EXPL re Camp Renwick TABLE OF CONTENTS WHAT’S INSIDE 4 Registration Information 5 Schedule 6 Andale High School Football Camp 7 Youth Football Camp 8 Beginning Guitar 9 Creative Writing 10 Field Trip Week 1 11 Field Trip Week 2 12 Field Trip Week 3 13 Lego Challenge Camp 14 Photography on Location 15 Tennis Fundamentals 16 Treasure Hunting in Kansas 17 Weightlifting 18 Renwick Idol 19-20 Registration Form Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain REGISTRATION Camp Renwick is open and available to ALL USD 267 students and parents. You may attend a camp or camps at any of the Renwick Schools. Transportation- Parents are responsible for all transportation of their child to and from the school Registration- Completion of one registration form per participant is required. Two registration forms are included. If you need more, contact your school or make copies. Classes will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Registration Deadline: April 20, 2015 Mail completed registration forms to: Garden Plain Elementary, Attn: Christy May 700 Section Line Garden Plain, KS 67050 Confirmation- Session confirmation and billing information will be mailed to you during the week of APRIL 24-MAY 1, 2014 DO NOT Send payment with registration forms. Payment for camp sessions must be made by May 8, 2015 Make checks payable to “Camp Renwick” Cancellations- If you need to cancel a camp session, please contact Christy May at 531-2261 no later than May 22nd. There will be no refunds for any cancellations made after May 31, 2015 If a session is cancelled by the district for any reason, you will be notified and be reimbursed if payment for the session has been made. AGE AND WEEK Use this chart to find the appropriate camp for you and your child WEEK 1 June 8-12 WEEK 2 June 15-19 WEEK 3 June 22-26 SEE DESCRIPTION PAGES FOR DETAILS WEEK 1 2 3 AGE WEEK 1 2 3 AGE th Kdg – 5 Grade Fun Field Trip I Fun Field Trip II Fun Field Trip III Youth Football Camp 2nd-5th Beginning Guitar 3rd -5th Renwick Idol 3rd-5th Renwick Idol 3rd-5th Tennis Fundamentals 1st- 5th Lego Challenge Camp 1st-5th (Mondays & Fridays) 6th – 8th Grade Fun Field Trip I Fun Field Trip II Fun Field Trip III Creative Writing Photography on Location Treasure Hunting in Kansas Summer Weight Lifting Youth Football Camp Beginning Guitar 6th – 8th Renwick Idol 6th – 8th Renwick Idol 6th – 8th Tennis Fundamentals 6th- 8th ■ ■ July 27-30 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ June 1,5,8,12,15 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ June 8-July 17 July 27-30 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 9th – 12th Grade Creative Writing ■ Photography on Location ■ Treasure Hunting in Kansas ■ June 8-July 31 Summer Weights July 13-17 AHS Football camp Beginning Guitar 9th- 12th ■ ■ Renwick Idol 9th- 12th ■ Renwick Idol 9th- 12th ■ Tennis Fundamentals 9th- 12th ■ Adult Beginning Guitar Renwick Idol Renwick Idol Tennis Fundamentals ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ANDALE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL CAMP 2014 State Champion Football Coach Gary O’Hair and his staff will be holding their High School Football Camp on July 13 – July 17 at the Andale High School practice field. This is for all incoming freshmen and upperclassmen. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 AM – 11:30 AM 7:45 PM – 9:15 PM 8 AM – 11:30 AM 7:45 PM – 9:15 PM 8 AM – 11:30 AM Cost is $40.00 YOUTH FOOTBALL CAMP 2014 State Champion Football Coach Gary O’Hair and his staff will be holding a Youth Football Camp July 27 – July 30 at the Andale High School practice field. This is for all area youth. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Cost is $40.00 Beginning Guitar For the absolute beginner, 3 grade and up, adults included! No prior experience necessary. You will learn chords and note reading. You must provide your own guitar. rd Classes taught by Amy Ives K-8 Music teacher Garden Plain Elementary Class will meet: June 8 – 12; June 15 – 19 1:00-2:00 PM Garden Plain Elementary Band Room Cost is $25 for the Class and $20 for the beginning guitar book We need at least 10 people to have the class. Abbi Cortez English Teacher Andale High School will be hosting a class on Creative Writing. This class will allow you to write in a relaxing and inspiring environment, as well as learn various techniques to improve your writing, and to prevent you from becoming rusty with your writing over the summer. Class times are 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Monday – Friday June 22 – 26 At Andale High School Room 103 Cost is $25 Grades 6-12 We must have 10 people enrolled to have the class. WEEK 1 Tuesday June 2 10 AM – 3:30 PM West Acres Bowling *BRING SOCKS! J Rae’s Bakery (Make Your Own Cookie) Pizza / Pop Provided Wednesday June 3 Urban Air *(Signed Waiver Required) 9:15 AM – 2:30 PM Pawnee Prairie Park (Lunch & Scavenger Hunt) *Bring Sack Lunch Thursday June 4 TBD “Behind the Scenes” at Dillons Warren Theater- (movie is “HOME”) *Bring Sack Lunch Cost for the week is $75 Meet at Andale Elementary Parking Lot Incoming 1st grade through 8th grade. WEEK 2 Wednesday June 10 Papa John’s Pizza 11 AM – 4:00 PM Warren Theater- (movie is “Tommorowland”) Thursday June 11 9:15 AM – 2:30 PM Urban Air *(Signed Waiver Required) Pawnee Prairie Park (Lunch & Games) *Bring Sack Lunch Friday June 12 Salt City Splash, Hutchinson *Bring Sunblock 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM *Bring Sack Lunch Cost for the week is $75 Meet at Andale Elementary Parking Lot Incoming 1st grade through 8th grade. Go on the last Renwick Field Trip!!! WEEK 3 Wednesday June 17 Orchard Park 11 AM – 4:30 PM Carousel Skate Center *Bring SOCKS *Bring Sack Lunch Thursday June 18 9:15 AM – 2:30 PM Urban Air *(Signed Waiver Required) Hurts Donut Tour *Bring Sack Lunch Friday June 19 TBD Mystery Tour Warren Theater (Movie is “Inside Out”) Cost for the week is $75 Meet at Andale Elementary Parking Lot Incoming 1st grade through 8th grade. CHALLENGE CAMP!!! Do you want to build Lego creations all day? Come to Lego Challenge Camp. Each session will offer an exciting building challenge that includes opportunities for research, testing, and revisions. Sessions will include a mini skills based Lego lesson. We will finish the day with a Lego game or group free build. See what your friends are creating and show off your craftsmanship. Amie Engelbrecht, Kindergarten teacher at Andale Elementary School, will be teaching the class. Mondays and Fridays only (June 1, 5, 8, 12, and 15) 9AM – 11AM Andale Elementary North Computer Lab $ 25 per camper- minimum 10 campers to have the class Grades 1st – 5th ***Campers need to bring their own Lego kit and storage tub. Kit descriptions will be included in the flyer, and will include a 12 x 12 Lego Base Plate, no less than 200 Lego bricks and several axles and wheels. Tennis Fundamentals Learn toServe Volley Hit Groundstrokes Keep score And other fundamentals Irv Schueller teacher at Andale High School and Garden Plain High School will be coaching. Students 1st grade and up are encouraged to sign up The class will meet at Andale City Park Tennis Courts Class days, times, and costs areo Monday June 8 through Friday June 12 o 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM o $25 per athlete, minimum of 10 athletes. Treasure Hunting in Kansas This class will introduce students to the many ways to “treasure” hunt across Kansas using geocaching, letterboxes, etc. We will be doing our hunts around Andale then creating our own treasures to leave behind for someone else to enjoy. Students will learn a lot about what treasure hunting opportunities are available to the, and will be able to experience treasure hunting and have a ton of fun in the process! Abbi Cortez Teacher Andale High School will be leading the expeditions. Class Schedule: Monday June 8 – Friday June 12 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Andale High School Room 103 Cost $25 per explorer with a minimum of 10 explorers needed for the expedition. Grades 6-12 Weightlifting Summer weightlifting will be available forJr. High and High School students at the Andale High School Weight Room Coach Gary O’Hair and his staff will be there to oversee the lifting. $40 per student 6th- 8th Grade 9th – 12th Grade June 8 – July 17 (M, T, Th, F) June 8 – July 31 (M, T, Th, F) 9:30-10:30 AM H.S. Boys 6:30-8:00 AM H.S. Girls 8:00-9:30 AM H.S. Both 6:30 -8:00 PM Learn audition tips for auditioning for talent shows. Pick-out audition material that is appropriate for your voice and skill level. Vocal coaching will be provided. Karaoke tracks will be available. Amy Ives K-8 Music teacher Garden Plain Elementary will be providing the vocal coaching. Class meets-- Monday June 8 – Friday June 12 OR Monday June 15 – Friday June 19 2 PM - 4 PM $35 per person (includes materials) Minimum 10 people per session Class meets at Garden Plain Elementary Band Room 3rd grade to adult welcome to attend Camp Renwick Registration / Session Release Form Mail completed registration form(s) to: Garden Plain Elementary, Attn: Christy May 700 Section Line, Garden Plain, KS 67050 Registration Deadline: April 20, 2015 Participant’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________Zip__________ M: _______F:________Age:_________Grade Completed: ______________________________ Child’s Home School: ___________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ Work Phone: ________________________________E-Mail_____________________________ Emergency Name & Phone Number: _______________________________________________ Special Medical Information: _____________________________________________________ Release: I acknowledge that by my signature below, the registrant listed above, is participating in the Camp Renwick Sessions with my consent at his/her own risk. Renwick USD267, its employees, school board members, successors, and assigns shall not be held liable for any accidents, illness, injury, or damage to property arising from my child’s/ or adult participation in Camp Renwick. USD 267 does not provide any medical insurance for participants; Registration is not valid without signature. Medical Release: I further give my legal consent and authorize any representative of USD 267 to authorize emergency medical treatment, including any necessary surgery or hospitalization, for the above-named participant, for any injury or illness of any emergency nature he/she incurred while participating in this activity by any physician or dentist licensed in accordance with the provisions of the Kansa Healing Arts Act, K.S.A. 65-2801 and any hospital. I agree to pay and assume all responsibility for medical and hospital expenses and any emergency service incurred on behalf of my child/ or the noted participating adult. I acknowledge and agree that USD 267 is not responsible for any medical hospital expenses and/or charges that are incurred in the medical treatment of my child/ or the participating adult. A photocopy of this document shall have the same force and effect as the original. If my child/ participating adult requires emergency medical treatment, I understand that school personnel will make a reasonable attempt to contact the emergency phone contact to seek my permission to authorize treatment. To facilitate contacting me/emergency contact, I have provided current work, home, cell and emergency phone numbers to the school and on this registration form. Conduct: The undersigned and participant agree to abide by all the policies and guidelines set forth by USD 267 for participation in Camp Renwick and understand that violations of these policies can result in expulsion from the activity with no refund. I, the undersigned have read this release and understand all its forms. I execute it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. Signature______________________________________________________________________Date________________ SESSION REGISTRATION FORM Camp Renwick Information 1. Complete one registration and Information form for each child/participant. Check the sessions your child would like to participate in. Check to select a camp Camp Grades Dates Times Cost High School Football Camp 9th – 12th July 13-July 17 Varies $40 Youth Football Camp 2nd – 8th July 27-July 30 7-9 PM $40 Beginning Guitar 3rd- Adult June 8-19 1-2 PM $25 Creative Writing 6th – 12th June 22-26 9-11 AM $25 Field Trips 1 1st-8th June 2.3.4 Varies $75 Field Trips 2 1st-8th June 10.11.12 Varies $75 Field Trips 3 1st-8th June 17.18.19 Varies $75 Lego Challenge Camp 1st – 5th June 9-11 AM $25 Photography on Location 6th – 12th June 15-19 9-11 AM $25 Tennis Fundamentals 1st- Adult June 8 -12 9-11 AM $25 Treasure Hunting in Kansas 6th – 12th June 8-12 9-11 AM $25 Weightlifting 6th – 8th June 8-July 17 9:30-10:30 AM $40 Weightlifting 9th – 12th June 8- July 31 Varies $40 Renwick Idol 3rd – Adult June 8-12 2-4 PM $25 Renwick Idol 3rd – Adult June 15-19 2-4 PM $25 2. Mail completed registration form(s) to: Christy May Garden Plain Elementary 700 Section Line, Garden Plain, KS 67050 ******Registration Deadline: April 20, 2015****** 3. Forms will be mailed back to you the week of April 24, 2015 with confirmation and billing information enclosed. Camp Renwick Registration / Session Release Form Mail completed registration form(s) to: Garden Plain Elementary, Attn: Christy May 700 Section Line, Garden Plain, KS 67050 Registration Deadline: April 20, 2015 Participant’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________Zip__________ M: _______F:________Age:_________Grade Completed: ______________________________ Child’s Home School: ___________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ Work Phone: ________________________________E-Mail_____________________________ Emergency Name & Phone Number: _______________________________________________ Special Medical Information: _____________________________________________________ Release: I acknowledge that by my signature below, the registrant listed above, is participating in the Camp Renwick Sessions with my consent at his/her own risk. Renwick USD267, its employees, school board members, successors, and assigns shall not be held liable for any accidents, illness, injury, or damage to property arising from my child’s/ or adult participation in Camp Renwick. USD 267 does not provide any medical insurance for participants; Registration is not valid without signature. Medical Release: I further give my legal consent and authorize any representative of USD 267 to authorize emergency medical treatment, including any necessary surgery or hospitalization, for the above-named participant, for any injury or illness of any emergency nature he/she incurred while participating in this activity by any physician or dentist licensed in accordance with the provisions of the Kansa Healing Arts Act, K.S.A. 65-2801 and any hospital. I agree to pay and assume all responsibility for medical and hospital expenses and any emergency service incurred on behalf of my child/ or the noted participating adult. I acknowledge and agree that USD 267 is not responsible for any medical hospital expenses and/or charges that are incurred in the medical treatment of my child/ or the participating adult. A photocopy of this document shall have the same force and effect as the original. If my child/ participating adult requires emergency medical treatment, I understand that school personnel will make a reasonable attempt to contact the emergency phone contact to seek my permission to authorize treatment. To facilitate contacting me/emergency contact, I have provided current work, home, cell and emergency phone numbers to the school and on this registration form. Conduct: The undersigned and participant agree to abide by all the policies and guidelines set forth by USD 267 for participation in Camp Renwick and understand that violations of these policies can result in expulsion from the activity with no refund. I, the undersigned have read this release and understand all its forms. I execute it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. Signature______________________________________________________________________Date________________ SESSION REGISTRATION FORM Camp Renwick Information 1. Complete one registration and Information form for each child/participant. Check the sessions your child would like to participate in. Check to select a camp Camp Grades Dates Times Cost High School Football Camp 9th – 12th July 13-July 17 Varies $40 Youth Football Camp 2nd – 8th July 27-July 30 7-9 PM $40 Beginning Guitar 3rd- Adult June 8-19 1-2 PM $25 Creative Writing 6th – 12th June 22-26 9-11 AM $25 Field Trips 1 1st-8th June 2.3.4 Varies $75 Field Trips 2 1st-8th June 10.11.12 Varies $75 Field Trips 3 1st-8th June 17.18.19 Varies $75 Lego Challenge Camp 1st – 5th June 9-11 AM $25 Photography on Location 6th – 12th June 15-19 9-11 AM $25 Tennis Fundamentals 1st- Adult June 8 -12 9-11 AM $25 Treasure Hunting in Kansas 6th – 12th June 8-12 9-11 AM $25 Weightlifting 6th – 8th June 8-July 17 9:30-10:30 AM $40 Weightlifting 9th – 12th June 8- July 31 Varies $40 Renwick Idol 3rd – Adult June 8-12 2-4 PM $25 Renwick Idol 3rd – Adult June 15-19 2-4 PM $25 2. Mail completed registration form(s) to: Christy May Garden Plain Elementary 700 Section Line, Garden Plain, KS 67050 ******Registration Deadline: April 20, 2015****** 3. Forms will be mailed back to you the week of April 24, 2015 with confirmation and billing information enclosed.
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