CAS E S TUDY : Home Federal Bank “GROWING THROUGH TARGETED ORGANIC PROGRAMS” CASE STUDY: Home Federal Bank Home Federal Bank is a publicly held financial institution (FI) with headquarters in South Dakota. With $1.2B in assets under management, Home Federal is the largest publicly traded savings association headquartered in South Dakota, HF Financial Corp. operates with 27 offices in 18 communities, throughout Eastern South Dakota and Minnesota. Home Federal Bank has a long history of embracing the values of being a trusted advisor, local, solid, stable and 27 OFFICES 18 COMMUNITIES prudent partner in the communities the bank serves. B AC KG R OU N D: “Remote deposit capture offers the perfect solution, providing the opportunity to reduce both preparation time and the need for keying and encoding items” Forces such as demographics, the recession, customer demand, and a need Robin N. Johnson, Cash Management Coordinator, Home Federal Bank corporations now have the ability to reduce or eliminate to differentiate have propelled the advance of future technologies in the financial institution industry. Equal parts innovation and customer focus, the main objective is to help lower both courier and item possessing costs, enter remote capture technology. Remote deposit capture solutions enable institutions to deliver stronger customer service within a larger geographic footprint of their branches. For Home Federal Bank’s clients, the RDC service provides additional convenience to make deposits, which allows for increased liquidity and enhanced cash flows for both its retail and business clientele. With Remote Deposit Capture, 80% trips to the bank branch for deposits, and the costs associated with couriers, saving corporations up to 80% in transportation and courier costs. In choosing to roll out their RDC solution Home Federal Bank initially chose to utilize the traditional “in-source” Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) technology provided by their CORE vendor. This meant significant additional internal resources would be required to manage the non-core function of its RDC program. However more recently, the bank has elected to migrate from the traditional in-house deployment of its RDC service to the turnkey outsourcing deployment of its RDC program. This case study is about a large publically held community bank taking a critical approach to aligning their growth strategies with internal competencies and costs consistent with the RDC channel. T HE P A I N -POIN T S/CHALLE NGE S : While the benefits of RDC are clear, its effective implementation can provide challenges for FIs especially in terms of logistics, maintenance and support activities associated with RDC hardware. In an attempt to push widespread deployment to their small and mid-sized client base, the bank realized that its current strategy required significant platform and process preparation. Specialized customer service, end-user training and equipment deployment models to support large volumes are just a few of the obstacles Home Federal Bank encountered in its efforts to efficiently promote the use of RDC. RDC equipment deployment, activation, training, technical …In an attempt to push widespread support, and repair are not core competencies for Financial Institutions and Home Federal Bank expanded to a point deployment to their small & mid-sized where they started bursting at the seams. Not wanting client base, the bank realized that its decided it was time to explore non-traditional (outsource) current strategy required significant platform & process preparation. to reassign additional resources to non-core functions options. However choosing the right outsourcing partner is as important as choosing the right RDC application. Home Federal Bank evaluated third party RDC partners on the basis of several factors, including cost, quality of service, training options, marketing options, technical support and experience. SO L UT I ON : The decision involved a multi-month, rigorous vendor selection and after considering the half-dozen prospective RDC suppliers, CFC Technology was selected by Home Federal Bank. With the availability of a managed services solution that includes 100% turnkey capabilities – Home Federal Bank realized cost savings and immediate conveniences they never possessed as evidenced by the glowing end-user praise from first- 100% hand customer feedback during their first deployment. CFC Technology with its “RDC Managed Services” program provided help desk support for the bank and the 0 UPFRONT bank’s end-users, technology activation, merchant information services and asset management services. The end result for Home Federal Bank is a complete RDC solution, with top-tier support, rapid time-to-market, zero upfront capital investment and affordable pricing. T HE B E N EFITS: CFC Technology’s “RDC Managed Services” solution has allowed Home Federal Bank to extend its geographic footprint while minimizing courier costs and meeting presentment deadlines for its customers. At the same time the organization has seen increased opportunities for commercial deposit business, service fees and reduced document preparation costs. The overall effect has been the extension and reinforcement of Home Federal Bank’s brand in the eyes of both its retail and commercial customers. W H Y CFC T ECH N OL O GY? ST RON G RETU RN ON I NV ES TME NT The CFC Technology RDC solution allows FIs to capitalize on customer service, streamline the transaction process and gives regional financial institutions the tools to level the playing field with large FIs. With the CFC Technology’s RDC solution, FIs obtain: • Better competitive positioning • Enhanced customer relationships • Improved service and customer retention levels • Reduced operations costs For the FIs end-users/customers, CFC Technology’s RDC offering means more than simply making deposits electronically. It means virtually eliminating the costly and time-consuming physical transportation of items, and significantly accelerating posting. This streamlines check management and improves check handling security. “We think of CFC Technology’s ‘RDC Managed Services’ as an effective treasury management service that is really easy to use for both the banks staff and customers. CFC Technology delivers a top-tier call center support that includes technical help desk support, configuration and training, all of which blends seamlessly with the bank’s core values.” Robin N. Johnson, Cash Management Coordinator, Home Federal Bank 6110 Blue Circle Drive, Suite 110 Minnetonka, MN 55343 763.235.5300 PHONE | 763.235.5301 FAX [email protected]
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