For public discussion Version 2 COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM OF FINANCIAL MARKET DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE UNTIL 2020 Contents І. Objective Preconditions of the Need to Conduct Reforms at Financial Market of Ukraine .................................................................................................................... 3 ІІ. Objective of the Program and Reform Directions .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 III. Future Vision ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 IV. Comprehensive Action Plan to Implement the Program ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 V. Expected Results of Program Implementation ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 VІ. Regulatory Work Plan ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 VІI. Comparison of Program Measures with International and National Agreements and Programs ..................................................................................................... 66 Abbreviations: National Bank of Ukraine – NBU Ministry of Finance of Ukraine – MinFin Ministry of Justice of Ukraine – MinJust Deposit Guarantee Fund – DGF National Commission on securities and stock market – NCSSM National Commission on price regulation in financial services sector – NCPRFSS Comprehensive Program of Financial Market Development of Ukraine until 2020 - the Program International Monetary Fund – IMF European Union – EU European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – EBRD Bank for International Settlements – BIS International Organization of Securities Commissions – IOSCO International Association of Insurance Supervision – IAIS 2 І. Objective Preconditions of the Need to Conduct Reforms at Financial Market of Ukraine Prior to 2008, financial sector demonstrated dynamic development. Having passed through initial formation stage in 1991-2001, the Ukrainian financial system became one of the most attractive financial markets of Eastern Europe in its period of economic growth in 2000s. Political changes in the country, as well as attractive economic prospects resulted in an inflow of international investment and growth of Ukrainian financial system, banks, and world level financial groups. Financial market development was discretionary and disproportionate in its nature. Accelerating growth rates were demonstrated by the banking system, emission activity at the market of shares, corporate bonds, and securities of joint investment institutes were issued in ever increasing amounts. However, non-bank financial market development in this period was complicated by the absence of effective legislation, regulation systems, and prudential supervision. This situation created a real threat of "financial pyramids", held back financial services market development, and led to a deeper confidence crisis at financial market in general. Access to relatively cheap external resources, rapid growth in lending, including in foreign currency, and banks willing to increase their market shares led to taking additional risks, and created imbalances. At the same time, weak credit standards of banks together with low financial awareness of households at the backdrop of constant exchange rate of national currency against foreign currencies (FX) and the absence of restrictions on lending inFX resulted in the situation when households undertook FX risks they were unable to manage. Accumulation of imbalances has led to major losses in both economy and financial market of Ukraine during the global crisis of 2007-2009. Due to depreciation of the hryvnia rate from 5 to more than 8 hryvnia per 1 USD, non-paid FX loans increased substantially, and bank capital decreased thus pressing capital adequacy ratio. The banking sector faced liquidity problem: about 90% of banks suspended lending, and a ban on early withdrawal of deposits was introduced. All of the above was accompanied by negative trends in the real economy: in 2009, real GDP fell by 15%, real disposable income of households – by 10%, and unemployment of working age population (in line with the ILO methodology) rose to 9.6%, the cost of real estate (in dollar terms) began to rapidly decline. Under such conditions, profitability of the banking market deteriorated significantly, and losses of the banking system in 2009 amounted to 38.5 billion USD. Over this period, general assets of non-banking financial market demonstrated a sizeable increase. Among the factors exercising a positive impact on nonbanking financial sector it is worth mentioning increase in assets of joint investment institutions and increase of the market value of financial instruments, in particular those held by insurance companies and non-state pension funds. Given the fact that the crisis of 2007-2009 convincingly proved the inability of micro-prudential regulation and supervision to identify and influence systemic risks of the financial sector, the latest world trends in the regulation and supervision domains are, inter alia, to develop and 3 implement a macro-prudential policy. Hence, one of the main issues today is the timely detection and effective management of systemic risks in financial sector. With this in mind, the main task of financial sector regulators is, on the one hand, the establishment of institutional foundations for the development and implementation of a macroprudential policy, and on the other hand – the development and implementation of preventive measures aimed at minimizing risks of a systemic financial crisis. Financial system in 2010-2013: average annual growth rate of bank loans accounted for 6% and deposits – 19%, while loans to non-banking financial institutions demonstrated a markedly active development – the volume of loans extended by credit institutions during this period increased 2.2 times, by pawnbrokers – 2.6 times, and by financial companies – 18 times. Financial indicators of the banking market over the period were moderate, namely after three years of losses the banking system became profitable only in 2012, but return on equity remained low. The non-bank financial market demonstrated dynamic recovery of assets reaching 18% of the aggregate value of financial institutions assets. Total assets of non-bank financial institutions amounted to UAH 386, 6 billion by the end of 2013. However, this period in general is characterized by rapid foreign trade imbalance – foreign trade deficit in goods and services exceeded 44 against USD 27.5 billion during the previous four years. This laid the foundations for the mass-scale depreciation of hryvna in 2014. New challenges faced the financial system in 2014. Internal and external shocks, as well as escalation of the conflict in the East of the country, negatively affected economic development, brought down confidence levels, and led to imbalances of financial markets. Economic activity has shrunk. As a result of the national currency depreciation and administrative prices increase, consumer price inflation accelerated in 2014. So, by the end of 2014, inflation was 25 percent per annum, given that hryvnia lost nearly half of its value against the USD. These trends further deteriorated loan portfolio quality resulting in the need for significant reserves. In 2014, allocations to bank reserves became the determining factor of losses in the banking system. The situation with problem arrears (bad debts) was further aggravated by a number of restrictions, primarily, in the tax sphere and in legal procedures. Banks of Ukraine have short open FX position that faces them with the FX risk. At the same time, clients of banks also experience increased FX risk. So, by end2014, the share of FX loans amounted to almost 50%. As a result of substantial hryvna devaluation, FX risk for clients having no FX income sources transforms into a credit risk for banks. Again banks face liquidity problem. In 2014, outflow of deposits in national currency totaled USD 56.3 billion (13.3%), and in FX – USD 11.4 billion (37%). In 2014, outflow trend was a more protracted one compared to previous crisis. Financial services market remains very fragmentated with low capitalization levels because of unstable business conditions, unprotected property rights, and low level of corporate governance. Furthermore, financial services market development is hampered by the following: inappropriate mechanism of protecting consumer and creditor rights; 4 low level of institutional investor development; restricted financial instruments; complicated restructuring procedures; lack of confidence and knowledge of retail investors; absence of proper prudential requirements and regulation at the non-financial services market; inappropriate tax legislation; restrictions in FX legislation. Ukrainian economy today is also characterized by a high level of dollarization, cash payments, and interest rates resulting primarily from inefficient and inconsistent state economic policy of previous years. Discrepancies between economic policy and actual economic situation in recent years led to the accumulation of internal imbalances in all economic sectors. Budget support of inefficient industries, imbalanced energy sources pricing policy for HHs, keeping artificially fixed exchange rate (ER) resulted in the loss of competitiveness for Ukrainian manufacturers, increase of current account deficit, substantial fiscal deficit, and expansion of the public debt. In order to achieve accelerated growth in the medium term, the country needs to decisively strengthen its macroeconomic and financial stability, adopt wide-ranging and ambitious structural reforms in order to improve business climate, attract more investment, and enhance competitiveness of Ukraine. Implementation of effective monetary and financial policy will help anchoring inflation expectations, whereas introduction of deep and comprehensive financial and economic reforms solving deeply-rooted problems that have been hampering the country’s economic development prospects, would ensure the return of confidence to financial market, and restore access of public and private sectors to capital markets. That would make Ukraine an attractive object for investment, and improve the prospects of the country over the mid-term perspective. 5 Assets of financial market of Urkaine Financial assets Financial market Deposit corporations 2 Non-banking financial market Other financial intermediaries3 Auxiliary financial organizations 4 Insurance corporations and non-state pension funds (volumes, UAH billion) 2012 2013 20141 1 967,1 2 134,5 2 482,3 1 608,7 1 747,9 2 046,0 358,4 386,6 436,2 2008 1 464,1 1 267,9 196,2 2009 1 549,9 1 322,3 227,6 2010 1 737,6 1 468,9 268,7 2011 1 882,9 1 584,0 298,8 98,5 114,3 142,3 180,3 224,7 250,1 293,1 54,2 70,2 79,0 70,1 76,5 70,9 75,1 43,1 47,4 Structure,% 100,0 100,0 85,3 84,5 14,7 15,5 7,4 8,2 4,5 4,5 48,5 57,3 65,7 68,0 100,0 84,1 15,9 9,6 3,7 100,0 81,8 18,2 11,4 3,9 100,0 81,9 18,1 11,7 3,3 100,0 82,4 17,6 11,8 3,0 2,6 2,9 3,1 2,7 144,6 121,7 22,9 13,8 5,4 139,4 114,0 25,4 15,9 5,4 146,7 120,1 26,6 17,2 4,9 163,4 134,7 28,7 19,3 4,9 3,7 4,1 4,5 4,5 43,5 Financial market Deposit corporations Non-banking financial market Other financial intermediaries Auxiliary financial org. Insurance corporations and non-state pension funds 100,0 86,6 13,4 6,7 3,7 Financial market Deposit corporations Non-banking financial market Other financial intermediaries Auxiliary financial org. Insurance corporations and non-state pension funds 154,4 133,7 20,7 10,4 5,7 3,0 4,6 2,8 2,7 % to GDP 169,7 160,5 144,8 135,7 24,9 24,8 12,5 13,1 7,7 7,3 4,7 4,4 1 9 months of 2014 2 Including data of the NBU, other deposit corporations (banks). 3 Including data of the joint investment institutes (investment funds), credit unions, financial companies, and other financial intermediaries. 4 Including data of auxiliary financial organizations (stock exchanges, securities brokers, asset management companies, etc). 6 ІІ. Objective of the Program and Reform Directions Financial market is one of the most important market segments of interaction among various economic agents, and the result of financial market functioning is that financial resources transform into actively working capital investment thus promoting sustainable economic development. Financial markets demonstrate accumulation and redistribution of financial resources on the basis of balancing economic interests of all market participants in order to achieve capitalization of financial resources and added value in economy. The main objective of the Comprehensive Program of Financial Market Development until 2020 (hereinafter – the Program) is to ensure conditions for effective functioning and development of financial market at the backdrop of a full-fledged competitive market environment in line with the EU standards. In future, through attracting investment resources, this ensures sustainable economic development and helps Ukraine to integrate into the European financial space while preserving internal integrity of Ukrainian financial market. Accomplishing the Program objective is to be ensured through implementation of a number of interrelated actions aimed at a comprehensive reform of financial market. The following basic principles are considered when drawing the list of actions: - The need to ensure macroeconomic stabilization and conduct in-depth structural reforms as the major precondition for financial markets development; Liberalization of financial markets and euro-integration; Ensuring balanced economic interests through formation of competitive environment; Independent and efficient regulators, and supervision based on risk assessment; Enhancing transparency and information disclosure standards by both regulators and market participants; Enhancing greater efficiency in dealing with problem assets; Liability to execute their undertakings and perform their respective functions by market participants; Agreements among market participants and regulators; Integrity through consolidation of markets and their infrastructure; Effective right protection for creditors, consumers, and financial market investors. To reach Program objectives, reforms are to be implemented along four basic directions and corresponding objectives: Directions Objectives 1. Monetary policy based on inflation targeting and A. Ensuring macroeconomic stability 7 Directions B. Ensuring financial stability and dynamic financial market development C. Development of institutional potential of financial market regulators D. Protection of rights of financial market consumers and investors Objectives flexible ER regime. 1. Aligning legislation to the EU standards. 2. Modernization of regulation and suprevision systems. 3. Enhancing transparency and stability of financial markets. 4. Freeing markets from problem assets. 5. Ensuring dynamic development of financial market instruments and infrastructure. 6. Improving taxation system for financial markets participants. 1. Ensuring institutional independence of regulators. 2. Enhancing organizational efficiency of regulators. 3. Improving coordination of regulators and financial market participants. 4. Incentives to implement cutting-edge IT technologies. 1. Incentives to develop financial literacy of consumers and financial market investors. 2. Raising standards of protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors. Reforms are to be conducted in all segments of financial market: in the banking sector, the sector of non-bank financial institutions, the stock market and the capital market sectors, etc. Reform effectiveness is to be achieved by conducting comprehensive changes: - As regards financial market regulators, to strengthen institutional capacity of regulatory bodies and to create appropriate conditions to enhance regulatory enforcement, strengthen stability of the country’s financial system, and to support its credit and investment potential; - As regards financial market participants (with different forms of ownership), to ensure financial market infrastructure development on the basis of balanced economic interests, confidence, and responsibility, to observe rights of financial services consumers, intermediaries, and the state, and to formulate more competitive, transparent, and efficiently functioning financial market with effective regulatory enforcement mechanism that the state utilizes to impact its terms of trade and institutional development. 8 The Program was developed in line with the Strategy for sustainable development "Ukraine-2020", Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the Memorandum on cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, the Coalition Agreement among parliamentary factions “European Ukraine”, etc. In order to achieve the objectives and implement the Program, as well as recognizing the importance of the effective system of rules and their practical implementation in financial services sector so that to ensure sustainable economic development, cooperation programs are to be implemented in cooperation with the institutions of the EU, the IMF, the World Bank, the EBRD, the EIB, the BIS, the IOSCO, the IAIS, and other international financial organization associations and regulators in the domain of financial markets and services. 9 III. Future Vision 5 In the process of implementing Program directions and objectives it is expected that preconditions for a stable economic development of Ukraine are set up by 2020, and that financial market of Ukraine is transformed into a competitive environment with investment and innovative climate. It is also expected that financial market starts to play a greater role in resources redistribution processes, whereas the financial status of financial market participants and their investment potential are expanded. A detailed future vision of Ukrainian financial market in 2020 is as follows: Monetary policy focuses on maintaining price stability, and consumer inflation is below 5%, which also helps to reduce nominal and real interest rates on deposits and credits (loans) in economy, and the level of average weighted rates on new credits (loans) in national currency to non-financial corporations remains below 8% per annum (16.4% in 2014). The National Bank adheres to flexible ER that reflects the relationship between supply and demand and helps to adjust trade balance, maintain and increase international reserves levels. All of the above allows achieving reserves level of USD 38.7 billion. During 2014-2019, the number of banks decreased, and the banking sector became more consolidated and demonstrates a diversified structure – 90% percent of the banking market is concentrated in 25-30 banks, there are no agencies at the market with the market share of more than 15%, and Herfindahl-Hirschman concentration index on assets increased to 800. Banking system is characterized by high competitiveness, but is less fragmented than in 2014. The banking system is sufficiently capitalized and is profit-making – capital adequacy ratio is above 8% according to Basel III principles, and capital profitability is at least 10%. The NBU applies a progressive system of evaluating bank capital, and conducts assessment of development and capital (equity) needs by both individual banks and the banking system in general. State (public) banks mission is identified, as well as their activities and instruments, and the best management and operation practices from private sector are directed to the state banks management, hence state banks efficiency increased, and the number of banks with state participation (state share) went down. State 5 Vision of the future financial market in Ukraine within the context of stock market in 2020 is in the works 10 banks shares are placed and traded at stock exchange. Single EU rules on free movement (flow) of capital and risk management tools are implemented, relating to capital infows and outflows and mitigation of potentially negative impacts of free capital movement (flow) onto economy. Conditions and mechanisms are set up to attract foreign institutional investors with long and relatively cheap funds to domestic market. Meanwhile, liberalization of FX legislation and implementation of FX risk hedging mechanisms allowed to reduce dollarization level of assets and liabilities of Ukrainian banks to levels below 40%, with a tendency to decrease further. Formation of the interbank market indicators (benchmarks) system, and the use of various tools to bring actual interbank market interest rates to the rates set up by the NBU monetary and credit policy, as well as implementation of an effective mechanism of local syndication allows for increase of borrowing levels in national currency and to implement an effective and transparent system to manage structural liquidity of banks. Introduction and development of compulsory and voluntary funded portion of accumulative pension system provisioning, implementation of tax mechanisms stimulation for long-term investment assisted to set up a developed market for long-term bonds, and as a result to resume lending to Ukrainian economy and to achieve the banking system assets level of UAH 2 500 billion. Long-term investment to Ukrainian economy increased three-fold (from UAH 5 to 15 billion) through long-term insurer reserves on life insurance, whereas the number of insurance companies decreased in 2014-2019, and insurance market became more consolidated. There are some 80 insurance companies with insurance types different from life insurance, and some 20 life insurance companies, therefore, insurance penetration level rose from 0.7% to 7% of GDP due to net premiums increase. Agro-insurance became a significant trigger for insurance market development, as insured crops share increased from 1% to 12% of their total scope, and yet another driver for insurance market was represented by active development of voluntary medical insurance with the number of insured rising from 1.2 million to 5 million. In 2015-2019 growth level of deposits in the banking system twice exceeded the credit portfolio growth, thus the ratio of credits (loans) to deposits in the banking system of Ukraine decreased by 39% compared to end-2014 (149%), reaching the level of 110%. Introduction of creditor rights protection system, and changes in the legal and judicial systems, allowed to set up a mechanism of creditor rights protection, resolve problem assets issue, standardize procedures of arrears enforcement debt and selling collaterized property and debtor bankruptcy (alienation procedures for 11 collaterized property to the benefit of creditors take up under 3 months). Thus, during 2015-2020, the level of overdue arrears on loans dropped, and currently remains below 5%. Enhancing the role and functions of bank and non-banking financial institutions supervisory councils, implementing requirements on internal audit and controls in banks and non-banking financial institutions, establishing the H7 norm for banks at the level of 15% of the bank regulatory capital, as well as enhancing shareholders and bank management liability for financial performance results in the banks and non-banking financial institutions led to reduction in risk concentration in the banking system, and to implementation of a sound corporate governance and internal controls mechanisms at financial market, as well as to increase in the share of independent directors in the banking system of Ukraine. Single State Register of credit histories was set up to consolidate information on the existing credit bureaus holding specific information on a particular economic agent, and access was provided for credit bureaus to information in all open public registries. The above was also facilitated by definition of functions for holders and administrators of single and State registries on providing credit bureau information from State registers. Innovation stimulation mechanisms in the payments domain were implemented, the cost of non-cash payments went down, and increased cost of cash transactions led to reduction in cash levels in economy to 15%, and to increase in non-cash payments in local payment system to at least 30%. Implementation of open procedures and operation, and regulation principles for payment systems in Ukraine were also facilitative to the above. Through comprehensive overhaul of financial sector supervision and active implementation of the IOSCO, IAIS, Basel III, and the EIOPA principles effective macro- and micro-prudential supervision system based on assessment of existing and potential risks was formed (risk based supervision). Through transformation of financial market regulators, and redistribution of functions and enhanced coordination among financial market regulators, effective consolidated supervision over financial sector was implemented providing the potential to effectively diagnose and prevent the distribution of risks across individual segments of financial sector, and to assess real and potential shock effects onto financial system in general and its components in particular. Risk weighted assessment approach is used to money-laundering cases, and effective system of supervisory services is established (both within the country and with foreign agencies) in accordance with the FATF recommendations and requirements. Consequently, efficient mechanisms and systems are in place to counteract terrorist financing, including mechanisms to disclose new and more sophisticated fraud schemes, including in e-payments. Necessary legal framework is in place to use cutting-edge technologies in the banking sector, including through the use of cloud-based technologies for data 12 storing and processing, and expanded methods of client identification, allowing to transfer a wide range of banking transactions to electronic sphere and to streamline performance of such transactions. Through implementation of standardized electronic XBRL format for data collection, transmission, and exchange of information for internal and external users, single information data system was set up to accumulate statistical, financial, regulatory, and fiscal reporting. Consequently, reporting numbers are reduced, and quality of data development and analysis is enhanced. Implementation of single standards of international reporting also supported the above achievements. Extension of administrative services and communications with banks, non-banking financial institutions and other state agencies are transferred into electronic format through implementation of single standards for e-documents circulation. Due to program implementation on enhancing consumer right protection, increasing the level of financial literacy, and by establishing the office of Financial Ombudsman confidence level to financial system and the financial services market increased. This was also brought about by developing supervision systems over the implementation of legislation on consumer right protection, and the implementation of effective enforcement measures to fight violations of legislation, as well as introduction of compensatory mechanisms to investors. Consumer rights protection was enhanced as regards services on insuring civil liability of vehicle owners by progressive raising the limits of insurers liability. 13 IV. Comprehensive Plan of Measures to Implement the Program № Direction Block A.1.1 А. Ensure 1. Monetary macroeconomic policy based on stability inflation targeting and flexible ER regime Measures 1. Develop and implement monetary policy based on inflation targeting Actions (і) Strengthen the role of accounting rate as monetary policy rate, and interest rates on instruments for liquidity regulation are to be determined depending on the policy rate (іі) Define clear principles and rules for the use of monetary policy, operating principles serving the criteria to assess adequacy of the tools and procedures for liquidity regulation Data Data to from 1 31 January December 2015 2016 Responsible agency NBU (ііі) Develop and implement a monetary policy plan based on inflation targeting envisaging the following measures: A.1.2 А. Ensure 1. Monetary macroeconomic policy based on stability inflation targeting and flexible ER regime 2. Develop and implement ER policy based on flexible ER regime - development of regulators institutional capability; - changes in the relevant legislation and administrative limitations; - move to inflation targeting. (і) Make flexible ER regime the basis for the FX and ER policy; (іі) Improve FX interventions at the backdrop of transferring to inflation targeting regime; (ііі) Develop guidelines to impose temporary bans and restrictions when conducting flexible exchange rates in crisis situations; (іv) Develop and implement performance plan for FX and ER policy envisaging the following measures on: - bringing down high dollarization levels, including dollarization of assets and liabilities of banks; - change in relevant legislation and administrative limitations as regards FX market transactions; 1 January 2015 30 June 2016 NBU 14 № Direction Block B.1.1 В Ensure 1. Align financial legislation to stability and EU standards dynamic development of financial markets B.1.2 В Ensure 1. Align financial legislation to stability and EU standards dynamic development of financial markets Measures Actions (і) Develop and implement plan to align legislation envisaging the following measures on: - equal access to financial services (access to the market and guarantees of equal conditions to conduct professional activities at financial services market); - equal access to clearing systems and official mechanisms of financing and refinancing that are accessible when doing business as usual; - equal access of investors and creditors to agencies extending financial services; - support of dialogue between regulators and market participants; - ensure reporting and public control over the plan implementation through publishing intermediary results of harmonization plan implementation; (іі) Support dialogue with the EU representatives as regards success levels of legislation harmonization efforts; 2. Update (і) Develop and implement the plan to align legislation legislation as envisaging measures as follows: regards ensuring - direct investment, its repatriation, as well as repatriation free movement of of their profits, capital - extending credits (loans) to conduct trade transactions or to extend services, - portfolio investment, and financial loans and investor credits, - protection of investor rights, - support the dialogue between regulators and market participants, - ensure reporting and public control over the plan implementation through publishing intermediary results of harmonization plan implementation, 1. Update legislation as regards ensuring equal competitive conditions at financial markets Data from 1 July 2015 Data to 1 July 2015 30 September 2018 30 September 2018 Responsible agency NBU, NCPRFSS, NCSSM NBU, NCSSM 15 № Direction Block Measures Actions (іі) Develop and implement FX legislation liberalization plan, envisaging, inter alia, the following measures: - liberalization of FX transactions account regime; - improvement of the mechanism and conditions to convert FX foreign valuables used to conduct investment in Ukraine, including those used as contributions to statutory capital of legal entities and equity capital of institutional investors, as well as when repatriating the above; - ensure access of Ukrainian investors to foreign financial instruments; (ііі) At the FX market, implement the experience of regulation, institutional development and mechanism for unbiased price formation previously tested at stock exchange market segment; (іv) Support dialogue with the EU representatives as regards success levels of legislation harmonization efforts. B.1.3 В Ensure 1. Align 3. Update (і) Develop and implement the plan to align legislation financial legislation to legislations as envisaging the following measures: stability and EU standards regards general - meeting requirements of the relevant EU practices dynamic regulation of mentioned in Appendix XVII of Association Agreement; development of financial markets - support dialogue between regulators and market financial participants; markets - ensure proper reporting and public control over the plan implementation through publishing intermediary results of harmonization plan implementation; (іі) Support dialogue with the EU representatives as regards success levels of legislation harmonization efforts. B.2.1 В Ensure 2. Modernization 1. Improve (і) Improve legislation on disclosure of beneficiaries and financial of regulation and regulation and identification of parties related to financial institutions; stability and supervision supervision (іі) Revise rules to conduct financial transactions with dynamic system system as regards related parties; Data from 1 July 2015 Data to 1 July 2014 30 September 2018 NBU, NCPRFSS, NCSSM 1 January 2015 30 June 2016 NBU, NCPRFSS, NCSSM, DGF 31 December 2016 Responsible agency NBU, NCSSM 16 № Direction Block development of financial markets Actions (ііі) Improve reporting of financial institutions, including banks as regards related party transactions, and conduct prudential analysis of such reports; (іv) Develop action plant to decrease volumes of related party transactions and control its realization at the level of individual financial institutions and market in general; (v) Ensure unification of terminology in Ukrainian legislation as regards identification of related parties, controllers, beneficiaries, etc; (vі) Introduce personal property, administrative, and criminal liability for bank related parties for their action or inaction leading to detriment incurred to creditors. 2. Improve (і) Develop system of regular asset quality assessment of regulation and banks and non-banking financial institutions to identify supervision restructuring needs, and consider the necessity to conduct system as regards regular stress-tests; identification of (іі) Ensure systemic assessment on banks and non-banking financial market financial institutions needs in liquidity support and participants recapitalization; needs in (ііі) Develop mechanism to conduct recapitalization of recapitalization financial institutions alongside with effective control over recapitalization plans and improvement of financial situation; (іv) Introduce new requirements to capitalization, solvency and liquidity of financial institutions according to Basel ІІІ, Solvency II and other EU requirements. 3. Improve (і) Introduce mechanist to remove ineffective financial regulation and market participants from the market, including those failing supervision to perform recapitalization plans and to improve their system as regards financial situation; Data from Data to Responsible agency identification, control, and bringing down the number of transactions with related parties B.2.2 В Ensure 2. Modernization financial of regulation and stability and supervision dynamic system development of financial markets B.2.3 В Ensure financial stability and dynamic Measures 2. Modernization of regulation and supervision systems 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 NBU, NCPRFSS, NCSSM 1 January 2015 1 January 2015 31 December 2019 31 December 2015 NBU, NCPRFSS, NCSSM NBU, NCPRFSS, NCSSM, DGF 17 № Direction Block Measures development of financial markets removing ineffective financial market participants from the market B.2.4 В Ensure 2. Modernization 4. Improve financial of regulation and regulation and stability and supervision supervision dynamic systems (oversight) development of system as regards financial functioning of markets system-important financial market players B.2.5 В Ensure 2. Modernization financial of regulation and stability and supervision dynamic systems development of financial markets 5. Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) system as regards implementation of international supervision (oversight) standards for financial markets Actions Data from Data to Responsible agency (іі) Enhance efficiency of creditor rights protection when removing financial institutions from the market, including through establishing timeframe to finalize bank and other financial institutions liquidation procedures. (і) Develop and implement changes to legislation as regards identification of system-important non-banking financial institutions; (іі) Develop strategy to prevent risks related to activities of system-important banks and non-banking financial institutions; 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 NBU, MINFIN, NCPRFSS, NCSSM 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 NBU, NCPRFSS, NCSSM (ііі) Identify special regulatory and supervisory requirements to be applied to system-important banks and non-banking financial institutions; (іv) Design system to monitor activities of systemimportant banks and non-banking financial institutions; (v) Ensure effective mechanism to support liquidity and conduct recapitalization of system-important banks and non-banking financial institutions to protect interests of consumers, participants and regulators of financial market. (і) Transfer the focus in further development of supervisory function at financial market from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision; (іі) Analyze normative and legal documents on supervision at financial market in terms of their adherence to the best international practices, in particular: - “Basic principles of effective banking supervision” of the Basel Committee; - “Basic insurance principles” of the International Supervisors Association over insurance practices; 18 № Direction Block Measures Actions Data from Data to Responsible agency - “Objectives and principles of regulating securities circulation” of the International Organization of Securities Commissions; - “Principles for financial markets infrastructure” of the Committee on payment systems of the Bank for International Settlements and Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions; (ііі) Organize dialogue with market participants to explain changes in normative and legal documents as regards supervision; (іv) Develop a plan for gradual change of regulatory requirements to enable adaptation of financial market participants, and to implement diversified approaches to regulation and prudential supervision; (v) Improve quality of regulation system as regards activities of non-banking financial institutions and improve supervisory function over such institutions (vі) Implement measures of consolidated supervision over activities of stock exchanges and their participants, as well as over activities of non-banking financial institutions; (vіі) Improve conditions of introducing and listing securities; (vііі) Ensure equal conditions for placing applications (bids) and drawing stock exchange contracts; (ix) Implement full-fledged regulation of price-formation for all trade organizers; (x) Introduce mechanism to assess whether payment systems of Ukraine meet international standards; (xі) Expand participation of market participants in regulating practices in financial sector on the basis of selfregulation institutes. 19 № Direction Block Measures Actions B.3.1 В Ensure financial stability and dynamic development of financial markets B.3.2 В Ensure financial stability and dynamic development of financial markets 3. Enhance transparency and stability of financial markets 1. Stimulate consolidation of financial markets alongside ensuring competitiveness (і) Improve legislation as regards merging financial market participants; (іі) Implement effective system of controls on preventing unsubstantiated mergers to set up system financial institutions aimed at further recapitalization by the state. 3. Enhance transparency and stability of financial markets 2. Ensure transparency of reports and transactions of financial market participants (і) Transfer of financial market participants to IFRS when drawing financial reports; (іі) Streamline and unify reports submitted to regulators by financial market participants; (ііі) Implement COREP and FINREP standards (іv) Ensure implementation of “Ten basic principles of information exchange”, disseminated by finance ministers of G-7 member-countries and OECD agreements on information exchange on taxation issues” B.3.4 В Ensure financial stability and dynamic development of financial markets B.3.5 Ensure financial stability and dynamic development of 3. Enhance transparency and stability of financial markets (v) Unify reference books used by financial institutions when compiling reports for regulators and when extending financial services. 4. Improve (і) Develop comprehensive strategy for state banks financial development; situation and (іі) Improve control mechanism over state banks activities; control over state (ііі) Improve coordination between state banks and banks regulators. 3. Enhance transparency and stability of financial markets 5. Enhance efficiency of the system to counteract money- (і) Enhance coordination of financial market regulators and law enforcement agencies to prevent and counteract money laundering, terrorism financing, and financing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; Data Data to from 1 31 January December 2015 2016 Responsible agency NBU, NCPRFSS, NCSSM 1 30 January November 2015 2018 NBU, NCPRFSS, NCSSM 1 April 2015 30 September 2016 MINFIN, NBU 1 July 2015 31 March 2017 NBU, NCPRFSS, NCSSM 20 № Direction Block financial markets Measures Actions Data from Data to Responsible agency laundering, financing terrorism, and proliferation of mass destruction weapons through financial markets 6. Ensure further development of non-cash circulation to decrease cash circulation segment, and to develop retail non-cash epayments in Ukraine (іі) Finalize implementation of International Standards on counteracting money laundering, and financing terrorism, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction of Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering. (і) Develop policies for cash circulation aimed at effective, uninterrupted and safe performing of cash transactions, as well as gradual decrease of cash segment and its replacement by non-cash payments; (іі) Ensure access to the market of international e-payment systems in line with transparent and free competition conditions; (ііі) Create equal conditions for payment systems functioning at the market to increase the volume of noncash payments, liberalize market, and reduce the cost for consumers; (іv) Create conditions to increase the share of non-cash payments by introducing innovative payment products and developing e-payments and their infrastructure. 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 NBU (і) Improve requirements to corporate governance of financial market participants, including through enhancing the role of supervisory councils, development of independent directors institutes, and identification of reasons and driving forces to conduct internal and independent audits; (іі) Tighten requirements to risk-management of financial market participants. (і) Analyze and adapt international experience on out-ofcourt settlement and offering incentives to restructure arrears that may be rehabilitated; 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 NBU, NCSSM NCPRFSS 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 NBU, DGF B.3.6 В Ensure financial stability and dynamic development of financial markets 3. Enhance transparency and stability of financial markets B.3.7 В Ensure financial stability and dynamic development of financial markets 3. Enhance transparency and stability of financial markets 7. Improve corporate governance of financial market participants B.4.1 В Ensure financial stability and 4. Clear out markets of problem assets 1. Stimulate restructuring of arrears that may 21 № Direction Block Measures dynamic development of financial markets B.4.2 В Ensure 4. Clear out financial markets of stability and problem assets dynamic development of financial markets be rehabilitated B.4.3 В Ensure 4. Clear out financial markets of stability and problem assets dynamic development of financial markets 3. Implement effective mechanism to protect creditor rights 2. Enhance efficiency of work with problem and noncore assets of state banks, including nationalized banks Actions (іі) Ensure legislative support for the out-of-court settlement mechanism, including by envisaging tax privileges and streamlining enforcement mechanism for failed restructuring. (і) Analyze current practices and problems arising with problem and non-core assets in state financial institutions; (іі) Develop approach to implement the most effective market practices on resolving problem arrears in state financial institutions, giving due consideration to market value of problem and non-core assets; (ііі) Ensure amendments to normative and legal documents aimed at protection of state interests that decrease efficiency of work with problem and non-core assets in state financial institutions, keeping proper control levels and protection of state interests. (і) Improve legislation on enforced payment of arrears and alienation and sale of collaterized property, as well as to make shorter alienation procedures for collaterals to the benefit of creditors; (іі) Introduce an institute of private enforcement agents (executors), as well as ensure relevant legislative changes; (ііі) Streamline legislation on bankruptcy of debtors and financial market participants through shortening bankruptcy procedures; Data from Data to Responsible agency 1 January 2015 31 March 2016 NBU, MINFIN 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 NBU, DGF, NCSSM, NCPRFSS (iv) Resolve status of assets that are subject to agreements in systems with central counter-agent, as of the day of announced moratorium and as of the day when decision of moratorium is announced; (v) Develop approaches to protection of pension assets placed with commercial banks; 22 № Direction Block В.5.1 В Ensure 5. Ensure financial dynamic stability and development of dynamic financial market development of instruments and financial infrastructure markets В.5.2 В Ensure 5. Ensure financial dynamic stability and development of dynamic financial market development of instruments and financial infrastructure markets Measures Actions Data from (vi) Revise requirements on assets that act as reserves (provisions) in non-banking financial institutions; 1. Stimulate (і) Resolve, at legislative level, functioning aspects of 1 development of derivative financial instruments market (derivatives), thus January financial market enabling to conduct transactions on hedging of credit, 2015 derivative interest, and FX risks; instruments (іі) Develop normative base to regulate transactions at the (derivatives) market of derivative instruments (derivatives); (ііі) Ensure practical implementation of calculation cycle 1 Т+2 and optimum calculation models as regards legal January documents on securities in line with “security delivery 2015 against payment” principle. 2. Stimulate (і) Lift restrictions to conduct placement and/or circulation 1 development of of securities issued by foreign entities in Ukrainian January financial market territory, including securities of Ukrainian issuers placed at 2015 instruments foreign stock markets; (іі) Stimulate activities on securities managements, in particular, implement practice of joint investment to securities according to agreement on joint management of securities; (ііі) Reconcile transactions of lending securities and credit transactions with securities placed as collateral at stock markets; (іv) Expand the range of corporate debt securities, including by allowing to issue stock securities and debt instruments to finance infrastructure projects, with the simultaneous adoption of a legal mechanism to issue convertible bonds and to transfer issuer liabilities to debt and share securities; (v) Ensure possibilities to conduct issuance of securities by financial market participants with liquid financial assets of the issuer acting as collateral. Data to Responsible agency 31 December 2015 NCSSM, NBU 30 June 2017 NCSSM, NBU 30 June 2016 NCSSM, NBU 23 № Direction Block В.5.3 В Ensure 5. Ensure financial dynamic stability and development of dynamic financial market development of instruments and financial infrastructure markets В.5.4 В Ensure 5. Ensure financial dynamic stability and development of dynamic financial market development of instruments and financial infrastructure markets Measures Actions (і) Develop and implement a plan to introduce and stimulate accumulative pension provisioning, envisaging the following measures on: - implementation of accumulative system of compulsory state pension insurance (2nd tier of the pension system); - ensure effective regulation and supervision over participants in the accumulative system of the compulsory state pension insurance and over the mechanism to accumulate and use pension funds; - ensure legislative implementation of the “smart investor” rule when managing assets of non-state pension funds; - set up special “long” financial instruments (state bonds with yields not lower than inflation level) to invest assets of the accumulative pension system; - provide more incentives to employers and workers to participate in additional pension provision programs; - tax incentives for employers participation; - incentives for services consumers participation; (іі) Ensure coordination of market regulators and other state institutions, as well as financial market participants in implementation of the plan to stimulate non-state pension provisioning. 4. Stimulate more (і) Improve methodology of long-term banking credits effective (loans); functioning of (іі) Give incentives to local syndicate and consortium available contract development; instruments and (ііі) Facilitate equal opportunities to get access to T-bills infrastructure of sales to all participants in stock exchange trade; financial markets (іv) Provide incentives for bank transactions at T-bills market, including by developing the mechanism of liquidity support in exchange of T-bills acting as collateral; 3. Stimulate development of accumulative pension provisioning Data from 1 July 2015 1 January 2015 Data to 31 December 2019 30 June 2016 Responsible agency NCSSM, NCPRFSS NBU, MINFIN NCPRFSS, 24 № Direction В.5.5 В Ensure financial stability and dynamic Block 5. Ensure dynamic development of Measures 5. Stimulate development of intermediaries institute of Actions (v) Improve T-bills issue conditions by introducing earmarked issues, in particular to finance long-term infrastructure and investment projects; (vі) Facilitate formation of benchmarks system for local FX market and cash market; (viі) Support setting up of an insurance agency for export credits and investment to implement instruments of state support of export; (vііi) Reconcile the legal norm envisaging unconditional right of deposit owner for early termination of agreement (contract); (ix)Ensure favorable conditions to implement basic economic interests of the most active market segment (public companies, stock market, investors), and to facilitate fighting the use of counterfeit financial instruments; (х) Stimulate increase in sources and volumes of local longterm financial resources; (xi) Stimulate development of local public debt market as an effective source for Ukrainian companies to attract and invest funds; (хіі) Stimulate financial leasing by introducing change to legislation as regards recognizing leasing companies as creditors, creating mechanisms to return property and to streamline taxation; (xііі) Develop and implement a plan for a step-by-step transformation of credit cooperation market. (і) Reconcile activities of intermediaries (agents) at financial market; (іі) Introduce liability of financial institutions for activities of their intermediaries (agents); Data from Data to 1 30 January September 2015 2016 Responsible agency NCSSM, NCPRFSS, NBU 25 № Direction Block development of financial market financial instruments and markets infrastructure В.5.6 В Ensure 5. Ensure financial dynamic stability and development of dynamic financial market development of instruments and financial infrastructure markets В.5.7 В Ensure 5. Ensure financial dynamic stability and development of dynamic financial market development of instruments and financial infrastructure markets В.5.8 В Ensure 5. Ensure financial dynamic stability and development of dynamic financial market development of instruments and financial infrastructure markets Measures Actions Data from Data to Responsible agency financial market (ііі) Ensure regulation of intermediaries (agents) acting at financial market. (і) Reconcile functioning of collector companies, and ensure development of instruments to improve payment discipline as regards problem assets; (іі) Implement and ensure development of private enforcers institute; (ііі) Ensure development of legislation as regards selling debts to financial companies; (іv) Lift barriers to work with collaterized and agricultural quittances (receipts). 7. Stimulate (і) Set up Credit Registry in the NBU; infrastructure (іі) Ensure cooperation among credit bureaus, and development to consolidation of accessible information on credit histories; ensure effective (ііі) Stimulate formation of a single registry of credit accumulation and histories, and expansion of the registry users list; information (іv) Ensure systemic and complete disclosure of negative exchange as credit histories of financial institution borrowers to be regards accumulated in registries. borrowers credit history 8. Stimulate (і) Support development of agricultural insurance; comprehensive (іі) Improve regulation of insuring civic and legal development of responsibility of automobile owners, and enhance insurance transparency and efficiency of Motor Vehicle Insurance services market Bureau of Ukraine operation; (ііі) Set up preconditions to develop accumulative insurance of life; (іv) Set up preconditions to develop voluntary medical insurance. 6. Stimulate infrastructure development to ensure efficient management of problem assets 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 MINJUST, NBU 1 April 2015 31 December 2015 NCPRFSS, NCSSM,NBU 1 April 2015 30 June 2016 NBU, NCPRFSS 1 April 2015 31 December 2017 МЕРТУ, NCSSM, NCPRFSS 26 № Direction Block Measures Actions В.5.9 В Ensure 5. Ensure financial dynamic stability and development of dynamic financial market development of instruments and financial infrastructure markets 9. Ensure consolidation and development of stock exchange infrastructure (і) Reconcile issues on agricultural stock exchange accountability as regards regulating transactions with derivatives; (іі) Stimulate consolidation of stock exchange infrastructure to conduct better control and counteract price manipulation and defragmentation, and to move from local level of stock exchange competition to the national one; (ііі) Ensure legislative and technological provisions to transfer securities under the scope of the NBU responsibility (in line with the Law of Ukraine “On depository system of Ukraine”) to depository service of the Central Depository; (іv) Improve accounting and clearing infrastructure of financial market; (v) Improve mechanisms of Central Depository functioning (guaranteeing the non-banking financial institution status, implementing control over depository establishments at licensing stages, and consolidating information on actions of corporate issuers of securities, etc). B5.10 В Ensure 5. Ensure financial dynamic stability and development of dynamic financial market development of instruments and financial infrastructure markets 10. Ensure development of rating agencies institute B.6.1 В Ensure financial stability and dynamic 1. Improve system to tax transactions related to 6. Improve taxation system for financial market Data from 1 April 2015 Data to (і) Reconcile rules of rating agencies functioning and use of (quoting) ratings; (іі) Improve supervision over rating agencies to ensure quality of ratings and prevent conflict of interests. 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 NCSSM, NCPRFSS, NBU (і) Optimize taxation of transactions on selling assets and collateral to the benefit of creditors of financial institutions that are being liquidated, as well as other transactions related to liquidation; 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 NBU, DGF 30 June 2017 Responsible agency NCSSM, NBU, NCPRFSS 27 № Direction development of financial markets B.6.2 В Ensure financial stability and dynamic development of financial markets Block participants Measures enforcement of problem arrears Actions 2. Harmonize taxation systems of financial market instruments Data to Responsible agency (іі) Optimize taxation of transactions on alienation and sale of assets and collateral to the benefit of creditors. (і) Ensure harmonization of taxation systems for transactions with financial instruments, and improve legislation on taxation of non-banking financial institutions and consumers of their services; (іі) Improve legislation on tax agents operation when taxing transactions with securities; (ііі) Identify characteristics of accounting transactions with financial instruments, including derivatives, and to ensure their legislative effect. B.6.3 В Ensure 6. Improve 3. Ensure tax (і) Support setting up favorable taxation system for financial taxation system stimulation of derivatives market; stability and for financial financial market (іі) Develop mechanism for tax stimulation of long-term dynamic market instruments investment; development of participants development (ііі) Support setting up a favorable taxation system for joint financial investment market taxation. markets С.1.1 С. 1. Ensure 1. Ensure (і) Analyze Ukrainian legislation as regards functioning of Development institutional institutional financial market regulators and their adequacy to the best of institutional independence independence of world practices of ensuring independent regulators potential for regulators operation; of regulators financial through changes (іі) Introduce changes to laws on financial market market to corresponding regulators operation with the objective of enhancing their regulators legislation (regulators) autonomy and independence. С.1.2 С. 1. Ensure 2. Ensure (і) Ensure independence of regulators as regards their Development institutional financial budget capabilities; of institutional independence independence of (іі) Ensure independence of regulators profit distribution; potential for regulators and (ііі) Introduce the system for differentiated contributions to of regulators financial the DGF the DGF depending on the assessment of the banks asset market quality. 6. Improve taxation system for financial market participants Data from 1 April 2015 31 March 2016 MINJUST, NCSSM, NCPRFSS, NBU 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 NCSSM 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 NBU, NCSSM NCPRFSS 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 NCSSM, NBU, NCPRFSS, DGF 28 № Direction Block Measures Actions Data from Data to Responsible agency regulators С.1.3 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators С.1.4 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators 1. Ensure institutional independence of regulators 3. Enhance institutional control of regulators (і) Enhance supervisory council (or collegial agency) role of each regulator by making the council (or collegial agency) responsible for internal control measures; (іі) Set up audit committees at the level of supervisory councils (or collegial agencies) of regulators; (ііі) Continue to conduct independent external audit. 1 April 2015 31 March 2016 NBU, NCSSM NCPRFSS 1. Ensure institutional independence of regulators 31 December 2016 NBU, NCSSM NCPRFSS 2. Enhance organizational efficiency of regulators (і) Analyze enforcement instruments of regulators, including those of restrictive character, as the ones to be implemented as preventive measures; (іі) Develop and implement effective range of enforcement instruments to ensure equal efficiency of enforcement measures, including those of restrictive nature, to be implemented by regulators in various segments of financial market. (і) Conduct detailed analysis of this financial market reform strategy to be detailed to the level of each particular regulator; (іі) Identify ear-marked model of regulators operation on the basis of detailed strategy, including the expediency of functions transfer among regulators; (ііі) Develop program and road-map to transform financial market regulators; (іv) Conduct decomposition of transformation program into specific projects with clearly identified objectives and performance schedules; (v) Ensure implementation of regulators transformation program through centralized management of program projects at the level of special committees of regulators. 1 April 2015 С.2.1 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators 4. Ensure institutional potential of regulators through raising efficiency of enforcement strategies 1. Conduct effective transformation of regulators in line with functioning strategy 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 NBU, NCSSM NCPRFSS 29 № Direction Block Measures Actions С.2.2 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators 2. Enhance organizational efficiency of regulators 2. Ensure institutional capacity of regulators to implement international supervision standards at financial market and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision С.2.3 С. Development 2. Enhance organizational 3. Ensure institutional (і) Analyze international practices and formulate supervision and oversight standards based on risk assessment, in particular: - “Major principles of effective banking supervision” of the Basel Committee; - “Major insurance principles” of the International Supervision Association for insurance activities; - “Objectives and principles to regulate securities circulation” of the International Organization of Securities Commissions; - “Principles for financial markets infrastructure” of the Committee on payment and accounting systems of the Bank for International Settlements and Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions; - International standards to counteract money laundering and terrorism financing and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction under FATF; (іі) Conduct adaptation of normative documents and internal procedures and instructions of regulators to international supervision standards; (ііі) Conduct training of staff in charge of supervision focusing at risk assessment, and stimulate experience exchange among international regulators; (іv) Implement gradual transfer to supervision based on risk assessment. (і) Improve monetary policy instruments to implement inflation targeting regime; Data from 1 July 2015 Data to 1 April 2015 31 December 31 December 2019 Responsible agency NBU, NCSSM NCPRFSS NBU 30 № Direction of institutional potential for financial market regulators Block efficiency of regulators С.2.4 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators 2. Enhance organizational efficiency of regulators С.2.5 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators 2. Enhance organizational efficiency of regulators Measures Actions capacity of regulators to organize monetary policy based on inflation targeting and flexible FX regime 4. Enhance institutional potential of regulators to take effective balanced decisions, to enhance internal control (іі) Improve the system to analyze and the model to project NBU macroeconomic indicators as a single source to take decisions in case of inflation targeting regime implementation. (і) Analyze available structures, processes, and systems of decision taking; (іі) Develop specialized committees system for each regulator to ensure efficient and timely taking of collegial decisions through board-delegated authority; (ііі) Conduct re-engineering of decision taking processes aimed at preventing functions duplication, setting up effective internal control system, and enhancing quality of analytical data to take efficient decisions; (іv) Change organizational structures of regulators to enhance their controlling and analytical functions independence, differentiate between functions having potential conflict of interests, and enhance internal controls; (v) Conduct organizational and functional centralization. 5. Raise (і) Develop communication strategy, and ensure its communication harmonization at all financial market regulators levels; efficiency of (іі) Ensure smooth internal information exchange processes regulators with among regulators to provide for transparent and efficient consumers and communication; financial market (ііі) Develop communication instruments and channels, and participants set up a mechanism for regular system communication to enhance regulators operational transparency; Data from Data to Responsible agency 2016 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 NBU, NCSSM, NCPRFSS 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 NBU, DGF, NCSSM, NCPRFSS 31 № Direction Block С.2.6 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators 2. Enhance organizational efficiency of regulators С.2.7 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators 2. Enhance organizational efficiency of regulators Measures Actions (іv) Ensure transparency of taking decisions on the NBU monetary policy through disclosure of motives and reasons in decision making process. (і) Enhance liability for manipulations at the FX and stock markets, and misuse (abuse) of insider information; 6. Increase efficiency of counteracting corrupt practices (іі) Enhance liability for swindling at financial markets, at financial including liability of beneficiaries and financial institutions markets management whose actions lead to deterioration of financial situation of the said institutions, and for twisting financial information; (ііі) Revise and enhance efficiency of normative documents on identification of corruption at financial markets; (іv) Ensure development of institutional capacity of regulators to identify related parties when regulating financial markets, and improve control instruments over credits extended to related parties. 7. Improve (і) Enhance efficiency of identification of potentially regulators problem and ineffective financial market participants; effectiveness in working with (іі) Standardize and raise efficiency of regulators problem assets at instruments on working with inefficient financial market financial markets participants, ensure development of the curator office and temporary manager of a financial institution; Data from Data to Responsible agency 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 NBU, DGF, NCSSM, NCPRFSS 1 April 2015 30 June 2016 NBU, DGF, NCSSM, NCPRFSS (iіі) Enhance efficiency of credit risk management processes (including management of collateral) undertaken by regulators when rehabilitating or liquidating inefficient market participants, and ensure development of an institute of a financial institution agency liquidator; 32 № Direction Block Measures Actions Data from Data to Responsible agency (іv) Introduce accumulation of non-core assets in specialized management funds to ensure efficient management of non-core financial market assets with the objective of receiving partial compensation and selling of assets at the most favorable market conditions; С.3.1 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators 3. Improve coordination between regulators and financial market participants (v) Ensure development of a single center, on the basis of one regulator, to sell non-core assets to the benefit of financial market regulators, including the NBU and the DGF. 1. Improve (і) With all financial market regulators participation, to set coordination up a collegial body to conduct regular discussions of market among financial development problems and tendencies, to coordinate efforts market regulators of regulators, and to ensure effective operation of such collegial body committees; (іі) Set up mechanisms to exchange information on market participants, on supervisory efforts, and other analytical data among market regulators to formulate single informational space; (ііі) Identify mechanisms for regulators to cooperate with financial market participants when implementing cuttingedge legal initiatives; (іv) Ensure dialogue and coordination among regulators to harmonize market regulation, expand joint prudential supervision measures, regulatory restrictions, and to synchronize work on supervision over financial conglomerates, etc; (v) Improve legal enforcement system to financial market participants through enhancing interaction among regulators, including by implementing restrictive preventive measures to counteract corruption at financial markets. 1 January 2015 30 June 2016 NBU, NCSSM NCPRFSS 33 № Direction С.3.2 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators C.4.1 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators C.4.2 С. Development of institutional Block Measures Actions (і) Enhance efficiency of dialogue between self-regulated organizations of financial market participants, attract market representatives to discussion of major changes that are planned to implement. (іі) Stimulate functional build-up and enhance efficiency of self-regulated organizations, including with the objective to improve dialogue efficiency on legislative and supervision issues; (ііі) Formulate and implement, jointly with market participants, requirements to key experts of financial market, including by devising standardized codes of ethics and membership in professional organizations. 4. Stimulate 1. Implement (і) Study world experience of the XBRL standard implementation standards of implementation; of cutting-edge reporting and (іі) Analyze technical requirements of the XBRL standard IT technologies information implementation, and assess technical capability to transfer exchange to to information exchange in line with the XBRL standard; ensure effective (ііі) Develop and implement the plan of XBRL standard integration into introduction envisaging: the EU financial - steps to increase the ІТ-maturity level of market market regulators; - steps to implementing the XBRL standard by market participants; - adequate timeline to implement the above and ensure compulsory reporting according to the new standard; - harmonization to initiative of implementing COREP and FINREP. 4. Stimulate 2. Upgrade (і) Develop dialogue with financial market participants on implementation normative and limitations to use forward-looking IT-technologies as of cutting-edge legal basis as established by the current normative and legal documents; 3. Improve coordination between regulators and financial market participants 2. Improve coordination between financial market regulators and market participants on the basis of selfformed organizations Data from 1 July 2015 Data to 1 July 2015 31 December 2018 NCSSM NCPRFSS, NBU 1 July 2015 30 June 2018 MINFIN, NBU, NCSSM, NCPRFSS, МЕРТУ 1 July 2015 31 December 2018 NBU, NCSSM NCPRFSS 31 December 2015 Responsible agency NCSSM NCPRFSS, NBU 34 № Direction potential for financial market regulators C.4.3 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators C.4.4 С. Development of institutional potential for financial market regulators Block Measures IT technologies regards using IT technologies by financial market participants Actions 3. Implement cutting edge IT security standards at financial market Data to Responsible agency 1 July 2015 31 March 2019 NBU, NCSSM NCPRFSS 1 July 2015 31 December 2016 NBU, NCSSM NCPRFSS (іі) Analyze proposed changes on deterioration of regulators capacity to perform their functions as the result of such changes, and as regards meeting IT-security standards; (ііі) Adapt normative and legal documents to use cuttingedge IT-technologies; (іv) Implement legal changes to establish unified formats and single unified template of e-documents to organize edocuments circulation among financial institutions. (і) Organize systemic analysis of the best international practices and standards of IT-security in sectors relevant for financial market operation; (іі) Ensure systemic work on improving IT-security standards set up by financial market regulators; (ііі) Ensure control over relevant IT-security standards implementation by market participants. 4. Stimulate 4. Continue (і) Introduce system of e-documents circulation, and ensure implementation implementation all internal processes transfer to e-document circulation; of cutting-edge of IT (іі) Support possibilities of implementing procedures to IT technologies technologies to identify clients without them being physically present by regulators using cutting-edge achievements in IT and reliable operation to technological tools; ensure more (ііі) Ensure accumulation of data formed by each regulator efficient outcome in a single data depository enabling such data adequate archiving; (іv) Implement control mechanism over such data quality; (v) Organize internal report system to enhance efficiency of information compilation to formulate managerial decisions; (vi) Conduct centralization of IT-decisions, wherever expedient, to improve manageability of data quality and lowering expenditures. 4. Stimulate implementation of cutting-edge IT technologies Data from 35 № Direction Block Measures D.1.1 D. Financial market consumers and investors rights protection 1. Stimulate development of financial literacy of consumers financial market investors 1. Implement comprehensive program of enhancing financial literacy of people of Ukraine, including through development of savings (economy) culture D.2.1 D. Financial market consumers and investors rights protection 2. Raising standards of protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors 1. Raise standards of information disclosure to the benefit of consumers and financial market investors D.2.2 D. Financial market consumers and investors rights protection 2. Raising standards of protecting rights of consumers and financial market 2. Improve legislation as regards protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors Actions Data from 1 April 2015 (і) Through expanded dialogue with market participants and financial organizations, to develop program materials to raise financial literacy, including, inter alia, the following: - explanation (description) of typical financial services and instruments, and risks related to the above, as well as major types of price formation; - explanation of important clauses in contracts (agreements) on extension of typical financial services; - advice on managing personal and family (HH) finances; - explanation of advantages to save and control expenditures; (іі) Disseminate information and training systems for HHs within the Program framework; (ііі) Implement the mechanism of updating program materials depending on financial market development. (і) Stimulate development of information disclosure 1 practices by public shareholding companies to ensure January greater transparency, and raise information disclosure 2015 standards; (іі) Ensure transparent and complete disclosure of information for a comprehensive understanding by a client of possible risks and total value of extended services; (ііі) Introduce clearly defined sanctions to participants of financial services market for failure to provide preliminary information on financial services. (і) Implement a mechanism for protecting minority 1 shareholders rights, including through introducing the January mechanism of forced purchase and sale of shares and the 2015 Corporate Agreement Institute (Shareholder Agreement (contract); (іі) Implement efficient mechanisms of out-of-court settling of disputes between financial market participants and Data to 31 March 2016 Responsible agency NBU, DGF, NCSSM, NCPRFSS 31 December 2015 NCSSM, NBU, NCPRFSS 31 December 2016 NCSSM, DGF, NCPRFSS, NBU 36 № Direction Block investors D.2.3 D. Financial market consumers and investors rights protection 2. Raising standards of protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors Measures Actions Data from Data to Responsible agency consumers of financial services; (ііі) Study the possibility to set up compensation schemes of protecting investor deposits and other consumers of nonbanking financial services; (іv) Implement procedures to protect rights of owners of corporate debt securities and legal reconciliation of t he dialogue between the issuer and the investor. 3. Being (і) Initiate setting up of the Financial Ombudsman Office proactive to with the functions of out-of-court settlement of disputes and protect rights of complaints between financial institutions and their clientsconsumers and physical persons; financial market (іі) Introduce the mechanism to prevent setting up and investors functioning of financial pyramids; (ііі) Enhance transparency and convenience of repaying funds to bank depositors in case of bank liquidation through revising the mechanism of funds repayment and refunding to bank depositors; (іv) Initiate revision and implementation of the Cabinet of Ministers Strategy on reforming the system of consumer rights protection at financial service markets. 1 January 2015 30 June 2016 NBU, DGF, NCSSM,NCPRFSS 37 V. Expected Results of Program Implementation Based on implementation of other priority reforms, Program implementation is to be monitored on a quarterly basis in line with the following key parameters (indicators) execution. Indicator Indicator Calculation 2014 2020 Specific Indicators of Program Implementation Consumer inflation 24,9% Not higher than 5% per Consumer price index annum Gold and FX reserves level - USD 7,3 billion USD 38,7 billion Cash in economy level In line with methodology, М0 to GDP 18% 15% Non-cash payments level in local payment system In line with methodology [1,2]% Not lower than 30% Credits and deposits dollarization level In line with methodology ~50% Lower than 40% 16,7% per annum Not higher than 8% per annum Level of average weighted rates on new credits (loans) to non-financial corporations in national currency In line with methodology Capital adequacy ratio According to requirements of Basel III 15.66 Not lower than 8% Capital profitability level In line with methodology - 30,46% Not lower than 10% Herfindahl-Hirschman concentration index on assets In line with methodology 565 800 Credit to deposit ratio In line with methodology 149% 110% 6 In line with the NBU methodology 38 Indicator Insurance infiltration level Indicator Calculation In line with methodology, share in GDP 0,7% 2014 [7]% 2020 Insurers technical reserves Insurers technical reserves ration to GDP [1,2]% [7]% Pension savings of HHs HHs pension savings ratio to GDP 1% 15% Assets of the second tier pension system Assets ratio to GDP 0% 10% Assets of public JII Public JII assets to GDP [0,1]% 10% Ukrainian financial market status according to the FTSE International Index Agency Classification According to the FTSE International Index Agency Classification Without status Advanced Emerging Financial market development in line with methodology of calculating Global Competitiveness Index In line with methodology of calculating Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). 107 position among 148 countries 50 position Stock exchanges regulation in line with Global Competitiveness Index calculation In line with Global Competitiveness Index calculation (GCI). 107 position among 148 countries 60 position Economic freedom rating in line with rating calculation by “Heritage Foundation” In line with rating calculation by “Heritage Foundation” 162 position among 189 countries Ukraine among 30 positions Legal rights reliability index in line with the World Bank methodology In line with the World Bank methodology 8 12 Indicators of social appraisal of Program implementation Expert assessment as regards success of regulators According to identified methodology No data7 Not lower than 70% 7 Assessment commencement is planned from July 01, 2015 39 Indicator Indicator Calculation 2014 2020 operation Participants assessment of financial market infrastructure According to identified methodology Social assessment of financial market credibility According to identified methodology No data7 Not lower than 70% No data7 Not lower than 70% - EU Directives implemented Principles implemented Process indicators of Program implementation Implemented EU Directives for financial markets Implementation of IOSCO, IAIS, Basel ІІІ, EIOPA principles Implementation of FX regulation and FX control liberalization Legislation on taxing transactions and services in financial sector is changed Changes are introduced to legislation on enhancing financial and institutional independence of financial sector regulators and functional distribution According to identified methodology Expert assessment of implementation Expert assessment of FX regulation and FX control liberalization Expert assessment of changes - Expert assessment of changes - Implementation of international reporting and audit standards in financial sector Implementation of single international standards of e-document circulation, extending administrative services, and e-communication with market participants Expert assessment of international reporting and audit standards implementation Expert assessment of single international standards implementation as regards e-documents circulation Free movement of capital implemented Changes introduced to legislation Changes introduced to legislation International standards are implemented according to expert opinion E-circulation of documents is implemented 40 VІ. Regulatory Work Plan When implementing the Program, revision and amendments to some laws and normative and legal documents of Ukraine are made, including: № Legal documents to be changed/developed Reference Measures Date to the from measure 1 The Law of Ukraine “On the National Bank of А.1.1 Develop and implement monetary policy based on inflation 01 Ukraine” targeting January 2015 С.1.1 Ensure institutional independence of regulators by changing corresponding legislation С.1.2 Ensure financial independence of regulators and the DGF 1 January 2015 С.1.3 Enhance institutional control of regulators 01 January С.2.3 Ensure institutional capability of regulators to implement 2015 monetary policy based on inflation targeting and flexible ER regime С.2.4 Enhance institutional capability of regulators to take effective balanced decisions, and enhance internal controls 2 Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine А.1.2 Develop and implement ER and FX policy base on flexible ER 1 July “On the system of FC regulation and FX regime 2015 control” В.1.2 Upgrade legislation as regards ensuring free movement of capital 3 The Law of Ukraine “On banks and banking В.1.1 Upgrade legislation as regards ensuring equal competitive 1 January activities” conditions at financial markets 2015 В.1.3 Upgrade legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets В.3.1 Simulate consolidation of financial markets alongside preserving competitiveness В.3.6 Ensure further development of non-cash circulation to decrease the share of cash circulation and develop retail non-cash payments through e-payment means in Ukraine В.4.1 Stimulate restructuring of arrears that can be rehabilitated Date to 30 April 2015 31 December 2015 30 April 2015 30 September 2016 31 December 2015 41 № Legal documents to be changed/developed 4 The Law of Ukraine “On financial services and state regulation of financial services markets” 5 The Law of Ukraine “On insurance” (new edition) Reference Measures to the measure С.1.4 Enhance institutional capacity of regulators through raising efficiency of enforcement instruments В.1.1 Upgrade legislation as regards ensuring equal competitive conditions at financial markets В.1.2 Upgrade legislation as regards ensuring free movement of capital В.1.3 Upgrade legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets В.2.1 Improve regulation and supervision systems as regards identification, control, and downsizing the number of transactions with related parties В.2.2 Improve regulation and supervision systems as regards identification of recapitalization needs of financial market participants В.2.4 Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards system-importantу financial market players operation В.2.5 Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementation of international standards of financial market supervision В.3.3 Ensure accumulation and exchange of information on borrowers credit history В.5.5 Stimulate development of financial market intermediaries В.5.7 Stimulate development of infrastructure to ensure efficient accumulation and exchange of information on borrowers credit history В.5.9 Ensure consolidation and development of stock exchange infrastructure В.1.1 Upgrade legislation as regards ensuring equal competitive conditions at financial markets В.1.3 Upgrade legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets Date from Date to 01 September 2015 31 December 2016 01 January 2015 31 December 2015 42 № 6 Legal documents to be changed/developed The Law of Ukraine “On credit unions” 7 The Law of Ukraine “On depository system of Ukraine” 8 The Law of Ukraine “On joint investment institutes” 9 The Law of Ukraine “On pawnbrokers and pawnbrokers activities” (new) 10 The Law of Ukraine “On securities and stock market” Reference Measures to the measure В.2.1 Improve systems of regulation and supervision as regards identification, control, and reduction of the number of transactions with related parties В.2.2 Improve regulation and supervision systems as regards identification of recapitalization needs of financial market participants В.5.5 Stimulate development of financial market intermediaries В.5.8 Stimulate development of a comprehensive insurance services market В.1.1 Upgrade legislation as regards ensuring equal competitive conditions at financial markets В.1.3 Upgrade legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets В.5.9 Conduct consolidation and development of stock exchange infrastructure D.2.2 Improve legislation as regards protection of consumers and financial market investor rights В.1.2 Upgrade legislation as regards ensuring free movement of capital В.3.1 Stimulate financial markets consolidation while keeping competitiveness В.1.1 Upgrade legislation as regards ensuring equal competitive conditions at financial markets В.1.3 Upgrade legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets В.1.3 Upgrade legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets В.2.1 Improve regulation and supervision systems as regards identification, control and reduction of the number of transactions with related parties Date from Date to 01 March 2015 31 December 2016 1 April 2015 1 January 2015 1 July 2015 1 January 2015 01 January 2015 30 June 2017 1 July 2014 р. 1 January 2015 31 December 2016 30 September 2018 31 December 2016 31 December 2016 30 September 2018 31 October 2017 43 № Legal documents to be changed/developed Reference Measures to the measure В.2.5 Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets В.5.1 Stimulate development of financial market derivatives В.5.2 Stimulate development of financial market instruments В.5.5 Stimulate development of financial market intermediaries D.2.1 Raise standards of information disclosure to the benefit of consumers and financial market investors Improve legislation as regards protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors D.2.2 11 The Law of Ukraine “On state regulation of securities market in Ukraine” В.2.1 В.2.5 Improve regulation and supervision systems as regards identification, control, and reduction of the number of transactions with related parties Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementation of international supervision standards for financial markets С.1.1 Ensure institutional independence of regulators through introducing corresponding legislative changes С.1.2 Ensure financial independence of regulators and the DGF С.1.4 Ensure institutional capability of regulators through enhancing efficiency of enforcement instruments Date from Date to 1 April 2015 30 June 2017 1 January 2015 1 January 2015 1 January 2015 1 January 2015 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 30 June 2016 30 September 2016 30 June 2017 31 December 2016 1 January 2015 31 October 2017 1 April 2015 30 June 2017 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 44 № Legal documents to be changed/developed 12 The Law of Ukraine “On shareholding companies” 13 The Law of Ukraine “On payment systems and money transfer (wire) in Ukraine” Reference Measures to the measure С.2.2 Ensure institutional capability of regulators to support implementation of international supervisory standards at financial markets and to transfer from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision С.2.6 Enhance efficiency of counteracting corruption at financial markets Date from Date to 1 July 2015 31 December 2019 1 January 2015 30 June 2016 С.2.7 Enhance regulator efficiency as regards operating with problem assets at financial market 1 April 2015 30 June 2016 В.3.7. Stimulate increase in corporate governance levels for financial market participants 1 April 2015 31 October 2017 D.2.1 Raise standards for information disclosure to the benefit of consumers and financial market investors 1 January 2015 30 June 2017 D.2.2 Improve legislation as regards protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors 1 January 2015 31 December 2016 В.3.5 Raise efficiency of the system to prevent and counteract money laundering, financing terrorism, and proliferating weapons of mass destruction though financial markets use 1 January 2015 30 June 2016 В.3.6 Facilitate further development of non-ash circulation to decrease the share of cash circulation and development in Ukraine of retail non-cash payments through the use of epayment means Stimulate more effective functioning of available instruments and financial market infrastructure В.5.4 45 № Legal documents to be changed/developed 14 The Law of Ukraine “On state registration of legal entities and physical persons – economic agents” 15 The Law of Ukraine “On derivatives” (new) 16 The Law of Ukraine “On non-state pension provisioning” Reference Measures to the measure В.3.6 Ensure further development of non-cash circulation with the objective of decreasing the cash circulation share and to develop in Ukraine retail non-cash payments through the use of e-payment means В.5.1 Stimulate development of financial market derivatives В.1.3 В.5.3 В.5.8 17 Civil Code of Ukraine В.3.1 В.3.6 В.5.4 18 The Law of Ukraine “On collector agencies activities in Ukraine” 19 The Law of Ukraine “On private enforcers (new) 20 The Law of Ukraine “On organization, formation and circulation of credit histories” 21 The Law of Ukraine “On compulsory state pension insurance” В.4.1 В.5.6 В.5.6 В.5.7 В.1.3 В.5.3 В.5.8 Modernize legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets Stimulate development of cumulative pension provisioning Stimulate comprehensive development of insurance services market Stimulate consolidation of financial markets at the backdrop of keeping competitiveness Stimulate further development of non-cash circulation to reduce the share of cash circulation and to develop retail non-cash payments sing e-payment means in Ukraine Stimulate more efficient use of available financial market instruments Stimulate restructuring of arrears that can be rehabilitated Stimulate development of infrastructure ensuring efficient management of problem assets Stimulate development of infrastructure ensuring efficient management of problem assets Stimulate development of infrastructure ensuring efficient accumulation and exchange of information on borrowers credit history Upgrade legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets Stimulate development of accumulative pension provisioning Stimulate comprehensive development of insurance services market Date from Date to 1 April 2015 31 December 2016 1 January 2015 1 May 2015 31 December 2015 30 September 2018 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 1 April 2015 1 April 2015 1 January 2015 31 December 2016 31 December 2016 31 December 2016 1 April 2015 30 June 2016 46 № Legal documents to be changed/developed 22 The Law of Ukraine “On compulsory insurance of civil and legal liability of automobile and other vehicle owners” Reference Measures to the measure В.5.8 Stimulate comprehensive development of insurance services market В.6.1 Improve taxation of transactions related to enforcement of problem arrears В.6.2 Harmonize taxation systems of financial market instruments В.6.3 Ensure tax stimulation of financial market instruments development В.4.1 Stimulate restructuring of arrears that can be rehabilitated 24 The Law of Ukraine “On reinstating solvency of debtors or recognizing them as bankrupts” В.4.3 Introduce effective mechanism of protecting creditor rights 25 The Law of Ukraine “On notary offices” В.4.3 Introduce effective mechanism of protecting creditor rights 26 The Law of Ukraine “On enforced proceedings” В.4.3 Introduce effective mechanism of protecting creditor rights 27 The Law of Ukraine “On collateral” В.4.3 Introduce effective mechanism of protecting creditor rights 28 The Law of Ukraine “On mortgage” В.4.3 Introduce effective mechanism of protecting creditor rights 23 Tax Code of Ukraine Date from Date to 1 April 2015 31 серпня 2016 01 January 2015 01 January 2015 01 January 2015 01 January 2015 01 January 2015 01 January 2015 01 January 2015 01 January 2015 01 January 2015 31 December 2015 31 серпня 2016 31 December 2015 31 December 2015 31 December 2015 31 December 2015 31 December 2015 31 December 2015 31 December 2015 47 № Legal documents to be changed/developed 29 Code of Ukraine on administrative violations Reference Measures to the measure С.2.6 Ensure effectiveness of counteracting corruption at financial markets 30 Criminal Code of Ukraine С.2.6 Ensure effectiveness of counteracting corruption at financial markets 31 The Law of Ukraine “On the system of guaranteeing deposits of physical persons” С.2.7 Ensure effectiveness of regulators working with problem assets at financial markets Proactive attitude to protect rights of consumers and financial market investors Implement standards of reporting and information exchange ensuring efficient integration to the EU financial market Stimulate development of financial market instruments Improve legislation as regards rights protection of consumers and financial market investors Raise standards of disclosing information in the interest of consumers and financial market investors Improve legislation as regards rights protection of consumers and financial market investors Proactive attitude to protect rights of consumers and financial market investors Raise standards of disclosing information in the interest of consumers and financial market investors Improve legislation as regards rights protection of consumers and financial market investors Proactive attitude to protect rights of consumers and financial market investors Raise standards of disclosing information in the interest of consumers and financial market investors Improve legislation as regards rights protection of consumers and financial market investors D.2.3 32 The Law of Ukraine “On electronic digital signature” 33 The Law of Ukraine “On promissory notes circulation in Ukraine” 34 The Law of Ukraine “On protection of consumer rights” C.4.1 B.5.2 D.2.2 D.2.1 D.2.2 D.2.3 35 The Law of Ukraine “On consumer credits” D.2.1 D.2.2 D.2.3 36 The Law of Ukraine “On Financial Ombudsman Office” D.2.1 D.2.2 Date from Date to 01 January 2015 01 January 2015 01 January 2015 30 June 2016 1 July 2015 1 January 2015 30 June 2018 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 1 January 2015 31 December 2015 30 June 2016 30 June 2016 30 June 2016 48 № Legal documents to be changed/developed 37 The Law of Ukraine “On bank of financial pyramids in Ukraine” (new) Reference Measures to the measure D.2.3 Proactive attitude to protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors D.2.3 Proactive attitude to protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors 38 The Law of Ukraine “On financial leasing” В.5.4 39 The Law of Ukraine “On credit rating agencies” 40 On compensation schemes to investors (new) В.5.10 D.2.2 Stimulate more effective functioning of available instruments and infrastructure of financial markets Ensure development of rating agencies institute Improve legislation as regards rights protection of consumers and financial market investors Date from Date to 01 January 2015 1 January 2015 1 January 2015 1 January 2015 р. 31 December 2015 30 June 2016 31 December 2016 31 December 2017 р. 49 № 1 The list of the EU legislation aimed at financial market to be implemented in line with Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU Name of the EU legal document Reference Measures Date of Timing to to the commencement implement measure Directive № 2006/48/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of June 14 , 2006, relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (with changes and amendments) (hereinafter – Directive 2006/48/EU) В.1.1 В.1.3 В.2.2 В.2.4 В.2.5 В.3.2 В.3.6 В.4.4 В.5.2 С.2.2 Modernize legislation as regards ensuring equal competitive conditions at financial markets Modernize legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets Improve systems of regulation and supervision as regards identification of recapitalization needs of financial market participants Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards functioning of system-important financial market players Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards implementation of international standards of supervision over financial markets Ensure transparency of reporting and transactions of financial market participants Ensure further development of non-cash circulation to reduce the share of cash circulation and to develop retail non-cash payment system in Ukraine through using e-payment means Stimulate more effective functioning of available instruments and financial market infrastructure Stimulate development of financial market instruments Ensure institutional capability of regulators to support implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision 1 January 2015 до 2020 (according to schedule) 50 № Name of the EU legal document Reference to the measure 2 Commission Directive № 2007/18/EU of March 27, 2007, on introducing changes to Directive № 2006/48/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council on inclusion and exclusion certain institutions outside its authority as regards multilateral development banks Directive № 2007/44/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of September 5, 2007, on introducing changes to Council Directive № 92/49/ЄЕС and to Directives №№ 2002/83/EU, 2004/39/EU, 2005/68/EU and 2006/48/EU on procedures for prudential assessment of purchase and share increase in financial sector Directive № 2006/49/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of June 14, 2006, on capital adequacy of investment companies and credit institutions (revised) (hereinafter– Directive 2006/49/EU) В.2.5 Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets 1 April 2015 before 2019 В.1.3 Modernize legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets 1 April 2015 before 2020 Modernize legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets Improve systems of regulation and supervision as regards identification of recapitalization needs of financial market participants Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets Modernize legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets 1 January 2015 before 2020 (according to schedule) 1 January 2015 before 2019 3 4 В.2.5 В.1.3 В.2.2 В.2.5 5 Directive № 2002/87/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of December 16, 2002, on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, В.1.3 В.2.5 Measures Date of Timing to commencement implement 51 № Name of the EU legal document insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate, and on 6 introducing changes to the Council Directives №№ 73/239/ЄЕС, 79/267/ЄЕС, 92/49/ЄЕС, 92/96/ЄЕС, 93/6/ЄЕС та 93/22/ЄЕС, and to Directives of the EU Parliament and Council №№ 98/78/EU і 2000/12/EU Directive № 2009/110/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of September 16, 2009, on initiating and conducting activities to operate e-money and prudential supervision over the above Reference to the measure С.2.2 Ensure institutional capability of regulators to support implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision В.2.4 Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards functioning of system-important financial market players Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets Ensure further development of non-cash circulation to reduce the share of cash circulation and to develop retail non-cash payment system in Ukraine through using e-payment means Ensure financial independence of regulators and the DGF Improve legislation as regards protection of consumer and financial market investors rights Proactive attitude to protect rights of consumers and financial market investors Ensure transparency of reports and transactions of financial market participants Implement standards of reporting and information exchange to ensure efficient integration into the EU financial market Ensure transparency of reports and transactions of financial market participants Implement standards of reporting and information exchange to ensure efficient integration into the EU financial market В.2.5 В.3.6 7 Directive № 94/19/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of May 30. 1994, on the system of guaranteeing deposits С.1.2 D.2.2 D.2.3 8 9 Directive of the EU Council № 86/635/EEC of December 8, 1986, on annual reporting and consolidated reporting of banks and other financial institutions Directive № 2001/65/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of September 27, 2001, on introducing changes to Directives №№ 78/660/ЄЕС, 83/349/ЄЕС and 86/635/ЄЕС on rules to verify annual Measures В.3.2 С.4.1 В.3.2 С.4.1 Date of Timing to commencement implement 1 January 2015 before 2019 1 January 2015 before 2019 1 January 2015 before 2019 1 January 2015 before 2019 52 № 10 11 12 Name of the EU legal document consolidated reporting of certain types of companies, banks, and other financial institutions and insurance companies Directive of the EU parliament and of the Council № 2003/51/EU of June 18, 2003, on introducing changes to Directives №№ 78/660/ЄЕС, 83/349/ЄЕС, 86/635/ЄЕС and 91/674/ЄЕС on annual and consolidated reporting of certain types of companies, banks, and other financial institutions and insurance companies Directive № 2006/46/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of June 14, 2006 on introducing changes to the EU Council Directives EU № 78/660/ЄЕС on annual reports of certain types of companies, № 83/349/EEC on consolidated reports, 86/635/EEC on annual reports and consolidated reports of banks and other financial institutions, and № 91/674/EEC on annual reports and consolidated reports of insurance companies Directive of the EU Council № 89/117/EEC of February 13, 1989, on the obligations of branches established in a member state of credit institutes and financial institutions having their head offices outside that Member State regarding the publication of annual accounting documents Reference to the measure Measures В.3.2 Ensure transparency of reports and transactions of financial market participants Implement standards of reporting and information exchange to ensure efficient integration into the EU financial market 1 January 2015 before 2019 Ensure transparency of reports and transactions of financial market participants Implement standards of reporting and information exchange to ensure efficient integration into the EU financial market 1 January 2015 before 2019 Modernize legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets Ensure transparency of reports and transactions of financial market participants Implement standards of reporting and information exchange to ensure efficient integration into the EU financial market 1 January 2015 before 2019 С.4.1 В.3.2 С.4.1 В.1.3 В.3.2 С.4.1 Date of Timing to commencement implement 53 № Name of the EU legal document Reference to the measure 13 Directive № 2001/24/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of April 4, 2001 on the reorganisation and winding В.2.2 14 up of credit institutions В.2.3 Directive 98/26/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of May 19, 1998, on settlement finality for securities through payment and settlement systems В.1.1 В.2.4 В.2.5 В.3.6 В.5.9 15 Directive 2007/64/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of November 13, 2007, on payment (settlement) services at internal market, introducing changes to the Directives 97/7/EU, 2002/65/EU, 2005/60/EU and 2006/48/EU, and cancelling Directive 97/5/EU В.2.4 В.2.5 В.3.6 Measures Improve regulation and supervision systems as regards identification of recapitalization needs of financial market participants Improve regulation and supervision systems as regards removing ineffective financial market participants from the market Modernize legislation as regards ensuring equal competitive conditions at financial markets Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards functioning of system-important financial market players Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementation of international supervision standards over financial markets Ensure further development of non-cash circulation to reduce the share of cash circulation and to develop retail non-cash payment system in Ukraine through using e-payment means Ensure consolidation and development of stock exchange infrastructure Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards functioning of system-important financial market players Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementation of international supervision standards over financial markets Ensure further development of non-cash circulation with the objective of decreasing the cash circulation share and to develop retail non-cash payments in Ukraine through the use of e-payment means Date of Timing to commencement implement 1 January 2015 before 2019 1 January 2015 before 2020 1 January 2015 before 2020 54 № 16 Name of the EU legal document Directive 2005/60/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of October 26, 2005, on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing 17 Commission Directive 2006/70/EU of August 1, 2006, laying down implementing Reference to the measure В.3.5 С.2.2 В.1.3 Measures Date of Timing to commencement implement Enhance efficiency of the system to prevent and counteract money laundering, terrorism financing, and financing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction through the use of financial markets Ensure institutional capability of regulators to support implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision Modernize legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets 1 July 2015 before 2017 1 January 2015 before 2017 Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards functioning of system-important financial market players Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementation of international supervision standards over financial markets Ensure further development of non-cash circulation to reduce the share of cash circulation and to develop retail non-cash payment system in Ukraine through using e-payment means 1 January 2015 before 2017 measures for Directive 2005/60/ЄС of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the definition of politically exposed person and the technical criteria for simplified customer due diligence procedures and for exemption on grounds of a financial activity conducted on an occasional or very limited basis 18 Corrigendum to Regulation (EC) No 1781/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 November 2006 on information on the payer accompanying transfers of funds В.2.4 В.2.5 В.3.6 55 № Name of the EU legal document 19 Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments amending Council Directives 85/611/EEC and 93/6/EEC and Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 93/22/EEC В.2.5 Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementation of international supervision standards over financial markets 1 April 2015 before 2019 20 Commission Directive № 2006/73/EU of August 10, 2006, on implementing Directive № 2004/39/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council on organizational requirements and operational conditions for investment companies, and on identifying terminology for the purpose of the mentioned Directive. Commission Regulation (EU) № 1287/2006 of August 10, 2006, on implementation of the Directive № 2004/39/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council as regards В.2.5 Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementation of international supervision standards over financial markets 1 April 2015 before 2019 Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementation of international supervision standards over financial markets Ensure transparency of reports and transactions of financial market participants Implement standards of reporting and information exchange to ensure efficient integration into the EU financial market 1 January 2015 before 2019 Improve legislation as regards protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors 1 January 2015 before 2019 21 recordkeeping obligations for investment firms, transaction reporting, market transparency, admission of financial instruments to trading, and defined terms for the purposes of that Directive. 22 Directive № 97/9/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of March 3, 1997, on investor compensation schemes. Reference to the measure В.2.5 В.3.2 С.4.1 D.2.2 Measures Date of Timing to commencement implement 56 № Name of the EU legal document Reference to the measure 23 Directive № 2003/6/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of January 28, 2003, on insider dealings and market manipulation. В.2.1 Commission Directive № 2004/72/EU of April 29, 2004, on implementing the Directive № 2003/6/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council as regards accepted Date of Timing to commencement implement Improve systems of regulation and supervision to identify, control, and reduce the number of transactions with related parties Enhance effectiveness of counteracting corruption at financial markets 1 January 2015 before 2019 С.2.6 Enhance effectiveness of counteracting corruption at financial markets 1 January 2015 before 2019 С.2.6 Enhance effectiveness of counteracting corruption at financial markets 1 January 2015 before 2019 С.2.6 Enhance effectiveness of counteracting corruption at financial markets 1 January 2015 before 2019 С.2.6 24 Measures market practices, the definition of inside information in relation to derivatives on commodities, the drawing up of lists of insiders, the notification of managers' transactions and the notification of suspicious transactions. 25 Commission Directive № 2003/124/EU December 22, 2003, on implementing the Directive № 2003/6/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council as regards the definition and public disclosure of inside information and the definition of market manipulation. 26 Commission Directive № 2003/125/EU December 22, 2003, on implementing the Directive № 2003/6/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council as regards the fair presentation of investment recommendations and the disclosure of 57 № Name of the EU legal document Reference to the measure Measures Date of Timing to commencement implement conflicts of interest. 27 Commission Regulation (EU) № 2273/2003 of December 22, 2003, on implementing the Directive № 2003/6/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council as regards exemptions С.2.6 Enhance effectiveness of counteracting corruption at financial markets В.5.10 1 January 2015 before 2019 Ensure development of a rating agency institute 1 April 2015 before 2019 В.1.2 Update legislation as regards ensuring free movement of capital 1 July 2015 before 2019 В.1.2 Update legislation as regards ensuring free movement of capital 1 July 2015 before 2019 В.5.2 Stimulate development of financial market instruments 1 January 2015 before 2020 for buy-back programmes and stabilisation of financial instruments. 28 29 Regulation (EU) № 1060/2009 of the EU Parliament and of the Council of September 16, 2009, on Credit Rating Agencies. Directive № 2009/65/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of July 13, 2009, on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities 30 (UCITS) (revised). Commission Directive № 2007/16/EU of March, 19, 2007, on implementing the Directive of the Council № 85/611/EEC on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS), to explain 31 certain definitions Directive № 2002/47/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of June 06, 2002, on financial collateral arrangements 58 № Name of the EU legal document Reference to the measure 32 Directive № 2009/44/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of May 6, 2009, introducing changes to the Directive № 98/26/EU on settlement finality in payment and settlement systems for securities, and the Directive № 2002/47/EU on financial provisions regarding related systems and credit claims Directive № 2008/48/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of April 23, 2008, on credit agreements for consumers, and repealing the Council Directive № 87/102/EEC В.1.1 Update legislation as regards ensuring equal competitive conditions at financial markets В.5.9 Ensure consolidation and development of stock market infrastructure D.1.1 Implement comprehensive program of raising financial literacy of Ukrainian people, including through giving incentives to savings culture Improve legislation as regards protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors Proactive attitude to protect rights of consumers and financial market investors Ensure transparency of reports and transactions of financial market participants 33 D.2.2 D.2.3 34 35 Regulation (EU) № 1606/2002 of the EU Parliament and of the Council of July 19, 2002, on the application of international accounting standards Directive № 2009/138/EU of November 25, 2009, on the taking-up and pursui of the business of insurance and re-insurance (Solvency II) В.3.2 С.4.1 Implement standards of reporting and information exchange to ensure efficient integration into the EU financial market В.1.3 Proactive attitude to protect rights of consumers and financial market investors Improve regulation and supervision systems as regards identification of recapitalization needs of financial market participants Stimulate comprehensive development of insurance services market Proactive attitude to protect rights of consumers and financial market investors В.2.2 В.5.8 36 Directive № 2009/103/EU of September 16, 2009, relating to insurance of civil liability in Measures В.1.3 Date of Timing to commencement implement 1 July 2015 before 2020 1 January 2015 before 2017 1 January 2015 before 2017 01 January 2015 before 2019 01 April 2015 before 2017 59 № 37 Name of the EU legal document respect to the use of motor vehicles, and the enforcement of the obligation to insuring against such liability Directive № 91/674/EEC of December 19, 1991, on the annual accounts and Reference to the measure Measures Date of Timing to commencement implement В.5.8 В.1.3 Stimulate comprehensive development of insurance services market Proactive attitude to protect rights of consumers and financial market investors 01 January 2017 before 2019 01 January 2015 before 2017 1 July 2015 before 2017 1 January 2015 before 2019 consolidated accounts of insurance undertakings 38 39 40 Directive № 2002/92/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of December 9, 2002, on intermediaries in insurance sector В.1.3 Directive № 2003/41/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of June 3, 2003, on operation of pension provisioning offices and ensuring supervision over the above European Commission Directive №2007/14/EU of March 08, 2007, laying В.5.3 В.5.5 D.2.1 Proactive attitude to protect rights of consumers and financial market investors Stimulate development of financial market intermediaries institute Stimulate development of accumulative pension provisioning Enhance standards of disclosing information in the interests of consumers and financial market investors down detailed rules for the implementation of certain provisions of Directive 2004/109/EC on the harmonisation of transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market 60 № 41 Name of the EU legal document Directive № 2001/34/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of May 28, 2001, on the admission of securities to Reference to the measure Measures Date of Timing to commencement implement В.2.5 Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementation of international supervision standards over financial markets 1 April 2015 before 2019 В.3.2 Ensure transparency of reports and transactions of financial market participants 1 January 2015 before 2019 official stock exchange listing and on information to be published on those securities, with amendments introduced by the Directive 2003/71/EU of the EU Parliament and Council of November 4, 2003, on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading, and the Directive 2004/109/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of December 15, 2004, on harmonization of transparency requirements as regards information on issuers whose securities are admitted to be traded at regulated markets 42 Commission Regulation (EU) № 1569/2007 of December 21, 2007, establishing a mechanism for the determination of equivalence of accounting standards applied by third country issuers of securities pursuant to Directives 2003/71/EC and 2004/109/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 61 № 43 Name of the EU legal document Directive 2003/71/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of November 4, 2003, on Reference to the measure Measures Date of Timing to commencement implement D.2.1 Enhance standards of disclosing information in the interests of consumers and financial market investors 1 January 2015 before 2019 D.2.1 Enhance standards of disclosing information in the interests of consumers and financial market investors 1 January 2015 before 2019 the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading, considering 44 amendments introduced by the Directive № 2008/11/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of March 11, 2008 Commission regulation (EU) №809/2004 of April 29, 2004, on implementing the Directive of the EU Parliament and of the Council 2003/71/EU on information prospectus, including information on references, publication of prospectus and dissemination of advertisement with introduced amendments: by Commission Regulation (EU) № 1787/2006 of December 4, 2006, introducing amendments to the Commission Regulation (EU) № 809/2004 on implementing Directive № 2003/71/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council on information in prospectus, and on its format incorporating references and publications of such mentioned prospectus and advertisement dissemination; by Commission Regulation (EU) № 211/2007 of February 27, 2007, introducing changes to Regulation (EU) № 809/2004 on implementing the Directive № 2003/71/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council on 62 № 45 Name of the EU legal document financial information in prospectus where the issuer has complete financial history or has substantial financial liabilities; by Commission Regulation (EU) № 1289/2008 of December 12 , 2008, introducing changes to the Commission Regulation (EU) № 809/2004 on implementing the Directive № 2003/71/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council on elements relating to prospectus and advertisement Directive 2004/109/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council of December 15, 2004, on Reference to the measure Measures Date of Timing to commencement implement D.2.1 Enhance standards of disclosing information in the interests of consumers and financial market investors 1 January 2015 before 2019 В.2.1 Improve systems of regulation and supervision to identify, control, and reduce the number of transactions with related parties 1 January 2015 before 2019 В.3.1 Stimulate consolidation of financial markets alongside with keeping competitiveness ї 1 January 2015 before 2019 the harmonisation of transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market, 46 and introducing changes to the Directive 2001/34/EU Commission Directive № 2010/43/EU of July 1, 2010, on implementing the Directive № 2009/65/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council as regards organisational requirements, conflicts of interest, conduct of business, risk management and content of the agreement between a depositary and a management company 47 Commission Directive № 2010/44/EU of July 1, 2010, on implementing the Directive № 2009/65/EU of the EU Parliament and of the 63 № Name of the EU legal document 48 Council on certain conditions of merging funds, master-feeder structures, and notification procedures Commission Regulation (EU) № 583/2010 of July 1, 2010, on implementing the Directive № 2009/65/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council as regards key investor Reference to the measure В.3.7 Measures Stimulate enhanced level of corporate management of financial market participants Date of Timing to commencement implement 1 April 2015 before 2019 1 July 2015 before 2019 information and conditions to be met when providing key investor information or the prospectus in a durable medium other than paper or by means of a website 49 Commission Regulation (EU) № 584/2010 of July 1, 2010, on implementing the Directive № 2009/65/EU of the EU Parliament and of the Council as regards the form and В.1.2 Update legislation as regards ensuring free movement of capital content of the standard notification letter and UCITS attestation, the use of electronic communication between competent authorities for the purpose of notification, and procedures for on-thespot verifications and investigations and the exchange of information between competent authorities 64 VІI. Comparison of Program Measures with International and National Agreements and Programs № 1 2 3 4 5 6 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement IMF A.5 Monetary and FX Monetary policy shall be focused at policy bringing inflation to single digits before end 2016 IMF A.6 Monetary and FX Monetary policy shall be formulated policy according to inflation objectives based on inflation targeting of monetary aggregates IMF A.7 Monetary and FX Monetary program shall support signals policy that arrive depending on the monetary policy stance, and shall assist in guiding inflation expectations IMF A.8 Monetary and FX Adhere to flexible FX regime serving the policy buffer to counteract external shocks. At the same time, we aim to reinstate, gradually, FX reserves buffers IMF A.11 Monetary and FX We shall continue our efforts to complete policy the transfer to inflation targeting IMF B.13 Financial sector Modernization of regulation and policies supervision systems to identify and cut Modernization of down credits extended to related parties regulation and supervision systems to identify and reduce credits (loans) extended to related parties Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures A.1.1. A.1.1. Develop and implement monetary policy A.1.2. based on inflation targeting С.2.3. A.1.2. Develop and implement FX policy based C.2.5. on flexible ER regime С.2.3. Ensure institutional capacity of regulators to implement monetary policy based on inflation targeting and flexible ER regime C.2.5. Enhance communication efficiency of regulators with consumers and financial market participants В.2.1. С.2.6. В.2.1. Improve regulation and supervision systems as regards identification, control over and reduction of transactions with related parties С.2.6. Enhance efficiency of counteracting corruption at financial markets 65 № 7 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement IMF B.14 Financial sector We also take action at some other fronts policies of supervision and regulation aiming to Modernization of strengthen supervision (oversight) over regulation and bank risks with the IMF support supervision systems to identify and reduce credits (loans) extended to related parties 8 IMF B.15 9 IMF B.16 Financial sector policies Upgrading our strategy on bank capitalization Financial sector policies Upgrading our strategy on bank capitalization We revised our strategy of removing problem banks from the market to implement it (the strategy) alongside with gradual reduction of credits extended to related parties Banks failing to perform their recapitalization plans shall be removed from the market Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures B.2.2. B.2.2. Improve systems of regulation and B.2.4. supervision as regards identification of B.2.5. recapitalization needs of the market players C.2.2. B.2.4. Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards functioning of the system-important financial market players B.2.5. Improve regulation and supervision (oversight) systems as regards implementing international supervision standards over financial markets C.2.2. Ensure institutional capacity of regulators to support implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets, and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision B.2.3. B.2.3. Improve regulation and supervision C.2.7. systems as regards removing inefficient financial market participants from the market. C.2.7. Enhance regulator efficiency when working with problem assets at financial market 66 № 10 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement IMF B.19 Financial sector We shall ensure efficiency of the system policies Enforcing to resolve negatively classified credits bank capacity to issue. resolve problem loans issues 11 IMF E.32 12 IMF A.9 Governance, transparency, and business climate Improving normative and legal framework of the National AntiCorruption Bureau functioning (NACB). Monetary and FX policy Improve normative and legal basis as regards counteracting money laundering, and ensure cooperation among the NACB, NBU, and State Financial Monitoring To strengthen institutional foundations and efficiency of the NBU, we shall develop Draft Law “On the National Bank of Ukraine” within the framework of consultations with the IMF before end February 2015 Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures B.5.6. B.5.6. Stimulate development of infrastructure B.5.7. ensuring effective management of problem assets B.6.1. B.5.7. Stimulate development of infrastructure B.4.1. ensuring effective accumulation and exchange of B.4.2. information on borrowers credit history B.4.3. B.6.1. Improve taxation systems for transactions related to enforcing problem arrears B.4.1. Stimulate restructuring of arrears that can be rehabilitated B.4.2. Enhance efficiency of operating problem and non-core assets, including in nationalized banks B.4.3. Implement effective mechanism of creditor rights protection B.3.5. B.3.5. Enhance efficiency of the system to C.2.2. prevent and counteract money laundering, terrorism financing, and financing proliferation of mass destruction weapons through financial markets C.2.2. Ensure institutional capability of regulators to implement international supervision standards at financial markets and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision C.1.1. C.1.1. Ensure institutional independence of C.1.2. regulators through changes of corresponding C.1.3. legislation C.1.2. Ensure financial independence of regulators and the DGF C.1.3. Enhance institutional control of regulators 67 № 13 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement IMF A.10 Monetary and FX Restructuring of the NBU institutional policy structure as regards: a. Defining and implementing monetary policy; b. Communications. 14 IMF B.18 15 IMF III 16 IMF 17 18 Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures С.2.3. С.2.3. Ensure institutional capability of regulators C.2.5. to implement monetary policy based on inflation targeting and flexible ER regime C.2.5. Raise effectiveness of regulator communications with consumers and financial market participants B.4.2. B.4.2. Raise efficiency of work with problem and C.2.7. non-core assets, including nationalized banks. C.3.1. C.2.7. Raise efficiency of regulators as regards working with problem assets at financial market C.3.1. Enhance coordination among regulators of financial market Financial sector policies Improve reinstating economic value of assets and official investigation of insolvent banks Safeguard mechanisms We shall continue improving prospects to revive economic value of assets and accounting of the DGF, as well as to identify inadequate banking practices in insolvent banks NBU governance and autonomy С.1.3. C.2.4. III Safeguard mechanisms NBU internal control mechanisms C.2.4. EU IV. Chapter 6: Financial services New financial services B.1.1. EU IV. Chapter 6: Financial services Clearing and payment systems Ensure possibility for EU financial service providers to extend financial services similar to those potentially extended to own suppliers of financial services Ensure access to payment and clearing systems operated by state (public) companies to EU providers of financial services set up in Ukrainian territory, and C.1.3. Tighten institutional control of regulators C.2.4. Increase institutional capacity of regulators to take balanced effective decisions, and enhance internal control C.2.4. Enhance institutional capacity of regulators to take effective balanced decisions and enhance internal controls B.1.1. Update legislation as regards ensuring equal competition conditions at financial markets 68 № 19 20 21 22 23 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence to Measures agreement measures to ensure their access to official financing and refinancing mechanisms that are accessible under ordinary (usual) conditions of doing business, except access to the mechanism of the last resort creditor EU IV. Capital flows Ensure free flow of capital related to B.1.2. B.1.2. Update legislation as regards ensuring free Chapter 7 - inflow of direct investment and their movement (flow) of capital Current repatriation payments - extension of credits that relate to trade and capital transactions, or to extension of services flows - portfolio investment and financial loans and credits of EU investors EU IV. Capital flows Finalize liberalization of transactions at Chapter 7 capital transactions account and BoP Current financial account to the EU liberalization payments levels and capital flows EU IV. Approximation of Ensure gradual approximation of current B.1.3. B.1.3. Update legislation as regards general Chapter 6: legislation laws and prospective legislation to the EU regulation of financial markets Financial standards services EU IV. Efficient and “Basic principles of efficient banking B.2.5. B.2.5. Improve regulation and supervision Chapter 6: transparent supervision” of the Basel Committee B.3.2. (oversight) systems as regards implementing Financial regulation B.3.5. international supervision standards at financial services C.2.2. markets B.3.2. Ensure transparency of reports and EU IV. Efficient and “Basic insurance principles” of the transactions of financial market participants Chapter 6: transparent International Association of Insurance B.3.5. Enhance efficiency of the system to Financial regulation Supervisors 69 № Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement services 24 EU 25 EU 26 EU 27 EU 28 EU 29 EU IV. Chapter 6: Financial services IV. Chapter 6: Financial services IV. Chapter 6: Financial services IV. Chapter 6: Financial services IV. Chapter 6: Financial services IV. Chapter 7 Current payments and capital flows Efficient and transparent regulation Efficient and transparent regulation Efficient and transparent regulation Efficient and transparent regulation Efficient and transparent regulation Facilitating execution and further liberalization of regulations “Objectives and principles of securities circulation regulation” of the International Organization of Securities Commissions OECD Agreement on information exchange on taxation issues Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures prevent and counteract money laundering, terrorism financing and weapons of mass destruction proliferation through the use of financial markets C.2.2. Ensure institutional capability of regulators to implement international supervision standards at financial markets and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision Statement by “G-20”member-countries on information transparency and information exchange for taxation purposes “Forty recommendations” and “Nine special recommendations” on fighting terrorism financing of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering “Ten basic principles of information exchange” disseminated by finance ministers of the G-7 member-countries During first four years to implement measures to create necessary conditions for further gradual use of the EU rules on free capital movement (flow) B.1.1. B.1.2. B.1.3. B.1.1. Upgrade legislation as regards ensuring equal competitive conditions at financial markets B.1.2. Update legislation as regards ensuring free movement (flow) of capital B.1.3. Update legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets 70 № 30 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement EU V. Chapter Efficient and Development of cooperation among 12: transparent various participants of financial system, Financial regulation in particular, regulators and supervision services agencies 31 EU V. Chapter 12: Financial services Efficient and transparent regulation Development of administrative potential of regulation and supervision agencies 32 EU V. Chapter 12: Financial services Efficient and transparent regulation Ensuring independent and efficient supervision 33 EU V. Chapter 12: Financial services Consumer protection Ensure effective and proper protection of investors and other financial service consumers 34 ППРФС 2 Component Strengthening (Program 1 operational, Loan to financial, and rehabilitate regulatory capacity financial of the DGF on sector) resolving insolvent banks. ПЗ 1: State budget for 2015 envisages reserve financing of the DGF, and the Government of Ukraine ensures necessary DGF financing in line with the DGF needs, related to removing banks from the market and refunding depositor fund. Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures C.3.1. C.3.1. Enhance coordination among financial C.3.2. market regulators C.3.2. Enhance coordination among regulators of financial market and market participants on the basis of self-regulating organizations C.2.1. C.2.1. Conduct effective transformation of C.2.2. regulators in line with functioning strategy C.2.4. C.2.2. Ensure institutional capability of regulators to implement international supervision standards at financial markets and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision C.2.4. Raise institutional capability of regulators to take effective balanced decision, and enhance internal control D.2.1. D.2.1. Raise standards of information disclosure D.2.2. in the interests of consumers and financial market D.2.4. investors D.2.2. Improve legislation as regards protecting rights of consumers and financial market investors D.2.3. Act in proactive way to protect rights of consumers and financial sector investors B.2.2. B.2.2. Improve systems of regulation and B.2.3. supervision as regards identification B.2.4. recapitalization needs of financial market B.4.2. participants C.2.7. B.2.3. Improve regulation and supervision system C.3.1. as regards removing ineffective financial market participants from the market 71 № 35 36 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement ППРФС 2 Component Raising levels of ПЗ 2: Approval of “anti-crisis” law (Program 2 banking system ensuring legal basis to implement Loan to solvency through principles of state participation in bank rehabilitate implementation of recapitalization as adopted by the financial recapitalization Program Loan to rehabilitate financial sector) and restructuring sector (ППРФС1). Approval of plans and normative and legal documents ensuring implementation of practical implementation of state timely participation in bank recapitalization as enforcement stipulated by the Program Loan to measures. rehabilitate financial sector (ППРФС1), including identification of the decisionmaking mechanism and management ППРФС 2 Component Enhance solvency ПЗ 3: 35 larger banks finalize execution (Program 2 level of the of recapitalization and restructuring plans Loan to banking system on the basis of the “anti-crisis” law (exact rehabilitate through date will be specified later on and will set financial implementation of up implementation timing of the Program sector) recapitalization Loan to rehabilitate financial sector and restructuring ППРФС2) plans and conducting timely enforcement measures. Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures B.2.4. Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards functioning of system-important financial market players B.4.2. Enhance efficiency of operating problem and non-core assets, including in nationalized banks C.2.7. Enhance efficiency of regulators work with problem assets at financial market C.3.1. Enhance coordination among financial market regulators 72 № 37 38 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement ППРФС 2 Component Enhance solvency ПЗ 4: The NBU initiates removing from (Program 2 level of the the market, with the DGF assistance, of Loan to banking system all banks that fail to perform rehabilitate through recapitalization and restructuring plans financial implementation of within the specified time and in line with sector) recapitalization methodology set up in the “anti-crisis” and restructuring law and in the Law on the system of plans and guaranteeing deposits of physical persons conducting timely enforcement measures. ППРФС 2 Component Strengthening (Program 3 legal and Loan to institutional rehabilitate resilience and financial efficiency of the sector) banking system. ПЗ 5: The borrower adopts a degree creating the High Level Committee on financial stability comprising representatives of the NBU, MinFin, DGF, and the other two regulators in financial sector Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures B.2.2. B.2.2. Improve systems of regulation and B.2.3. supervision as regards identifying recapitalization B.2.4. needs of financial market participants B.4.2. B.2.3. Improve systems of regulation and C.2.7. supervision as regards removing inefficient C.3.1. financial market participants from the market B.2.4. Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards functioning of the system-important financial market players B.4.2. Enhance efficiency of operating problem and non-core assets, including in nationalized banks C.2.7. Enhance efficiency of operating problem and non-core assets, including in nationalized banks C.3.1. Enhance coordination among financial market regulators C.3.1. C.3.1. Enhance coordination among financial market regulators 73 № 39 40 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement ППРФС Component Strengthening ПЗ 6: The Government shall ensure (Program 3 legal and adopting of the normative documents Loan to institutional aimed at decreasing related party risks in rehabilitate sustainability and the system by means of: 1) the NBU financial efficiency of the commenced information disclosure as sector) 2 banking system. regards final bank beneficiaries. This is confirmed by the fact that the NBU home web-page contains accurate and exact information on final beneficiaries of banks operating in Ukraine; 2) implementation of legal requirements as regards corporate borrowers to disclose final beneficiaries; 3) tighter minimum capital requirement; 4) improving procedures on mergers and acquisitions of financial institutions ППРФС 2 Component Strengthening ПЗ 7: Borrowers and the NBU adopt a (Program 3 legal and number of legal and normative Loan institutional documents aimed at improving rehabilitate resilience and environment to resolve non-performing financial efficiency of the loans with the objective of: 1) lifting sector) banking system. hurdles related to legal barriers and taxes; 2) enhancing efficiency of court procedures through adoption of the law on private enforcement agents Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures B.2.1. B.2.1. Improve systems of regulation and B.2.2. supervision as regards identification, control, and B.3.1. reduction of transactions with related parties B.3.3. B.2.2. Improve systems of regulation and B.5.7. supervision as regards identifying recapitalization C.2.6. needs of financial market participants B.3.1. Stimulate consolidation of financial market alongside with preserving competitiveness. B.3.3. Ensure accumulation and exchange of information on borrowers credit history B.5.7. Stimulate development of infrastructure ensuring efficient accumulation and exchange of information on borrowers credit history С.2.6. Enhance efficiency of counteracting corruption at financial markets B.5.6. B.6.1. B.4.1. B.4.2. B.4.3. C.2.7. B.5.6. Stimulate development of infrastructure ensuring efficient management of problem assets. B.6.1. Improve taxation system for transactions related to enforcement of problem arrears B.4.1. Stimulate restructuring of arrears that can be rehabilitated. B.4.2. Enhance efficiency of operating problem and non-core assets, including in nationalized banks. B.4.3. Introduce effective mechanism of creditor rights protection C.2.7 Enhance efficiency of regulators as regards working with problem assets at financial market 74 № 41 42 43 44 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement ППРФС 2 Component Strengthening ПЗ 8: The NBU adopts normative and (Program 3 legal and legal documents establishing special Loan to institutional regulatory and supervisory requirements rehabilitate sustainability and to system-important banks financial efficiency of the sector) banking system. ППРФС 2 Component Strengthening ПЗ 9: Improve quality of information on (Program 3 legal and corporate borrowers submitted to the Loan to institutional NBU for supervision purposes through rehabilitate resilience and adoption of legislative changes financial efficiency of the envisaging revision of Credit Registry sector) banking system. operation ППРФС 2 Component Strengthening ПЗ 10: Adopt normative and legal (Program 3 legal and documents envisaging tightening Loan to institutional requirements on information disclosure in rehabilitate resilience and consumer credit (loan) sector financial efficiency of the sector) banking system. CA Section 1 Introduction of Enhance quality of regulation in financial (Coalition efficient sector with the objective of performing a Agreement) supervision more balanced consolidated prudential supervision, including by transferring supervision functions over credit history bureaus from the National Commission on state regulation at financial services market to the NBU Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures B.2.4 B.2.4. Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards functioning of the system-important financial market players B.3.3. B.5.7. B.3.3.Ensure accumulation and information exchange as regards borrowers credit history B.5.7. Stimulate development of infrastructure ensuring efficient accumulation and information exchange as regards borrowers credit history B.3.2. D.2.1. B.3.2. Ensure transparency of reports and transactions of financial market players D.2.1. Raise standards of information disclosure in the interests of consumers and financial market investors B.2.5. B.3.3. C.2.1. C.2.2. C.3.1. B.2.5. Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards implementing international supervision standards at financial markets B.3.3. Ensure accumulation and information exchange as regards borrowers credit history C.2.1. Conduct efficient transformation of regulators in line with functioning strategy С.2.2. Ensure institutional capacity of regulators to support implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets, and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision 75 № Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement 45 CA Section 1 Introduction of efficient supervision Harmonize requirements to stock market participants with those in the EU Directives, and enhance control over execution of prudential requirements with further enhanced reliability of stock market participants 46 CA Section 1 Introduction of efficient supervision Align legislation on insurance companies regulation to the EU Directives. 47 CA Section 1 Introduction of efficient supervision Develop normative and legal framework to protect creditor rights in line with international experience, thus developing efficient financial mechanisms to protect financial system and decrease risk effects as regards financial market participants Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures C.3.1. Enhance coordination among financial market regulators B.1.3. B.1.3. Update legislation as regards general B.2.5. regulation of financial markets C.2.2. B.2.5. Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards implementing international supervision standards at financial markets С.2.2. Ensure institutional capability of regulators to implement international supervision standards at financial markets and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision B.2.5. B.2.5. Improve systems of regulation and B.3.8. supervision (oversight) as regards implementing international supervision standards at financial markets B.3.8. Stimulate comprehensive development of insurance services market B.5.6. B.5.6. Enhance efficiency of infrastructure to B.4.3. operate problem assets B.4.3. Implement efficient mechanism of protecting creditor rights 76 № 48 49 50 51 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement CA Section 1 Introduction of Remove possibilities of tax evasion efficient through financial instruments by supervision implementing efficient mechanisms of preventing formation and operation of financial pyramids, fictitious securities, their identification and liquidation, as well as tightening regulation of financial institutions operation CA Section 1 Introduction of Aligning legislation on mergers and efficient acquisitions of financial market supervision participants to the best EU practices, thus accelerating procedures of consolidation, streamlining operational and legal processes during consolidation, and resolving issues of rights protection of depositors, borrowers, investors, and taxpayers CA Section 1 Introduction of Ensure implementation of the efficient membership for the National Commission supervision on securities and stock market in the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), and implementation of international standards and principles in regulating Ukrainian stock market CA Section 1 Introduction of efficient supervision Implementation by financial market regulators of single international standards of e-document circulation, provision of administrative services, and communication with market participants Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures B.2.5. B.2.5. Improve systems of regulation and D.2.3. supervision (oversight) as regards implementing international supervision standards at financial markets D.2.3. Ensure proactive protection of consumer and financial market investors rights B.1.3. B.3.1. D.2.2. B.1.3. Update legislation as regards general regulation of financial markets B.3.1. Stimulate consolidation of financial markets alongside preserving competitiveness. D.2.2. Improve legislation on protection of consumer and financial market investor rights B.2.5. C.2.2. B.2.5. Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards implementing international supervision standards at financial markets С.2.2. Ensure institutional capability of regulators to implement international supervision standards at financial markets and to move from compliance based supervision to risk based supervision C.4.1. Implement reporting and information exchange standards to ensure efficient integration into the EU financial market C.4.4. Continue implementation of ITtechnologies of regulators operation to support 77 C.4.1. C.4.4. № Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement in e-format 52 CA Section 2 Investment attraction into reliable instruments 53 CA Section 2 Investment attraction into reliable instruments 54 CA Section 2 Investment attraction into reliable instruments Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures more effective work Liberalization of FX regulation and FX control by cancelling obsolete regulatory documents and removing unsubstantiated restrictions of trans-border capital flows, streamlining procedures for foreign investors to invest into Ukraine, repatriation of revenues, and as for citizens of Ukraine – on investing abroad (from 2016) Development of stock market instruments by adopting the law on derivatives, and improve legislation on corporate bonds and taxation of revenues from transactions with financial instruments B.1.2. B.1.2. Update legislation as regards ensuring free movement (flow) of capital B.5.1. B.5.2. B.6.2. B.6.3. Improve corporate governance. B.3.7. B.5.1. Stimulate development of derivative instruments of financial market B.5.2. Stimulate development of financial market instruments B.6.2. Harmonize taxation system for financial market instruments B.6.3. Ensure tax stimulation for financial market instruments development B.3.7. Stimulate raising level of corporate governance of financial market participants. 78 № 55 56 57 Requirements according to international and national agreements and programs Reference Agreement to Objectives Essence agreement CA Section 3 Development of Setting up modern stock exchange financial sector infrastructure by attracting leading infrastructure foreign stock market operators and by upgrading payment infrastructure in order to reduce risks of participants and to concentrate trade in FX, derivatives, shares, bonds, and other financial instruments at stock markets. CA Section 3 Development of Improve legislation on functioning of financial sector commodity stock market to ensure infrastructure transparent price formation at commodity stock exchanges and develop efficient supervision of the above CA Section 3 Financial sector infrastructure development Setting up mechanisms to ensure cheaper financing of capital investment of national producers Reform measures allowing to meet requirements Reference to Measures measures B.5.9. B.5.9. Ensure consolidation and development of stock market infrastructure B.2.5. B.5.9. B.5.2. B.5.3. B.5.4. B.2.5. Improve systems of regulation and supervision (oversight) as regards implementation of international supervision standards at financial markets B.5.9. Ensure consolidation and development of stock market infrastructure B.5.2. Stimulate development of financial market instruments B.5.3. Stimulate development of accumulative pension provisioning B.5.4. Stimulate more efficient functioning of the available instruments and financial market infrastructure 79
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