Relead Brochure

Dear Leader,
What is Relead?
Why Relead?
Relead is a program designed to equip you with skills to
lead into the future.
“Leading is restricted
to specific domains”
“Politics is real
“Companies know
real leadership”
“Leadership theories
need to be applied”
“There are few
specific leadership
“Entrepreneurs are
true leaders”
Relead promises the following key takeaways:
Develop: Develop self- awareness that lets you make
decisions grounded in your own values.
Acquire: Acquire skills to lead and facilitate change in your
own life as well as organizations that you are a part of.
Create: Create a compelling future for yourself through
There is a crying need for new leadership, yet with a very limited
reflection on your own leadership journey.
understanding of it.
Connect: Connect and learn from other inspiring, motivated
and remarkable individuals from around the world across
various spheres of life exploring similar questions
We initiated Relead with the belief that the problems
of tomorrow cannot be solved by the frameworks of
yesterday. To move to this new world requires a new way
of leading – it requires the Leader to Relead.
Why should you attend Relead?
At Relead, we want you to enhance the leadership journey you
have embarked on.
Relead will help you:
Build a deeper understanding of yourself : of your skills,
strengths, beliefs and fears.
It will be a life changing experience in that it will give you the time,
space and processes to reflect on the most important questions of
your life - questions around where you truly belong, what are your
most precious gifts and what do you want to dedicate your life to.
Relead is thus an opportunity for you to take a fresh look at your
life and choices.
Build greater meaning into your life : by aligning what you
are doing with what you truly want.
Deepen your leadership journey : by bringing you skills
that take you to the ‘next level’ (next level being greater impact
and being driven by greater purpose)
Gain the latest / most powerful skills and ideas in the
domain of leadership : by working with IIM B and integrating the
most recent and meaningful ideas in the domain.
Build lifelong connections and get started on an ongoing
leadership journey : through our alumni program, we will work
with you on a lifelong journey of leadership
Relead (May 2014)
Who Should Attend Relead?
Been a part of your college fests and lead a group of
people towards a collective goal? Or headed a club or a
group in school/college? Hungry for more?
Do you want to take up the exciting opportunities
created by changing global dynamics?
Are you keen to take your leadership to the next level – one
that helps you facilitate change in your life, your
organizations and nations?
Do you want to rethink and articulate your own
leadership philosophy?
Then, Relead is for you!
Program Details
Date : 26th May – 31st May, 2015
Venue Fireflies Ashram
The whole program will take place at, Fireflies Ashram. An
inclusive secular ashram that is open to all spiritual traditions
that are concerned with personal growth, social engagement
and environmental action.
To know more please visit:
Fireflies Aashram
IIM Bangalore
The Program : Relead
An advanced leadership program that will help
individuals gain a leadership edge and boost their
careers by deepening their understanding of their own
style of leading. It will also give them time to reflect on
their own leadership philosophy.
The 'ME'
The 'WE'
The 'US'
For those individuals already on a leadership path, your source of
improvement are books, TED talks and training programs. Relead
The idea behind Relead is to take you through three
in some ways is a training program evolved with the expertise of
journeys of leadership identified through our Leadership
Blue Ribbon. But it goes a step further, in that it doesn’t equip you
only with today’s ideas - instead, it builds a capacity in you to
- the ME journey (your own excellence and alignment), the WE
journey (learning to lead people) and the US journey (committing
to something higher than yourself). In each of the journeys we
have activities and conversations to stimulate your thinking and
build your skills.
anticipate future directions and build your life in a way that
maximises your life experiences.
It is also a very memorable experience - the days at Relead
become some of the most cherished times for our participants times when they were learning and growing and yet having a blast!
Relead may not give you all the answers - but it will start
your exploration of powerful questions that will last you
a lifetime.
Who is conducting Relead?
What is Relead based on?
Relead draws from the highly experienced and talented faculty
➢The foundations of Relead are in psychology, philosophy,
pool at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore which is one of
personal growth, management, ecology and systems thinking. It
India’s leading business schools. These faculty come from various
also uses an ontological approach to leadership - looking at the
disciplines with extensive experience in teaching and industry.
‘being’ of a leader.
➢The content is distilled from extensive conversations with
The facilitators for Relead are from Blue Ribbon Movement,
leaders through our ‘Leadership for tomorrow’ Circles that
primarily anchored by Abhishek Thakore. Abhishek is a gold
created conversations on what is an effective model to lead in
medalist from IIM Bangalore and has worked with companies
tomorrow’s world.
like BCG, Hay Group and Deutsche Bank. He has more than a
➢It also draws extensively from leading publications, books and
decade of experience in training, coaching and facilitation around
conversations on leadership from around the world.
the world and across sectors. Team Blue Ribbon consists of
➢The methodology is a blend from across various disciplines -
facilitators experienced in anchoring programs for youth and
essentially an interactive approach that combines action with
young adults.
reflection and utilizes art, games, simulations and conversations
to distill and make sense of the ideas being explored.
Finally, it is based on an inter-disciplinary paradigm of leadership
where we learn to look at the process of leading through different
lenses, drawing perspectives from various domains to create a
holistic picture of Relead.
What’s new in Relead 2015?
Our content has been upgraded!
We have upgraded our content with the latest developments in the
fields that Relead draws from - Ontology, Neuroscience,
Psychology and Integral Theory.
Relead 2015 also takes a much more applied perspective - we
Program Fee
‘Early Bird’ Fees
Rs. 16,500 + Service Tax
Valid if you pay before
March 31st , 2015 !
understand that apart from understanding these ideas, our
Regular Fees
participants have gained from the practical applications for these.
Rs. 22, 250 + Service Tax
We are also extending the time we give to the ME journey - we
believe that this forms the foundation of your leadership journey
and must be built solidly!
There will also be much more space for you to spend time with
other participants and reflect - while it will continue to stay a power
packed program, it will be interspersed with breathers!
What’s same old: Fireflies, the amazing simulations, the
diverse faculty, the reflection and the interdisciplinary take on
About BRM
The fee includes:
• Program tuition
• 5 nights accommodation at the venue
BRM’s expertise lies in
Women Leadership Program,
• All meals
designing and delivering
BRM builds leadership among
• Local transportation during the conference
leadership programs for
young women by engaging
(transfers from airport are not included)
young people across borders
them in addressing prevalent
• Program materials
and on different scales, thus
social issues. This has created
• Certificate
being committed to leadership
thousands of empowered
• 1 year follow up program
development. BRM pioneered
school and college girls. It also
(which includes 1 online conference every 3 months)
Leadership Education through
initiated the South Asian Youth
large-scale service learning
Conference (SAYC) which
Payment Modes:
programs in India. Its National
brings together leaders from
a. Bank Transfer
Service Scheme Community
South Asia to build a coalition
b. Cheque
Connect Fellowship builds
focused on Peace. Through
Send us the cheque (should be ‘at par’) or Demand Draft (payable at
leadership skills, knowledge
our efforts we have created a
Mumbai, India) drawn in favour of
about civic issues and
leadership driven ecosystem of
‘Blue Ribbon Consulting & Projects Pvt. Ltd’
employability amongst high
social change.
and send it to the following address:
potential youth. The larger
With the motto of
E-702, Pranay Nagar, Vazira Naka,
purpose is also nation building
‘Together We are Stronger’,
L.T.Road, Behind Anandrao Pawar School,
through solving community
BRM strives to develop leaders
Borivali (West), Mumbai – 400092, India.
who collectively lead a transition
Please note: Contact us on [email protected] to receive our bank details for electronic transfer.
Through the Avanti Young
into the new world.
Relead 2013 Gallery
Why BRM is organizing Relead
For more updates
Relead is BRM’s chance to contribute to our world by sharing
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its expertise in leadership, and fulfilling the prevalent desire to
understand leadership for tomorrow’s world. We believe that
leadership is the ingredient that creates both a better world AND a
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life of meaning and impact.
With this foundation to support its many programs, BRM has
intitiated Relead with a belief that the problems of tomorrow
cannot be solved by the frameworks of yesterday. BRM has
successfully deployed leadership to transform individuals and
society - Relead brings the essence of our understanding of
leadership encompassed in a concentrated nutshell. We realize
that in the melody and cacophony of self-help programs and
practices, there is a gap for a scientifically grounded and yet
spiritual journey to discover oneself and develop skills and
capacities to deal with tomorrow’s world.
We also want to build a community of inspired individuals
who through their work are creating a difference wherever
they are - we believe this is a recipe for a beautiful world
that works for everyone.
Initiated By
Outreach Partners
| Leadership for tomorrow |