European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) CETIM EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM HLG MANUFUTURE MEETING (Horizon 2020) Rui Tocha 28th April 2015 - Paris European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) Tooling: INFRASTRUCTURAL INDUSTRY A cross-sectoral industry embedding key knowledge, linking product development to production and innovation to industrialization and competitiveness European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) Tooling: Main Challenges Tooling Industry is an European Infra-structure supporting Product Development; INNOVATION is the key point on TOOLING to support Global Markets / Clients; Continuous TRAINNING is a must to maintain the leverage of knowledge within the most advanced fields (on materials and technologies applications); QUALIFIED JOBS are promoted continuously in the Tooling companies; New ENTERPRENEURSHIPS are rising from Tooling Front Edge main areas (Micromanufacturing, Robotics, Handling, Virtual Design, Clean Tech, etc); TOOLING is a NETWORK INDUSTRY (involving Industry & Academia) RESEARCH / DEVELOPMENT / PILOT LINES, are fundamental to reinforce the European Tooling Competitiveness; European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) Tooling: MULTISECTORAL IMPACT A multi-disciplinar industry assuming a key position in global value systems, instrumental to the deployment of product-service systems, providing “infrastructural” support to economy. Tooling Industry is in the critical path of product development! European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) Tooling: EU KET’s EUROPE 2020: Factories of the Future (Roadmap) The KET’s – Key Enabling Technologies Advanced Manufacturing Processes; TOOLING Key enabling Industry Mechatronics for Advanced Manufacturing Systems; Environmental Sustainability of Manufacturing; ICT for Manufacturing Enterprises; Manufacturing Strategies; Modelling, Simulations and Forecasting Methods and Tools; Knowledge-Workers Tooling Industry is in the critical path of product development! European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) Tooling: MULTIDISCIPLINARITY * Product Development & Engineering * CAD/CAM/CAE * Rapid Manufacturing (PR/RT) * Communication * IT Security * Knowledge Management * Processes Reengineering * High Speed Milling * Micro-Manufacturing * Management & Planning * Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Work * Metrology * Jigs & Measurement Systems * Reverse Engineering * Plastics Injection * Die Casting Tools * PIM – Powder Injection Moulding * Bi-Injection * RIM-Reactive Injection Moulding * In-Mould Assembling * Gas injection; KNOW-HOW & CONTINUOS TRAINING TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION NETWORKING COMPETITIVENESS EuMat – Advanced Eng. Materials & Technologies Rapid Manufacturing Minam – Micro & Nano Manufacturing Tooling MANUFUTURE … ESTP - European Space Technologies Platform - Photonics 21 EUROP – Robotics European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) Tooling: Interaction with others Technological Platforms PRODUCTS | EMPLOYMENT | INNOVATION | COMPETITIVENESS European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Vision European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Main Events MEMBERSHIP Gathering stakeholders, Industry’s key players and nodes of networks Official Members from: Portugal France Germany Spain Italy Slovenia Poland Belgium Sweden Finland Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Switzerland Turkey South Africa Great Britain Type of Members: Companies Universities Research Centers Industry Associations Note: European Tooling Platform is organized in line with ISTMA Europe which represents 17 Countries. European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Strategic Actions European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) European Tooling RoadMap: 2013-2020 Tooling: European Roadmap (2014-2020) 2.2 - Classification by temporal priority Micro Manufacturing Micro Moulding Micro Assembling Micro Forming Distributed / Integrative Engineering In-Mould Technology Coatings and Surface Technologies Rapid Manufacturing and Prototyping Small Batches Production New Design and Engineering Techniques (Eco-Design) Advanced Automation, Remote Control and Production Cells Advanced Technologies for Micro Tools New Functional Materials Innovative Materials (Bio-Materials, Eco-Materials) Nano Technologies Production of structural composites parts Simulation Methods and Tools for Knowledge Services Environmental Friendly Fabrication Processes Short Term 20% 10% 10% 20% 40% 20% 70% 60% 60% 40% 40% 30% 20% 30% 0% 40% 60% 56% Medium Term 70% 80% 50% 60% 40% 70% 20% 20% 30% 60% 50% 60% 70% 30% 60% 40% 40% 33% Long Term 10% 10% 40% 20% 20% 10% 10% 20% 10% 0% 10% 10% 10% 40% 40% 20% 0% 11% European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) Tooling: Multi-Platforms Interaction European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) Tooling: Multi-Platforms Interaction (Cooperation Areas) European Platforms Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies-EuMat Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe-ACARE European Road Transport Research Advisory Council-ERTRAC Micro Nano Manufacturing-MINAM Rapid Manufacturing-RM Robotics-EUROP Areas of Articulation Bio polymers For innovative materials and joint work with non plastic experts (hybrid materials) Functional materials Efficient production for Small Series New materials for Aeronautics For the development of light cars and the necessary tools that have to be jointly developed Design for micro production For the development of spart plastic products Micro assembling Micro forming Micro handling Micro injection moulding Micro manufacturing Production of micro Tools Better surface finish Materials for RM New materials for RM Prototypes on the micro scale Small series Helping operators in the moulding industry doing physically hard manual work by collaborative robots (cobots). European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Main Actions Contribution to the Factories of the Future 2020 Roadmap; Definition of the European Tooling Roadmap 2020; Alinhenment of the European and National Tooling Roadmaps 2020; Participation, definition & Promotion of the HORIZON 2020 Calls; Participation in the EFFRA Meetings; Promotion of HORIZON 2020 Programme (European, National & Regional); Participation in Info-days and MANUFUTURE International Conferences; Mobilization of Stakeholders; Active Interaction with other European Platforms; European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Main Events 23-27 June 2014 800 Participantes from 13 Countries Manufacturing Equipment Workshop TECNALIA (Derio), 22 de septiembre del 2014 April 2015: Meeting with Spanish Toolmakers Roadmap 2020 Federación Española de Asociaciones Empresariales de Moldistas y Matriceros European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Main Events September 30 & October 1st, 2014 - LYON - FRANCE April, 9th – 11th , 2014 - Athens - Greece Meeting with Manchester Region Stakeholders March 20, 2014 - MANCHESTER - UK European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Main Events Actions developed at National Level to promote European Tooling Platform and Horizon2020 and/or its activities: Slovenia Organising 9th international conference on industrial tools and material processing technologies ICIT & MPT 2014 - April 2014. Organising Day of Toolmakers in Portorose - June 2014; Special section on toolmaking in technological journal IRT3000; Round table on the topic how to increase cooperation between R&D institutions and industry – December 2014 European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Main Events Aachen Machine Tool Colloquium European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Main Events 1-2 July 2014, Milan, Italy MANUFUTURE 10TH ANNIVERSARY - Special Event SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY: the Manufuture Strategic Crossroad for new INDUSTRY and SOCIETY November 6TH, 2014 Hosted by Rosselli Foundation, Palazzo Massimo Rome, Italy European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Main Events Fonte: European Tooling Platform European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM: Main Events Next Event 8th June 2015 “The European Tooling Industry Enables the Future” European Tooling Platform (MANUFUTURE) The European Tooling sector plays a strategic role in the rejuvenation and development of the European industrial activity and economy. Believing on Future we will continue to reinforce the sector competiveness through investing on skilled workforce and high technology, supported by research, innovation and Networking! Thank you! Rui Tocha General-Manager European Tooling Platform Mail: [email protected]
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