Procedure for Approval of Thesis Student fills in form G15 Student sends the form and the thesis to the advisor to sign for approval on the form. The committee members sign for approval on the form. Head of the School signs for acknowledge on the form. Student sends the form to the AS&R. Academic Service and Registration Division Form: G15 Revised July 2015 Approval of Thesis Name of Student: Affiliation: Degree Sought: Student ID No.: School of M.Sc. (Engineering) M.Sc. (Technology) M.Sc. (Engineering and Technology) **ID 54 -55** M.Sc. (Engineering and Technology) Plan A1 Plan A2) **ID 56 up** M.Eng. (Engineering Technology) M.Eng. (Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems) M.Eng. (Logistics and Supply Chain Systems Engineering) Plan A Plan B Ph.D. (Engineering) Ph.D. (Technology) Ph.D. (Engineering and Technology) Plan 1.1 Plan 2.1) Thesis Title: Assessment of Thesis Content In the final copy of the thesis, the student has satisfactorily responded to the Thesis Committee’s comments, the results of Thesis in the Turnitin system (standard paper repository) and, if applicable, the External Examiner’s comments (attach explanations of the responses of those comments). Signature Advisor and Chairperson of Thesis Committee Date Signature Co-Advisor (if any) Date Signature Date Signature Committee Member and Chairperson of Examination Committee Committee Member Date Signature Committee Member Date Signature Committee Member Date ____________________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledged by Head of School Date Procedure for Thesis Submission in the MyCat system For the case that “The thesis be approved with the following conditions” For the case that “The thesis be approved” Student revises the Thesis as the Thesis Committee recommends and d sends d to t Ad Advisor i for f acknowledgement k l d t Student uploads a completed Thesis to the Turnitin system (standard paper repository) to check for plagiarism again and prints out the result for Advisor to acknowledge Schools open a Thesis course and add information of student and advisor in the MyCat system Student uploads a final thesis file in the MyCat system and registers the Thesis information 1. Final thesis file (pdf), Maximum file size 50 MB 2. Final thesis file (docx, tex), Maximum file size 50 MB 3. File is checked for plagiarism in the Turnitin system (pdf), Maximum file size 50 MB Student fills in form G15 and downloads the printed version of thesis (four copies), to send to the committee members to sign for approval Head of the School signs for acknowledgement on the form Student sends a printed version of thesis and form G15 to the Academic Services and Registration Division (AS&R) will send a thesis ID number to student Academic Services and Registration Division Procedure for specifying contributions in the published thesis Student fills in form G16 and attaches the thesis that has been published. Specification regarding contributions to the thesis must comply with these following conditions. Graduate Students’ Publications: Journal and International Conference Papers Master’s Degree PhD Degree 1. Number of Authors No condition No condition 2. First Author No condition 3. Author Affiliation 4. Student’s Contribution 5.*Authors’ Contributions Form (with signatures from all authors) Affiliation of the student must include “Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University”. No condition Required The doctoral student must be the first author. Affiliation of the student must include “Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University”. Equal or greater than co-authors Required Remark * Form G16 it required for Journal papers only Academic Service and Registration Division Form: G16 Revised August 2014 Authors’ Contributions in a Research Article Authors: Article Title: Journal: Year: Volume (Number): Pages: Contributions of the authors are as follows: No. Name of Author Contribution (%) Responsibility Signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Procedure for submitting English Proficiency requirement for graduation Student fills in form G17, and attaches the original copy of the English proficiency test result. Subject The advisor signs for approval on the form. TOEFL Head of the School signs for approval on the form. Institutional TOEFL The school sends the form to the Academic Services and Registration Division (AS&R) for recording in the database system. Requirement At least 550 (PBT) or 213 (CBT) or 79 (IBT) At least 550 IELTS At least 6.0 At least 6.5 (students ID 57 onwards) TOEIC At least 750 (master’s degree students only and pass the English efficiency evaluation by an SIIT native English speaker) TU-GET At least 550 Academic Service and Registration Division Form: G17 Revised August 2014 SIRINDHORN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENT Name of Student: Affiliation: School of Degree Sought: M.Sc. (Engineering) M.Sc. (Technology) M.Sc. (Engineering and Technology) **ID 54-55** M.Sc. (Engineering and Technology) Plan A1 Plan A2) **ID 56 up** M.Eng. (Engineering Technology) M.Eng. (Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems) M.Eng. (Logistics and Supply Chain Systems Engineering) Plan A Plan B Ph.D. (Engineering) Ph.D. (Technology) Ph.D. (Engineering and Technology) Plan 1.1 Plan 2.1 1st semester 2nd semester Summer Academic Year: Semester: Mr. Ms. Student ID No.: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prior to graduation, students in Graduate Program must satisfy one of the following English proficiency requirements: Subject Best score Test date Requirement IELTS At least 6.0 At least 6.5 (students ID 57 onwards) Institutional TOEFL At least 550 TOEFL At least 550 (PBT) or 213 (CBT) or 79 (IBT) TOEIC At least 750 (master’s degree students only and pass the English efficiency evaluation by an SIIT native English speaker) TU-GET At least 550 Remark: An original of the Test Results or Score Report (with the student signature) must be attached with this form. Signature Date (Advisor) Signature Date (Head of School) Forward this form to Academic Services and Registration Division (AS&R) It has been recorded in the academic record. Signed Date (AS&R Officer) Procedure for Verifying Graduation Requirements for JAE Approval Master’s students need these following documents. 1. G06 Comprehensive Examination Form (Only students studying Plan B: LSCSE) 2. G08 Thesis Proposal Form 3. G11 Thesis Final Defense Form and the result of Thesis in the Turnitin system (no repository) 4. G15 Approval of Thesis, the result of Thesis in the Turnitin system (standard paper repository) and QR code page in the MyCat system 5. G16 Authors Contribution Form (for Journal Publications) 6. G17 English Proficiency Requirement 7. G18.1 Graduation Requirements Check Form (M.Eng. in EngTech & ICTES) 8. G18.2 Graduation Requirements Check Form (M.Eng. in LSCSE) 9 G18 9. G18.3 3 Graduation Requirements Check Form (M.Sc.) 10. Summary of Publications 11. A copy of the student’s citizen identification card or passport 12. A 1.5-inch color photograph of the student taken when wearing an academic gown Student brings forms G18.1/G18.2/G18.3/G19 to the Libraryy and Information Services Center for checking the thesis that has been published in a journal or presented to an academic conference Head of Library and Information Services Center signs for approval on the form Student sends the forms to the Academic Service and Registration Division (AS&R) for verifying whether the documents are in agreement with requirements of the institute and the curriculum (one workday) Doctoral students need these following documents. 1. G07 Qualification Examination Form 2. G08 Thesis Proposal Form 3. G11 Thesis Final Defense Form and the result of Thesis in the Turnitin system (no repository) eposito ) 4. G13 External Examiner Comment Form 5. G14 Honorarium Form 6. G15 Approval of Thesis, the result of Th i in Thesis i the th Turnitin T iti system t ( t d d (standard paper repository) and QR code page in the MyCat system 7. G16 Authors Contribution Form 00 (for Journal Publications) 8. G17 English Proficiency Requirement 9. G19 Graduation Requirements Check Form (PhD. in Eng./ Tech./ Eng&Tech.) Student contacts the AS&R for receiving the verified form and presents it to the advisor in order to sign on the form 10. Response to External Examiner's Comments 11. Summary of Publications 12. A copy of the student’s citizen identification card or passport Student sends the form to the AS&R for presenting to the JAE Meeting for approval 13. A 1.5-inch color photograph of the student taken when wearing an academic gown Academic Service and Registration Division Form: G18.1 Revised August 2014 SIRINDHORN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS CHECK FORM FOR MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAM (Master of Engineering) Name of Student: Mr. Ms. Affiliation: School of Semester: 1st semester 2nd semester Summer Student ID No.: Academic Year: Advisor: Graduation Requirements Satisfied Not Satisfied M.Eng. ( Eng.Tech / ICTES) 1. Twenty-four (24) credits of taught courses required by the curriculum with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00. In addition, the grade of each of these courses must be at least “C”. 2. Fifteen (15) credits of thesis. 3. Thesis proposal has been approved by the Thesis Committee (Form: G08) Date……………………. 4. Thesis final defense was approved by the Thesis Committee (Form: G11, G15) Date……………………. 5. English Proficiency Requirement (Form: G17) 6. Papers: At least one paper on thesis findings has been accepted for publication in an international journal, or a national journal approved by the Academic Review and Rank Assessment Committee (ARRAC) , or at least one paper has been accepted for publication in international conference proceedings. 5.1….. international journal paper(s) approved by ARRAC (accepted) or 5.2….. national journal paper(s) approved by ARRAC (accepted) or 5.3….. international conference proceedings paper(s) (accepted) Certified by ………………………………….. Head of Library Please attach unofficial Academic Record, research publication if it has been published, or a copy of acceptance letter from Journals or Conferences. Student’s Signature Date Advisor’s Signature Date Verified by Academic Services and Registration Division Signature Date JAE Committee’s Decision (Date ): Approved Disapproved Date Signature (Head of School) Forward this form to Academic Services and Registration Division It has been recorded in the academic record. Signed Date (AS&R Officer) Form: G18.2 Revised August 2014 SIRINDHORN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS CHECK FORM FOR MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAM (Master of Engineering) Name of Student: Affiliation: Semester: Advisor: Mr. Ms. School of 1st semester 2nd semester Summer Student ID No.: Academic Year: Graduation Requirements M.Eng. (LSCSE) Plan A 1.Twenty-four (24) credits of taught courses required by the curriculum with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00. In addition, the grade of each of these courses must be at least “C”. 2. Fifteen (15) credits of thesis. 3. Thesis proposal has been approved by the Thesis Committee (Form: G08) Date ……………………………… 4. Thesis final defense was approved by the Thesis Committee (Form: G11, G15) Date………………………………. 5. English Proficiency Requirement (Form: G17) 6. Papers: At least one paper on thesis findings has been accepted for publication in an Satisfied Not Satisfied international journal, or a national journal approved by the Academic Review and Rank Assessment Committee (ARRAC), or at least one paper has been accepted for publication in international conference proceedings. 5.1….. international journal paper(s) approved by ARRAC (accepted) or 5.2….. national journal paper(s) approved by ARRAC (accepted) or 5.3….. international conference proceedings paper(s) (accepted) Certified by ……………………………. Head of Library M.Eng. (LSCSE) Plan B 1. Thirty-three (33) credits of taught courses required by the curriculum with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00. In addition, the grade of each of these courses must be at least “C”. 2. Six (6) credits of independent study. 3. Passing the comprehensive examination (Form: G06) Date ……………………………… 4. Thesis proposal has been approved by the Thesis Committee (Form: G08) Date ……………………………… 5. Thesis final defense was approved by the Thesis Committee (Form: G11) Date………………………………. 6. English Proficiency Requirement (Form: G17) 7. Papers: At least one paper on the finding of the independent study has been submitted to SIIT for consideration for publication in journal or conference proceedings Certified by ……………………………. Head of Library Please attach unofficial Academic Record, research publication if it has been published, or a copy of acceptance letter from Journals or Conferences. Student’s Signature Date Advisor’s Signature Date Verified by Academic Services and Registration Division Signature Date ): JAE Committee’s Decision (Date Approved Disapproved Date Signature (Head of School) Forward this form to Academic Services and Registration Division It has been recorded in the academic record. Signed Date (AS&R Officer) Form: G18.3 Revised August 2014 SIRINDHORN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS CHECK FORM FOR MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAM (Master of Science) Name of Student: Mr. Ms. Affiliation: School of Semester: 1st semester 2nd semester Summer Student ID No. : Academic Year: Advisor: Graduation Requirements M.Sc. ID 53-55 / Plan A2 (ID 56 up) 1. Twelve (12) credits of courses with a GPA of at least 3.00 or 1. Thirty nine (39) credits of thesis. equivalent. Twenty seven (27) credits of thesis. Satisfied Not Satisfied M.Sc. Plan A1 (ID 56 up) 2. Thesis proposal has been approved by the Thesis Committee (Form: G08) Date…………………….. 3. Thesis final defense was approved by the Thesis Committee (Form: G11, G15) Date…………………........ 4. English Proficiency Requirement (Form: G17) 5. Papers: At least one paper on thesis results must have been accepted for publication in a reputable international journal approved by the Academic Review and Rank Assessment Committee (ARRAC). The following alternate requirements may be used: one paper in a national journal approved by ARRAC and one paper in a refereed international conference. To graduate, both papers must have been accepted 4.1… journal paper (s) listed in international database (s) approved by ARRAC 4.2… journal paper (s) not listed in international database (s) approved by ARRAC 4.3…..national journal paper (s) (accepted) and ….. national conference proceedings paper (s) (accepted), or 4.4… conference proceedings paper (s) (accepted and registered for presentation) and … conference proceedings paper(s) (submitted) Certified by ………………………………….. Head of Library Please attach unofficial Academic Record, research publication if it has been published, or a copy of acceptance letter from Journals or Conferences. Student’s Signature Date Advisor’s Signature Date Verified by Academic Services and Registration Division Signature JAE Committee’s Decision (Date Date ): Approved Signature Disapproved Date (Head of School) Forward this form to Academic Services and Registration Division It has been recorded in the academic record. Signed Date (AS&R Officer) Form: G19 Revised August 2014 SIRINDHORN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS CHECK FORM FOR DOCTORAL DEGREE PROGRAM Name of Student: Mr. Ms. Affiliation: School of Semester: 1st semester Student ID No.: 2nd semester Summer Academic Year : Advisor: Graduation Requirements Plan 1.1 1. Sixty (60) credits of thesis Satisfied Not Satisfied Plan 2.1 1. Twelve (12) credits of coursework and Forty eight (48) credits of thesis 2. The result of qualification examination (form: G07) 3. Thesis proposal has been approved by the Thesis Committee(form: G08) Date ……………………………. 4. Thesis has been read by the External Examiner and comments (form: G13) received on …………………………………. 5. Thesis final defense was approved by the Thesis Committee (form: G11) Date………………………… 6. Final copy of the thesis has responded to the External Examiner’s comments and approved by the thesis committee on……………………… ( Attach Form: G13, G14, G15) 7. English Proficiency Requirement (form: G17) 8. Papers: Two international journal papers (accepted), and one international conference proceedings paper (accepted) or one national journal paper (accepted) 8.1 …. international journal paper(s) listed in international database(s) approved by ARRAC (accepted) 8.2 …. international journal paper(s) not listed in international database(s) but approved by ARRAC (accepted) 8.3…. international conference proceedings paper(s) (accepted) 8.4 …. national journal paper(s) approved by ARRAC (accepted) Certified by ………………………………. Head of Library Please attach unofficial Academic Record, research publication if it has been published, or a copy of acceptance letter from Journals or Conferences. Student’s Signature Date Advisor’s Signature Date Verified by Academic Services and Registration Division Signature Date JAE Committees Decision (Date ): Approved Signature Disapproved Date (Head of School) Forward this form to Academic Services and Registration Division It has been recorded in the academic record. Signed Date (AS&R Officer) Procedure for submitting the final thesis manuscript Student fills in forms G20, G21 Student sends form G21, together with purple cover of the thesis to the Thesis Committee Members to sign on the form Student sends the thesis, together with these following documents, to the Academic Services and Registration Division (AS&R). 1. Form G20 Copyright of Work 2. Form G21 Thesis Report Receipt Form 3. Four bound copies with purple cover of the thesis; all bearing original signatures of the Thesis Committee Members The AS&R sends the bound thesis copies to the TU and SIIT Library. Academic Service and Registration Division Form: G20 Revised August 2014 Copyright of Work I hereby declare that, after being admitted to the Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, I transfer all copyrights of the work I will do (and did) as a part of my study here to the Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University. Name: Program: Signature: Date: Witness (Advisor): Name: Signature: Date: Place: Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Thammasat University Pathum Thani, Thailand Form: G21 Revised April 2015 SIRINDHORN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY THESIS REPORT RECEIPT FORM Name of Student: Affiliation: School of Degree Sought: M.Sc. (Engineering) M.Sc. (Technology) M.Sc. (Engineering and Technology) **ID 54-55** M.Sc. (Engineering and Technology) Plan A1 Plan A2 **ID 56 up** M.Eng. (Engineering Technology) M.Eng. (Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems) M.Eng. (Logistics and Supply Chain Systems Engineering) Plan A Plan B Ph.D. (Engineering) Ph.D. (Technology) Ph.D. (Engineering and Technology) Plan 1.1 Plan 2.1 1st semester 2nd semester Summer Academic Year : Semester: Mr. Ms. Student ID No.: Name Signature Date No. of Copies (Soft Cover) Advisor and Chairperson of Thesis Committee Co-Advisor (if any) Committee Member and Chairperson of Examination Committee Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Academic Services and Registration Officer 4 hard cover (Original Signature) 1 (QR code page) Signed Date (AS&R Officer) Manual of receive password for log in at 1. Receive Username & Password at l for log in 2. Student fills your personal information and receives your password within 3 days after submitting the information. Name‐ Surname ( Thai) Name‐ Surname (English) Passport Number / Citizen ID Student ID Number Date of Birth สถาบันเทคโนโลยีนานาชาติสิรินธร Email Telephone Number / Mobile Phone Example: I don’t know username/password Online graduation request for Graduate Studies 1. Go to 2. Scroll down to “Current Student” section and click on “Graduation request” >> Current Student >> Graduation request 3. Click on “Log in” >> Log in 4. Fill in your student ID and your citizen ID or passport number as a password >> Student ID >> Citizen ID/Passport No. 5. Click on “Graduation Request” button (the 7th button from up to down) >> Click! 6. Check your personal information, update your address and your telephone number and then press “Submit” button. After that, click on “Print” button to print out your graduation request form. 7. Print out and keep copy 8. If there are any incorrect information, please cross out and correct, and then sign your name with date to affirm your edited information ANUN NASAENG 9. Attached your 1.5 inches of graduation photo << Photo Here 10. Give your graduation request form and a copy of your citizen ID or passport (with your signature) to registration staff at Office of the Academic Services and Registration, SIIT (Rangsit or Bangkadi Campus) Remark: If students fail to complete the program in the intended semester, they must cancel their graduation requests by filling out the form at Office of the Academic Services and Registration, SIIT (Rangsit or Bangkadi Campus) Manual of receive password for log in at 1. Receive Username & Password at l for log in 2. Student fills your personal information and receives your password within 3 days after submitting the information. Name‐ Surname ( Thai) Name‐ Surname (English) Passport Number / Citizen ID Student ID Number Date of Birth สถาบันเทคโนโลยีนานาชาติสิรินธร Email Telephone Number / Mobile Phone Example: I don’t know username/password Page4 Manual Registration for Graduate Student 1. Open website then select login Log in 2. Put student ID and password (Modem Number) and then select log in 3. After Login the website, main menu will show up council will see the menu Registration for Graduate Graduate Student who have approved by TU , press the button Registration for Registration for Graduate 4. Educational background and general information. When student fill in information completed in page 1, press the button record and next Student ID Name (TH) Surename (TH) Name (ENG) Surename (ENG) Campus Level Faculty School Degree Name Field Status Admit Date Graduate Date Email Preset Address Tumbol Ampur Province Code Telephone Mobile Post Address Tumbol Ampur Province Code Province Occupation Salary per month Company Name Company Address Tumbol Ampur Province Code Province Telephone Fax Foreigner student 5. Personal information and address. When student fill in information completed in page 2, press the button record and next Title Name (TH) Surename (TH) Name (ENG) Surename (ENG) Birth date Citizen ID Mobile Education Would you like to be a member of Alumni Association website? Would you like to receive news and all information by mail? Would you like to receive news and all information by post? Are you a member of TU credit card? Do you allow us to propagandize? Occupation class Position Address Address Ampur Code Province Telephone Fax 6. Experience of work. When student fill in information completed in page 3, press the button record and next Company Name Position Address Tumbol Aumpur Province Code Telephone Fax 7. Are you Leader member in social organizations? When student fill in information completed in page 4, press the button record and next Province Province Status Tumbol Status Aumpur Province Code Telephone Fax Remark 8. Have you ever received the honorary degree from elsewhere? When student fill in information completed in page 5, press the button record and next Honorary Degree Name Honorary Degree Name (ENG) Faculty Field Academic Year Semester 9. Have you ever received the alumni award? When student fill in information completed in page 6, press the button record and next Award Name Award Name (ENG) Institute Name Award Name Year Semester 10. Have you ever received the honour pin before? When student fill in information completed in page 7, press the button record and next Name of Honour Pin Name of Honour Pin (ENG) Institute Name Institute Name Year Semester 11. Have you ever received the prestige award in the regional, provincial, national, or international level? When student fill in information completed in page 8, press the button record and next Name of Prestige Award Name of Prestige Award (Eng) Institute Name Institute Name Year Semester 12. Can you identify the activity(s) that you like and be a participant? When student fill in information completed in page 9, press the button record and next Activity 1 Details Activity 2 Details Activity 3 Details 13.Please select to receive document by yourself or post , press the button Submit and print invoice for payment via bank. 14. Press the button and when pop‐up show up, select “ Download File……. ” 15.Press the button Open to get the invoice. 16. Print the invoice and payment via bank. Example of Registration for Graduate Student Invoice Student can apply for “ Alumni Association Member ” through Alumni Association, Thammasat University website, press the button agree or not agree SIIT Curriculum Evaluation 1. Students must evaluate your curriculum at SIIT’s website ( 2. Fill the token as “1”and follow your number of citizen ID card or passport. (Example: 1XXXXXXXXXX). 3. Click “Next”. 4. Fill your information. 5. Evaluate your curriculum. 6. Click “Submit”.
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