The 3rd International Conference on Photocatalytic and Advanced Oxidation Technologies for the Treatment of Water, Air, Soil and Surfaces (PAOT-3) Call for Papers: Friday, May 15, 2015 (Abstracts should be sent to: [email protected]) Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland September 1-4, 2015 International Organizing Committee Dr. Hussain Al-Ekabi, Redox Technologies, Inc., Western University Research Park, Canada Professor Zhihui Ai, Centrol China Normal University, China Professor Taicheng An, State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Professor Antonio Arques, Universsidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Professor Rodnei Bertazzoli, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Professor Angelika Brückner, The University of Rostock, Germany Dr. Debabrata Chatterjee, CSIR-CMERI, India Dr. Christophe Colbeau-Justin, CNRS UMR 8000, Université Paris Sud, France Professor Imre Dékány, University of Szeged, Hungary Professor Dana Dvoranova, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia Dr. Chantal Guillard, IRCELYON-UMR 5256 CNRS, France Dr. Thomas Hammer, Siemens AG, Germany Dr. Chantal Houee-Levin, Univerté Paris Sud, France Professor Jan Hupka, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland Professor Joon-Wun Kang, Yonsei University, Korea Professor Ladislav Kavan, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czech Republic Professor Ewa Kowalska, Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan Professor Lev N. Krasnoperov, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA Professor Teik-Thye Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Professor Dongping Liu, Dalian Nationalities University, China Professor Emmanuel Marode, CNRS/ UNiversité Paris XI, France Dr. Iliana Medina, Universidad Aut´onoma de Aguascalientes, Mexico Professor Mano Misra, University of Utah, United Kingdom Professor Jerzy Mizeraczyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdańsk, Poland Professor Akira Mizuno, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan Professor Sylwia Mozia West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland Professor Toshiyuki Nakamiya, Tokai University, Japan Professor Jeremi Naumczyk Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Professor Jacek Nawrocki, Adam Mickiewicz University in poznań, Poland Professor Bunsho Ohtani, Hokkaido University, Japan Professor David Ollis, North Carolina State University, USA Professor Shigeru Ono, Tokyo City University, Japan Professor Naoki Osawa, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan Professor Yaron Paz, Technion, Israel Dr. Frantisek Peterka, Centre for Nanomaterials Advanced Technologies and Innovations of Technical University Liberec, Czech Republic Dr. Jan Prochazka, Advanced Materials-JTJ., Czech Republic Dr. Gzegorz Raniszewski, Technical University of Lodz, Poland Dr. Antoine Rousseau, École Polytechnique, France Dr. Sunil Sabharwal, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria Professor Kohki Satoh, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan Dr. Milko Schiorlin Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Germany Professor Christian Schoneich, The University of Kansas, USA Professor Adrian M. T. Silva, University of Porto, Portugal Professor Henryka Danuta Stryczewska, Lubin University of Technology, Poland Professor Natasa Novak Tusar National Institute of Chemistry, Slovania Professor Karen Van Wesenbeeck, Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium Professor Alvaro Videla, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile Professor Shozo Yanagida, Osaka University, Japan Professor Koichi Yasuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Local Organizing Committee Professor Jan Hupka, Chairman, Gdansk University of Technology Dr. Marcin Janczarek, Co-chairman, Gdansk University of Technology Dr. Andreas Haenel, Gdansk University of Technology Dr. Anna Zielińska-Jurek, Gdansk University of Technology Ms. Joanna Mioduska, Gdansk University of Technology Ms. Zabela Wysocka, Gdansk University of Technology Conference Lead Organizer Hussain Al-Ekabi, Ph.D. President, Redox Technologies, Inc., The University of Western Ontario Research Park 100 Collip Circle, Suite 230A, London, Ontario N6G 4X8, Canada Phone: (519) 858-5055; Fax: (519) 858-5056 E-mail: [email protected]; Website: Confirmed Invited Speakers Professor Zhihui Ai, Centrol China Normal University, China Enhanced Removal of Environmental Pollutants in Aerobic nZVI Process and its Mechanism Professor Taicheng An, State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Photocatalytic Degradation Mechanisms and Risk Reduction of Typical Antiviral Drugs in Water Professor Antonio Arques, Universsidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Strategies to Apply a Photo-Fenton Process at Neutral Media Professor Rodnei Bertazzoli, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Enhanced Photoresponse of a Ru Decorated TiO2 Nanotubes Array for Using as Photoanode Professor Angelika Bruckner, The University of Rostock, Germany Unravelling Charge Transfer Processes in Solar H2 Production from Water over Semiconductor Photocatalysts by Combined In Situ Spectroscopy Dr. Debabrata Chatterjee, CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur-713209, India Catalytic and Photocatalyitc Dye Degradation Using Ruiii(Pac)/H2O2 System Dr. Christophe Colbeau-Justin, CNRS UMR 8000/Université Paris Sud, France Charge-carrier Dynamics in Photocatalytic Processes Professor Imre Dékány (Co-authors: László Janovák, Szabolcs Péter Tallósy, Ágnes Veres, Ádám Juhász, Norbert Buzás), University of Szeged, Hungary Development of Plasmonic Photocatalysts Containing Polymer Hybrid Films for The Inactivation of Bacteria by Visible Light Professor Dana Dvoranova, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia Radical Intermediates in UVA-Excited TiO2 and ZnO Systems Dr. Chantal Guillard, IRCELYON-UMR 5256 CNRS, France Photocatalytic Luminous Materials – Applications to Environment Dr. Thomas Hammer, Siemens AG, Germany Industrial Application of Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas Dr. Chantal Houee-Levin, Univerté Paris Sud, France Oxidation of Thioether Containing Peptides Professor Jan Hupka (Co-Authors: Marcin Janczarek, Andreas Hänel, Anna ZielińskaJurek), Gdansk University of Technology, Poland Photocatalytic Treatment Of Water Containing Hydrocarbons Professor Joon-Wun Kang, Yonsei University, Korea Evaluation of the Catalytic Effect of the Ozone/Graphene Process Professor Ladislav Kavan, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czech Republic Photocatalysis on Isotope Engineered Interfaces Professor Ewa Kowalska, Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan Decomposition of Microbiological and Chemical Pollutants by Plasmonic Photocatalysts Professor Teik-Thye Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Sulfate-Radical Based Oxidation of Xenobiotic Micropollutants in Wastewater Professor Dongping Liu, Dalian Nationalities University China Atmospheric-Pressure Air Microplasmas – and Advanced Oxidation Technology for Treatment of Water and Exhaust Gases Professor Emmanuel Marode, CNRS/ UNiversité Paris XI, France Some Interesting Plasmas States Produced by Atmospheric Pressure Discharges in Air for Oxidation Technologies Professor Jerzy Mizeraczyk (Co author: Mariusz Jasiński, B. Hrycak, D. Czylkowski, R. Miotk, M. Dors) Gdynia Maritime University, Poland Decomposition of Alcohols by Microwave Plasma Professor Mano Misra, University of Utah, United Kingdom Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic and Biological Water Contaminates using 1D Tiania Nanotubes Arrays Professor Akira Mizuno Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan Effect of Non-Thermal Plasma on Bio-Particles Professor Sylwia Mozia West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland Hybridization of Advanced Oxidation Processes with Membrane Separation for Treatment of Laundry Wastewater Professor Toshiyuki Nakamiya, Tokai University, Japan Investigation of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Sound in Atmospheric Pressure by Novel Method Professor Jeremi Naumczyk (Co-Authors: Jan Bogacki, Piotr Marcinowski, Piotr Wilinski) Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Cosmetic Wastewater Treatment by Advanced Oxidation Processes Professor Bunsho Ohtani (Co-authors: Takeuchi, Shugo; Takase, Mai), Hokkaido University, Japan Breaking the Spell of Band Structure: Energy-resolved Distribution of Electron Traps as the Key Issue for Photocatalysis Professor David Ollis, North Carolina State University, USA The Liquid Phase Photocatalytic Reactor: "Laboratory Tool" or "Master of Disguises” Professor Shigeru Ono, Tokyo City University, Japan Experimental Study on Heat Flow by Ozone Dissociation on a Discharge Electrode Professor Naoki Osawa (Co-Authors: Takafumi Tsuji, Yoshio Yoshioka), Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan Decrease in By-Products Generation of Air-Fed Ozone Generator by Homogeneous Dielectric Barrier Discharg Professor Yaron Paz, Technion, Israel Developing Water Treatment Unit, Based on AOP and Bacterial Techniques, While Utilizing Genetically Modified E. coli as a Reporting Bacteria Dr. Frantisek Peterka, Centre for Nanomaterials Advanced Technologies and Innovations of Technical University Liberec, Czech Republic Air Treatment by Photoactive Surfaces Expectation Towards Reality Dr. Jan Prochazka, Advanced Materials-JTJ., Czech Republic Barriers in Commercialization of Photocatalytic Products Dr. Gzegorz Raniszewski, Technical University of Lodz, Poland Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis and Purification for Magnetic Hyperthermia Applications Dr. Antoine Rousseau, Plasma Processing Laboratory, École Polytechnique, France Indoor Air Treatment by Plasma-Catalyst Coupling: Fundamentals to Process Dr. Sunil Sabharwal (Co-Authors: Agnes Safrany, Joao Alberto Osso Junior and Meera Venkatesh), International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria Overview of IAEA Strategies for Developing Radiation Technologies for Environmental Remediation Dr. Milko Schiorlin Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Germany Conversion of Hydrocarbons with Dielectric Barrier Discharges Professor Christian Schoneich, The University of Kansas, USA Mechanistic Complexity During the Photochemical Degradation of Amino Acids and Peptides: Selective Hydrogen and Ligand Transfer Reactions Professor Adrian M. T. Silva, University of Porto, Portugal Insights on Carbon-Based Catalysts and Membranes for Water Treatment Professor Henryka Danuta Stryczewska, Lubin University of Technology, Poland Environmental and Biomedical Applications of Gliding Arc Discharge Plasma Professor Natasa Novak Tusar National Institute of Chemistry, Slovania TiO2/SiO2 Composite Photocatalysts for Air Treatment Professor Karen Van Wesenbeeck (Co-authors: Birger Hauchecorne and Silvia Lenaerts) Universiteit Antwerpen Belgium A Sustainable and Efficient Indoor Air Treatment: Plasmacatalysis Professor Alvaro Videla, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile Design of a Laboratory Non-invasive Non-destructive Procedure to Truck Ferrous Oxidation Evolution in Porous Media Professor Koichi Yasuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Advanced Oxidation Processes with Plasma Generated Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone Topics to be covered This international conference is designed to bring together interested professionals from universities, research institutions and industry to exchange information, views, experience and perspectives. It presents the most current findings generated at the laboratories of universities and research institutions, as well as in the field by the practitioners. Abstracts are being solicited in the following areas: 1. Advances in TiO2 Photocatalysts 1-1 Water treatment 1-2 Air treatment 1-3 Indoor air purification 1-4 Disinfection and medical applications 2. Development of Materials and Nanomaterials 2-1 Novel aspects of catalyst preparation, doping and co-doping 2-2 Broadening the spectral range of TiO2: Visible-light active TiO2 catalyst 2-3 TiO2-sorbent combinations (TiO2/Carbon, TiO2/Cement, etc) 2-4 Novel supports for photocatalysis 2-5 Self-cleaning surfaces and coatings 2-6 Catalyst deactivation and regeneration 2-7 Characterization 3. Fundamental Investigations 3-1 Mechanistic Studies 3-2 Engineering and modeling 3-3 Anti-corrosion effects 3-4 Photocatalytic lithography 3-5 Lateral and remote oxidation 3-6 Microchemical systems 3-7 Process Integration 3-8 Photoefficiencies – definitions, values and misconceptions 4. Advances in Applications of TiO2 Photocatalysis 4-1 Solar applications 4-2 Hydrogen production from water splitting 4-3 Dye sensitized solar cells 4-4 Fuel Cells 4-5 Clean photocatalytic chemical processes 4-6 TiO2-based sunscreens 4-7 Biomedical surface applications 5. Technological and Commercial Issues 5-1 Standardization in academic research and for commercial products 5-2 Technology transfer 5-3 Integration of photocatalysis with other technologies 5-4 Toxicology of nanomaterials 5-5 Intellectual property, patents 5-6 The management and economy of TiO2 photocatalytic processes 6. Chemical Oxidation: 6-1 Ozone 6-2 H2O2 6-3 Dark Fenton 6-4 Permanganate 6-5 Persulfate 7. UV-Oxidation: 7-1 UV/H2O2 7-2 Vacuum UV 7-3 Photo-Fenton 7-4 Other Photochemical Processes 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Electron Beam & Gamma Irradiation Non-Thermal Plasma Technologies Catalytic Oxidation and Reduction Technologies Electrochemical Oxidation and Reduction Technologies Supercritical and Subcritical Water Oxidation Electrohydraulic Discharge Technologies UV - Disinfection Chemical Disinfection Biological Oxidation and Reduction Processes In-Situ Chemical Oxidation Integration of AOTs with Biological Processes Call for Papers Scientists, engineers, and business professionals who are interested in the topics covered by the “Photocatalytic and Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air, Soil and Surfaces” are invited to submit abstracts of up to 500 words in English describing their work. All abstracts are due by Friday, May 15, 2015. Guidelines to Prepare Abstracts Please follow the following guidelines in preparing your abstract(s): Type single space using, if possible, Times New Roman 12-point font (preferred); Keep all material within a one-inch margin on all sides; The title should be typed in boldface (Title Case, 14- points) centered at the top of the page; Leave a double space between the title and the names of the author(s); The names of the authors should be typed in boldface in single space, and then addresses of the authors in single space; underline the name of the presenting author; Leave a double space between the end of the addresses and the opening paragraphs; Abstracts should be sent, in Microsoft Word format, to Hussain Al-Ekabi (E-mail: [email protected]). Registration The deadline for the early registration is Friday, May 15, 2015. The on-site registration starts on Monday, August 31, 2015 at 2:00-8:00pm and will be resumed on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. All registration fees are set in Euro. The registration fees can be paid either by credit cards (Visa, Master Card or American Express) or by bank transfers. Payment made by Visa will be converted, at our end, into their equivalents in US Dollars using the exchange rate of Bank of Canada. Payments made by a Master Card or an American Express Card will be converted, at our end, into their equivalents in Canadian dollars using also the exchange rate of Bank of Canada. As a result, depending on the fluctuation of the exchange rate and potential fees that your credit card financial institution may apply for the conversion, payments by credit card may turn to be slightly higher than the actual amount stated on the registration form. Participants are also allowed to pay by cash for on-site registration only. Meeting Site and Accommodation The following three hotels have so far offer discounted rates: (1) Villa Eva Hotel (7 rooms) website: - 10% discount to regular price (password: Gdansk University of Technology) - single room - 261 PLN (with breakfast) - double room - 319 PLN (with breakfast) Villa Eva is located around 1.5 km from the Conference site. (2) Hotel Hanza (5 rooms) website: - special offer for the period Sept.1st- Sept.4th (password: POLITECHNIKA - R15/2726) valid until June, 25th. - single room - 440 PLN (with breakfast) - double room - 490 PLN (with breakfast) Hotel Hanza is located in the center of Old Town near Motlawa River. (3) Dom Muzyka Hotel (6 rooms) website: - special offer for the period Sept.1st- Sept.4th (password: PAOT-3); reservation with password by e-mail: [email protected] - single room - 238 PLN (with breakfast) - double room - 323 PLN (with breakfast) Dom Muzyka is located 7 min on foot from Old Town.
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