SUMMER CAMP T-SHIRT (circle one size) Youth - S M L Adult - S M L XL 2X (T-Shirt is free if registered by March 31,2015, otherwise t-shirt is $20.) CD of pics of camper week - $15 _________ 8 x 10 GROUP photo - $15 _________ REDEEMED RANCH CAMP 502 Woodmill Rd. Heflin, LA 71039 Phone (318) 470-‐7917 2015 Camper Registration / Horse Rental Agreement & Activity Waiver/Release Form Please check camp attending _ June 1-5 ALL GIRLS “Horsemanship” (ages 9-15) ______ July 6-10 ALL GIRLS “Horsemanship” (ages 9-15) _______ June 15-19 “Home on the Ranch” (Boys/Girls ages 8-12) ______ July 20-24 “Home on the Ranch” (Boys/Girls ages 8-12) ______ NEW!! (3 day camps!) July 1-3 Boys/Girls ages 7-12 __________ July 27-29 ALL Girls ages 9-15 __________ Parents/LegalGuardians Please return this “Camper Registration / Horse Rental Agreement & Activity Waiver/Release Form” with a non-refundable $75.00 deposit to the above address as soon as possible to reserve your camper’s session. ($75 deposit will be deducted from camp fee.) Balance can be paid before or upon arrival. Please keep - “Camper Information/Items to Bring” sheet along with RRC map for packing. Payment: Check (payable to Redeemed Ranch Camp), PayPal, or Debit/Credit Card (add 3% if using PayPal or Debit/Credit Card) Name on card - _________________________ Address on card ____________________________________________________ Debit/Credit Card - #________ ________ ________ _________ Exp. date ____ ____ CVV (3 numbers on back of card) ______ Camper’s Name ______________________ ______________________ ______ LAST FIRST M.I. Gender: Male Female Date of Birth ______ Age ____ Camper’s Street Address: ______________________ Grade in Fall _____ City: __________ ST: ____ Zip: _________ This camper lives with: ____both parents _____father _____mother other: ______________________ 1. Custodial Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________Home Phone # __________ Cell Phone #___________ Home Address _______________________________________________________ Employer: ___________________________ Work Address________________________ Work Phone# __________ Parent’s e-mail: _______________ 2. Second Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________ Home Phone # __________ Cell Phone #___________ Home Address ________________________________________________________ Employer: ___________________________ Work Address________________________ Work Phone# __________ Parent’s e-mail: _______________ To:“Returning Camper”-if you bring a NEW camper friend, you’ll get a $50 discount (new camper(s) must attend 5 day camp week & new camper(s) must be registered by May 1, 2015 New Camper Friend (s) - _____________/______________ Bunk Mate(s) - ________________/______________________ LICE NOTICE: Please be aware that campers will not be allowed to stay at camp if they have lice nits in their hair. If your child has been treated for lice prior to attending camp, please make sure they are nit-free before arriving at camp. This policy will ensure that your camper is not embarrassed at camp. INSURANCE INFORMATION – Please attach a photocopy of insurance card (front & back). Is the camper covered by family medical/hospital insurance? ____Yes ____No Insurance Carrier/Plan Name__________________________ Group #_____________________ Policy # ____________________ Name of Policyholder ________________________________ Social Security # _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Authorizations The information given in these (two page) forms are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I hereby give my permission for my camper to participate in all camp activities. I hereby give my permission to Redeemed Ranch Camp staff and volunteers to administer prescribed medication, provide health care, and seek emergency medical care. I hereby give my permission to Redeemed Ranch Camp to provide or seek transportation to medical facilities for my camper. In case of an emergency where I can’t be contacted, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by Redeemed Ranch Camp to secure and administer proper treatment, hospitalize, order injections, order anesthesia and/or surgery for my camper. I hereby give my permission for Redeemed Ranch Camp staff to administer over-the-counter medications to my camper as needed. I understand that the Redeemed Ranch Camp Director reserves the right to send home a camper whose medical condition becomes unmanageable and/or places the camper or Redeemed Ranch Camp at risk in the Camp environment. PHOTO RELEASE – I give my permission for REDEEMED RANCH CAMP to use any photos, taken of me, my child or my family at any REDEEMED RANCH CAMP event in their publications. I release my right to any kind of remuneration from said photos. Authorization Signature (Parent or Guardian) _______________________________ Phone #____________ In Emergency, notify (print) __________________________Relationship -_________ Phone # _________________ Date - DATE __________ Camper Last Name _____________________________ Camper First Name ___________________ Page 2 Date of Birth _____/_____/_____ HEALTH HISTORY Name of Camper’s Physician _________________________________ Office Telephone ( _____) ___________________ Name of Camper’s Dentist ___________________________________ Office Telephone (______)___________________ Name of Camper’s Orthodontist _______________________________ Office Telephone (______)___________________ ALLERGIES – List all known. Medication Allergies ___________________________ Reaction and Treatment ___________________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________________ Food Allergies _______________________________ Reaction and Treatment ___________________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________________ Other Allergies _______________________________ Reaction and Treatment ___________________________________ inc. plant, ______________________________ ___________________________________ animal, etc. *MEDICATION ( Please put ALL medication in a large ziplock bag with each medication marked with dosage and camper’s name.) Please list ALL prescription medication, over-the-counter and non-prescription drugs taken routinely. Fill in the blanks completely. Bring enough medication to last all week. Empty bottles will be returned to your camper. ALL DRUGS MUST REMAIN IN THE ORIGINAL CONTAINER. ALL PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS MUST BE IN A PHARMACY LABELED CONTAINER WITH THE CAMPER’S NAME ON IT. All medications (prescriptions and over-the-counter) must be turned in at check-in. _____ This Camper does NOT take any medications on a regular basis. _____ This Camper takes routine medication as follows: Medication 1 ________________________________ Reason _____________________________________ Dose taken __________________________________ When taken each day __________________________ Medication 2 ________________________________ Reason _____________________________________ Dose taken __________________________________ When taken each day __________________________ Medication 3 _________________________________ Reason ______________________________________ Dose taken ___________________________________ When taken each day ___________________________ Medication 4 _________________________________ Reason ______________________________________ Dose taken ___________________________________ When taken each day ___________________________ CHRONIC CONCERNS Check ALL that pertain to your camper and provide information about supportive health care: _____ This camper has NO long-term health concerns and is capable of full participation in the camp program at Redeeemed Ranch Camp. _____ This camper has the following health concern(s): (Please provide information about supportive health care needed for each checked item.) _____Asthma (even if inhaler is only used occasionally) _______________________________________ _____Frequent ear infections ____________________________________________________________ _____Migraine headaches ______________________________________________________________ _____Enuresis (bed-wetting) ____________________________________________________________ _____Depression, ADD, ADHD, Oppositional Behavior Disorder _______________________________ _____Anorexia, Bulimia (Eating Disorders) ________________________________________________ _____Diabetes ________________________________________________________________________ _____Any other chronic illness such as Crohn’s Disease, Anemias, Seizures, Tourett’s, etc. ___________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____Fainting (for any reason) ____________________________________________________________ _____Sleepwalking _____________________________________________________________________ Please use this space to list or explain any additional information about which Redeemed Ranch Camp should be aware: 1) any restrictions on camp activities 2) the camper’s behavior and physical, emotional, or mental health ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IMMUNIZATION HISTORY Has your camper been out of the USA in the last 9 months? ____ Yes ____ No If yes, where?_______________________________ _____Yes _____No This camper has had chicken pox or varicella vaccination. _____Yes _____No This camper has had mononucleosis in the past 12 months. _____Yes _____No This camper has a history of illness, injury, surgery of has been hospitalized in the last year that will affect participation in camp activities. If YES, please explain: ________________________________________________________ _____________ Date of last Tetanus shot Horse Rental Agreement & Activity Waiver/Release Form Please carefully read the following rental agreement and liability waiver for horseback riding and/or any activity at Redeemed Ranch Camp (herein called RRC) before signing. At RRC we consider safety to be a top priority, so that all you/your child’s experiences will be pleasant. Thank you for your patronage, we hope you/your child have a safe and enjoyable time. In consideration of the payment of a fee and the signing of this agreement, I, the following listed individual, and/or the parent or legal guardians thereof if a minor, do hereby agree to hire from RRC a horse, tack and equipment, personnel and trail for the purpose of trail/instructional riding on horseback: Registration of Participants and Agreement Purpose (Parents, if you have more than one child attending RRC, you can list them on this one form.) Participant Name Date of Birth/Age 1. __________________ ___________ 2. __________________ ___________ Horse Riding Experience (Check one that applies) _____ Beginner (under 10 hrs.) _____ Over 10 hrs. _____ Beginner (under 10 hrs.) _____ Over 10 hrs. Protective Headgear I have been fully informed by RRC that I can better protect myself against head injuries by wearing an approved protective equestrian headgear while mounting, riding, dismounting and being around horses. Mark an “X” on the following page before the appropriate sentence which describes your decision regarding the wearing of such equipment on the ride (s) in which you are contracting herein to participate: ____ I request that I/my child(ren) wear an approved protective equestrian headgear which RRC will provide, understanding that these may not be of perfect fit for my head, and once provided I/my child(ren) will be responsible for securing the protective headgear on my/their head at all times. ____ I refuse that I/my child(ren) wear any type of protective headgear and I accept full responsibility for this decision. ____ I/my child(ren) will wear protective headgear which I, the undersigned, am providing and I will accept full responsibility for this decision. I am not relying on RRC to determine my/my child(ren)’s headgear’s quality or suitability. Saddle Girth Natural Loosening I understand that saddle girths may loosen during a ride. If a rider notices this, he/she must alert the nearest guide or wrangler as quickly as possible so action can be taken to avoid slippage of saddle and a potential fall from the animal. Risks to Unborn Children Because of the inherent risks of riding horses to the safety of unborn children, RRC advises pregnant women not to ride horses. Note - No riders over 200 pounds. Equine, etc. Activity Waiver & Photo Release I am over 18 years of age. I acknowledge that Redeemed Ranch Camp is providing instruction and/or trail riding which I and/or my minor children as listed under “Registration of Participants” wish to participate. I recognize and acknowledge that my/their participation in such activities and any other activities (which may or not include equine activities), involves the possibility of inherent risks including, but not limited to, the following: • • • • The propensity of an equine to behave in ways that may result in injury, death, or loss to persons on or around the equine; The unpredictability of an equine’s reaction to sounds, sudden movement, unfamiliar objects, persons, or other animals; Hazards, including, but not limited to, surface or subsurface conditions; A collision with another equine, another animal, a person, or an object; The potential of an equine activity participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury, death, or loss to the person of the participant or to other persons, including, but not limited to, failing to maintain control over an equine or failing to act within the ability of the participant. With full knowledge of the above and any other inherent risks which may or may not be associated with equine activities, I hereby consent to our participation in the above described activities, and I (on behalf of myself and/or my children/legal ward(s) agree to waive any and all claims for personal injury or property damage of any kind which my children, I or my heirs, personal representatives and next of kin may have or which may arise against Redeemed Ranch Camp as a result of my/their participation in such equine or any activities, whether or not such injuries or damages result from negligence or legal liability. On behalf of my children herein listed, myself, my heirs, personal representatives and next of kin, I hereby release and discharge Redeemed Ranch Camp, its successors, assigns, affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all liabilities, claims, lawsuits, losses, costs, causes of action and damages of any kind originating or in any way arising from my/their participation in such equine or any activities. I hereby declare that the terms of this Waiver and Release have been completely read, are fully understood and are voluntarily accepted for the purpose of my/my children’s participation in the activities described herein. _______________________________________________________ Signature of Participant (over age 18) or Parent/Legal Guardian ____________ Date Print parent/legal guardian name: ______________________________ Relationship____________________ Street Address: __________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code _________________________ Emergency Telephone #: _____________________
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