in prior to playing their first game. Number of Players: The recommended number of players per team is 5 or 6, depending on circumstances. For competition teams, the maximum number of players is 6. For recreation, coed and adult leagues, no maximum number of players will be specified. Awards, prizes or other gifts distributed by the tournament to teams will assume a maximum of 6 players regardless of league or the level of play. Goal Keepers: There are no goal keepers in 3v3 soccer Gender: No males will be allowed to participate in all-female divisions. In co-ed divisions, a minimum of one female must be on the field at all times Equipment: All players must wear shin guards. Earrings and other jewelry must be removed prior to play. Cleats must be approved soccer cleats, with no spikes, and no cleat. Field Dimensions: The standard length of a 3v3 field, measured in yards, is 40L X 30W. Players U8 and younger will play on a field that measures 20L X 30W. Goal Box: The goal box, which sits directly in from of the goal, measured in feet, is 8L X 10W. No player may touch the ball once it crosses the plane of the goal box, which extends upward from the goal. The line is consider part of the goal box, so any part of the player or ball that touches or crosses the line is subject to this rule. If a defending player touches the ball within the box, a penalty kick is awarded to the offensive team. If an offensive player touches the ball with in the box, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team. Repeat offenders to this rule, at the discretion of the referee, may be awarded a yellow card. If the ball comes to a complete stop within the goal box, the referee will award a goal kick to the defensive team. This is true regardless of which team last touched the ball. Penalty Kicks: Awarded at the discretion of the referee, when a scoring opportunity was nullified by an infraction by a defensive player. The (free) kick is taken from the top of the center circle (the 15ft line) on the offensive side of the midfield line. At the time of the kick, all other players must be behind the midfield line. Penalty kicks are not live balls and may not be played after the kicker’s initial touch. After a missed goal, the defensive team is awarded a goal kick. Goal Kick: Are taken from any point on the end line, not from the top of the goal box. Size of Goal: The size of goal, measured in feet, is generally 4H X 8W. The size may vary slightly for younger age groups to allow for smaller, Pug-style goals. Game Duration: Games will consist of two 12-minute halves, separated by a 2-minute halftime. Alternately, the game will end once one team has achieved a 10-goal lead. Pool Play Tie Game: Games that end with a tie during pool play will result in a tie, with 1 point awarded to each team. Playoff and Final Tie Games: A 3-minute overtime period will be played with a golden goal rule in force (the first goal of the period wins). After 3 minutes, if neither team has scored, a shootout will be used to break the tie. Shootouts: Shootouts will follow the same rules as those used for penalty kicks. The players on the field at the end of the 3-minute overtime period are the three players that will participate in the shootout from beginning to end. After five goals, the team with the most goals wins the shootout. If the teams are tied after 5 goals, rounds will change to 1-shot per team. Off sides: There is no Off Sides rule in 3v3 Slide Tackling: Is strictly against the rules in 3v3 soccer, with a free kick awarded to the team against which the infraction was inflicted. Pool Play Scoring: Teams will be allocated 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 Points for a loss Goal Scoring: A goal may be scored by a touch on the offensive half of the field. The mid line is considered the offensive half of the field. A goal may not be scored in a single touch during kick-off. Kick-off: May be taken in any direction- it isn’t required that the ball first move forward. Kick-ins: The ball must be placed in a stationary position on the ground, then kicked in rather than thrown. Direct/Indirect Kicks: All penalty and corner kicks are considered direct kicks, meaning a goal may be scored from the single kick. All other “restart” kicks, including kick off, kick-ins, free kicks are considered indirect, meaning another player (from either team) must touch the ball before it goes into the goal. Five Yard Rule: During any restart resulting from a dead ball situation, the defending team must allow a minimum of 5 yards to the kicker. If the ball is less than five yards from the goal area, the ball will be placed five yards from the goal area, but still in-line (relative to the goal) with the location of the penalty. Forfeited Games: will be scored as a 5-0 win against the forfeiting team. Sportsmanship Requirement: Players and spectators are expected to treat referees, other coaches and players with respect at all times. Referee abuse will not be tolerated and may result in a yellow card, player or coach ejection, game forfeit, or team disqualification from the event. In the event a team is disqualified. Player/Coach Ejection: Referees have the right to eject a player or coach from the game for repeated disobedience to the rules, or failure to respect the referee. Two yellow cards for a player will result in an immediate red card issued to the same player. The issuance of a red card will cause the player to be ejected from the game, plus the next game. At the discretion of the tournament director, players and coaches may be ejected from the rest of the tournament. A team with an ejected coach or player may still play as long as at least three players from the original roster are still available. In the event that the coach is ejected, a parent or other adult may step in to assist youth recreation and competition teams.
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