M-244 CHRYSLER 1939 SPECIAL SHOP NOTES ENGINE NUMBER LETTERING:—Letters immediately foUowing engine number (not in circular pads) denote foUowing 'special standard' sizes: 'A'—.020" larger standard cylinder bore. *B'—.010" smaUer standard m a m and connecting rod bearings. 'AB'— cylinder bore, main and connecting rod bearings 'special standard'. FRONT END ASSEMBLY (UNIT) REMOVAL:—For work on front of engine, remove radiator and fender assembly as a unit as follows: remove hood and side panel assembly, front bumper assembly, and radiator lower splash pan. Disconnect headlamp wiring at junction block on left fender lower shield. Remove front wheels and drain cooling system. Disconnect radiator support studs and radiator hoses. Disconnect fenders at running board and body. Lift radiator sheU, core and fenders off in an assembly. ORIGINAL PISTON & CYLINDER BORE SIZES:— Original production (new engine) piston and bore sizes indicated by letter located as follows: Piston Size—Letter stamped on piston head (number following letter on Dodge pistons is weight). Bore Size—Letter stamped on pad at top of block on distributor side. .020" Oversize Pistons and Bores—Graded in same steps as for standard sizes except .020" larger and marked P, Q, R, S, and T. CHRYSLER C22, DE SOTO S6 Piston & Piston CyUnder Engine Mark Diameter Diameter A 3.37425-3 37475". 3.37475-3 37525" B 3.37475-3 37525". 3.37525-3.37575" C 3 37525-3 37575" 3 37575-3.37625" D 3.37575-3 37625" 3 37625-3 37675" E 3.37625-3.37675" 3.37675-3.37725" CHRYSLER C23, C24 A 3.24925-3.24975". 3.24975-3.25025" B 3 24975-3.25025". 3.25025-3.25075" C 3 25025-3 25075" 3 25075-3 25125" D 3.25075-3 25125" 3.25125-3.25175" E 3.25125-3 25175".. 3.25175-3.25225" DODGE D l l A 3.2495". 3.24975-3.25025" B 3.2500". 3.25025-3.25075" C 3 2505" 3 25075-3.25125" D 3.2510". 3.25125-3.25175" E 3 2515" 3.25175-3 25225" PLYMOUTH P7, P8 A 3.12415-3.12465" . 3.12475-3.12525" B 3.12465-312515" 3.12525-3.12575" C 3.12515-3.12565". 3.12575-3.12625" D 3.12565-3.12615" 3.12625-3.12675" E 3.12615-3.12665". 3.12675-3.12725" Additional Piston Sizes—AA pistons .0005" smaUer than A pistons, EE pistons .005" larger than E Dodge Steel Strut Piston Weight—All 6 pistons in one block must be alike (same number on head). DODGE Dll—PISTON WEIGHTS Piston Mark Weight (in lbs.) 8 . 91-.92 9 .92-.93 10 .93-.94 11 .94-.95 12 .95-.96 13 .96-.97 14 .97-.98 REPLACEMENT PISTONS:—Finished Pistons—Furnished standard and .003", .005", .010", .015", .023", .025", .030", .040", .050" and .060" oversize. Semi-finished Pistons—Furnished in two sizes: (1) for bores standard to .023" oversize, (2) .025- ALL CHRYSLER,DESOTO, DODGE, & PLYMOUTH MODELS .050" oversize. Pistons slotted and finished except for skirt. Skirts must be cam ground. ENGINE ASSEMBLY REMOVAL:—Remove Front End Assembly (see above). Remove front floor boards and propeUer shaft (see removal instructions below for cars equipped with two shafts and center bearing). Disconnect: hand brake cable, starter cable, battery ground cable, speedometer cable and gearshifter rod and cable at transmission (on cars with overdrive remove solenoid coU and control cable), feed Une at fuel pump, oU gauge line at engine, coil wires, heater indicator tube and bulb at head, exhaust pipe at manifold, throttle controls and clutch linkage. Attach hoist to engine (remove air cleaner and horns if necessary). Remove front and rear engine support bolts. Loosen engine side splash aprons and l i f t engine assembly out of car. NOTE;— On Plymouth P7, remove transmission cover. Installation:—Reverse procedure listed above. IMPORTANT—In order to secure proper engine alignment when instaUing engine assembly, loosen exhaust pipe support brackets and run engine a few seconds with engine mounting bolts loose. Then tighten mounting bolts and exhaust pipe brackets. MAIN BEARINGS:—Front Bearing Cap Removal. Front oil pan seal plate must be removed to take off front bearing cap. After oU pan removed, take out 2 screws on lower edge of timing chain cover and free oil seal plate. Bearing cap wUl then be accessible. NOTE—Separate plate not used on C23, C24. Adjustment—Replace bearings. Do not shim or fUe bearing caps (see Replacement Main Bearing Caps following). With caps removed, bearing upper halves may be rotated out without removing crankshaft by using pin installed in oU hole in shaft. Replacement Bearings—Finished bearings furnished standard and .002", .010", .012" undersize. Fitting Bearings—Check crankshaft for scoring. To check bearing fit, use .002" feeler, %" wide, 1" long. With cap removed, place feeler along center of bearing, tighten cap. Bearing fit correct when slight drag perceptible when turning crankshaft by hand. Remove feeler, tighten cap Renew oil seals. REPLACEMENT MAIN BEARING CAPS:—Available for service. Identical with original cap except for stud holes which are 1/64" larger and bearing cap length which is 1/16" shorter. This allows for fUing or shimming to obtain proper bearing fit. CRANKSHAFT ODL SEALS:—Servicing—Car m a n u facturer recommends that new oU seals be i n stalled if chain cover or rear bearing cap removed. Front OU Seal:—Leather oU seal mounted in timing chain cover. When instaUing seal, leather should be soft and pliable, soaked in thin oU for approximately thirty minutes, then roUed with smooth bar. Rear OU Seal:—Located at rear bearing. Consists of three separate seals as foUows: 1—Bearing oU seal formed In two halves. Lower half mounted on rear of bearing cap and held by retainer screwed (3 screws with lockwashers) to rear face of cap. Upper half retained in same manner with retainer screwed in place on rear face of crankcase. 2—Bearing cap seal. Groove on each side of cap (immediately to rear of stud holes) fitted with seal. Seal assembled in groove with doubled-over end in toward bearing. 3—Bearing cap gaskets. L-shaped cap gaskets assembled around oU slinger groove (at rear of cap). InstaU gaskets (one on each side). EXHAUST VALVE SEAT INSERTS:—Refacing—Exhaust valve seat inserts must be reground (cannot be recut due to hardness) with high speed grinding stones (Tool C-372) used dry. Roughing stone—to obtain fuU contact; Finishing stone—to obtain proper finish. Stones must first be dressed for concentricity. Grinding tool centers on expanding pUot inserted in clean valve guide (upper end must be cleaned and chamfered with reamer to provide 60° seat 1/16" wide for this pilot). Lubricate pUot with few drops of oU. AU carbon or grease must be removed from valve seat before grinding. Finished seat allowable runout .0005". Check with mdicator. Replacement Inserts—Furnished .010" oversize. Use special tool set C-386 (includes grinding and replacement tools). Inserts removed with special puUer to avoid damage to engme block. Special cutters (aUowing press fit for new insert) and peening tools (securing insert in place) used with pUot in valve guide (as above) for proper alignment. After installing, finish guide (see Refacing). RADIATOR CORE REMOVAL:—Chrysler C22, De Soto S6, Dodge D l l , Plymouth P7, P8. Remove hood and side panels. Drain cooling system. Remove water pump (Chrysler and Dodge only). Disconnect radiator hoses and take fan blades off pulley (De Soto and Plymouth only). Disconnect headlamp wires at junction block on left fender lower shield and push forward through radiator core side flange. Remove three radiator core-to-support capscrews at each side. Lift core out. NOTE—Loosen lower front screws of fender shield if necessary. InstaUation—Reverse procedure listed above. Headlamp wires should be tied together at terminals with a long piece of string, pass string through core flange hole (toward the rear), assemble core and pull wires through hole. Chrysler C23, C24:—Remove complete hood assembly and side panels. Drain cooling system. Remove screws and bolts securing lower splash pan (at front of car) to sheU cross member (below grille) and to side shields, front wheels and front bumper from frame. Free front end of fenders by removing 5 capscrews (fender-to-grUle shell) and 2 capscrews in fender bracket-to-radiator support. Remove radiator hoses. Take out fan shroud bolts and Uft shroud out. Free radiator sheU from support by removing two capscrews at each side (just above top end of outside grUle bars). PuU radiator shell forward off car with fenders moved apart. Remove radiator core support capscrews and lift core out. NOTE;—When reassembling, secure bolts and screws which hold shell and fenders in a half tight position, tighten only after hood alignment obtained. PROPELLER SHAFT CENTER BEARING REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION:—Used on all passenger car models with two propeller shafts. To remove, take out rear propeUer shaft, disconnect front universal (at rear of transmission), remove center beanng-toframe mounting screws, slide front propeUer shaft (with bearing) out through frame opening in X member. To instaU, reverse procedure taking care to replace bearing-to-frame spacer (if used). HAND BRAKE ADJUSTMENT:—Fully release hand lever (cable length adjusted by means of clevis at lower end). Remove lock wire on anchor screw (on right lower side), adjust for .015-.020" band to drum clearance for lower portion of band, lock in place. Back off large adjusting bolt nut at top untU free. Loosen guide bolt lock nut (on mounting bracket), turn adjusting nut (under locknut) for .015-.020" band to drum clearance, tighten locknut. Tighten large nut at top untU tension on either side of guide bolt is just relieved (groove in nut must align with ridge in lockwasher). NOTE—Clearance between side of anchor & bracket must not exceed .005". To correct, clamp anchor bracket in vise and tap lightly with hammer.
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