2015-04-14 March Consort Monthly Update

Consort Update - Tuesday 14th April 2015
Road & Drains
Consort has been in discussion with Price & Myers further to our meeting with them last month – this being
where the drainage CCTV survey was discussed and the potential implications it may have on the roads project.
Price & Myers were asked to quote to review the Drainage Survey alongside the target areas of road which are in
need of repair. This is so an understanding on the best way forward with the project could be made, especially
with the potential problems below ground.
This made sense as a single point of contact would be reviewing both the road and drains, treating it as a single
project – something it has naturally merged into due to the investigations carried out alongside the initial project.
The response from Price & Myers, which includes their quote, is noted below.
19th February 2015
Dear Matthew,
Repton Park, Essex - Advice on Drainage Repair Works
Further to your email on 13th February 2015, we have prepared a fee proposal to provide advice on the
engineering works required to repair the damaged below ground drainage within Repton Park. In our proposal we
propose the following:
- To undertake a detailed review of the below ground drainage CCTV survey produced by Waterflow UKDN
- Produce a document detailing the condition, while identifying necessary remedial works and also repairs that
can be integrated with the on-going Road works.
- Liaise with contractors during the tender process on behalf of Consort Property Management
We propose a lump sum fee of £3,000 plus VAT for this service which will include reasonable project expenses,
based on up to 3 site visits. These proposals are based on our appointment being in accordance with the
recommendations of the Association for Consultancy and Engineering Conditions of Engagement, Agreement 1,
2009 (revised 2011) for normal services.
We hope this proposal is acceptable and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Fenner
[email protected]
Further to the quote from Price & Myers the Development Manager queried their email. A copy is noted below...
Sent to Price & Myers on 23rd March by Development Manager
Good afternoon Nick & Dimitris,
Thank you for submitting the attached quote in relation to the drainage CCTV survey carried out by UKDN
I have now had the opportunity to review this with the Repton Park Residents Association sub committee, who I
am liaising with on the roads project.
It is obviously important that the findings from the CCTV survey are professionally reviewed. We need to establish
if any drain defects are below areas of road which are in need of repair. With this in mind we would like Price &
Myers to be responsible for reviewing the CCTV survey against the road condition survey you have already carried
In light of the above I feel that the majority of the investigation works have been completed. Taking this into
account and fees already paid to Price & Myers, we would like you to reconsider your quote of £3000. Rather
than it include 3 visits we would like you to ‘manage’ this part of the project (drains) for that price, so having
more involvement. Also, since or last meeting we have identified two areas of road which need attention and
soon. This is along Clarence Gate as there appears to be a lot of ground movement now and also along The
Boulevard. I highlighted these areas to Simon Birnie last week when I met with him. Because of this he has since
reviewed them himself and is in agreement they require attention and soon.
I look forward to hearing from you and if you want to pop in, then please do. This actually may be a sensible idea.
Kind regards
Areas of roads in need of repair at The Boulevard and Clarence Gate
Grounds Review
Tree Works
Throughout March MBS and their Tree surgeons have been working
hard in reducing some of the smaller trees throughout Repton Park.
Due to the age of the development, a lot of the smaller trees are now
mature and established, meaning it is necessary to maintain them on a
more regular basis. This is why we have an annual tree management
program in place.
The Development Manager also walks the grounds with a tree surgeon
on a quarterly basis to keep a close eye on the condition of the trees.
This includes the development’s boundary so we have a good
understanding everywhere throughout the park.
Making sure the trees are managed correctly is important due to the
Repton Park conservation status. The development also forms part of
ancient woodland and a key attraction for many residents.
Our objective is to make sure that the trees do not grow directly up against the apartment blocks or buildings.
This can contribute towards maintenance issues, damage the fabric of the building, dislodge tiles or even cause
gutters and downpipes to become blocked. Below are some photos of before and after shots of some of the tree
works recently carried out. The person to the right is Mat Simpson who heads up the Tree Division at MBS. Mat
regularly visits Repton Park to make sure everything is ok and always on hand for guidance.
Shots from spring
Summer Bedding
The Development Manager has spoken to MBS and requested that the summer bedding be planted up earlier this
year – hopefully in May. Obviously this is weather permitting and hoping we experience no serious frosts. The
idea is try and extend the length of time we have summer bedding and additional colour on display.
If we can make a feature out of it – we will!
The gardeners have been working hard throughout March and
some of their work from the end of last year is starting to
show. On Repton Park the gardeners have been tasked with
making sure resources we have on site are either used and
made a feature of. It is second nature to them now and they do
a fantasic job.
The picture to the right shows remains of a large poplar tree
which was taken down around 3 years ago. Dafodills have been
planted around its trunk turning it into an amazing focal point
around the rear of Devonshire House and Cadogan House. This
photo captures it perfectly!
Drain repairs
In March we have carried out 3 drain repairs due to
general wear and tear and natural settlement in the
Two repairs were carried out in the road and the
third on a footpath near the gym.
The photos to the left highlight one of the damaged
drains which was directly opposite the gatehouse, as
well as examples of the road being cornered off,
making sure we provide a safe working environment
for the contractor to work.
The onsite team will continue to monitor the
conditions of the drains throughout the course of
the year as depending on the seasons there is a lot
of ground movement.
Pagoda Repairs
Repairs have been carried out to the base of 4 pagodas
which were in need of repair.
The reason behind the repairs, relate to natural ground
settlement over the years, however upon investigation
by the onsite team, evidence was also found that slabs
were being lifted and used to make ramps. We can only
assume by children when playing on the communal
After looking at the base, which was initially circular as
in the photo in the top left hand corner, it was decided
to approach the repairs slightly different.
The Development Manager and his Maintenance
Operative decided it would be sensible to advise the
contractor to square off the base, meaning there would
be no small sections of slabs which would be prone to
coming loose. It would also be easier to maintain and replace slabs at a site level in the future. It also gives the
pagoda a better feel as more ground space is available to residents when using the pagodas; whether it be
reading a book or having a picnic with family in the warmer months. It is simply more inviting and a improvment.
There are a total of 11 pagodas throughout the grounds of Repton Park and a further review of the others will be
carried out in April and May. Should any further works be required in the future, they will again be approached in
the same way as above.
Bike Storage
Investigation @ Repton Park
Further to last month’s update, this has now been reviewed with the onsite Management team and a
representative of the RPRA. Simon Birnie has kindly drafted some drawings and once complete will be presented
to Consort to obtain quotes.
There does however remain a concern over how this will be managed. If the bike storage area is added to the
basement car park at East and West Car Park then there are only certain residents on Repton Park who pay
towards the maintenance of this area which comes under schedule 5 of the Repton Park budget. This will need to
be reviewed and possible options explored.
Consort is again going to review the development to see if any other solutions can be identified.
Redecoration Review @ Repton Park
Major Works – Repton Park apartments only
Consort is in correspondence with the contractor who is seeking to return to Repton Park in April. Consort has
chased and reminded the contractor of the importance of keeping residents with outstanding works/issues up to
Pest Control @ Repton Park
There have not been any new pest control related issues this month. The annual Maintenance Contract remains
in place and Consort will continue to provide a more detailed activity report on a bi-monthly basis specific to this
subject. Should any residents experience pest control problems, or simply require guidance, then please contact
the Development Manager. Consort can instigate works on communal grounds but anything within a resident’s
home is their responsibility.
We did however manage to capture a couple of amazing photos in March of our local woodpecker and a fox
which walked up to a member of the onsite team whilst carrying out their work.
Below highlights recent pest control related issues on Repton Park
Consort Update
Consort Rebrand
Our rebranding process is almost complete. Signs around Repton Park will soon be changed to reflect this and the
staff issued with new uniform. The next monthly update will have no reference to Consort what so ever.
Letting our customers know - Letters have begun to go out to customers this week. If you haven’t received a
letter yet please do not be concerned, this is a large-scale mailing and letters will continue to go out into April.
Staff – Personal Development Reviews
All staff PDRs have now been completed. Management will be looking into ways in which we can incentivise the
staff throughout the year, possibly by introducing some kind of performance related bonus scheme. This is
something which is used on other developments and works well.
Car Park Light fittings
In March our caretaker, Ken Day, was tasked with the
job of cleaning out all the light fittings in the car parks
on Repton Park.
This is quite a timely exercise as not only do you have
to clean the individual units, you have to be careful
not to damage the fittings as they can become brittle
and crack.
After focussing his attention to this task, Ken
managed to get all the lights clean within in a couple
of days with no breakages to report.
Well done Ken. It’s made a great difference and
improved the light output in the car parks.
Jet Washing
Consort managed to carry out quite a bit of jet
washing on site in March. All the entrances to the
apartment blocks have been jet washed in
preparation for the summer.
We also focused our attention around the main
entrance to the development, jet washing around the
gatehouse, the ascot railings and the two speed
bumps around the barrier. We made sure that the
reflective stickers on the speed bumps were clear of
any dirt so they were again visible of a night time
when drivers enter or leave Repton Park.
A works order has also been placed to jet wash other
key areas around the development as the onsite staff
are restricted in what they can achieve due to other
working commitments elsewhere on Repton Park
Refurbishment works
We are currently looking at cleaning and treating the
wooden ascot railings around the development.
After the ascot railings around the entrance were jet
washed, our caretaker has since started to treat and
repaint them, prolonging their life expectancy and to
prevent them from rotting.
We have also managed to service some more light
bollards in the Regents Drive area. We will continue to
do a few every month with our goal to have them all
serviced and repainted via the onsite team by the end
of the year.
We are also replacing the glass lenses as part of this
refurbishment process.
Cancer Research UK
The Development Manager recently invited Kim and Sharon from the local Cancer Research Charity back to
Repton Park. After a general catch up and talking about the success from last years event, the Development
Manager agreed to do something in 2015. Not only does it promote Repton Park in a positive light, it is a great
morale booster for onsite staff, as being involved with and giving something back to the local community is
extremely rewarding.
The event will be done in conjunction with the Repton Park
Residents Association and although arranged via the
Development Manager, committee members will be asked to
donate some of their time to help raise awareness and funds
for the charity. The idea is to repeat what was done last year.
Ideas and improvements were discussed at the meeting which
will be introduced. An example being a sticker given to drivers
who have already donated which can then be attached to
their window screen. This will stop them being approached
twice and made to feel uncomfortable.
The week commencing Monday 13th July has been
provisionally agreed to do something around the entrance and
Security / Health & Safety
Police attendance in March
The police visited Repton Park on 7 occasions throughout the month of March. 5 of the visits were general patrols
by the police as noted below. There was however 1 occasion where Consort called the police to site.
General Patrol x 5
03/03/2015 - 16.50
06/03/2015 - 9.48
09/03/2015 - 18.30
10/03/2015 - 18.05
17/03/2015 - 1.00
Police called by Consort x 1
Due to a couple of complaints from residents about the smell of Cannabis in the communal area of an apartment
block on Repton Park, the onsite team have been quietly monitoring the situation. We collated supporting
information in our efforts to act upon the complaints and handed this over to the police to deal with in
accordance with the law.
Of call
Reason Of call out
Smell of Cannabis in the
communal area at
Aundle House
Crime reference
3480 / 15-032015
Time of visit
Police feedback from the visit
Passing over information to intelligence
team and local police teams to arrange
visit for further investigation
Police called by a resident x 1
At 02:00am a resident from The Boulevard called the gatehouse to inform the concierge that someone was
knocking loudly on their front door. This was to a level where they felt scared. Upon investigation the night staff
found a rucksack but nobody was seen in the area. Further to this the concierge then received another call from a
concerned resident as a man had jumped their fence and was hiding in their garden. The police attended site in
force, including the police helicopter and caught the man who had also climbed onto another neighbouring
properties balcony. The man was identified as a resident of Repton Park and apparently hiding trying to get away
from someone. The police dealt with it and then escorted him home.
General Police Update
Dear all,
Whilst out and about on the ward this morning talking to residents there is a lack of knowledge of how to report
and who to report it to. Here are some useful contact telephone numbers to assist in reporting incidents in your
General anti-social behaviour such as youths smoking drugs, loitering, pulled up in parked cars playing loud music
can be reported to us, the local safer neighbourhood team via this email address or 0208 721 2569
To report a crime such as theft of number plates,
criminal damage or anything that has already
happened call 101
If a crime is taking place such as intruders inside a
house, a robbery in progress or an incident where
you fear for your safety then always dial 999
To report noise nuisance please contact the London Borough of Redbridge’s ASB Hotline on 020 8478 4679
To report abandoned Vehicles: 0208 708 3946 Redbridge Council - Fly Tipping: 020 8554 5000
You can also report via the website: www.redbridge.gov.uk/report
The London Borough Of Redbridge also has a fantastic street enforcement team.
The service is made up of 10 officers led by the Street Scene Enforcement Manager. The team works across the
Borough in designated patches and deal with enviro-crime like fly tipping and littering; highway obstructions;
abandoned and nuisance vehicles.
Officers are also called upon to deal with and resolve issues like waste presentation, untidy land (including front
gardens) and ensure compliance with environmental legislation.
If you have an issue and you think a street scene enforcement officer can assist, you can ring the Customer
contact centre or email [email protected]
Hope this has helped!
PC 409 Charlotte Herring
Fairlop Safer Neighbourhood Team
Email - [email protected]
Tel - 020 8721 2569
Zebra crossing improvements
Due to the limited amount of light around the zebra crossing just
before the gatehouse, cat’s eyes have now been installed.
This will improve the visibility of the zebra crossing of an
evening/night and make the area safer for residents and visitors
when crossing the road. The cat’s eyes were added to the black
areas to make them stand out.
This improvement also coincides with our efforts on improving the
area around the main entrance, security and safety on Repton Park
in conjunction with the Repton Park Residents Association.
Clean up operation after high winds
After some strong winds towards the end of March, it was
necessary for the Development Manager and Maintenance
Operative to spend a couple of hours going around the site
making sure everywhere was safe.
A lot of loose garden furniture was found around the grounds
and returned to the rightful patios. There was also evidence of
some tree damage and even one of the older light bollards
came away from its foundation. Thankfully this was a light
bollard which was already down to be replaced and has since
been replaced. As a result a works order has been placed with
a tree surgeon to visit site and address any tree damage or
large loose limbs currently sitting in the trees due to the high
Damaged sub station
Damage was noticed to one of the sub stations just outside of
the kissing gate which leads into The Avenue.
The damage has been reported to UK Power Networks who
put us in contact with a company called Freedom who is
responsible for the sub stations general maintenance. The
onsite staff will keep a close eye on the area to ensure it
remains safe in the meantime.
Parking & vehicle related issues
Bad Parking Notices & Consorts role in issuing them
It has been another productive month when it comes to issuing bad parking notices to vehicles which are parked
in the wrong bay or dangerously around Repton Park. There were 21 bad parking notices being issued in March. A
detailed spreadsheet of the parking notices issued is kept at the gatehouse.
It is to be noted that Consort are happy to offer this service but none of the onsite staff are qualified parking
attendants, nor do we have any parking control enforcement powers. It is done to be helpful and offer support.
Vehicles refused access or asked to leave Repton Park
Further to discussions with the Repton Park Residents Association and in an attempt to tighten up security, please
note the table below which highlights vehicles either refused access or asked to leave the development.
This is the result of taking a more vigilant approach at the barriers. Management will continue to work with,
support and monitor staff performance in this area.
The concierge are also challenging dog walkers who they are not familiar with which has resulted in a few people
being turned away from entering the development.
Of Visit
Of Visit
Purpose Of Entry
To Repton Park
Drivers Vehicle
Reason for vehicle being refused access
onto Repton Park
4 boys wanted to go to the gym
Refused entry - look suspicious
Refused entry – looked suspicious
Refused entry - Gym was closed
Refused entry - Gym was close
Refused entry - looked suspicious
1 boy & 2 girls wanted to go to
the gym
2 young guys wanted to go to the
2 young girls wanted to go to the
2 girls & 2 Boys wanted to go to
the gym
3 young guys wanted to go to the
Gym was closed
Service Charge Review
The service charge continues to be in good health. Consort’s Customer Collections Team remains on top of this
and monthly updates are provided to the Development Manager.
At the moment there are service charge arrears of approximately 2%
Annual Budget = £1,000,404.00
Arrears = £28,724.93
The below pie chart illustrates how the current service charge arrears is made up across Repton Park.
Rosebury Sqaure
Rosebury Sqaure
Rosebury Square - £5,691.27
Osbourne House – £3,882.34
Northumberland House – £2,542.15
Kensington House – £4,256.60
Goldsmith House – £3,957.09
Virgin Active - £8,395.48